HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 12/21/1982 APPROVED MINUTES �. E:DEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUE SD �Y, DECEMBLI: ?1 , 19( 2 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMc1IRS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , George Bentley , Dean Edstrom, Paul Redp-ath and George Tangen COUNCIL STAFF: CityManager Carl J . Jullie , City Attorney Roger 9 Y Y Pauly, Planning uirec:cor Chris Enger, Director of Community Services Robert Lambert , and Recording Secretary Karen Michael INVOI .ATION: Mayor, Wolfgang H. Penzel PLEDGE OF ALLF'GIANCE R0! L CALL : All members were present. Also present was Councilman-elect Richard Anderson. I . COi•iMENDATION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS JOHIN AND JOYCE CON[ FY ` Mayor Pi4iizel read a letter of commendation to Detective John Conley and Corporal Joyce Conley and introduced therm to the met ther_, of the Council and those present. The com,i<<< n i_, t,ian was in regard to an incidcnt which occurred on August 5th in whi(' 1 a life was saved by their quick action. (Secs attached letter. ) Penzel pre-- senLed the Corileys with a fraf-m2d copy of the letter. Also present, representing the Department of Public Safety, was Sergeant Curt Oberlander. 11 . APfi:OVAI OF AG[ NDA AND O1W Id ITEMS OF BUSINESS The folloain(j items were added to the Agenda : VIII . B. 2 . 49ers Settlement; VIII . B. 3. Liquor License Fees; VIII . B. 4. Im�act�oTfi_State Aid o'n City Bucket. M01ION: Redhath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve the Agenda as arw�nded and published. Potion carried unanimously. 1 ; i . MINUiF:S A. City Coiji,,. il hold TUOSCIay, NovCrnl,er• 16 , 1982 (continuc d front 12/7/8 ) page 7 , para. 6 (Motion ) , line 2: change "incorporation into the City Code . " to "recon s i dcsra ti on by the Council . " MOTION : Ed%truin moved , seconded by Tangen, to approve the Minutes of the November 16, 198?, meeting of the City Council as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -2- December 21 , 1982 B. City Councilmeeting held Tuesday, December 7 , 1982 _ - - - . me c' ay pale 3, VI I . A. , line 2 of Motion , au'd thic 11"ollowing after "Agreement" : "for a t%,.,o year period. " M 0 1. .1 0:N: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath , to approve the Minutes of the December 7, 19182 , rueeting of the City Council as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. IV. CONSENT CALENDt"JZ - - - - . - . , - t A List Clerks License Li - , , , - - - .1 - - I - -.1 1 B. 2nd Reading N n n f o Ordinance o. J7,- -�vi,ously 82-24) , ap roval of Developer's _- - - . . -- -1- 1 - - _ A? (prf I- - _ _ . -- P. _ _ Ajgrc w,erit for Norsenian Industrial Park 5th Addition and adoption of Resolution p ap No. 82- 280 , rovin - ary' of Ordin,ance No.. - ,17-82--a-nd- or-d-e,rin._ _thf--_p-ub.li-c-a---, - - - . - - , - .1 _. - _g sufi-,in- _ _ _ _ - -ace-No. - - t i on of said sun.r-nary for Norseman Industrial Park 5th Addition C. ReClUeSt f-or.i Metram Prol"erties for six-month extension on Preliminary Plat for Bryant Lake Cori dow i n i unis D. Chancr- Order No. 1, I .C . 51-340A E. Receive 100'' petition for Edenvale Blvd. _ (between Woodhill Trail and Birch Island Road) a n_d T i-67fiiin- No plans and spec.i fi cations , I .C. F. Department of Transportation Ag ency Agreement - .p. j G. mlf-, Five Year Capital Iniprovent Projecthudcct for State A-id _p_rpj_p_c_t.S. H. Final plat approval for Minnesota Tree (Resolution No. 82-281) ve final approval I Resolution No. 82-286, amendip W - 9 -Resolution No. 80-235, which To r" Mu ni ci Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $ 300,000.00 for 'paj__jp� J. Final plat approval for Norset'iian Industrial Park 5th Addition (Resolution No . K. Rcc(--.�i ve Pu fil i c Sa f c,ty. re )ort on the ap171ication fur a 'liquor license for kabOr i , and set a Puhl.ic Rearing for- Janyary 4 , 1983 City AtLorn y Pauly noted cht-Anges which had been made to the Developer's Agreement for Norsen:,-,n Industrial Park 5th Addition (itein B, ) MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve items A K on the Consent Calendar. MoLion carried unanimously. a- City Council Minute'. -3- December 21 , 1982 V. PU !_ IC HEARINGS A. ORDI%;,NCF NO. 16-82 , PERMITTING GYMNASTICS USE IN AN INDUSTRIAL. DISTRICT City Manager Jullie stated that notice of this public hearing had been published. Director of Planning Enqer said the Planning Commission had revie:aed this item at its December 13, 1982, meeting at which time it voted to recorrir.ietid approval . There: were no comments from the audience. MOTION: Redpa th moved, seconded by Edstrom, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinanr:e 16-82. Motion carried unanhi-iously . VI . PAYMENT OF CLAIM`•: NOS. 5204 - 5441 MOTION: Rednath moved, seconded by Bentley , to approve the Payllient of Claims Nos. 5204 -- 5441 . Rol ' call vote: Bentley , Edstrom, Redpath , Tangen and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. V11 . RUPORIS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS Thr,re were no reports. Vill . RE_6'0i'JS Of- OFFICER`>, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Me•m`lors Penze? - Reported on the ni��etino of the Waste N1anagem:ont Board at which tim 'the City of Eden Prairie site w�js deleted frorir the list of potential hazardous waste sites. Called attention to a letter from Representative Gerald Knickerbocker asking the City to submit a- soon as passible any issues which the City feels Wright be placed before the Legislature in the, form of a bill , 1 . Appointment of a Representative to the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resour ces rnrn Coissio,n to fill an unexpired term comrrencincg_ 1/1/83 and expiring„on ?/28le The narr.es of Raiford "Bud" Baker, Edo,,-ird Schuck, and Linda Golle were placed in noi,iinatian. UI)(1)1r tahulcrtion of the ballots Raiford "Bud" Baker was selected to serve on the Parks , Recrc-ation & Natural Resources Commission, MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Edstrom, to cast a unanimous ballot for the appointment of Raiford "Bud" Baker to the Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Commission to fill an unexpired term commencing 1/1/83 and expiring on 2/28/85 . Motion carried unanimously. =nr- City Council Minutes -4- Decernt;er 21 , 192,2 B. Report_ of City_ INanajer 1 . Rcyqu1�­�t fro,,; the Me.,;I)vr_s of the T'etroppli_tan Losers ' Group City hlati ger Jullie called attention to a letter of nel:ernher 2, 1982 , asking for $100 duds which would cover expenses incurred by the Losers ' Group in its efforts to deal with the inequities of fiscal disparities and st.rtr- aid ; and a<;king the Council to adopt a resolution in support of chani_;es in the State Aid fora ula . MO-1 M4: Redp(-Ith rnoved, seconded by Edstrom, to contribute $100 to the Metropolitan Losers ' Group and to adopt Resolution No. 82-284, in support of changes in State Aid forriiula . Motion carried unanimously, 2. 49or-s Settl ef;of'tll, City Manager Jullie reported the Metropolitan Area Managers Association' s (MAIIIA) bargaining unit had reached an agreement with the 49ers . The agreeniont calls for a 5. 210 and 5.4;" increase and also includes a provision for an increc-rse of $?0 per month in the City's contribution to the employees insurance. Local isstags are to be considered later. Jullie said it has been City policy in the past to extend insurance benefits included in the 49ors settler,;cnt to all City employees. M01IO14: Edstrom moved , seconded by Bentley, to increase the City 's share of employees ' insurance covera(, -, from $105 to $125 (a?0 per month) effective January 1 , 1983. Roll call W : Bentley, Ed's trom, Redpath , Tangen and Pen7el voted "aye." Motion carried unanimously. 3. Licluor License Eec?s City Manager Jullie said a question regarding liquor license fees had been raised by the owners of Genghis Khan. They are planning to sell their establishment early next year and would like to be able to get back: the portion of the liquor license fee which they would not use. Thc� Council discussed the ramifications of changing the present manner in 4v:h i ch l i cernse�, are granted. City Attorney Pauly stated the City ha no authority to refund or transfer licenses now. The consensus was to cant i n+_,-� in the saws manner as in the past, 4 . Inip ici of State Aid on City BudgQt City Manager Jullie said the cuts in local government aid will amount to at-)o�.rt $?7 ,200 or 1z of 1% of the City' s total revenues. This is for the month of Dece;;,ber. He also noted that all public employees will be required to contribute 2% to the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) on a temporary basis for a period of one year. Employees will experience a reduction in pay as a result, l a, ' E City Council Minutes -5- December 21 , 1982 C. Report of City. Attorney Thera was no report. IX. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Edstrom said he had enjoyed being on the City Council during the past four- years . He said it had been a productive four years and that he will miss being a member of the Council . Edstrom said he will continue to follow the activities of the Council with interest. "s Mayor Peaizel presented a plaque to Edstrom on behalf of the Mayor and City Council and thanked hint for his efforts as a Councilman and also as a member of the Develop- ment Corninission prior to his election to the Council . Best wishes were also extended by formor Mciyor Dave Osterhoit and Councilman- elect Dick Anderson. X. ADJOUP,NIME NT MOiI0N: Ed strop-, moved, seconded by Tangen , to adjourn the meeting at 8: 12. p.m.. Motion carried unanimously. t 7�2 _ ..��....__ t ,v�.l7:T^� A,'v'