City Council - 04/15/1980 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1980 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Dean Edstrom, Dave Osterholt, Sidney Pauly and Paul Redpath COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad; Director of Community Services Bob Lambert; Planning Director Chris Enger; City Engineer Carl Jul 1 i e; Finance Director John Frane; and Joyce Provo , Recording Secretary INVOCATION: Councilman Dave Osterholt PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members present. I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS Director of Community Services Lambert requested that the following item be added as VI I . D. 5. Request_ by architects for a special meeting with the Council to review the'sketch plans of the ommuni ty Center. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve the agenda as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II. CONSIDERATION OF THE SALE OF $3,570,000. 00 RECREATION FACILITY BONDS; $4,000,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION WATER AND SEWER BONDS; AND 7,450,000.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS Resolution No. 80-76) Mr. Robert Ehlers, Ehlers & Associates, spoke to the one bid received and recommended the City accept same. (Bid Summary Sheet attached as part of minutes) Ehlers felt the interest rate received is a competitive rate. MOTION: 0sterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to adopt Resolution No. 80-76, awarding the sale of $15,020,000.00 General Obligation Bonds at the net interest rate of 8.2925q to Bancnorthwest, Minneapolis , et. al . subject to the Governor signing the Omnibus Tax Bill . Roll Cal 1 -Vote: Osterholt, Edstrom, Pauly, Redpath and Penzel voted "aye Motion carried unanimously. III . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approve plans and specifications and order bids for utility and street improvements, Cardinal Creek 2nd Addition, I .C. 51 -376 Resolution No. B. Request by Northern States Power for the Council to set a Public Hearing for May 6, 1980 for _consideration of 345/115 kv Transmission Lines & Substation Devolo ment in Eden Prairie through the Early 1990's MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve items A and B on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. I Council Minutes - 2 - Tues„April 15, 1980 1 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Gonyea. PUD by GonYea Investment. Request for PUD Concept approval for medium density residential , elderly housing , offices and restaurant uses on 37 acres. Located in the N.E. corner of T.H. 5 and Co. Rd. 4. s (Resolution No. 80-43) Continued from 3/18/80 Howard Dahlgren, Howard Dahlgren Associates, representing the proponents, explained they have met with City Staff members and appeared before the Commissions as directed by the City Council on March 18th. The Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission unanimously adopted the plan, and the Planning Commission endorsed the plan on a 4 - 2 vote. The proponents have taken out the Burger King and there will be no fast food restaurants in the development - they now have two restaurants, 4 office sites, an elderly s housing site, and single family development to the north. Further the proponents ! have worked with City staff on the drainage details and will dedicate 9 acres of land for the ponding and will construct the pond according to the elevations that have been worked out with City Engineer Jullie; worked with the 4 neighbors who like the single family development to the north; discussed the driveway situation with the neighbor to the east and how the trail system will tie into an extension of the trail system to the east down the drainage grade as part of the whole drainage solution. C. John Uban, Howard Dahlgren Associates, showed graphics indicating the trailway which is proposed, the road system and the ponding area. Planning Director Enger stated the proponents appeared before the Planning Commission on April 15th and the Commission recommended approval of the project 4L as presented to the Council subject to the road improvement proceeding the development. Enger commented additional information has been received from Hennepin County whereby they have provided an additional proposed improvement to County Road 4 - keeping the signals at the location they are in , now on the existing islands , enlarging the islands on the north side, and allowing for the enlarging of radiuses of the free right-turn lanes on Highway .5 toward the west and off of Highway 5 toward the north. The County would also provide four lanes of traffic flow with protected left-turn lanes, right-turn lanes and acceleration lanes in the location of the Prairie Village Mall and the Gonyea proposal . This would provide for stacking of approximately 3 cars within the left-turn lane itself with overflow stacking which would be used into one of the through lanes. Hennepin County feels they could include this as a later phase of the Valley View Road improvement and participation by Hennepin County is anticipated. 9 City Engineer Jullie added the County has indicated in a preliminary estimate we are probably looking at a project total of about $400,000, and they suggested the County would program it for next year's construction. The County suggests that the City would have to consider assuming about half the cost of the project. In some manner, special assessments or State Aid, the City would be looking at about $200,000 as the City's share of the project cost. Director of Community Services explained the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission reviewed the proposal at their last meeting and were impressed with the trailway as outlined by the proponents and recommended approval . General discussion took place regarding the traffic situation and the problems which could occur. Penzei commented the request before the Council this evening is for PUD Concept approval , and the traffic concerns will be addressed further as the preliminary platting and zoning are considered. Council Minutes - 3 - Tues. ,April 15, 1980 A. Gonyea PUD (continued) MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to close the Public Hearing and adopt Resolution No. 80-43, granting the request for PUD Concept approval for medium density residential , elderly housing, offices and restaurant uses , Gonyea PUD by Gonyea Investment, as described in brochure dated April , 1980. Redpath, Edstrom, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" , Osterholt voted "nay" . Motion carried. V. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 140S. 1141 - 1325 Council members encouraged staff to purchase supplies from local businesses. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve Payment of Claims Nos. 1141 - 1325. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Redpath, Edstrom, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. VI. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSION No reports. VII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members 1. Councilwoman Pauly - Scoping Report from the T.H. 212 Citizens Advisory Committee. Councilwoman Pauly spoke to the recommendations of the TH 212!169 Citizens 4L Advisory Committee on the proposed Scoping report for TH 212/169 prepared by Mn/DOT. Communications dated March 17 and April 3, 1980 to Mn/DOT are attached as part of minutes which outline the recommendations of the committee. Pauly added the Council will be receiving copies of the scoping document shortly. Pauly further commented this might be the time for the Council to think about the possibility of putting the north Riley Lake section on the Guide Plan. No action necessary. 2. Councilman Redpath - Cable TV Councilman Redpath asked if the Council would concur with the proposal he will be making before the executive committee for Cable TV that a Saturday session be held with Council members invited, allowing each television company 45 minutes to respond to the written bids - with no slide presentations. Council members concurred with Redpath's proposal . B. Report of City Attorney No report. C. Report of City Manager 1. Re_qucst to advertise for bids for Two-Way Radio Equipment to be received M 14 and resented to the Council on May 20, 1980 for consideration City Mauader• Ulstad referred to the communication received from Mr. DuBois, Connijunications Manager for Hennepin, and the system design Council Minutes - 4 - Tues. ,April 15, 1980 1. Request to advertise for bids for Two-Way Radio Equipment to be received May 14 and presented to the Council on May 20, 1980 for consideration _Ccontinued and procurement specifications for the new City of Eden Prairie Municipal two-way radio network. MOTION: Osterholt moved seconded by Redpath , to authorize staff to advertise for bids for two-wa- radio equipment to be received May 14 and presented to the Council on May 20, 1980. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Revised plans from Hennepin County on the Crosstown project City Manager Ulstad referred to the revised plans received from Hennepin County on the Crosstown project, noting one of the major changes is the request by Hennepin County to eliminate in the Council 's consideration,and/or approval, the bridge across Highway #494. There is no change in the realignment - there is a change in grade as you go east down to Rowland Road. Ulstad asked if the Council would like to hold a Public Hearing and invite all the people from that area, or direct the Planning Commission to hold the Public Hearing. Council members felt the Public Hearing should be held before the City Council . D. Report of Director of Community Services 4L 1. Homeward Hills Park Grading/Ownership/aids MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to reject the bids for Homeward Hills Park grading as per staff recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Flying Cloud and Staring Lake Park Bids Director of Community Services Lambert requested the Council consider accepting the low bid and authorizing the City Attorney to draft a contract with Brown & Cris allowing the City the flexibility of awarding one phase at a time. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to award the bid to the low responsible bidder, Brown & Cris , in the amount of $74,477.60, and direct the City Attorney to draft a contract with Brown & Cris allowing the City the flexibility of awarding one phase at a time. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Redpath, Edstrom, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. 3. Janke Property Appraisal Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memo dated April 10, 1980, whereby Mr. Janke would sell his property at 8515 Timber Trail for $117,500.00, the appraised fair market value. Mr. Janke would further like the Council to consider allowing him to live on the premises rent free until the end of the year. Council mcmibers couldn' t accept nor justify the price of $117,500.00, however , might be interested in the property at a lesser figure. Council Minutes - 5 - Tues. ,April 15, 1980 4. Hidden Ponds Option MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to accept the recommendation of Director of Community Services Lambert to enter into a purchase agreement for $150,000.00 for the Hidden Ponds Park site. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Request by architects for a special meeting with the Council to review the sketch plans of the Community Center Mayor Penzel explained the School Board has invited the Council to a joint meeting on Thursday, April 17th at 6:30 PM, regarding Valley View Road, i .e. , timing and location of overpasses, abandonment of West 72nd Street, signalization and/or signage at the Hames Way intersection. The second thing the School Board would like is to see the preliminary schematic plans of the Community Center which the architect is prepared to present. Mayor Penzel , with the consent of the Council called a Joint Meeting with the City Council/School Board to be held at 7:00 PM, April 17th, for discussion on Valley View Road, with a Special City Council meeting to be held at 7:30 PM to review the 1st Phase schematic plans of the Community Center. Director cf Community Services Lambert added if the Council approves the ist Phase on Thursday evening, the architects would like authorization to go on to the next phase - the design development phase. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to adopt Resolution No. 80-53, awarding the bids for Stage I Improvements on Valley View Road, I. C. 325, Names Way, I.C. 325A, Site Grading at Round Lake Road, I .C. 3251B, and Landscape Planting, I. C. 325C, to the low responsible bidder, Brown & Cris, Inc. , in the amount of $673,570.55, subject to the signing the Tax Bill by the Governor. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Redpath, Eds trom, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. VII NEW BUSINESS No "New Business". VIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adjourn the Council Meeting at 9:20 PM. Motion carried unanimously. 'ik'�"�r.�_•_ __,.3...._-._..',.^:�.,... —r — c r - a April 3, 1980 g d s Minnesota Department of Transportation District 5 2055 Golden Valley Road Minneapolis, MN 55422 ATTS: Mr. Bob Paine Dear Mr. Paine: Please be advised that the T.H. 2121169 Citizens Advisory Committee has reviewed the final draft of the Scoping Report and has adopted the following resolution in response to it . Be It Resolved that the T.H. 212 Citizens Advisory Committee endorses the Scoping Report for T.H. 212/169 with the following qualification : The report does not adequately address the transportation, social and environmental issues involved in the Mitchell Lake alternative. The Committee is of the opinion • that these issues are of a magnitude to warrant eliminating the Mitchell Lake alternative from the EIS. • . Vh ry .truly yours, Earl Gan Chalrrri/an • T.11. 212/169 Citizen Advisory Committee EG:bh • s ...0-4 AW a c M r h 17, 1980 Mr. Robert Paine MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Transportation ©uilding St. Paul# MN 55155 Dear Mr, Paine: The Eden Prairie members of the TH #212 Citizens Advisory Committee have reviewed the proposed scoping report for TH 212-169 prepared by MN/Dot. we cannot support the recommendation to further study the Mitchell Lake route. After consideration of the various locations for the future TH #212 freeway through Eden Prairie we have arrived at a definite preference. We have considered traffic movements residential and business impacts environmental concerns and cost of both construction of the facility and supporting traffic carriers and right of way acquisition posts. �r After considering these various factors* we have chosen the Sys::em 1�,,, "p" corridor east of County Road # 4 coupled with the Riley lake north corridor wost of County Road # 4. This system "0" corridor should be modified by moving it northerly where it crosses County Road # 4 so that the impact on the school pond and Red Rock Lake low— lands can be minimized. As ,a second choice we feol that the TH #5 residential route coupled with Riley Lake north route would be the next most feasible location. We have chosen these two routes as thoso to recommend further study on for the following reasons: 1. The preferred route allows the most direct movement through Eden Prairie with the least disruption of existing roadway systems. 2. This routs provides the least disruption of residences and businesses and the least right of way acquisition cost because the corridor has been somewh-st reserved since adoption of the 1968 guide plan. 3. 'It leaves the TH #S system still workable* which provides a valuable link between the Eden Prairie Center and Chanh©sson. 4. Thin route does not disrupt the industrial and commercial business along TH {/S and does not require construction of frontago roads along the Tit #5 corridor which would oliminato a major amount of Edon Prairie Industrial and commercial business and about ton homes. Mr. Robert Paine Page 2 5. This route provides the least impact to the residential neighborhood east of the tracks and north of the school. 6. Construction cost and right of way acquisition cost for this route is several million dollars less than other alternatives. 7. The preferred route eliminates the major disruption of the Mitcholl Lake area required by construction of a freeway and frontage roads through this environmentally sensitive area. TH #5 Mitchell Lake route wills in our opinion, require extreme disruption. of both the lakes and the lowland north of the lake because of the need to provide frontage roads which will be needed to accomodate local movement between Chanhassen and Eden Prairie, 6. As a second choice, TH #4 Residential will require acquisition of the homes east of the tracks which will be made unmarketable if either TH #5 Mitchell Lake or TH #5 Industrial are used. The TH #5 residential route requires less disruption of industry and business than either TH #5 Mitchell Lake or TH #5 Industrial. 9. The north Riley Lake route provides relatively easy acquisition and is the preferred route through Chanhassen. This route can be used with either of the two routes recommended previously, for these reasons the Eden Prairie members of the TH #212-169 Citizen Advisory Committee strongly recommends that further study be mods on the System 'IW corridor modified at TH #4 and the Riley Lake north alignment as a preferred route and TH #5 Residential as second choice alternative for TH #212 through Eden Prairie. We respectfully request that the draft scoping report prepared by MN/Dot be changed to eliminate the recommendation for further study of the Mitchell Lake route because it 'is an unacceptable alternative which should be eliminated from further consideration. Submitted by: Eden Prairie members of the TH # 212-169 Citixevs Advisory Committee i Q�'.`'f**