City Council - 09/04/1979 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Dean Edstrom, Dave Osterholt, Sidney Pauly and Paul Redpath COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad; City Attorney Roger Pauly; Planning Director Chris Enger; Director of Community Services Bob Lambert; Finance Director John Frane; City Engneer Carl Jullie; and Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary INVOCATION: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members present. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following items were moved from the regular agenda to the Consent Calendar: VI. A. Petition from BanCon, Inc. , regarding setback for Neill Lake Condominiums; VII. A. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-23, rezoning approximately 20 acres from Rural to R1-13. 5, Duck Lake Vista by Pierce & Associates, and developer's agreement; VII. B. Repeal of Resolution No. 79-103 and adoption of Resolution No. 79-162, final approval for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $550,000.00 for Ruben Andere rr VIII . B. 2. Authorization for representation in joint negotiations for a contract beginning January, 1980 Local No. 49 x VIII B. 3. South Hennepin Human Services Council ; and VIII F. 1 Request to set a Public Hearing for Municipal Industrial Development Bond approval for Fred Falk & Robert Murray in the amount of 1 , 00,000.00 for October 2, 1979. The following items were added to the agenda under the "New Business" cztegory: 1. Advertisement for sale of Milkovich House and 2. Discussion on additional liquor facility. MOTION: Osterholt moved seconded by Redpath, to approve the agenda as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1979 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve the minutes of the City Council meeting held Tuesday, August 7, 1979, as published. Motion carried unanimously. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Clerk's License List (Northwest Cinema Corporation was removed at the request of Mayor enzel and discussed under Council Members reports) B. Set Public Hearing for rezoning_ Shady Oak Industrial Park (First) from I-5 to I-2 for October 16, 1979 C. Final plat approval for Shady Oak Industrial Park 2nd (Resolution No. 79-165) D. Final plat approval for Bryant Lake View Estates (Resolution No. 79-166) Council Minutes - 2 - Tues. ,September 4, 1979 E. _Petition from BanCon , Inc. , regarding setback for Neill Lake Condominiums - referred to the Board of Appeals & Adjustments as per City Manager's recommendation (formerly item VI. A. ) .' F. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-23, rezoning approximately 20 acres from Rural to R1-13. 5, Duck Lake Vista by Pierce & Associates and develo er's agreement (formerly item VII . A. ) . G. Repeal of Resolution No: 79-103 and adoption of Resolution No. 79-162, final approval for Munici al Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $550 000.00 for Ruben Anderegg (formerly item VII . B. ). H. Authorization for representation in joint negotiations for a contract beginning January, 1980 Local No. 49 Resolution No. 79-169 formerly item VIII . B. 1 . ) , I. South Hennepin Human Services Council (Resolution No. 79-170) - (formerly item VIII. B. 2.J . J. Request to set a Public Hearing for Municipal Industrial Development Bond approval for Fred Falk & Robert Murrayin the amount of 1 200 000.00 for October 2, 1979 .formerly item VIII . F. 1. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve items A - J on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS Q A. Bluff's West 3rd Addition by Hustad Development Corporation. Request to rezone from Rural to R1-13. 5 and preliminary plat 166 single family homes on 84 acres. Located west of Homeward Hills Road, north of Bluffs West 2nd and East of B. F. I. Landfill and"A" and "B" zones of Flying Cloud Airport. (Ordinance No. 79-14 - rezoning and Resolution No. 79-96 - preliminary plat) Continued Public Hearing from 8/21/79 City Manager Ulstad explained at the last regular Council meeting the Council continued this item to this evening with the thought that the Council wanted to visit with the Flying Cloud Advisory Commission and suggested the proponents reevaluate the densities in the area and outline their requests for variances. Dick Putnam, Hustad Development Corporation, outlined in detail the preliminary plat dated 6/25/79 and distributed data showing the summary of lot sizes in Bluff' s West 3rd Addition (attached as part of minutes) . Putnam commented it is possible for them to eliminate a lot adjacent to the park on the eastern side of the development so it would end up with 70-75 80 feet instead of CC feet which would not affect the plan, and it also makes the lots a little bit larger and adds 5 to 10 feet between buildings. City Planner Enger stated that by removing one or two lots in each of the areas would considerably loosen up the amount of frontage for the remaining lots and should drastically reduce the number of lots requiring side yard setback variances. Director of Community Services Lambert presented the water storage plan and park plan. Redpath asked for clarification as to whether the right-of-way of "S" Street would remain 80 feet, if the 50 foot setbacks to it would be foregone, and if in the future there might be a need for a wider road than currently contemplated? - Council Minutes - 3 - Tues. ,September 4, 1979 A, Bluff's West 3rd Addi.ti,on (continued) Enger explained the right-of-way could remain 80 feet, the road itself as contee=plated would be 32 feet wide with curb and gutter. Staff had previously suggested 50 foot setbacks from the right-of-way line. Now because the volumes on the road will be drastically reduced, staff feels the 30 foot setback called for in the ordinance will be adequate. Staff feels it would be years, if ever, before the 32 foot road would have to be widened. There would be an 80 foot right-of-way if the occasion ever arose to widen the road. Pauly felt that there could be a time when the road would need to be wider and questioned removing the 50 foot setback requirement. Osterholt asked what the ultimate plan is for the land that the landfill is occupying? Jullie replied there was a PUD approval for the entire landfill a , site to be developed as industrial , multiple residential and open space. Jullie commented the developers should be prepared to put in the overflow structure on Homeward Hills Road as part of their development proposal to insure the control is there as they start in their improvement work, and it could also be included in the developer's agreement. Putnam added he does not see the overflow structure at Homeward Hills Road as being a significant cost item. The 500 feet of pipe at $35,000 leading from the 2nd Addition through the park is more of a concern than the overflow structure, Pauly noted the removal of some lots on the strip facing the park would loosen R up the area and asked if the developer had settled on a number of how many lots would be removed. Enger replied they had not settled on a plan of which lot/lots would come out where. General discussion took place regarding the removal of lots , changing of setbacks and the realignment of lots. Redpath asked if the developer could live with the fact that they wouldn't develop. the northern two cul-de-sacs adjacent to the "A" and 'B" zones until the City could explore the possibility of the Metropolitan Airports Commission purchasing these lots? Putnam replied that area would be the last of three phases. Penzel stated he is bothered by the large remaining request for variances. Suggested that whatever is necessary be done to reduce that number substantially. Another concern that has been expressed repeatedly is the impact of the airport on the plat, and various alternatives have been offered as to how that might be treated. Penzel asked how the developer would feel about redesigning the two northern cul-de-sacs , which would be adjacent to the airport zones, into lesser density areas, i .e. , 22,000 square foot minimums , in order to open up space and not only respond to the question of aviation noise, but also respond to the question of air crash safety. Putnam replied the developer is not at this point feeling the fear of developing in this part of town because of airplanes crashing into homes. If MAC is interested in purchasing the property for clear space, the developer has no control over that. At this point the proponents are operating under what they understand the City, MAC and the State Aeronautical Board have said the ground rules are, which stated development could not take place within a mile of the airport. Putnam further commented if the developer is asked to put in two acre lots and make it economically feasible with sewer and water, dedicating a park, paying the cash park fee, the answer is "no", it doesn't make any sense. Council Minutes - 4 - Tues. ,September 4, 1979 , A. Bluff' s West 3rd Addition (continued) Osterholt stated he would be in favor of continuing this public hearing until the Council has a recommendation from the Flying Cloud Airport Advisory Convni ssion. Further that staff relay to the Advisory Commission the comment made by Mr. Putnam that the developer would be willing to remove one lot from the plat and possibly eliminating the point and readjusting the lot lines in the whole plat. w MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Osterholt, to continue the Public Hearing on BI uff' s West 3rd Addition to the October 2nd Council meeting, and in the p interim request staff to 1 ) carry forward to the Metropolitan Airports A Commission their potential acquisition of property around the safety zones, 2) request the Flying Cloud Airport Advisory Commission to meet at the earliest opportunity to prepare a recommendation for the Council , 3) reconsider 50 foot setbacks as the road might be widened in the future, 4) review the potential development to the west which included some industrial uses, 5) review the drainage in the park the developer is going to put in and what the cost will be, and 6)reexamine the degree of variances with the developer. Redpath, Osterholt, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" , Edstrom "abstained" for reasons stated at the beginning of the hearing on August 21 , 1979. B. Valley View Road 'West of Co. Rd. 4 and _Dell Road ImprovementsI.C. 51-325 Resolution No. 79-163 �! City Engineer Jullie spoke to the feasibility report, the total scope of the improvement project, proposed costs, properties affected, and the phasing schedule as outlined in memo dated August 31 , 1979. Penzel referred to communications received from Philip D. Whitman, Attorney for the Jarip Corporation, and Geneva Middleton, 9411 Timber Trail , and asked that same be entered into the records. (Attached as part of minutes) Redpath asked what if anything can be done to help address the concerns regarding the lump sum payment due 90 days after the "green acres" designation is removed. :,ullie replied that was a concern raised by the property owners at a meeting held a couple of weeks ago, and their expression was a great concern over the fact that the "green acres" designation is lost on the parcel of ground. The owners have only 90 days to reimburse the City for all the bacK payments, including principle and interest. Jullie suggested the Council may be open to a consideration of reassessing that past due balance over the remaining term of the original levy. In most cases the "green acres" designation is lost because the owners have decided it is time to subdivide or sell their property and probably have lined up a purchaser who as part of his development costs includes it in his financing package to pay off that debt. It might be reasonable for the City to consider reassessing the remaining balance to help soften that debt. Paul Skjervol d, attorney representing Alfred 8 Rose Pavel ka, referred to letter he sent on his client' s behalf opposing the project (attached as part of f minutes) . The following residents spoke in opposition to the project: Mr. b Mrs. Gliscinzki , 7152 Ticonderoga, Tom Tupper, 7178 Ticonderoga, Bob Cole, 7160 Park View lane, Jim Swezey, 18204 Valley View Road, Gene Ransos , 7138 Ticonderoga, Bruce Anderson, 18200 Valley View Road, Mrs . Nelson, 18129 Valley View Road, Mrs. Brady, 18216 Valley View Road, and Mr. McKewan, 16730 Baywood Terrace. Council Minutes - 5 Tues. ,September 4, 1979 a w Road West of Co. Rd. 4 & Dell Road Improvements (continued)B. Valley View oa p ( ued) Howard Harvey, Attorney for Anna Picha, requested to go on record in opposition to the road improvement because it serves no benefit to Mrs. Picha's property at all . Mrs. Picha 's property faces #101 and she has all the access she needs. Mr. Harvey asked if there is going to be any kind of a deferment for people like Mrs. Pi cha as she is in a nursing home at the present time and they have to plan her resources. Jul 1 i e replied the C i ty has for utilities determined that deferments are possible and those decisions have been made at the assessment hearings when final costs are in and recommendations are made in regard to deferments. Penzel further commented although the property does front on an existing road of some significance, he would tend to believe a second access would be highly beneficial and would make it developable which would be a benefit in of itself. Paul Ratwick, Attorney for the School District, expressed concern that there not be any delay in the construction of the railroad bridge as they are very much concerned with the safety of the students and faculty. Steve Rude, Eden Prairie High School teacher and resident living at 6490 Undestad Street, spoke in opposition to the placement of Valley View Road as it divides the best outdoor classroom they have - Round Lake. The Biology Department uses the present lake by the high school for classes, and they plan to use Round Lake when they move to the new high school . MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Edstrom, to close the Public Hearing and adopt Resolution No. 79-163, ordering the pre aration of plans and specifications for Valley View Road & Dell Road ( I .C. 51 -325�, instructing staff to undertake 3 any review regarding alternative approaches to the project the Council may find suitable, and to review the possibility of two phases rather than three as proposed. Motion carried unanimously. C. Cardinal Creek Phase 2 b Western Construction Company, Inc. Request to rezone from Rural to R1-13. 5 and preliminary plat 30 acres into 28 single family lots, Located east of Cardinal Creek, north of Topview Acres, and south and west of Purgatory Creek (Ordinance No. 79-29 and Resolution No. 79-158) Billy Bye, Western Construction Company, spoke to the plan and the history of the PUD. The proponents have met with City staff and the advisory commissions and have received a favorable recommendation. Bye introduced Greg Gustafson, one of the partners in the firm, Jim Bye, Cardinal Creek & Associates, and Bruce Knutson and Lyle Folkestad, Bruce Knutson Architects, Inc. Mr. Folkestad displayed graphics showing the neighborhood framework, site framework, sections, illustrated site plan and proposed plat, proposed grading ana proposed utilities. Planning Director Enger explained this proposal was reviewed by the Planning Commission on July 23, 1979 and the Commission on a 4 - 1 vote recommended approval to the City Council as outlined in minutes. Director of Community Services Lambert outlined the action taken by the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission on August 6, 1979 and was also recommended for approval to the Council contingent on the Planning Staff Report and the Director of Community Services Report. Lambert displayed a map showing the trail system which was the Commission's main concern. n , Council Minutes - 6 - Tues. ,September 4, 1979 k C. Cardinal Creek Phase 2 (continued) ' Osterholt suggested when the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission discusses trails that someone from the Public Safety Department or Mr. Lambert should discuss the problems of having trails isolated. We either have to find a way to patrol the trails or find more well traveled areas to put the trails. General discussion took place regarding the road system. Penzel suggested the Council might want to consider the recommendation for not allowing the cul-de-sac to stop short of the subdivision line of Cardinal Creek 2. Larry Hanson, 130O6 Gerard Drive, and Arnold Beckman, 12900 Gerard Drive, stated they were totally opposed to any extension of Gerard Drive to Cardinal Creek 2. John Reedy, 7262 Gordon Drive, commented in a series of meetings with the Topview people on the Topview park site issue, the question of the Gerard connection came up. The sentiment was extremely strong against any connection with Cardinal Creek. 31 Barbara Kaerwer, 12800 Gerard Drive, spoke in favor of a trail entirely around the dried lake bed. Edstrom asked if the trail referred to by Mrs. Kaerwer would duplicate the trails along the cul-de-sac. Lambert replied they would not, as the trails along the cul-de-sac are hard surfaced trails for the chi ldren to use to get to the school system. The trail talked about would be a wood chip trail in the .. flood plain, mainly where the children could be in the flood plain, watch birds, I nature, etc. It would be a completely different kind of trail . MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Osterholt, to close the Public Hearing and give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 79-29, rezoning Cardinal Creek Phase 2 by Western Construction Company, Inc. from Rural to R1 -13. 5. Motion carried unanimously. Osterholt commented there is a place somewhere along the lots that 1 i e on the east side of the road that is extended on the long cul -de-sac where a public easement to the flood plain area could tie into a chip path. Osterholt requested staff to work out the details where this path could be placed. Bye replied that would be amenable to the proponents. Howard Kaerwer stated basically he is interested in the flood plain being used, and suggested a connection somewhere along one of the easterly lots from the street down into the flood plain with a trail in the flood plain. Lambert replied that would be workable. Bob Haddorff, 12716 Gerard Drive, spoke in favor of a trail through Kaerwer's as he has three children of elementary age and a trail through Kaerwer's lot Tine into the Suggested trailway towards Forest Hills would be an ideal situation for his family. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to adopt Resolution No. 79-158, i approving the preliminary plat for Cardinal Creek Phase 2 by Western Construction Company, Inc. , with the inclusion in the final plat of the easement along lot lines of the lots on the easterly side of the long cul-de-sac down into flood plain which will permit a connection to a trailway in the flood plain to the Kaerwer' s property. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 7 - Tues. ,September 4, 1979 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath , to continue the Council meeting past the 11 :30 PM scheduled adjournment time. Motion carried unanimously. D. LeParc by Jax Kohl rusch. Request to rezone from Rural to I-2 and preliminary plat 35 acres for an industrial park and EAW approval . Located north of. Valley View Road and proposed Briarfield Estates, and south of Shady Oak Industrial. Park 2nd Addition. (Ordinance No. 79-31 , rezoning, Resolution No. 79-160 - preliminary plat. and Resolution No. 79-161 - EAW) M Wally Odell spoke on behalf of the Swendseen's, the fee owners,commenting this is the last parcel of land they have remaining. The Swendseen's have entered into a purchase agreement with Mr. Phillips of Jay Kohlrusch to sell their remaining lands. Mr. Odell spoke to the proposal . ' MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to close the Public Hearing and give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 79-31 , rezoning from Rural to I-2 for LeParc by Jay Kohlrusch. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to adopt Resolution No. 79-160, approving the preliminary plat of 35 acres for LeParc by Jay Kohlrusch. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to adopt Resolution No. 79-1619 finding the Environmental Assessment Worksheet on LeParc does not require an Environmental Impact Statement. Motion carried unanimously. f MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to direct staff to draft d�1r a developer's agreement incorporating the recommendations of the commissions and staff. Motion carried unanimously. E. Mitchell Heights by Ryco Development, Inc. Request for PUD Concept approval and preliminary plat of 94 attached residential units on 15 acres zones RM 2.5. Located east of Mitchell Road and north of Atherton Townhouses. (Resolution No. 79-1.59) Mr. Donald Gild, Ryco Development, Inc. , spoke to the proposal. Bill Dolan, Koehnlein, Lightowler, Johnson, Inc, displayed graphics with changes the Planning Commission recommended and which the proponents have agreed to. Mr. Dolan, along with Mr.Gild , answered questions of Council members. City Planner Enger explained this item was reviewed at the July 23 and August 13th Planning Commission, and was recommended for approval to the Council . A recommendation was made by Staff and the commission that Phase 2 not proceed until Anderson Lakes Parkway is ordered in. Osterholt stated he would like to see a graphic on how the roads fit together. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Edstrom, to close the Public Hearing and approve the PUD Concept for Mitchell Heights by Ryco Development, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Edstrom, to adopt Resolution No. 79-159, approving the preliminary plat for Mitchell Heights by Ryco Development, Inc. , with the understanding the concern of Anderson Lakes Parkway be resolved. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to direct staff to draft a developer's agreement incorporating the recommendations of the commissions and staff. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 8 - Tues. ,September 4, 1979 Y s .t V. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS No reports. VI. PETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. Petition from BanCon, Inc. , regarding setback for Neill Lake Condominiums This item was moved to the Consent Calendar (III. E. ) . VII. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-23, rezoning apRroximately 20 acres from Rural to R1-13. 5, Duck Lake Vista by Pierce & Associates, and developer's agreement This iterr: was moved to the Consent Calendar (III. F. ) . B. Repeal of Resolution No. 79-103 and adoption of Resolution No. 79-162, final approval for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of 550,000.00 for Ruben Anderegg This item was moved to the Consent Calendar (III. G. ) . VIII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BCARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members 1. Councilwoman Pauly explained she is going to appear before the School Board on the Highway #212 alignment, 2. Councilman Redpath reported on two items: a) Cable TV and b) his meeting with Cliff French of the Hennepin County Park Reserve District 3. Mayor Penzel spoke to two items: a) his request that Northwest Cinema be removed from the Clerk' s License List, and that staff be directed to check to make sure the requirements of the license are +net, and b) the County's Planning Task Force which recommended that the Crosstown not be delayed but dropped from the five-year capital improvement plan. Penzel outlined Minnetonka ' s request that Eden Prairie support them for the construction of the Crosstown and commented he felt there would be benefit for Eden Prairie to have the road extended but comented personally it would be better to have it on the plan rather than on the construction schedule. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to adopt Resolution No. 79-177, supporting the City of Minnetonka's request to keep the Crosstown extension to Highway #494 on the five-year capital improvement program. Motion carried unanimously. B. Report of City Manager 1. Proposed Draft of 1980 Budget MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to receive the proposed draft of the 1980 Budget and set Thursday, September 13, 8:00 PM, to review same. Mntinn f`�NNtn.+ ur.�nvs.n...•l. - Council Minutes - 9 - Tues. ,September 4, 1979 k 2. Authorization for representation in joint negotiations for a contract be innin January, 1980 Local No. 49 - Resolution No. 79-169 ( This item was moved to the Consent Calendar (III, H. ) 3. South Hennepin Human Services Council (Resolution No. 79-130) This item was moved to the Consent Calendar (11I, I . ) 4. Discussion on revising hunting zones, amending Ordinance No. 337 Firearm's Ordinance MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to release to the press action is being considered to reduce the hunting zones, with the exception <F of the Eames property, and that this item be referred to the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission for a recommendation and back to_ the Council on September 18th. Motion carried unanimously. Mike Eames, 17345 W. 78th Street, asked if the Council would allow guests to hunt on his property. Council had no objection to his request. Mrs. Eames commented they have never had anybody hunt on their property without permission. 5. Open House City Manager Ulstad suggested the date of October 13th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon for an open house at City Hall and the Fire Stations, y Council members concurred with Mr. Ulstad's suggestion, C. Report of City Attorney 1. Building moving ordinance Pauly explained he is in the process of drafting an amendment to the building moving ordinance and during the course of review and work in that area , he found that the Legislature enacted a law during the last legislative session g which came into effect August 1st providing for licensing of building movers by the State. Our ordinance is broad enough to include movers and also any person a who would own such a house. The State regulation provides that the State Law is to be exclusive as to bonds, insurance coverage, etc. , and leaves it up to the City to permit regulation of hours, routes and movement, etc. Pauly stated he talked to two people in the Attorney General 's office who represent the Public Service Commission and the Department of Transportation, plus another individual from the department as to whether or not they had enacted any regulations to implement the State law. To-date they have not even thought about it and they haven't even issued a license. Pauly commented he will be submitting the amendment to the Planning Commission and that when the State regulations are adopted we will have to review our ordinance again, which may not be for several months. D. Report of Director of Cummunity Services 1. To view Park Purchase Agreement City Manager Ulstad explained Mr. Miller was not willing to agree to an option for 6 months which the Council directed Staff to pursue. Staff' s recommendation is to enter into the Purchase Agreement for $40.000, using Cash Park Fees for the acquisition of this parcel and including Council Minutes - 10 - Tues. ,September 4, 1979 1. Topview Park Purchase Agreement (continued) d development costs in the proposed Park Bond Referendum. Further that the City Attorney review the legal question of including the acquisition costs of this park within the bond referendum so the Cash Park Fee Fund could be reimbursed if a bond referendum was successful . MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to authorize staff to enter into a purchase agreement with Mr. Tom Miller in the amount of $40,000 for his parcel to be used for the Topview Mini-Park. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Edstrom, Pauly, Redpath and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. E. Report of City Engineer 1. Consider bids for utility and street improvements for Chatham Wood, I. C. 51-343 Resolution No. 79-164) City Engineer Jullie recommended awarding the bid to Nodlard Assoc. in the amount of $776,429.50, subject to receipt of written approval from the actual fee owners that they understand these costs and will accept the assessments. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to adopt Resolution No. 79-164, awarding the bid to Nodland Assoc. in the amount of $776,429.50 for utility and street improvements for Chatham Wood, I .C. 51-343, subject to receipt of written approval from the actual fee owners that they understand the costs and will accept the assessments. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Edstrom, Pauly, Redpath and Penzel voted "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 2. Status report on Dell Road, I .C. 51-326 City Engineer Jullie referred to his memo dated August 31st and communication from BRW dated August 29th, recommending the Council direct staff to renegotiate the alignment of Dell Road to avoid the soils Problems. - MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Osterholt, to direct staff to renegotiate the alignment of Dell Road as outlined on page 2 of the letter from Mr. Gardner of BRW dated August 29, 1979. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Status report on Crosstown extension This item was covered under item VIII. A. 3. b) . i F. Report of Finance Director 1. Request to set a Public Hearing for Municipal Industrial Development Bond approval for Fred Falk & Robert Murray in the amount of $1 ,200,000.00 for October 2, 1979 This item was moved to the Consent Calendar ( III. J. ) 2. Payment of Claims Nos. 5472 5624 0 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve Payment of Claims Nos. 5472 - 5624. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Redpath, Edstrom and Penzel voted "aye" , Pauly "abstained" . Motion carried. Council Minutes - 11 Tues. ,September 4, 1979 IX. NEW BUSINESS 1. Advertisement for sale of tali l kovich House City Manager Ulstad referred to memo from Director of Community Services Lambert requesting Council 's permission to advertise for the sale and removal of the Milkovich house in Anderson Lakes Park. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to authorize staff to advertise for the sale and removal of the Milkovich house in Anderson Lakes Park as per staff recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. 2_ Discussion on additional liquor facility City Manager Ulstad stated he has a letter from BarMil Search Corporation requesting the City Council consider a 2nd liquor facility in Eden Prairie. Ulstad requested that this item be continued to the September 18th Council meeting and that a representative from BarMil Search Corporation be invited to attend the meeting outlining their request. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpa th, to continue discussion on an additional facility to September 18th at which time a representative from Barl4il Search Corporation be invited to make a presentation. Motion carried unanimously_ X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Edstrom, to adjourn the Council meeting at i�• 1:25 AM.' Motion carried unanimously. a _ .K qn r Sept. 5, 1979 Mayor Penzel f. Council Members : Pauly, Osterholt, Redpath, Edstrom �s As I am unable to attend the meeting tonight because of professional responsi- bilities, I would ask that this letter be read. f The siting of the extension of Valley View Road concerns me for many reasons. ! ' Public school buildings of any level should not be located on heavily traffi$ed I thoroughfares for the obvious reasons of health and safety of the students. Many conditions have been agreed to, pedestrian walkways, some forts of signalling, but lessons should be learned from surrounding districts, Eisenhower H.S. in Hopkins and Edina East have been limited because of increasing traffic and re- sulting expansion, noise and safety hazards. ,e The advantages of constructing a high school next to a lake and wooded area, both for visual aesthetics and for educational programs are lessened when berming, plantings, and channeling of students onto two walkways are the first considera- tion in determining landscaping or use. j The main advantage of this siting plan, we have been told, is the Lessened cost of I; i a direct route. These lessened costs certainly have been increased by the condi- tions agreed to: fencing, berming, landscaping, walkways, signalling, condemna- tion of private lands, etc. The main thrust for this road was the need to carry traffic on an east-west col- lector road. With the finalization of 62nd Crosstown plans and the routing of that road ,just a few blocks north which will solve many of the morning and evening, east-west traffic problems, and the problems of extending this new road east or west because of the problems with the railroad and existing development, it seems Fy that the extension would be build to serve mainly the school. The City doesn't build roads to serve schools and when they were involved in the past as in Wallace "3 Road, there were problems for the City and the school in use and limits. '.astly, there is the problem of the protection of Round Lake and its surrounding t environment. The road will be dangerously close to our main and really only, recreational resources. My concern is for the pollution that could occur during construction, the continued noise, air and run off pollution caused by use and any future expansion, and limitations in use by certain age children because of traffic. ' Please consider the priorities of the young people of Eden Prairie, their parents, the environment and all of as 'who moved to Eden Prairie because of the chance to be involved in planning• a community which considers those things more important than asphalt and concrete. F Sincerely, Geneva Middleton 9411 Timber Trail Eden Prairie, Ma. . 1 V t _ . PIIILIP D. WHITMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW : 220 CUTACROSS ROAD MINNaPOLIS, MINN. 55422 TELEPHONE 545-4:L118 September 3, 1979 City Council City of Eden Prairie 8950 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, M. 55343 Re: Public Works Improvements I.C. 51-325 in Section 7 and Gentlemen: Section 8, T. 116 R. 22 'a The following comments relating to the proposed improvements are made in response to the invitation therefor contained in the Notice of Hearing on the above captioned improvements published by the City of Eden Prairie. These comments are made in behalf of Jarip Corporation as developer and are limited to proposed construction in the development known as Maple Leaf Acres. Referfmces to a Report or to the Report refer to the City of Eden Prairie FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR 7ALLEY V1W ROAD EXTEWSION, I. C. 51 325. For the purpose of oonvenience, reference will also be made from time to time herein to PHASE A, PHASE B, and so on through PHASE H. Such references are to Maple Leaf Acres Phasing Plan filed with the City, a copy nf uhich is attached to Rezoning Agreement dated the llth day of November, 1977, between the City and Jarip Corporation. FIRST COMMW The FEASIBILITY REPORT, Page 12, refers to the Construction of Valley View Road in Maple Leaf Acres and that portion of Dell Road beginning 200 feet South of Duck Lake Trail and continuing South into the Hidden Ponds Addition. Our concern here is limited to the portions of such construction coming within the boundaries of Maple Leaf Acres. This construction is included in PHASE TWO (see Page 12 of of the Report) . The PROJEt.T SCHEDULE shown in the Report following the page containing the Notice of Hearing contemplates the awarding of the contracts February 5, 1980, and completion of the improvement October 1, 1980. Reference to the PHASING PLAN shows that the road construction contemplated falls in PHASE G. Maple Leaf Acres is being developed in an orderly manner in phases conforming to recommendation of the City with a specific purpose for the development in the alphabetical order of the PHASING PLAN.. With the exception of PHASE H, which is not included in the Report, it will be observed that PHASE G is the last area to be developed. In the development of PHASE G, a substantial amount of earth must be removed from the hill area in Block 1. Such excess dirt will be moved from Block 1 for fill in PHASE D. The transfer of such earth will be made through the use of scrapers which will be required to cross Valley Vier Road and travel along Dell Road to PHASE D. The operation of the scrapers across Valley View Road and along Dell Road could be very detrimental to such road and should be done before the roads are completed. It is therefore our recommendation that y 3 To City Council, Eden Prairie, P. 2 September 3, 1979 the proposed improvement of Valley View Road and Dell Road, within the boundaries of Maple Leaf Acres, be deferred one year to 2981. a SECOND COMMENT Phase 2 of the Report includes plans for drainage and utility con- struction. With respect to the SANITARY SEWER PROJECT, shown on FIGURE VI, attached to the Report, it appears that the portion planned for construction in Maple Leaf Acres extends from the south boundary line of Maple Leaf Acres along Dell Road to Valley View Road and then along Valley View Road on each side of Dell Road. As we read such Report, we find no reference to sanitary sever work proposed for Maple Leaf Acres Addition. The preliminary assessment roll, shown in the Report, indicates an assessment estimated to be $19,000, which would appear to be for the cost of the sanitary project along Dell Road and Valley View Road in Maple Leaf Acres. The con- struction of such proposed sanitary sewer would serve no purpose in so far as Maple Leaf Acres property is concerned, and no property owners therein would be benefitted. Developer's position therefore is that if such implied construction is to be completed, the cost thereof must not be assessed against the property owners in Maple Leaf Acres. The developer of Maple Leaf Acres has already installed sanitary 4 . sewer lines in the portion of Maple Leaf Acres lying west of Dell Road and east of Hidden Ponds and will have such installation a-m- pleted to Valley View Road by November 1, 1979. This installation runs in a north-south direction through PHASE E of the Maple Leaf Acres PHASING PLAN. When Block 1 of PHASE G is ready for development., the sanitary sewer will be extended beyond Valley View Road to service the property in Block 1. The developer will also be installing a sanitary sewer line through PHASE D and PHASE F of the PHASING PLAN, and PHASE G of the Maple Leaf Acres will be serviced by such sanitary sewer line. THIRD COMMENT Phase 2 also includes proposals for construction for drainage pur- poses. The proposed drainage facilities are discussed on Pages 8 and 9. Such discussion contains no reference to Maple Leaf Acres; however, FIGURE V DRAINAGE, attached to the Report, indicates pro- vision for sewer ong Dell Road to Valley View Road and then along Valley View Road on either aide of Dell. Read. The existing storm sever in Maple Leaf Acres has been installed by the developer, and the developer desires to continue with that work and therefore recommends that it be excluded from the proposal or that its construction be negotiated with the developer. To City Council, Eden Prairie, P. 3 September 3, 1979 FOURTH COMNINT Another portion of Phase 2 is with respect to the installation of certain watermains. The discussion is on P. 10, but refers to Figure VII .to indicate the location of the proposed mains. Figure VII shows a proposed watermain extending along Valley View Road from the JJ south border of Maple Leaf Acres to the west border thereof. Such portion of the proposed watermain is unnecessary and serves no pur- pose in so far as Maple Leaf Acres is concerned. What we have previously said concerning the installation of the sanitary sewer lines in Maple Leaf Acres applies as well to the proposed watermain. Developer has installed watermain lines in Maple Leaf Acres and proposes to continue with such installation along with the sanitary sewer lines as presently scheduled. We note from the PRELLNU NARY ASSES,%-IF13T ROIL that the assessment against Maple Leaf Acres property affected by the proposed lateral watermain amounts to $42,700 plus. On Page 15 of the Report, under the heading Lateral Sewer and Water Assessments, it is stated "Where the cost of the facilities can be ire related to benefits, such as in Maple Leaf Acres Addition., the estimated project cost has been spread evenly over the bene- fitted parcels." It is the position of developer that there is no benefit to the Maple Leaf Acres property for the proposed extension of the watermain along Valley View Road. Thus, the $42,700 of proposed lateral watermain assessment and the $.19,000 of proposed lateral sewer assessment would be improper assessments against the Maple Leaf Acres Addition. FIFTH CCMMENT On Page 16 of the Report, under the subject of Street Assessment, it Is stated that "A reduced rate of $20.98 is propos or ce properties in the Maple Leaf Addition * * * to reflect a credit for work done by the developer to install a short piece of Den Road and a new connection to Duck Lake Trail." We question the accuracy of this figure and suggest that the matter be reviewed with the City and Hedlund Engineering Services, Inc. The PRELIMINARY ASSESSNUYT ROLL indicates that Maple Leaf Acres would have 4,625 feet subject to the street improvement assessment., which, at $20.98, would amount to $97,032. January 24, 1979, Hedlund Engineering Services, Inc., informed Jarip Corporation, the ? developer, of the breakdown of costs attributed to the Dell Road portion of the Dell Road Improvement Construction, which included grading and curb work for the new connection of Duck Lake Trail to the east with Dell Road. The total amount thereof was $76,591. It was the understanding of J a r i p Corporation that the total cost of the improvement was estimated to be $140,000. Reducing that amount by the amount of $76,591 would leave a balance of $63,409 rather than $97,032. I believe that there are other credits due Jarip Corporation for additional work perfomed by it which Mould further reduce the amount of the street improvement assessment. This appears to be something that should be further reviewed by the City, Jarip Corporation, and Hedlund Engineering Services. cc: Jarip Corporation Yours LAW OFFICES OF CAUL A . SIC�T I. I��'UL71 SUITE 1600 RAIN TOWER MINNEAPOLM.MINNESOTA 55402 OFFICE 333-5563 RESIDENCE 474-9099 August 29, 1979 Ms . Kathy Hermann Deputy City Clerk City of Eden Prairie 8950 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Re: Proposed assessment of Rose and Alfred Pavelka Improvement Contract No. 51-325 Dear Ms. Hermann: This letter is for the purpose of informing you that I have been retained to represent Rose and Alfred Pavelka in regard to the above. They have provided me with s copy of the Prelimi- nary Assessment Roll. From my discussion with the Pavelka' s and my inspection of their property, it would appear that the proposed assessments far exceed the special benefits to the property measured by the difference in market value before and after. Indeed, the so called street improvements for which an assessment of some $651, 000.00 is proposed, may well prove to be a damage rather than a benefit. Please make this letter part of the record so as to show the Pavelka' s objection to the proposed assessments. e y - truly yours, PAUL A. SKJE D. PAS/vas cc : Mr. and Mrs. Pavelka August 31 , 1979 filuffs west 3rd Addi tier. r'ro j ec t. ,?'. O3s' Lor. Size Summary BLOCK 1 Lot 1 - 20,400 11 - 13,825 21 - 24,350 31 - 16,362 41 - 10,350 2 - 13,500 12 - 15,235 22 - 16,800 32 - 12,360 42 - 11,700 3 - 13,125 13 - 21 ,775 2.3 - 1-9,987 33 - 11,437 43 - 10,200 4 - 11,625 14 - 17,212 24 - 16, 150 34 -- 11,000 44 - 10,500 5 - 10,500 15 - 13,500 25 - 17,719 35 - 10,200 45 - 10,500 6 - 10,500 16 - 16,818 2a - 25,312 36- 46 - 10,570 7 - 10,500 17 - 18,900 27 - 14,400 ?7 - 47 - 10,920 8 - 11,100 18 - 1.7 ,675 2 - 1" .412 311 - " 48 - 14,400 9 - 11,625 19 - 11 ,000 29 - 30,420 39 - 49 - 13,500 10 - 11,375 20 - 14,737 30 - 23,850 40 - 50 - 19,635 BLOCK 2 Lot 1 - 14,381 3 - 10,625 5 - 13,750 2 - 13,500 4 - 10,625 6 - 15,375 BLOCK 3 Lot 1 - 13,875 7 - 19,143 13 - 15,000 19 - 12,000 2 - 14,000 8 - 18,900 14 - 15,000 20 - 12,000 3 - 19,294 9 - 15,631 15 - 11,653 f- - 12,000 4 - 14,625 10 - 15,00E 16 - 11 ,238 22 - 12,000 5 - 19,906 11 - 15,000 17 - 12,488 21 - 12,000 6 - 13,500 12 - 15,375 1A - 12 ,000 24 - 16,875 BLOCK 4 Lot 1 - 14,625 7 - 17 ,184 13 - 15,119 19 - 15,500 25 - 16,250 31 - 17,738 2 - 15,000 8 - 12,675 14 - 17,169 20 - 15,500 26 - 21,900 32 - 20,100 3 - 23,269 9 - 11 ,263 15 20,9fif' 21 - 15,750 27 - 26,250 33 - 16,594 4 - 16,313 10 - 13,050 16 - 18,275 22 - 17,250 28 - 16,981 34 - 15,174 5 13,750 11 - 15,600 I7 - 15,514 23 - 17,500 29 - 12,OOfl 35 - 13,500 6 - 16,450 12 - 15,888 18 - 15,500 24 - 16,750 30 13,581 36 - 16,875 BLOCK 5 Lot 1 - 15,888 4 - 12,800 6 - 12,029 2 - 12,000 5 - 13,62.8 7 - 14,250 3 - 14,168 BLOCK 6 Lot 1 - 15,863 3 - 15,3r,6 2 - 14 ,625 4 - 16,200 B! OCK 7 Lot 1 - 16,803 5 9,600 9 - 8,043 13 - 11 ,509 2 - 9,000 6 - 9,300 10 - 13,065 14 - 13,500 3 - 9,779 7 9,219 1. 1 - 11 ,5� 0 15 15,593 C 4 - 9,540 8 - 8,500 12 - 10,656 16 - 17,038 I BLOCK 8 Lot 1 - 16,000 3 - 12,600 5 - 18,120 7 - 17,690 2 - 16,419 4 - 13,000 6 - 12 ,000 8 27,056 BLOCK 9 Lot 1 - 14,641 6 - 14,013 11 10,600 2 - 14,687 7 - 12 ,400 12 - 10,150 3 - 10,500 8 - 11 ,000 13 - 10,745 4 11,813 9 - 10,080 14 - 10,920 5 - 11,664 10 - 10,000 15 - 12 ,962 SUMMARY Lots Greater than 13,500 = 96 Lots Less than 13,500 = 70 Lots 20,000 or Larger = 11 19,000 _ 5 18,000 = 5 " 17,000 " ►, 10 16,000 " - 16 15,040 ., 22 ,f 14,000 �, �, = 14 - " 13,000 = 17 12,000 17 " 11,000 " = 16 If 10,000 " to = 25 Lots Less than 10,000 = 8 C ** BLOCK 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Less than 10 Total 1 5 2 2 3 4 1 4 5 1 8 15 50 2 1 1 2 2 6 3 3 1 1 6 2 2 7 2 24 4 5 1 5 7 10 1 4 2 1 36 5 i 2 1 :3 7 G 1 2 1 4 7 1 1 1 2 2 1 8 16 8 1 1 1 2 i 2 g 9 3 2 _ 3 7 15 Total 11 5 5 10 16 22 14 17 17 16 25 8 166 ** In Thousands � b j JOINT FLYING CLOUD ADVISORY COMMISSION & CITY COUNCIL MINUTES "r ? The meeting of the Joint Flying Cloud Advisory Commission & Eden Prairie City Council was called to order at 6 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 4 , 1979. Council Members Present a Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Sidney Pauly, Paul Redpath, Dean Edstrom, Dave Osterholt Commission Members 'Present : Sally Brown, Norma Schee, Tom Faranda, Claude Schmidt , Kent Barker, Bill Gilk and Les Lewis City Staff Present: Roger Ulstad, Chris Enger, Jean Johnson Others Present: Dick Putnam of Husted Development The majority of the meeting was used for extensive discussion of the proposed development of Bluffs Nest 3rd Addition. The balance of the meeting was spent discussing the push by the Federal Aviation Administration to have incompatable aircraft use the satellite airports . The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, September 19, 1979. The meeting was adjourned . Respectfully submitted, i� klliam H. Gilk Secretary Flying Cloud Advisory Commission WHG: car f 4 E , C — ...,. amp :}