City Council - 02/20/1979 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL UESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1979 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Dean Edstrom, Dave Osterholt, Sidney Pauly and Paul Redpath COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad; City Attorney Roger Pauly; Director of Community Services Bob Lambert; Planning Director Chris Enger; City Engineer Carl Jullie; and Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary INVOCATION: City Manager Roger Ulstad PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members present. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following items were requested to be added to the agenda under the "New Business" category: A. Request from the Human Rights & Services Commission for a Joint Work Session with the Council B. Discussion on County Road 18 and Anderson Lakes Parkway C. Cutting down on material submitted to Council in the Council packets MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve the agenda as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES OF THE JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1979 Under "Commission Members Absent:" on the first page, strike " Robert Kruell ". MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the minutes of the February 8, 1979 Joint City Council/Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission meeting as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Clerk' s License List B. Set Public Hearing for Shady Oak PUD for concept approval of Highway Commercial , Office and multiple family uses on a 100 acre site by D. H. Gustafson for Mare 20, 1979 C. Receive 100q petition for improvements in Shady Oak Industrial Park, I.C. 51-344 Resolution No. 9-42 D. Set hearing date to vacate storm sewer easement in Edenvale Industrial Park Resolution No. 79-43 Council Minutes - 2 - Tues. ,February 20, 1979 III. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) j E. Final plat approval for Menard' s Addition (Resolution No. 79-41 ) t F. RLS approval for Bar Mil Search Corporation MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve items A - F on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. IV. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS No reports. V. PETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. Request by Richard Hi Hi 's Mitchell Heights Fourth Addition, to preliminary plat 13 acres zoned RM 6. 5 into 29 duplex lots 58 units) The site i.s located in the southwest corner of Tamarack Trail and Mitchell Road (Resolution No. 79-21 ) Continued from February 6, 1979 Council meeting. Don Sorensen, legal counsel for Mr, Hipp, asked the Council to keep in mind that this is a fairly difficult parcel to work with due to the shape, topography and surrounding land. Sorensen addressed the concerns of the Council at the February 6th Council meeting: 1) Length of the cul-de-sac - the proponents have attempted to see whether or not a connection of the 2 cul-de-sacs across the property to make it a "U" would be appropriate and possible. Such a connection results in an 8 - 8 112% grade which is not acceptable to the City Engineer. Secondarily it would lose three structures or { a total of 6 - 8 units and makes the project unfeasible as far as the developer is concerned, plus it would put some double frontage lots which would front on two streets and would appear from a planning concept to be undesirable. The proponent tried to find out if having another cul-de-sac would work, making 3 cul-de-sacs. This did not work because the distance between the intersection would be less than 300 feet and does not result in desirable plans, and the location of the southerly cul-de-sac is fixed because of the improvements that were put in sometime ago when the City put in sewer and water. (Mr. Filippi of Filippi & Associates, Inc. , outlined in detail the 3 cul-de-sac plan and why it would not work) . 2) Retaining walls - these were originally placed on the property in response to a request from staff and Mr. Sorensen displayed a design layout for the Council to review along with a topo of the property. In discussing the retaining wall with the City Attorney and developer, Mr. Sorensen stated the developer is willing to contain in his Covenants a requirement upon the landowners who own the land adjoining the retaining walls , a positive duty to maintain those in a proper manner. This was done to accomplish compliance with the setback and rear yard elevation by the City. Sorensen then answered concerns of the citizens expressed at the February 6th Council meeting: 1 ) The Park - the developer cannot control much about the park. It is the adjoining landowners and City's situation to decide what to do. This development can aid in the acquisition of that park as this development is going to pay the cash park fee and in addition dedication of land. 2) Physical appearance of the development and suggestion of berming being used - Sorensen stated that because of the topo view of this site which is 1 extremely elevated, any berming would not hide or mask much of the development whatsoever from its view on Mitchell Road. If berming is to be done on the front of Mitchell Road, Sorensen felt it would be a safety hazard more than anything else. Any traffic trying to enter Mitchell Road with a large berm and the 4 driveways could not see the cars exiting until they are out in Council Minutes - 3 - Tues. ,February 20, 1979 : A. Request by Richard Hipp, Hipp' s Mitchell Heights Fourth Addition (continued) ; the roadway so it would not appear to be advisable. 3) Concept change - the reasons for the concept change are: a) townhouse financing is not available, b) market for townhouses is currently very poor, and c) duplexes are readily salable and duplexes provide a transition situation from the surrounding land users. 4) Density - the density has been changed. There is approximately a 26Z density reduction and a ground cover reduction of about 30%. Sorensen stated the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission have unanimously recommended approval to the Council . . Enger explained the Planning Staff spoke with Mr. Sorensen in trying to solve some of the concerns that were brought up by citizens surrounding the area and the Council 4t the February 6th Council meeting. The proponents do have a grade problem which is not unsolvable - it is possible to connect the two cul-de-sacs but it would be a long steep grade. Further, Enger stated, he has not had a chance to -review the exact details of construction of the retaining walls and s4ygested due to the heighth of the retaining walls that perhaps the top tier of the retaining wall also include an extension as a fence for safety. The gradinq with connection to the cul-de-sac is possible, although probably not desirable from a topographic standpoint. There are other alternatives available, but each one of them would probably lose units. The proponents wish to pursue the request as presented. Osterholt felt two main objections in the plat and the alternate shown are the road layout and safety. Further he does not feel the extensive cul-de-sac or the alternate with 3 cul-de-sacs presents an attractive solution to the problem. Osterholt stated the matter calls for either a new plat or a restudy of the old one to eliminate the long cul-de-sac and connecting of those two in some manner, and also some action with the fencing at the dangerous portions of the retaining walls where the grades are severe so somebody doesn't injure themselves. Sorensen asked Mr.Hipp if he would be willing to provide fencing for the retaining walls. Mr. Hipp replied he has every intention to do so. Jim Gratz, 8343 Mitchell Road, stated double cul-de-sacs will require additional fire, public safety and snow removal costs, no guarantee that the maintenance will be carried out on the retaning walls, does not feel single garages will be sufficient for the homes, and that this type of housing isn't what the people in the neighborhood want for a progressive community. Darcy Peterson, 8357 Mitchell Road, questioned who is going to be liable for the buyers that are not in there now, i .e. , for erosion of the retaining wall , drainage, or any problems that come from up above.' Sorensen replied: 1) the responsibil-ity for maintaining the property until the time it is sold is the responsibility of the present owner, Hipp' s Construction, and 2) he doesn't know of any way to insure this other than by Covenants and Restrictions and responsibility for lateral land support which is part of the common law of the State of Minnesota. Mr. Peterson further spoke to the traffic problems on Mitchell Road which will be made greater with the duplexes "T" driveways exiting out on to Mitchell Road. However, Peterson , stated his two main interests are the park and preservation of the remaining corner which is still vacant. Council Minutes - 4 - Tues. ,february 20, 1979 Y A. y Richard pp Request b Hi ' ) q , Hipp s Mitchell Heights Fourth Addition (continued) Mary Ann Toner, who lives on Hiawatha Avenue directly behind where the first t cul-de-sac is proposed, explained she would prefer single family dwellings as there are plenty of townhouses and she doesn ' t care for the designs of the duplexes proposed. Further Mrs. Toner stated she feels the proposal will lower the property values. - 3 Fred Baumann, 10805 Valley View Road, spoke in favor of the proposal as being appropriate land use, but yet not as high in density as originally planned. Baumann commented the project as planned allows two homes and keeps the price down so it is affordable housing, but yet quality housing. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to continue the request from Richard Hipp to the March 6th Council meeting to permit a review of the street alignments, redesign for potential loop street, setback question from the rear lot linesiand modification of the retaining wall problem. Motion carried unanimously. B_ Reauest from Tim Eller, Centex Homes, for a 60-day extension on his develo er' s agreement for Ridgewood West Subdivision Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to grant the request of Tim Eller, Centex Homes, for a 60-day extension on his developer' s agreement for Ridgewood West Subdivision. Motion carried unanimously. x. C. Request for reduction of special assessments on Lot 10, Block 2, Edenview 2nd, from Larry Keller Mr. Keller requested the Council consider reducing the assessments on Lot 10, Block 2, Edenview 2nd, to the price when they were originally deferred (1973) , and adding to the original assessments a compounded interest for each delinquent year. (Communication from Mr. Keller dated 2/14/79 attached as part of minutes) . Osterholt asked if Staff had a recommendation. City Manager Ulstad replied Staff' s recommendation would be the Council not consider granting a deferment of this type because there are other properties that have similar problems. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to move denial of the request from Mr. Keller for reduction in special assessments on Lot 10, Block 2, Edenview 2nd. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Keller requested that his realtor, Mr. Hallman, speak on his behalf. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Pauly, to reconsider the previous motion allowing Mr. Keller to have his realtor speak on his behalf. Motion carried unanimously'. Jim Hallman, Edina Realty, spoke in favor of Mr. Keller's request, noting that any area that has possible flood problems should reflect it in the price, and prices should be substantially less than land in a high or dry area. Penzel explained it is not the choice of the City to set property values, it is the free market which determines the value of property in reflection of all of the given circumstances which might affect that value. That includes the degree of buiidability of a given parcel of land. He does not feel the City is in a role or •a position to make or not make that kind of a decision, it is something between the seller and the potential buyer. Council Minutes - 5 - Tues. ,February 20, 1979 `` C. Request for reduction of special assessments on Lot 10, Block 2, Edenview 2nd, from Larry Keller continued MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to move denial of the request from Mr. Keller for reduction in special assessments on Lot 10, Block 2, Edenview 2nd. Motion carried unanimously. VI. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 293, rezoning from Rural to RM 2.5 for Parkview Apartments and approval of developer' s agreement City Planner Enger explained this is a 2nd Reading for Parkview Apartments, the 1st Reading being given in 1975. Subsequent to that time the City has drafted a new developer's agreement based on the plans now before the Council . Enger spoke to the amendments in the developer' s agreement stating that the proponents, are in agreement with the amendments, and introduced Mr. Jan Susee, the ultimate builder of the apartment project. Mr. Susee' stated the way the project is presently structured is a FHA Loan, and he would be in partnership with Eden Land Corporation during the construc- tion phase, after which time Eden Land would disappear from the ownership picture. Penzel asked City Attorney Pauly to speak to the idea of cross easements and how those might be affected by conversion to condominiums. Pauly responded if the cross easements are given and filed against the property, they will run with the property. Even though the property would be conceivably split up in the future, those easements would still be effective. If they go into a condominium arrangement, that would not have to come back before the Council for approval . MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 293, rezoning from Rural to RM 2.5 for Parkview Apartments (Burning Tree) . Motion carried unanimously. MOTION; Edstrom moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the developar's agreement as amended, the open space to be divided or proper cross easements provided to insure that the open space would be useable by both phase 1 and phase 2 of the project. Motion carried unanimously. B. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-31 , rezoning .from Rural to RM 6.5 for Prairie East 7th Addition and developer' s agreement City Planner Enger went over amendments to the developer' s agreement which have been worked out by City Attorney Pauly and Windsor Development Corporation's attorney. Jim Ostenson, Hustad Development Corporation, distributed additional changes the proponents are requesting in the developer's agreement MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve the developer's agreement for Prairie East 7th Addition with changes requested by the proponents, with the exception that July 1 , 1979 should be substituted in lieu of September 1 , 1979 in item 8, and "building permits" should be left in item 9 rather than "occupancy permits Council Minutes - 6 - Tues. ,February 20, 1979 B. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-31 rezoning from Rural to RM 6.5 for ' Prairie East 7th Addition and developer's agreement continued City Attorney Pauly suggested adding new language to item 14, which will a read as follows: "Owner shall dedicate additional right-of-way for that part of County Road 18 abutting Prairie East 7th, 8th and 9th, which will result in said right-of-way being 60 feet wide as measured from center line of County Road 18 westerly thereof." Council members agreed to this 5 addition in the developer' s agreement. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Redpath, to amend the motion by striking "building permits" in item 9 and inserting "occupancy permits" as requested by the proponents. Edstrom, Redpath and Pauly voted "aye" , Osterholt and Penzel voted "nay". Motion :arried. 7 Penzel requested on page 2, 6th paragraph, that the date be filled in where the blank appears. Council members agreed with this request. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve the Developer's Agreement. All Council members voted in favor of the developer's agreement as amended. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-31 , rezoning from Rural to RM 6. 5 for Prairie East 7th Addition. Motion carried unanimously. ' VII . REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members 1. Appointments to the Citizens Advisory Commission on Cable TV Mayor Penzel recommended the appointment of Mrs. Ismail Ismail to the Citizens Advisory Commission on Cable TV. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to appoint Mrs. Ismail Ismail to the Citizens Advisory Commission on Cable TV. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Airport runway extension Edstrom reported on the public information meeting he attended a couple j of weeks ago sponsored by the Metropolitan Airports Commission on the proposal to extend the southeasterly east/west runway which was originally scheduled for about March 8. The date of March 8th has been deferred to sometime in April because it is taking longer to develop the environmental impact assessment than they had originally anticipated, Edstrom suggested the Council monitor this very closely and that this item be placed on the agenda as soon as more information is available. Enger commented he expects the Flying Cloud Airport Advisory Commission will be forthcoming with a recommendation. Council requested to be notified when meetings of the Flying Cloud Airport Advisory Commission are being held. No action necessary. Council Minutes - 7 - Tues. ,February 20, 1979 3. 1 Appointment to the Planning Commission to fill an unexpired term to 2/28/81 ff Penzel placed the name of Virginia Gartner into nomination to fill the 1. unexpired term on the Planning Commission to 2/28/81 . Edstrom placed the name of Fred Baumann into nomination. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, that nominations be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Upon tabulation of ballots , Virginia Gartner was selected to fill the unexpired term on the Planning Commission to 2/28/81 . 4. Status of Highway #212 Councilwoman Pauly reported on the meeting of the Highway #212 Task Force held February 14, 1979 at the Chaska City Hal ) . Pauly recommended sending individual letters to Governor Quie, Senators Durenberger and Boschwitz, Congressman Frenzel , State Representative Ewald and Senator John Keefe, and form letters to the rest of our Congressional delegation and to the legislators in the #212 area plus a different form letter to the rest of the legislators. Four points that should be brought out, Pauly commented, should be as follows: 1) safety - use of our own Public Safety Department for what is mainly through traffic; 2) southwest is the only area in and out of the area without a four-lane highway; 3) Highway Department' s historical position and promise to build Highway #212, and 4) development pressure. Penzel requested that letters be drafted by Staff for Council 's review. Fred Baumann, 10805 Valley View Road, commented if community meetings are going to be held regarding Highway #212, that they be held in September rather than in August. B. Report of City Manager No report. C. Report of City Attorney No report. D. Report of Director of Community Services 1. Eden Prairie Stables Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memo dated 2/15/79, recommending that the Eden Prairie Stables be closed at the end of February and that the City advertise for a new leasee. Lambert further pointed out he has contacted the Vo-Tech as they have started a stable management program and are now using Malkerson Stables. There might be a possibility for Vo-Tech to use Eden Prairie Stables and Mr. Lambert will be meeting with the person in charge for program development for all the Vo-Techs to pursue this possibility. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Penzel , to authorize Staff to close the Eden Prairie Stables the end of February and advertise for a new leasee. Motion carried unanimously. Council. Minutes - 8 - Tues. ,February 20, 1979 E. Report of City Engineer 3 I. Consider bids for quicklime MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to award the bid for quicklime to the lowest responsible bidder, Cutler-Magner, Co. , in the amount of $55.70 per ton + fuel clause. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Redpath, Edstrom, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye". Motion s' carried unanimously. 2. Consider bids for dump truck MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to award the bid for one 27,500 GVW truck cab and chasis with a diesel engine to Boyer Ford Trucks in the amount of $19,140.46,as recommended by City Engineer in memo dated February 15, 1979. Roil Call Vote: Osterholt, Pauly, Edstrom, Redpath and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. 3. Finil nlat approval for Hinn's Mif -hell Heights 4th Addition Resolution No. 79-32 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Edstrom, to continue the final plat approval for Hipps Mitchell Heights 4th Addition to the March 6, 1979 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Release of 10% retainage - HNTB MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the release of the 10% retainage to HNTB (Howard Needles Tammen & Bergendoff) . Roll Cali Vote: Redpath, Osterholt, Edstrom, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 5. Change Order #1 , I.C. 51-326, Dell Road project MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Osterholt, to refer this item to the City Attorney for his advice on 1) whether this is the appropriate course of action to take and 2) whether there is any recourse to the City in connection to this matter. Motion carried unanimously. Penzel recommended giving the contractor the go ahead on the Change Order and settle who is going to pay for it. Council members agreed with this procedure. F. Report of Finance 'Di rector 1. Payment of Claims Nos, 3151 - 3351 MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve Payment of Claims Nos. 3151 - 3351 . Roll Call Vote: Redpath, Osterholt, Edstrom, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye". Motion carried unanimously. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Request from the Human Rights & Services Commission for a Joint Work Session with the Council City Manager 'Ul stad explained he wi11 find out what the Human Rights & Services Commission wishes to meet with the Council on, and also a date. Council Minutes 9 - Tues. ,February 20, 1979 B. Discussion on County Road 18 and Anderson Lakes Parkway City Engineer Jullie explained he met today with Hennepin County and Bloomington officials regarding the intersection improvements at County Road 18 and Anderson Lakes Parkway. Jullie commented apparently Bloomington is not prepared to approve the intersection plans as shown by Hennepin County at this time. Further that Bloomington is strongly suggesting we look toward. reserving sufficient right-of-way in terms of the long range plans for County Road 18. i City Planner Enger noted the City has received a copy of Hennepin County's proposed transportation plan for 1990 and the system does show in the County System an intermediary arterial on County Road 18, which is a freeway, and they project 40,000 trips per day on that road. Enger stated he called the Metropolitan Council transportation staff and they have informed him again, as they did last year when they were reviewing our guide plan, that the County is really -in contradiction to the Metropolitan Council ' s thoughts on Ccunty Road 18, and that Eden Prairie' s guide plan update as proposed showing County Road 18 as a minor arterial is what the Metropolitan Council supports. Osterholt reiterated Eden Prairie has a position in the contemplated guide plan showing County Road 18 as a minor arterial and City Staff should go to , the County and express our position, and even to the County Board of Commissioners, and point out the reasons why Eden Prairie would like to see it left as a minor arterial . Osterholt further suggested Staff advise the- Metropolitan Council when we take our guide plan in that this is a very r important part of that guide plan. Edstrom asked how the Staff intended to uroceed? Jullie replied he will go back in at the present intersection hat our intent is and we would like the signal put C. Cutting down on material submitted to Council in the Council packets Council suggested that a list be made up of types of items that are included in the Council packets and also in the "For Your Information% and that Council members indicate which items they would like to receive and which items they do not feel- are important. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Redpath, to adjourn the-Council meeting at 10:45 PM. Motion carried unanimously. s _ u 7"T"'` Feb. 14, 1979 FEB . 5 19079 Dear City Council of Eden Prairie, k It is the desire of my wife and I to live in Eden Prairie; therefore we purchased a piece of property,contingent on our acceptance of the attached soil test, having plans to build. However, we have encountered a problem in regards .to the building of our home, and are in need of your help in this matter. > , This is how the situation stands. The lot we purchased (on the corner of South Lund Drive and Creeicview Lane) is in need of extensive excavation and fill before any attempt to' build a home would be possible. The cost of such an endeavor would be in the $5000.00 to $7000.00 range. Adding this charge to the assessments. back Mixes and price of the lot brings the total cost out of range, not onlyourselves but anyone• who might be interested in building. Do ` to this added expense it is unlikely that this lot will be sold before the seven year delinquency period of back taxes, (the original owners have not paid their taxes slnce 19.75) at that time Eden Prairie would be responsible for a lot that is non-buildable. We would like to build on the lot for a reasonable price, and I'm sure that Eden prairie would benefit from the taxes on a new e, but how can this situation be solved? What I would like the city council to consider is this: Reducing the assessments to the price when they were originally deferxed(1973), and adding to the original assessments a compounded interest for each delinquent year. (The current assessments stand at approximately $6200.00) If the City Council would act on the afore mentioned request, it would enhance the possibility of our building on that particular lot. It not, it Is unlikely that we or anyone else would be able to build as the situation stands. Thankyou for your time in considering this matter. I am anxiously awaiting your decision. Sincerely, Larry Keller 770D Penn Ave. So. Apt. 4 Richfield M. 55423