City Council - 07/03/1979 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL �SDAY, JULY 3, 1979 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Dean Edstrom, Dave Osterholt, Sidney Pauly and Paul Redpath COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad; City Attorney Roger Pauly; Planning Director Chris Enger; Director of Community Services Bob Lambert; Engineering Assistant Gene Schuman; Finance Director John Frane, and Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary INVOCATION: City Manager Roger Ulstad PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Edstrom, Pauly and Penzel present; Osterholt arrived at 7:40 PMi and RedDath absent. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS r City Manager Ulstad requested that an item be added under his report (item VIII. B. ) , Council ' s consideration of two emergency sirens. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the agenda as amended and published., Motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES A. City Council Meeting held Tuesday, June 5, 1979 MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve the minutes from the City Council meeting held Tuesday, June 5, 1979) as published. Motion carried unanimously. s, B. Special Council Guide Plan Public Hea;rin2held June 12, 1979 Page 3, add a new para. after para. 11 , to read as follows: "Edstrom stated that he felt items 1 and 2 under Transportation, relating to T.H. 5 and old T.H. 169, tends to derogate from item 4 relating to new T.H. 212 since funds for any of these projects are li.mited," Pg. 4, strike the 2nd para. , and insert in lieu thereof "Edstrom stated that the suggested completion dates for signalization at U.S. 169/County Road 1 and U.S. 169/VoTech were unacceptable and that he wished the questions of these intersections be considered by the Council ". MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the minutes of the Special Council Guide Plan Public Hearing held June 12, 1979 as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. III . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of plans and specifications for improvements on Shady Oak Road exten- sion to T.H. 169, I . C. 51-344B Resolution No. 79-125 Council Minutes - 2 - Tues. ,July 3. 1979 III. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) B. Approval of plans andspecifications for improvements in Hi 's Mitchell Heights 4th Addition, T _C. 5 -353 Resolution No. 9- 26 C. Set Puhlilr Rearing for Old Farm rezoning from RM 2.5 to RM 6.5 for August 7, 1979 MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve items A - C on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Request for Municipal Industrial Development Bond approval in the amount of 1 ,350,000.00 for Donald Russ Resolution No.. 79-72 ' R Finance Director Frane explained the proponent wishes to partly finance a multi-tenant office building of 32,000 square feet in the Flying Cloud Drive area. The project is expected to cost $2,130,000.00. When the project was originally submitted a list of six proposed tenants was submitted; however, that list has since been modified_ Late this afternoon Mr_ Frane stated he received a letter signed by Mr. Donald Russ indicating that another party was already granted a financial interest in the project. Frane commented he is unclear at this point in time as to whether the required publication as amended by the State of Minnesota at its last legislative session is correct and whether or not the Council should proceed. City Attorney Pauly noted he became aware of this change late this afternoon also and it is his impression that the publication of the Notice of Hearing is to set out the applicant or the person who is requesting the sale of the industrial revenue bonds , and that person ' s name be set out in the publication and it be the same as the applicant to the Commissioner of Securities for the Commissioner's approval . Since the new investor wasn't listed on that Notice of Publication, Pauly thought at this point it would have to be republished and a new hearing held. Mr. Richard Anderson explained the only owner is Mr. Donald Russ and he has offered an opportunity for Mr. McCerkell to invest. Further it was indicated to him before that the Council wishes to have some of the tenants having interest in the property and that this particular option may not be exercised until after the mortgage is closed. Penzel stated he still has a concern from a technical legal standpoint and would rather not put the Council in a position where whatever action might be taken this evening or anytime might be of a questionable nature. Mr. McCorkell explained he has no financial interest at this time other than the gatheri6g of the tenants. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Penzel , to continue this matter to the July 17th Council meeting, and instruct staff that should additional publication be required, that- staff be authorized to make that publication in the interim. Motion carried unanimously. B. Request for Municipal Industrial Development Bond approval in the amount of ,200,000.00 for Kirsch Company (Resolution No. 9-106 Finance Director Frane explained the Kirsch Company intends to construct a 39,000 square foot office/warehouse/distribution facility in the Crosstown Industrial Park 2nd Addition at an estimated cost of $1 ,200,000.00. B Request for Municipal Industrial Development Bond approval in the amount of $1 ,200,000.00 for Kirsch Company Resolution No. 79-106 Continued P Mr. Anzelmo, representing the Kirsch Company, spoke to their request and answered questions of Council members. Edstrom asked if the Kirsch Company plans to utilize the entire facility Mr. Anzelmo replied in the affirmative and noted they are anticipating employing 30 - 35 people in the growth. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to close the Public Hearing and adopt Resolution No. 79-106, granting the request for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $1 ,200,000.00 for the Kirsch Company. Motion carried unanimously. C. Duck Lake Vista by Pierce & Associates, request to rezone approximately 20 acres from Rural to R1-13. 5 and preliminarZ plattingof 32 single family houses Ordinance No. 9-23 and Resolution No. 79-124 City Planner Enger explained this item was reviewed by the Planning Commission on 6/11/79 and was recommended to the Council for approval on a 7 - 0 vote as detailed in minutes. Tim Pierce, the proponent, and Mr. C ardarelle, Cardarelle & Associates; spoke to the proposal and answered questions of Council members. Penzel questioned what the prospects are of getting the right-,of-way easement for the access to North Hillcrest Court. Pierce replied the School Board doesn't want to get involved in paying for any roads and doesn't want it abutting their property. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Osterholt, to close the Public Hearing and give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 79-23, rezoning approximately 20 acres from Rural to R1-13.5 for Duck Lake Vista by Pierce & Associates. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to adopt Resolution No. 79-124, approving the preliminary plat for Duck Lake Vista, Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to direct Staff to draft a developer's agreement incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Commission, the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District and Hennepin County. Motion carried unanimously. V. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS No reports. VI. PETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. Request for Transmission Line and Substation Development in Eden Prairie through the early 990 s continued from 6/19/79 Ulstad explained he does not have a recommendation for the Council this evening; however, he did meet with Mike Sullivan, who is with the EQB and his specific charge would be power plant siting. Mr. Ulstad reviewed with Mr. Sullivan a number of concerns the Council discussed at the last Council meeting. Ulstad suggested inviting Mr. Sullivan to the July 17th meeting and have him outline what a request for exemption means in the eyes of the E B and just by their granting the exemption what that implies as far as the City is concerned, i Council M il,utes - 4 - Tues. ,July 3, 1979 A. Vv(J1JVst for Transmission Line and Substation Development in Eden Prairie t t.1.0 ;i ti the ear y 1990's continued %4)TIn'i: Edstrom moved, seconded by Osterholt, to instruct Staff to invite Mike ••: tiivan from the EQB to the July 17th Council meeting as suggested by City �' ,n&;er ulstad. Motion carried unanimously. 4 ul-Itad acknowledged NSP will also be invited to attend the meeting of July 17th. t)v Timothy Gagner for preliminary plat of 3 lots zoned R1-22 to c . ttit►d Alpine Estates 2nd Addition Resolution No. 79-63 c t ! Planner Enger explained this item was placed on the Council agenda for meeting, and at that time Mr. Gagner did ask for a continuance because f(,;,nd some information on topography supplied by his engineers was slightly , error. He has resubmitted the plat which is for 3 lots. Enger noted ct !v Engineer Jullie has written a brief engineering report on the project anf i the engineering department has been in communication with the proponent ro•.;arding actual depth of sewer service to the lots, etc. wr. Gartner spoke to his proposal and answered questions of Council members. ;,, ;nvr commented there was some question on the previous drawing as to where t► t• Sewer would come out so he turned it over to his engineers, Schoell & Madsen, and they worked it out with Mr. Jullie. 4r :er noted this item was reviewed at the March 12th Planning Commission meeting a,i,t was recommended to the Council for approval on a 7 - 0 vote as outlined in r;inutes. Enger also spoke to the engineering staff recommendations as v,,tiined in the June 29th memo. *... :►�t Harvey, 16190 Alpine Way, explained he was at the Parks, Recreation & u ra 1 Resources Commission meeting and the Planning Commission meeting ►-ti this item was considered. Mr. Harvey stated it was his understanding !,-at lot 2 was going to be extremely difficult to engineer for a lateral , onnection to the sewer and the cost was more serious than in the preliminary �•• ;ineering. "r. Schuman, Engineering Assistant, replied to Mr. Harvey's concern pointing .t the topography on the original plan was wrong so Mr. Gagner was requested 'n �o back to his engineer and get the topography corrected. Schurman explained ". (-hocked with the proponent' s engineer this morning to see if the topography o,•• taken from the field or the proposed grade that had been submitted to the I :y back in the 1960' s. Mr. Gagner' s engineer did confirm it was taken from field. The original plan showed the sanitary sewer approximately another feet to the east, which would not have been possible, now they have moved t��• sanitary sewer manhole further to the west which is possible. "r• Prodoehl , City employee with the Street Department, explained the road drop off real fast after 100 feet and that on a regular dead end there is problem with the snow, but going down steep slopes might be a problem. "''• Harvey questioned the setback requirements. Enger responded there is �^ adequate building pad area to meet all the setbacks. .� . QN: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adopt Resolution No. 79-63, roving the preliminary plat of 3 lots for Alpine Estates 2nd Addition by Othy Gagner, subject to the requirements which includes the changing of the t'i from 16 feet to 28 feet and that the sewer line be either insulated or t the minimum requirements. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 5 - Tues. ,July 3, 1979 C. Discussion on si nalization and channelization at County Road l and Trunk Highway 169 Herb Klossner and Bill Crawford a Mayor Penzel acknowledged the presense of Bill Crawford, Mn/DOT, and Herb Klossner, Hennepin County Highway Department. Bill Crawford, District 5 State Highway Department, appeared before the Council and apologized for the confusion at the last Council meeting . Crawford introduced Dennis Eiler, Assistant Traffic Engineer, who is also familiar with the Highway #169 situation, and spoke to one of the Council 's prime concern on why the project keeps sliding back in its timetable. Crawford referred to a chronological list of what has happened, one being the inability to get the necessary right-of-way in a timely fashion. The failure of an office in the State of Minnesota to proceed with legal checking of titles has also 1 caused about a year's delay. The projects are now programmed for August or 1980 and they are trying to keep the two tied together (County Road 1/Hwy. 169 and Highway 169/Vo-Tech entrance) , so when they let bids they hope for a better price. -r- Penzel stated there have been a number of traffic accidents at both County Road 1 and the Vo-Tech entrance and the City has been very concerned about both situations since they are of long standing. The City has had cooperative agreements with Mn/DOT in the manner of providing assistance in clearing some of these matters up, i .e. , the engineering concerns that existed on Highway 5 and West 78th Street. Penzel questioned if it would be possible to somehow add additional help to the City that would get the City onto a more rapid schedule. The City has had a lot of pressure from its citizens and it seems through some cooperative agreement we might be able to hasten this whole . process, if only through the use of temporary signals. Crawford replied it is possible to enter into an agreement; however, doesn't know if it will help at this time. The plans are 80 - 85% completed but are tied up in acquisition of right-of-way. Osterholt requested Mr. Crawford to comment on temporary signals. Crawford read from a report prepared by Dennis Eiler on the pros and cons of temporary signals and stressed signals don 't do the job without channelization. Crawford anticipated that the signals at Vo-Tech even with channelization will increase the accidents because of rear end collisions, commenting that County Road 1 is much more accident prone than the Vo-Tech entrance. Dennis Eiler explained it would probably take a minumum of 7 - 12 months for temporary signals to be installed at either location. Osterholt asked what if the City provided the money' for temporary signals, and Ulstad questioned if the State granted the City approval where does the liability l i e? Crawford replied he could not answer these questions at this time. Mr. Klossner commented that his staff feels a temporary signal at County Road 1 and Highway 169 without channelization will probably make that intersection worse, and that he has a serious problem with the liability question. Council directed City Attorney Pauly, Bill Crawford. Herb Klossner and Mr. Ulstad to look at the possibility of the installation of temporary signals by the City at. County Road 1 and Highway 169 and Highway 169 and the Vo-Tech entrance, hopefully to be back by the July 17th Council meeting with the best possible solution. Further that this be recognized as a temporary situation as the City is still looking very hard and intently at getting the permanent imnrnvPmPnttc nsaeia in toRn Council Minutes - 6 - Tues. ,July 3, 1979 VII. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 79-15 establishin5 a Code of Ethics for Officials of the City of Eden Prairie continued from June 5, 1979 City Attorney Pauly spoke to the revised ordinance as submitted for Council consideration. l Osterholt distributed and read from a resolution he drafted for Council consideration, and suggested the Council might consider the adoption of such a resolution rather than an ordinance. Osterholt felt the ordinance as drafted will tell the public nothing as written , and the resolution as written would more fully disclose a person' s interest within the community and the public is entitled to that type of disclosure. Councilwoman ?auly felt both an ordinance and resolution could be used. Can see the rationale for the ordinance because of the public's right to know and the general suspicion that the public holds for people in elected office, and perhaps the ordinance would answer this in the best way rather than a voluntary resolution. The resolution goes quite a bit further on a voluntary basis and--the points on the campaign, etc. , are important, but because they are voluntary might possibly lend itself to a little bit of cynicism perhaps among the public. Penzel stated he would have no aversion to including in the ordinance the points that are made by the resolution, but does have a strong concern that while the resolution is a nice document it is also a very idealistic one whereby it does not have any binding power of any sort. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to continue consideration of the Ordinance and Resolution to the meeting of July 17th, requesting City Attorney Pauly to draft an updated version including the willful clause, and also to redraft the resolution as submitted in the form of a standard resolution including any other points the Council may have. Motion carried unanimously. B. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-20, relating to the regulation of swimming cools continued from June 5, 1979 City Manager Ulstad explained all swimming pool owners have been notified of this ordinance and only two calls have been received, neither of which were in opposition to the adoption of same. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-20, relating to the regulation of swimming pools. Motion carried unanimously. C. Resolution No. 79-128, authorizing the sale of property to MTS Finance Director Frane spoke to Resolution No. 79-128 and answered questions of Council members. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to adopt Resolution No. 79-128, authorizing sale of property to MTS. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Pauly, Edstrom and Penzel voted "aye". Motion carried unanimously. D. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-12, rezoning from Rural & I-5 to Office and Commercial Regional Service for Hartford Real Estate Company, and developer's agreement City Manager Ulstad explained there was one paragraph in the developer's agree- Council Minutes - 7 - Tues. ,July 3, 1979 D, 2nd Reading of Ordinance No, 79-12, Hartford Real Estate Company (continued) a ' ment that we were to a' degree hung up on. This came about at our discussions s' with the Hartford group in preliminary stages, and all the way up through the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission presentation and at the Council Public Hearing. We continually talked about Anderson Lakes and the control of water quality. We didn 't have any suggested guidelines that we could address all the way through and continually refer to the developer's agreement as including something which would pin this down specifically. We reached that point and didn 't know how to word it. Our City Attorney has been visiting with Hartford 's attorney on this and he does not know if they have accomplished the necessary language. Ulstad further commented this is the only part of the agreement where full agreement has not been reached. After visiting with Mr. Enger and Mr. Pauly, the agreement sent to the Council is probably as much as we can place the responsibility on Hartford. City Attorney Pauly stated the comments contained in his memo, with the exception of what Mr. Ulstad Just discussed, that the other matters have been accomplished to his satisfaction. Pauly did have some concern about the imposition of the responsibility and the nl-linvation on subsequent n.ner� an[+1 imposition a. v.. v• .... .. ♦..✓r..r...i a.J vw. .,.....v.. .�v�.,.., v.... .. '+� has consulted with a til., lawyer on that matter, Prior to writing the memo Pauly did have some discussion with Mr. Moody of Hartford and they have agreed to include some additional language to be inserted in paragraph 17, i .e. ,. and would be enforceabYe by the City". Pauly explained in further discussion with title counsel he feels that with that addition he is satisfied we would have something that would be enforceable against subsequent owners. The examiner of titles has indicated he would accept this agreement or a memorandum of this agreement for filing so those concerns are satisfied, One other change that Pauly had suggested to Mr. Mooty this afternoon was in para. 15 where there is a reference to the filing of substance in certain paragraphs. and we have asked that he add para. 7 and 17 to those which already appear, and Mr. Mooty has indicated that would be no problem, Mr. Sparicio, Hartford Real Estate Company, stated they are in essence in agreement with the City as to the developer's agreement. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-12, rezoning from Rural & I-5 to Office and Commercial Regional Service for Hartford Real Estate Company. Motion carried unanimously, MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve the developer's agreement as amended. Motion carried unanimously. E. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-16, rezoning 12 acres from Rural to R1T13.5 Or Neill Woo s y The Preserve and developer' s agreement Lee Johnson The Preserve, appeared before the Council and referred to item 3 in the developer's agreement, requesting the Council as an interim situation delete the requirement as The Preserve can't get occupancy until all rood$ are completed. Johnson stated The Preserve can put in Preserve Boulevard but has no control over Anderson Lakes Parkway or Homeward Hills Road. Penzel commented the same requirement has been made of the other developers involved, the one south of Neill Woods and the developer to the north of Neill Woods , so the City is not imposing an undue unusual burden on The Preserve, The Council is more c9ncerned that people will be able to get in and out of .those subdivisions sa ely by more than one access. cow", , ! � . .,�.•s - 8 - Tues. ,July 3, 1979 q F 4nd Reading of Ordinance No: 79-1fi� Neill Woods (continued) FUTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstromt to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 79-16, rezoning 12 acres from Rural to R1­13.5 for Neill Woods by The Preserve, Motion carried unanimously, 4AITION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Penzel , to approve the developer's s :y-eement for Neill Woods by The Preserve, Motion carried unanimously, tF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS x ;:•*.,orts of Council Members I. Appointment of one member to the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources r Commission to fill an unexpired term to 2� 12s/82 Penzel recommended the appointment of Larry Van Meter to fill the unexpired term on the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission to 2/28/82. MOTION. Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to appoint Larry Van Meter to. fill the unexpired term on the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission to 2/28/82. Motion carried unanimously, G-her reports of Council members: 1. Councilman Osterholt requested an up-to-,date report on the Tree Disease Program by the Ju y 17th Council meeting. 2. Councilwoman Pauly explained the Highway #212 Task Force would like to have an interim report before the Council and suggested the 2nd meeting in August. Council members agreed with this request, 3. Mayor Penzel spoke to a communication from W. J. McKay of the Minnetonka Scfioofi which pertains to hearings they will have before the Minnetonka School Board on school closings. Anyone interested may have the report which will be in Mr. Ulstad's office. ort of City Manager 1• Consideration of two emergency sirens. Ulstad requested the Council consider a budget adjustment of $4,000 to be transferred from the Unappropriated Surplus to the Civil Defense Portion of our General Fund Budget, and also that the Council set a date of August 2nd to receive bids and present them to the Council on August 7th for considering of awarding bids. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Penzel , to approve the request as outlined by Mr. Ulstad. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Penzel , Edstrom and Pauly voted "aye Motion carried unanimously. °^�n_rt of Ci t�Attorne,� report. Council Minutes - 9 - Tues. ,July 3, 1979 D. Report of Director of Community Services 3 1. Request for drill and demolition by the Fire Department on the house at 8698 County Road 18 Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to memo from Stuart Fox, City Forester, recommending that the house be used for drill and demolition purposes by the Eden Prairie Fire Department. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to authorize staff to use the house at 8698 County Road 18 for drill and demolition by the Fire Department. Motion carried unanimously. 2. MAC/hiking trail easement in Staring Lake Park Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memo dated June 29, 1979, recommending the Council consider approval subject to the conditions outlined in the letter dated June 14, 1979 from the Metropolitan Airports Commi ss i on. ...�..,,:._ r.�_a._..... ..,.....�.� 0-conded by Paul y- to approve the MAC/hiking nVI1WY: Cunt 0M n.vvedir ,� ,, , trail easement in Staring Lake Park as per staff recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Vo-Tech Lease/Stables Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memo dated June 28, 1979 outlining the changes requested by the Vo-Tech to the lease for the stables. Staff is agreement with the changes as outlined and recommends the Council consider approval of the revised lease. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the lease with Vo-Tech for the stables as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Petition Prairie East Trail Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memo dated June 28, 1979 recommending that the Council consider authorizing the City to clean up the i outlot, grade and seed Outlots A and B, and plant shrubbery on the corners and approximately every fifty feet along the boundaries so the corridor is identifiable for those that wish to use this corridor as a public walkway s ` Petition attached as part of minutes from residents opposed to the trail . MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Penzel , to request Staff to go back and review what has happened as to the commitment for the trail , and report back to the Council on July 17, 1979. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Request for appraisal of Parcel 1 - Bryant Lake Park Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memo dated June 28, 1979, recommending the Council authorize staff to secure an appraisal on Parcel 1 , Bryant Lake Park, after which negotiations for acquisition of this parcel should begin. Council directed staff to go back and ask Metram Properties what they will I sell the land for. ;�•s - 10 - Tues. ,July 3, 1979 Report of Finance Director I. Request for a Public Hearing for MI DB's in the amount of $650.000.00 by Big G Imports Company/Galarneault for August 21 , 1979 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to set August 21 , 1979 as the date for the Public Hearing for consideration of MIDB's in the amount of $650,000.000 by Big G Imports Company/Galarneault. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Payment of Claims Nos. 4721 - 4871 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve Payment of Claims Nos, 4721 - 4871 . Roll Call Votes Osterholt, Edstrom and Penzel voted "aye", Pauly "abstained". Motion carried, NE*d BUSINESS 11J "New- ' QueilAccn vu..►.......,._ . a ' JQURNMENT YUTION: Osterholt moored, seconded by Penzel , to adjourn the Council meeting at 11:01 PM. Motion carried unanimously. r ;I nlrS IS A PETITION FROM THCISF. PEOPLE M40 DO NOT WANT A TRAM. CORRTMIR PAT14WAY CONSISTING OF OUTUYTS A AND R, AS WAS PROPOSED SY THE CITY OF E:nFN PRAIRIE. REASONS: 1) NO NEED . . . . 2) DANGEROUS (ENDING UP IN THE. STREETS) 3) IT'LL RUIN T11F SWAIL TVAT'S IN NOW FOR NEEDED DRAINAGE OF EXCESS PEA Y%' WATER a) WOOD CNIr TRAIL WON'T LAST S) ADJOINING-EIOMFOWERs noN'T WANT IT 6) PATHWAY PLAN ALREADY IN PROGRFSS IS FINE , Alh, Zoe b'a1M EXAM — , A 017 /�. `�,„��� _S�/C`s .�iF.F.tve�sv �ivte.�e '�c"✓OIPM�fr"� w / r -4 � a This is a petition from those people who do not want a trail corridor e y +,, pathway consisting of outlots A and S, as was proposed by the city of Eden Prairie. Reasons: 1) No Need 2) Dangerous (ending up in the streets) 3) It' ll ruin the swail that's in now for needed drainage bf excess rain water 4) Wood chip trail won't last S) Adjoining homeowners don't want it 6) Pathway plan already in progress is fine s i P 4 4( rn d _