HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 09/01/1981 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1981 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , George Bentley, Dean Edstrom, Paul Redpath, and George Tangen COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jullie, City Attorney Roger Pauly, City Engineer Gene Dietz , Planning Director Chris Enger, Director of Community Services Bob Lambert, Finance Director John D. Frane, Community Center Manager Chuck Pappas , Human Services Coor- dinator Jan Flynn, and Recording Secretary Karen Michael INVOCATION: Councilman Paul Redpath PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members present I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS g The following items were added to the Agenda: VIII . A. Edstrom - 1. Hennepin County Solid Waste; 2. Metropolitan Council Housing_ on erence; 3. DNR Action Regarding Flying Cl oouud Airport; V III . D. 2. Riley Lake Citizens, Meeting; D. 3. C Vikings ; —VIII .ash Force. The following item was continued to October 6, 1981: IV. D. COR PUD AMENDMENT by Karl F. Peterson. MOTION: Moved by Redpath, seconded by Edstrom, to approve the Agenda as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II . MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1981 Page 5, para. 10, line 4: change "must" to "should". . Page 7, para. 9, line 1: change "Gary" to "Maclay". MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the minutes of the August 18, 1981, Council meeting as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Clerk' s License List B. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 81-04, changing the street name of W. 168th Avenue to Chatham Way in Chatham Wood City Council Minutes -2- September 1 , 1981 C. Resolution No. 81-180 for Community Development Block Grants Year VIII , IX, and X Participation D. Award bid for irrigation system at Round Lake Park E. Change Order for Community Center : L F. Change Order for Round Lake Park Shelter G. Award contract for Valley Place Offices Project, I .C. 51-409 and Franlo Road Improvements, I .C. 51-331 Resolution No. 81-183 k Q H. Agreement with MnDOT to remove temporary signals and install permanent signals and related street improvements at the entrance to Hennepin Count Vocational Technical School on TH 169 Resolution No. 81-184 i I. Resolution declaring cost to be assessed and ordering re aration of proposed 1981 Special Assessment Rolls and setting a hearing date for 7:30 .m. Septem- ber 22, 1981 Resolution No. 81-185 J. Reschedule public hearing on feasibility of drainage -improvements , vicinity of W. 69th Street and Washington Avenue, I .C. 52-004 to September 15 1981, at 7: 30 p.m. Resolution No. 81-186 MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve items A - J on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. AUTUMN WOODS bX Dennis J. Truem i . Request for rezoning of 13 acres from Rural to RM 6.5 for duplexes 46 units and 29 acres from Rural to R1-13.5 for 38 single family lots, and preliminary plat approval . Located east of TH 101 and south of Rymarland Camp. (Ordinance No. 81-15 and Resolution No. 81-173) City Manager Jullie indicated notice of the Public Hearing had been published in the newspaper and notices had been sent to adjacent property owners . James Hill , representing Dennis Truempi , spoke to the proposal . The heavily wooded area on the eastern half of the site corresponds to the proposed single family development, Planning Director Enger said this request had come before the Planning Com- mission at its August 10, 1981, meeting. The Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6-0 subject to the recommendations contained in the Staff Report dated August 6, 1981, with the following additions/changes: a) prior to final plat submission, the developer meet with the City Engineering Department and submit revised storm water, drainage, and street name plans as requested herein paying particular attention to the surrounding land uses in Chanhassen and Eden Prairie; b) no building permits be requested for lots within phase 3 until such time as sanitary sewer is available for all roads; and c) that double car gar- ages for each duplex unit be required. City Council .Minutes -3- September 1 , 1981 Director of Community Services Lambert reported the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission had recommended its approval of this request at its August 17, 1981, meeting. Their recommendation was that approval be subject to the recommendations outlined in the Planning Staff Report as well as the Community Service Staff Report. Penzel asked if the sewer capacities were adequate. City Engineer Dietz said they are because of a new connection at Valley View Road. Penzel inquired when Dell Road would be extended to TH 5. Dietz said the Guide Plan talks about 1990, but this will be looked into in the next few weeks when a Capital Improvements Plan is developed. Penzel asked if Chan- hassen had expressed interest in this connection. Dietz said it might be possible to negotiate something, but nothing has been specifically discussed. Joe Schmitz, 19055 Deerfield Trail , asked if the trees Rymarland Camp and the site would remain as they help cut down on the noise from Highway 5. He ex- pressed concern about enrollments at Prairie View Elementary School and also concern that more lots would be available while those to the north remain un- sold. Hill said they would attempt to minimize tree removal ; however many have been lost to Dutch Elm disease and storms. Penzel said the City cannot tell a developer what he can develop as far as the economics of a project; school capacities are determined by the School Board. Edstrom asked the developer if he was amerable to the conditioos contained in the Planning Staff Report and the Community Services Staff Report, Truempi said he was. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st. Reading to Ordinance 81-15, rezoning of 13 acres from Rural to RM 6. 5 for duplexes (46 units) and 25' acres from Rural to R1-13.5 fro 38 single family lots. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Moved by Edstrom, seconded by Tangen, to adpot Resolution No. 81-173, approving the preliminary plat of Autumn Woods. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Redpath, to instruct Staff to draft a Developer's Agreement subject to the conditions contained in the various re- ports of Staff members and Commissions , Motion carried unanimously. B. SUNDQUIST ADDITION U Nils Sundquist. Request to rezone 20 acres from Rural to RM 6.5 and preliminary pat 37 acres into a 13 acre outlot and 46 duplex lots for duplexes (92 units. ) Located in the southeast corner of Baker Road and Valley View Road. (Ordinance No. 81-16 and Resolution No. 81-174) City Manager Jullie said the proper notices had been sent and published in the Eden Prairie News. Lee Johnson, representing Nils Sundquist, spoke to the reason -for the request, outlining surrounding land uses , grading plans, road location, and access, City Council Minutes -4- September 1 , 1981 Planning Director Enger stated this item had been reviewed by the Planning Commission at its August 10, 1981, meeting at which time approval was recom- mended subject to the recommendations contained in the August 7 , 1981 , Staff Report per the Commission's additions/changes. Director of Community Services Lambert indicated the Parks_, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission had discussed the request at its August 17, 1981, meeting and had recommended approval as per the Staff Reports. Penzel read a communication from James R. Dungan, 12771 Vina Lane, in which he expressed concern that the units will be renter-occupied. (See attached. ) Bentley asked if there would be active development of the park site to the south of this area. Lambert said there is none contemplated as the soil con- ditions are bad. Penzel questioned the rationale for proposing 2J units per acre. Johnson said it was his feeling that the 21 units fits into the Guide Plan. The number of structures turns out to be 1.2 per acre on a density basis. MOTION : Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and a to give 1st Reading to Ordinance 81-16, request to rezone 20 acres from Rural q to RM 6.5. Motion carried unanimously. f MOTION: Moved by Redpath, seconded by Edstrom, to adopt Resolution No. 81-174, approving the preliminary plat of Sundquist Addition. Motion carried unani- mously. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to direct Staff to draft the Developer's Agreement including the recommendations contained in the Staff Reports and those of the various Commissions and including the 100' road con- nection to be paid for by Sundquist. Motion carried unanimously. i C. OVERLOOK PLACE by Hustad Development Corporation. Request to rezone approx- imately 10 acres from R1-13.5 to RM 6.5 and preliminary plat 30 duplex lots and 9 single family lots. Located north of Pioneer Trail and East of Yorkshire Point. (Ordinance No. 81-17 and Resolution No. 81-175) City Manager Jullie said the proper notices had been published and sent to surrounding residents. . Dick Putnam and Wally Hustad were present to discuss the request to rezone the Overlook Place property. Planning Director Enger said the Planning Commission had reviewed the request at its August 10, 1981, and August 24, 1981 , meetings; the original plan was revised prior to the second meeting to meet objections Planning Commission members had. The Planning Commission voted to approve the preliminary plat and rezoning subject to the recommendations contained in the August 24, 1981, Staff Report (the vote was 5-1. ) City Council Minutes -5- September 1, 1981 Director of Community Services Lambert explained this has not been before the Parks, Recreation 8 Natural Resources Commission because they have not met since the Planning Commission finished with this item. The only concern the Community Services Staff has is with the size of the totlot and its con- figuration, neither of which has been discussed with the developer. Generally speaking, totlots of less than an acre have proven to be a problem. Bentley asked if there was any other place for a totlot. Lambert said the area slopes steeply to Purgatory Creek . Bentley asked Putnam the same question to which he responded there is a spot for a larger totlot, but the slope creates a pro- blem with that. Edstrom wondered why the plans for this piece of property have changed. Hustad said the City at one time had rezoned the parcel for offices. While it was a desirable office site for the Hustad Company, it was determined not to be as desirable for others due to the surrounding residential area. In 1979 they had a purchaser for this parcel who wished to build doubles.. A plan very similar to that before the Council now was presented; this was passed by the Planning Com- mission but denied by the Council because they wanted to see single family res- idences built here. Hustad said they have neen trying to sell this property ever since for single family homes. The marketability of the property seems to be only for doubles. Stewart Loper, 9506 Woodridge Circle, said the main issue is that of transition; the transition between the single family low density residences in Creekwood and the high density single family residences in Yorkshire Point. Larry Jensen, 9540 Yorkshire Lane, noted there are about 30 young kids in his neighborhood now, and it would not be safe for them to venture down the slope to a totlot and the creek. He also expressed concern about drainage problems which might occur if single family homes were to be built along the eastern edge of the property. John Kelley, 9576 Yorkshire Lane, said Hustad had told him he was not going to reduce the size of the totlot and he has . He also wondered why single family homes are proposed on the eastern edge when Hustad has claimed single family homes will not sell when duplex units are "in their backyards." Gary Radtke, 9564 Yorkshire Lane, said there will be twice as many people on Overlook Place as there now are on Yorkshire Lane. At times Yorkshire Lane is almost impassable due to on street parking, He wondered how many times Hus- tad has to be told "no." Penzel said the same proposal can be made a year after it has been turned down by the Council . Roland Peterson, 9507 Creekwood Drive, expressed concern about the totlot situ- ation -- he would like to see a totlot which would serve the whole area. He feels that high density housing is not a good transition betweeen the Creekwood and Yorkshire Lane areas, Director of Community Services Lambert addressed the parks issue stating Creekwood is served by a park off of Sunnybrook Road. He said that this is not easily accessible to the Creekwood residents right now, but as further development occurs , it will become more so. i City Council Minutes -6- September 1, 1981 Tom Myers, 9539 Creekwood Drive, questioned why the City had agreed to duplexes when two years ago the Council did not approve a plan similar to this. Planning Director Enger said two years ago City Staff had recommended approval as did the Planning Commission. He said Staff has been consistent in feeling duplexes were an appropriate use in the area. Myers also questioned the road work in the area. City Engineer Dietz said Creek Knoll Road will be improved pending Council action this evening -- a cul-de-sac will be built at the present intersection of Creek Knoll Road and TH 169. Michael Blum, 9432 Creekwood Drive, asked how the City could justify putting such high density housing next to single family residences. Penzel explained this is not a City proposal , but that of a land owner; after going through var- ious Commissions/Boards, the request comes before the Council . The Council can then approve, deny, or refer back to a Commission the proposal . The proponent can come back with the same proposal one year later. Putnam said many of the issues under discussion this evening had been discussed when he appeared before the Planning Commission. { Sue Schultz, 9395 Creekwood Drive, asked about the unit styles. Putnam said there would be quite a bit of variety four floor plans using different facades would be used. fi Roland Peterson wondered about the height of the slope, Edstrom asked for clarification regarding the change between the 1979 and the proposed plan. Enger said the 1979 original request was for rezoning for 28 P duplex units with lot sizes ranging from 6500 - 12,000 square fee. In 1979 that request was revised to a single family request for 29 single family lots , The current request is for 30 duplex units on approximately 9.9 acres. This is a part of a larger PUD, 26 acres in size, a portion of which has already been conveyed to the City for park purposes. Edstrom asked Hustad what the price of a single family lot here would be. Hustad replied they had tried to sell them for $14;000 which was below market. The price for a double lot would be slightly more than the going price of a single family lot which is more than $20,000; however, the price would be half of that because it is a double lot. Tangen said some real concerns have been brought before the Council . He expres- sed concern with the fact this had not been before the Parks ; Recreation b Nat- ural Resources Commission. MOTION: Tangen moved; Bentley seconded, to continue this item to the October 6, 1981, Council meeting. Motion was withdrawn after discussion relative to the timing of the project. Edstrom said he is sensitive to the transition question and would not like to approve the project at this time, Penzei concurred, Redpath said he remembered the comments residents of Creekwood had about Yorkshire when that was proposed. He wondered if the people would like to see the area zoned for office as its present use is. Penzel said a transition is not putting duplexes between single family. 4 City Council Minutes -7- September 1 , 1981 Bentley asked what is being considered when the question of density is discussed -- number of people, units, buildings , or what? At one point 29 single family homes were proposed and now the proposal is for 15 buildings or 30 units. Fewer buildings does create the feeling of transition between areas . Penzel pointed out that the total number of units on the entire property would be increased by 33%. Putnam said a commitment had been made to the Creekwood residents the proponent had agreed to put in single family lots on the west side of Creek Knoll Road once that road was terminated with a cul-de-sac. These lots were to be similar in nature to those in Creekwood, but could not be developed unless the fill from the area now proposed for duplex lots was used to make them build- able lots. MOTION: Moved by Redpath, seconded by Tangen, to continue this item to the September 15, 1981 , Council Meeting pending resolution of the totlot issue. Motion carried unanimously, D. COR PUD AMENDMENT by Karl F. Peterson. Request for a revised PUD Concept approval to utilize 4.21 acres for office use with variances for parking, sideyard setback and a lot with no public road frontage. Located in the southwest corner of Co. Rd. 4 and TH 5 behind Superamerica. (Resolution No. 81-176) MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to continue this item to the October 6, 1981, Council meeting at the request of the proponent. Motion carried unanimously. E. CITY WEST by Richard W. Anderson. Request for PUD Concept for office and commercial upon 87 acres , rezoning of 25 acres from Rural to Office, prelimin- ary plat approval with possible variances , and approval of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Located east of Shady Oak Road and south of Crosstown 62. (Resolution No. 81-177 - PUD; Ordinance No. 81-18 - Rezoning; Resolution No. 81-178 - Preliminary Plat; and Resolution, No. 81-179 - EAW) Redpath announced he would abstain from the discussion because his wife owns property which would be affected by this proposal . Peter Jarvis, BRW, was present to discuss the proposal . He said the request to amend the Guide Plan had been denied by the Planning Commission at its August 17, 1981, meeting. Jarvis said. Anderson would be willing to go through the pro- cess once again if only the land use issue would be discussed. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to restrict discussion to Resolution No. 81-177, PUD Concept for office and commercial upon 87 acres. Motion carried unanimously. Redpath said he would join in the discussion since it was limited to the PUD Concept. City Council Minutes -a- September 1 , 1981 s Jarvis reviewed the location, physiography, slopes, vegetation, soils, utilities , and access. He addressed the changes which would have to be made in amending the Guide Plan; largely changing medium density residential to office and regional commercial . Larry Laukka, Laukka and Associates , spoke as a housing specialist. Laukka stated most people would not elect this area as a housing/residential site. He said there are better places to build housing. Planning Director Enger said the Planning Commission had reviewed this at its August 10, 1981, meeting. The Staff Report of August 6, 1981, addressed the three requests (PUD, Rezoning, & Guide Plan Change: ) . The Commission voted 4-2 to uphold the Guide Plan and to deny the request as presented. Director of Community Services Lambert stated the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission had recommended approval of City West as a concept at its August 17, 1981, meeting. Edstrom asked if any warehousing was planned in the development. Jarvis said there was none. Edstrom wondered who owns the home which is adjacent to this property. Anderson said Mr. Lazeretti from Champaign, Illinois, owns the horse which is used by a student fellowship group. Edstrom asked if Anderson has been working with Honeywell regarding the property they own to the north of the pro- posed project. Anderson said they are planning 500-600,000 square feet of office and a parking ramp on 35 acres. r ntl ey wondered about the construction of utilities adjacent to the site. City Manager Jullie ,explained the sewer and water lines were constructed according to overall plans for the area. Redpath asked if these trunks were: of a size so sewer and water would be available to Golden Ridge and Willow Creek. Jullie - t said they would. Penzel asked if there are any limitations as to the percentage of impervious cover allowed in a given area. Enger said there are no limits; however the building footprint is limited to 30% and no more than a 50% floor area ratio_ Penzel asked if structured parking would be preferable in this area. Enger said that might be a solution to lessen the impervious surface. Bentley questioned whether this type of project would be in competition with the Major Center Area. He asked if the City West project referred to spec office space or just what. Anderson said it would be pre-leased to large computer firms there are four such firms which have expressed an interest in office space in this area. He said they are willing to put in a parking ramp, if the Council wishes them to do so. Penzel asked how traffic generation varies between the old Guide Plan and this new proposal . Enger said the Guide Plan shows 8500 trips per day while the new proposal shows 15,000. R City Council Minutes -9- September 1, 1981 Tangen asked if the heights of the buildings were of any concern to Staff. Enger responded that Phase I buildings will be 2 - 8 stories in height; we ,a �.. have the fire equipment to accommodate such buildings. The floor area ratio ^ is less than the Ordinance requires . Tangen asked if the visual aspects of the building heights had been considered. Enger said that had been a consider- ation, but of more concern was the view of a massive parking area by the resi- dents to the west. Jarvis presented letters from: Carlson Companies Inc. regarding a management contract for a hotel , Lee Data Corporation regarding the need for a hotel , and Morning Star, Inc. supporting the proposed development of office and hotel facilities. Penzel noted a letter had been received from James R. Dungan in opposition to the proposed project. These letters are attached to the minutes. Redpath asked what the grading plans were for the area. Jarvis said there would be grading, but the overall rolling character of the area will be maintained. Penzel called attention to a letter from John H. Herman whose law firm has been retained by the Greater Bryant Lake Neighborhood Association, the letter will be made a part of the record. Phyllis Redpath, owner of property at 6609 Golden Ridge Drive, asked why sewer & water had been put in when rezoning had not been requested. Jullie said since the project was consistent with plans for the City and because the developer was paying for it, the request for sewer and water was not unreasonable. Mrs. Red- path expressed concern about the roads which had been built without the knowledge and permission of the City. City Attorney Pauly said the Land Alteration Ordin- ance requires a permit if the landowner is intending to alter the land to the extent of filling or excavating V and a 10% change in the natural features in the total area. It was determined that there was no violation of City Ordinances in this case. The Watershed District has restrained the owner; the matter was resolved to the satisfaction of the Watershed District. Warren Gerecke, 6622 Golden Ridge Drive, submitted petitions signed by area residents supporting the action of the Planning Commission. These petitions are attached to the minutes. John Herman, attorney for the Greater Bryant Lake Neighborhood Association, expressed concern about the effect development will have on the area to the west. Another concern is that the regional commercial area as proposed will compete with the Major Center Area . Herman is concerned with the state of re- view of the project and the fact the landowner has gone ahead on various phases of the project without the necessary authorization/review/permits. He foresees the need for a full environmental impact statement review. Edstrom asked the Planning Director what he forsees in the area north of Bryant Lake and west of the proposed area . Enger does not foresee office buildings in the area; but perhaps medium density residential might be built. Bentley asked if Enger thought multiple density housing would be built in that area even if City West were not to be built. Enger replied he thought so. City Council Minutes -10- September 1 , 1981 R Tangen asked Anderson about the billboards on the property which have been advertising the development long before City West has come before the Council -- had the City ever been informed as to the magnitude of the project? Ander- son said he has been involved with this property for a year and a half and dur- ing that time he has spoken with City officials about once a month -- more since BRW became involved in the project in February. Advertising has not been dis- cussed with City officials. Penzel asked. Pauly his view on the environmental reviews referred to in Her- man' s letter. Pauly said he would prefer to review the questions posed in the letter before commenting. Pauly did say it was his feeling that procedur- ally PUD Concept should be followed by modification of the Guide Plan and then consideration of the environmental impact statement would follow. The current planning act is rather specific as to amending the Guide Plan, Alfred Harrison, 6941 Beach Road, submitted a petition from residents of Beach koad opposing the proposal . He would like to see the Council look at this proposal as it affects the totality of the area. John Wilkie, 7221 Willow Creek Road, submitted a petition from the residents of Willow Creek Road requesting the Council to deny the proposal . Ken Biersdorf, speaker for the Uherkas of 6301 Shady Oak Road, said the Uherkas are not opposed to the development. They do not feel that westward movement of office development would go beyond Old Shady Oak Road. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to continue this item to the September 15, 1981, meeting. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to extend the meeting to 12:30 a.m. Motion carried unanimously. F. Request for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of 2,0 0,000.00 for ITT Scha ow ro 'ect. (Resolution No. 81-1 Robert Inglis, General Manager of ITT Schadow, spoke to the request. Also present to answer questions was Larry McGinnis. r Questions centered on the depreciation schedule and the fact that the major dollar amount of the bonds is for the purchase of equipment. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 81-182, approving in principle the financing of a proposed industrial project for ITT. Motion carried unanimously. V. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NOS. 8091 - 8273 MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve Payment of Claims Nos. 8091 - 8273. Roll call vote: Bentley, Edstrom, Redpath, Tangen, and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -11 September 1 , 1981 VI. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS A. Human Rights & Services Commission - Study of human service needs in South Hennepin. Duane Pidcock, Chairman of the Human Rights and Services Commission, presented the goals and objectives of the Community Based Service Board to the Council which the Council had requested at the Joint Meeting on July 27, 1981. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the goals and objectives as outlined. Motion carried unanimously. VII . PETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. Request from Weis Development Corporation for an additional 12-month_ extension on the Masters Condominiums project Mr. Weis, Rochester, Minnesota, was represented by Lynnea Nye of the Eberhardt Company. She explained construction financing is very hard to find at this time. A six-month extension would not help them at all . MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to grant a 9-month extension to Weis Development Corporation for the Masters Consominiums project. Motion carried unanimously. B. SMETANA LAKE TRAFFIC STUDY, Review of the Smetana Lake Traffic Study pre- pared or the City of Eden Prairie by Bennett, Ringrose, Wolsfeld, Jarvis, Gardner, Inc. Dick Wolsfeld of BRW reviewed the Smetana Lake Traffic Study and went over each system alternate. The object of the Study was to assess what traffic impact ultimate development would have and what kind of road system would be necessary to serve the area. The area included in the Study was that bounded by County Road 18, I-494, TH 169/212. Bentley asked if a Washington Avenue bridge over 49.4 was a possibility from a financial standpoint. Wolsfeld felt a bridge would be considerably easier to get than an interchange at 18. Bill Pearson, 8680 W. 158th Street, Prior Lake and owner of property at 7600 Washington Avenue, spoke in opposition to a frontage road along 494. He would like to see a road along 76th Street to Valley View Road. He thinks the l0O' road width is too wide. He is in favor of a bridge at Washington Avenue over 494. Herleiv Helle, 6138 Arctic Way, Edina, stated he feels a folded diamond inter- change at Schooner Boulevard and I-494 would be a good idea. _ . ._ ------ .---_�,=..--• --�— ,. .,: a .-:'� ass. `�`� ` City Council Minutes -12- September 1 , 1981 y Haakon Torjesen, 6605 Rowland Road, and a member of the Planning Commission expressed concern that a bridge over 494 at Washington Avenue would only pro- vide for access to the east. Little has been done under this Study to provide access or egress to the west/north. Pat Kostecka, 10805 Valley View Road, was concerned about how the costs would be assessed should Valley View Road be upgraded to serve the Study area and not because the residents in the area desire it to be upgraded. Frank Smetana, Sr. , 7680 Smetana Lane, concurs with the findings in the Study. City Manager Jullie agrees with the recommendations contained in the Study and feel it will provide a useful guide for potential development. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to accept the recommendations of the consultant contained in the Smetana Lake Traffic Study. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Edstrom, to continue the meeting beyond the pre- viously designated time of 12:30 a.m. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members Edstrom - 1. Hennepin County Solid Waste - The Solid Waste Commission would like to know if Eden Prairie would be interested in being a part of a demon- stration services project. Staff will look into this. 2, Metropolitan Housing Conference - will be held on September 16, 1981, in Broo ly�k. 3. DNR Action R earding Flying Cloud Airport - the DNR is making some changes n airport regulations; Edstrom wished to call the Council 's attention to this action and refer it to Staff. Bentley - inquired as to what action had been taken on the Barge Traffic Study. Planning Director Enger stated a hearing will be held in the near future and someone from Staff will attend. Task Force - At the Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission, Development Commission, and City Council earlier this evening, the formation of a Task Force was discussed. The Council will communicate with all of the Commissions (Human Rights and Services, Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources, Planning, and Development) asking them to appoint 1 or 2 representatives to the Housing Task Force. Interested citizens will be asked to join this Task Force through announcements in the Eden Prairie News and Happenings. Bentley and Redpath volunteered to be members of the Task Force. The remaining members will be appointed at the October 20, 1981, meeting of the Council . MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Tangen , to direct Staff to assist in forming the Housing Task Force and to develop a formal charge for the Task Force. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -13- September 1, 1981 B. Report of City Attorney The purchase of the More House was closed today. C. Report of City Manager , 1. Receipt of 1981-82 City Budget City Manager Jullie presented the Budget for the coming year to the Council and noted that it calls for less than a one mill increase in City expenditures. Assessed valuations show a substantial increase. Jullie said the Budget is the product of much hard work on the part of Department Heads and John Frane. D. Report of Director of Community Services 1. FOXJET Swim Team Proposal } Lambert spoke to the Swim Club proposal as outlined in his memorandum of August 13, 1981, to the Council . Gary Gandrud, FOXJET Board member, answered questions Council members had regarding the proposal . He introduced members of the FOXJET Board who were in the audience. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve the FOXJET Swim Club proposal , Motion carried unanimously. ,_. 2. Riley Lake Citizens' Meeti a Lambert explained he had met with Mrs. Jacques and Mr.. Hendrickson and City Manager Jullie regarding the realignment of Riley Lake Road. He is confident that their questions were sufficiently answered, but they might still like to express their opinions to the Council at a future meeting. 3. Vikings Concern had recently been expressed to Councilmen Redpath and Edstrom by Mike Lynn and Max Winter of the Vikings organization about the dead elm trees on property bordering their property. Lambert explained the trees present an eyesore but are so dead they do not create a disease problem. Staff was directed to assist the Vikings in rectifying the problem. E, Report of City Engineer 1 . Resolution approving lans and s ecificiations for the im rovement of-the I- 4 CSAH 18 interchange, State Project No. -1 eso ution No. 81-166 continued from 8/18 1 City Council Minutes -14- September 1 , 1981 Bentley expressed concern about the westbound traffic on Townline Avenue where it intersects with West 78th Street. Enger said the merge ramp at this point had been put into the plan at the City's request. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 81-166, approving plans and special provisions for State Project 2785-190, 207 (494-393) ; Federal Project I-IG-F 494-4 (139) 234; I494 at CSAH 18. And to request MnDOT to assist in design and funding of a grade separated crossing of I494 along the approximate alignment of Washington Avenue to replace access removed by the proposed one way frontage road. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Consider resolution rescinding Resolution No. 352, restricting home j ic im rovements are constructed - Nicholson construction un�� property on Valley Road_. Resolution No. 1-167 - continued from 8/18/81 City Engineer Dietz referred the Council to his memorandum of August 27, 1981. Edstrom inquired as to the cost of sewer and water per lot. Dietz said at this time the costs are not feasible on a cost/benefit ratio. Edstrom said he realizes an inequity has been created but feels by correcting the inequity a more serious problem will be created. Penzel felt it would be perceived as victimizing the property owner, if this were not rescinded, because the ,property has been taxed as buildable land for a number of years. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Penzel , to adopt Resolution No. 81-167, rescinding Resolution No. 352. Motion carried with Edstrom voting "no. " e. 3. Protected left turn lanes vs. right turn lane/bypass lane City Engineer Dietz called attention to his memo of August 27. 1981 , in which he addressed the problem. Edstrom noted that a serious problem exists with a by-pass left turn lane on TH169 and Country Road 4. 4. Water Tower Colors MOTION; Tangen moved, seconded by Bentley, to ai'nt the water tower under construction near Highway 101 "oyster shell ." Motion carried unanimously. City Council .Minutes -15- September 1, 1981 IX. NEW BUSINESS There was none. X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Redpath, seconded by Edstrom, to adjourn the meeting at 1:34 a.m. Motion carried unanimously. k 7 s i - j- #u ��Ct.`' y,, APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ( PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1981 6:00 PM, CITY HALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , George Bentley, Dean Edstrom, Paul Redpath, and George Tangen DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman Tim Pierce, Joseph M. D. Adams, Bill Behrenbrinker, Kent Barker, Robert Hanson, Donald Opheim, and Roy 'Terwilliger PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman Bill Bearman , Virginia Gartner, Bob. Hallett, Dennis Marhula, Elizabeth Retterath, Grant Sutliff, and Hakon Torjesen CITY STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jullie, Planning Director Chris Enger, City Engineer Eugene A. Dietz , Director of Community Services Bob Lambert, Assistant Planner Jean Johnson, and Recording Secretary Karen Michael ROLL CALL: Adams , Behrenbrinker, Hanson, and Marhula were absent I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel . II. DISCUSSION ON THE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION'S REPORT ON HOUSLNG COSTS Tim Pierce, Chairman of the Development Commission, spoke to the issues addressed in the "Development and Housing Status - June, 1981"' Report of the Development Commission. The report concluded affordable housing is not being provided in Eden Prairie;some things have to change in order for this to be accomplished, if that is to be the City's goal . (A copy of the Development Commission's Report is attached to these Minutes. ) Pierce also cited statistics from the July 31, 1981 , Wall Street Journal article on housing. Penzel asked how price projections would be affected due to the stagnation in market prices in 1981. Opheim thought people would adjust to .higher interest rates and as this adjustment occurs a demand would be created;.' He pointed out the high cost of holding land. At one time there was the "one third rule" whereby one third of the developer's cost went for the price of the land, one third for the holding costs , and one third for profit. This is no longer true as the costs of holding land have risen dramatically. Bentley questioned controls -- if density were to be increased, there would be an effect on the value of land throughout the corrwnu- nity; also, what assurances would there be that developers would build smaller houses, if lots were smaller. Pierce said the Council could control the square footage re- guirements -- set maximums .