HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 12/07/1982 1 f '* APPROVED MINUTES ED[.ry PRAIRIE_ CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1982 7: 30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , George Bentley, Dean Edstrom, Paul Redpath and George Tangen COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jullie, City Attorney Roger Pauly, Finance Director John D. Frane , Planning Director Chris Enger, Director of w Public Works Eugene A. Dietz , and Recording Secretary Karen Michael INVOCATION: Counci1m,,n Paul Redpath PLEDGE OF' ALLEGIANCE K RUl_ L CALL.: All mer,:')ers were present. Y I . INTRODUCTION OF NEW PLlfyLIC SAFETY OF.' ICFE'.S a Mayor Penzel introduced Putlic Safety Officers Orrin Alt , Jim Bergstrom , Bryan � Blanch, Mike Bosacker, lance Brace, Den Carlson , Jim Kline, and Dennis Paulson ; ' ComrnuniLy Service Officers Pauline Olson , Steve White, and John Sorenson ; Fire Marshall Phil Mathiowetz ; Animal Contrul Officer Nanco Riley; and Records Tech- nicians Annetta Cur;urings , Marybeth Miller•, and Laura Roell . Penzel then introdu- ced Cornr:run i ty Serv�i ce Of fi icer� Janj r , Lin(:S ren who was sNrorn in �,s a Pull i c Safety Officer. Penzel noted Jirr' s father, Carl Lindgren , would take part in the swearing in cer•e; I )ny; Lindgren is chief of the Hennepin County Park Reserve Rangers and was formerly Police- Chief in Bloorr;ington. Jim also has a brother who is with the Secret Service. Also present was Jim' s mother. City Attorney Pauly administered the oath of office; Chief Lindgren pinned the badge on his son . II . APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following items were added to the Agenda: VIII . A. 1 . Metro_Palitan Develop+gent Guide Amendment; VIII . B. 2. Discussion of Ruscon'Homes Project; VIII . B, _3._ Vacan_. ties on Me Lropol i tan Boards ; VIII , B. 4. State Budget Cuts ; and VIII . B 5. Bone— f1t Chant/ _....._ M0410'; : sontloy move J, seconded by Tangr-�n , to approve the Agenda and Other Items Of Business as atix,n&d and puf)lishCcd. Motion carried unanimously. III . MINUTES A. Ci ter _Cour-c i 1 weeting held Tuesday, November_ 2, 1982 MOTION: Bent..ley moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve the Minutes of the Tuesday, Novcr;;f,er 2 , 1982, meeting of the City Council as published . Motion carried unanirr:ou'.ly. _ ° e 'C'f,—.»�"'�'r`' yr,7, • City Council Minutes -2- Decernher 7, 1982 � B. City Council rneetincq held Tuesday, November 16,_ 1982 j MOTION : Bentley moved, seconded by Edstrom, to continue action on these Minutes to the Decew-ber 21 , 1982, meeting so that the section on lawn signs might be exp<arrded . Motion carried unanimously. IV. CONSENT CALEN0A.!, A. Clerk' s License i.ist B. 2nd Reeding of Ordinance No. 15-82, changing street name from Flying Cloud Drive to Bryant Lake Drive s C. Chi.tnje Order No. 4, City Service,, Project_ D. Receive feasibility report and set Public Hearing for Pioneer TV-ail Utilities ,0 I G. 52- 4- -(PN es61 ution No. 82-26 E. 2nd Reading_ of Ord_inarice No. 7-82, rezonirip, 2. 5 acres from Rural to Public for Ed n Prairie Public Library and DevLloper's Acgreement F. Resolution No. 82--266, aplrroving surr-r:ary_ of Ordinance No. 7_- 82_ and order-ing the puhl ication of said suminary for- Edon Prairie Public Library G. Holmes-Anderson Final Plat ao,)roval (Resolution No. 82-268) H. Valley Place Final Plat aj) roval (Resolution No. 82-2_69) -_-_._ I . Mn/D0T Pern;it for construction within I-494 right of-wa,y (Resolution No. 82-270) J. Finial Plat approval for Red Rock Lake 3rd Addition (Resolution No . 8?-273) K. Final Plat approval for Cardinal Creek 3rd Addition (Resolution No. 82-.2/5) L. Receive 100% petition and authorizepr paration of-plans and s ecific�ations for Ca,rdinai- Creek 3rd Addition_, IC. 52-042 Re_'_61ution No. 82-274) M. Resolution No.8?-276 , amending $1 ,350,000 Donald C. Russ. Municipal _Indrrstr•ial Develoi3rrrent B�rnds 009inally adq_pted in 1980 N. Resolution No. 82- C1.77 ng the tran fer of Municipal Industrial__Develo?rnenta to nd.s or Kirsch Sor�rn R ShE r;;i�rr 1 r .1 _._._ . _ _._ J? 7 "Industrial Bonds for 0. Resolution No. 82-218, a pruvinc extension of Munici _a_ _ _Indus _ ...__._ . MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt items A - 0 on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. City Co,mcil Minutes -3- December 7 , 1982 * I V. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NOS. 4901 - 5203 r MO-1 ION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the Payment of Claims Nos. 4901 - 5?03. Roll call vote: Bentley, Edstrom abstained on Claim No. 5201) , � r Redpath, Tangen , and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried. City Attorney Pauly notej{ the City has the authority to pay claims such as that submitted by John Reeve for darnages caused by a sewer backup if the City finds there a has been a health hazard. VI . REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS $ r There were no reports . i VII . PETITIONS , REQtlESTS & COM„•IUNIICATIONS A. Rer{ut­�. t from _Opys Corporation for extension of 2-yeas limi---t o.__n 0 Office.__ �.Pus __. Plaza Develoier ' s Acreenent approved on October 30, 19_80 MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to extend approval of the Opus Office Plaza Developer s Agreerri nt for a two-year period. Motion carried unanimously VL I I . REPORTS OF OFFICE_RS, BOARDS& COMMISSIONS A. Report of Council1 Members 1 . Metrufjol i tan Develop_ lort Guide Amendment Pen/el noted there had been a proposed amendr„ent to the Aviation Chapter of the M�,tropol i t in Devel oprr�ant Guide which should be referred to Staff for its review. MO_iION : Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to direct Staff to revievi the proposed amendment to the Aviation Chapter of they Metropolitan Develop- ment Guide. Motion carded unanimously. 2 . Redi,,-,th reported on a parcel discussion in which he had participated under tFie auNI�ices of the Citizens League regarding tax increment financing. He not(, : th., Ci ti zen-�, Leaf;ue w.i 1 i probably recoimnr end that the suburbs no longer" be included in the tax increment financing legislation . B. Repor- . of City Manager. 1. City Hall Office Rerirr�,ryer?u�nfi City Manager Jullie reviewed preliminary plans 'to rearrange some of the office space at City Hall . He discussed the options and alternatives which had been considered. Jullie recommended the following as the best option: 1 ) Community Services Department would move into the south on(, -half of the Annex Building; the kitchen and lunchroom in the Annex would remain { - -- _ -�,. - a- City Council Minutes -4- December 7, 1982 f unchanged. 2) The Planning Department would grove into the space vacated by ComrncInity Services (lower level of old City Hall .) 3) Engineering Depart- ment, including the Design, Engineer and Survey Crew, would expand into the space vacated by the Planning Department in the upper level of the City Hall addition. He said costs will not exceed the $7,500 appropriation included in the 1983 City Budget; most of the work will be done by City employees . MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to authorize Staff to proceed with the City Hall Office rearrangement as outlined by City Manager Jullie. Roll call vote: Bentley, Edstrom, Redpath, Tangen and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. Homes 2. Discussion of P.uscon lo _F_ ._ _.._..__Projects Penzel noted he had had a visit on Saturday from some Deer Creek residents who said conditions had not changed in the past three weeks . Redpath said he had a phone call with the same report. City Manager Jullie said he had spoken with Oaks today. A copy of the Developer' s Agreement was setit to Oaks -- this for the. Woodlawn Heights project -- but he is not toc anxious to sign it since work will not begin during the winter months. Jul Iie said Oaks told hint they have closed on four Deer Creek homes with more clos- ings scheduled over the next c„epic of weeks . Oaks had told Jullie there have been a number of lots presold in the Woodlawn Heights project. Penzel suggested the City confirm the bank where Ruscon has an escrow account. Jullie said Oaks is aware of the Councils concerns ; he has expressed the view that the only way he can market the homes he is selling at the price for which they are being sold is by presetting them. There was some discus-sio n �. on the condition of the streets in Deer Creek ; the streets have not been accepted by the City yet. 3. Vacancies on Metropolitan Beards City Manager Jullie noted a vacancy which will be occurring on the Minne- sota Environmental Quality Board. This is a four year term and is an appointment of the Governor. Jullie will have applications available for those who wish to apply for vacancies on State commissions. 4. State Budget Cuts City Manager Jullie discussed with the Council the proposed State budget cuts as outlined in a recent "Action Alert" by the League of Minnesota MUllicipalities . He said he will be watching closely action taken during the current Special Session of the State Legislature and will report to the Council on the effect it will have on the City. d z. Ci L y C: M i n+,r t. , -5- Qecer iher- 7, M 2 5. Benefit Changes City Man-.inccr Jul l ie OUtl i ned bcnefi to which had been discussed with him by Staff me[� f:,^rs -- chatryc , which might be made in the benefits now included for City employees . The following were the requests : a) 4 weeks of vacation after 10 ye<rrs of employment (present package includes 2 weeks after 5 years , 3 weeks after 10 years , and 4 weeks after 15 ycair•s ) ; b) disability insurance; c) contint.i:_lci dental berte`lts ; d) at the Cov;!,Iunity Cer"ztf'r ; and e) the Friday after Thanks- giving as an additional holiday. Jullie will report on the various costs to they City of each of the requests . Tangen Said he would rather see benefits cut than to have City eritploy;Ic-,s laid of[ should budget cuts be nocessory. i C. f ,por L of City_ Attorney Therm was no repo r•L. IX . NP,i BLIS1N e Ihert? was none. X. Ai),.i 11!NI'lr N i ^1Cli lt)f'J: Fte'rayw f h mov'0 , snc;irr :,f-r! by Be jLl e.'y, to adjout n the we et at 8:'4 Motion carried unanirrtuu ly. 4 t �a