City Council - 09/13/1979 h ryA tY +k :s APPROVED MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING : TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1979 8:00 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Dean Edstrom, Dave Osterhoit, Sidney Pauly and Paul Redpath COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad and Finance Director John Frane I . Meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM. Roll Call was taken - Penzel , Edstrom, Pauly and Redpath present; Osterholt absent. II. Preliminary discussion regarding the future need of additional City facilities for the next ten years and location of same tookplace. Council directed Staff to develop a preliminary report as to the number and types of buildings and their proposed location. III. Proposed 1980 Budget - The Mayor suggested that a page-by-page review be the process for Council comments. Council agreed to this approach. The Council questioned the increase in the Corporate Council program. The City Manager explained that there was a large amount of litigation from previous years that was billed by the City's previous legal firm. The Mayor informed the Council that the County would be funding the Public Health program. This amount was removed from the budget for 1980. The Logis budget increase was indicated by the Finance Director to be the result of a new and added special assessment system. City Manager Ulstad indicated the change in the Engineering program as being commensurate with the cost to be offset by charges to improvement projects. The Police program was discussed and Ulstad reported that the department's request for 2 additional men should be provided for. Council concurred with this request. The Council instructed staff to develop a fire prevention program for their review prior to the end of calendar year 1979. Mr. Frane explained the changes in the levy limit law allowing for a one time inclusion in the per capita levy limit of the cost of implementing a road maintenance and/or refuse collection program and the impact of seal coating costs as a general fund item. The staff was directed to recheck the amount budgeted for gasoline in light of the expected rapid costs of gasoline. Ulstad presented a program for the Historical and Cultural Commission which was agreeable to the Council . Ulstad indicated he would submit a report on the fire department's request for an auto prior to the Council accepting the 1980 budget. Meeting adjourned at 11 : 15 PM.