City Council - 11/21/1978 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY_ COUNCIL 4r TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 , 1978 7: 30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzei , Billy Bye, Joan Meyers, Dave Osterholt and Sidney Pauly COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ul stad; City Attorney Roger Pauly; Planning Director Chris Enger; Finance Director John Frane; Director of Community Services Bob Lambert; Engineer Carl Jull ie; and Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary - INVOCATION: Mayor .Wolfgang Penzel PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members present. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following items were requested to be added to the agenda under the "New Business" category: A. Joint Powers Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation B. Oral report on Ridgewood Condominiums/Ban Con Development. Corporation C. Memo from Staff regarding membership in the Eden Prairie Historical Society D. Letter from Ehlers & Associates on Housing Finance Bonds MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to approve the agenda as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1978 Pg. 3, 4th para. , 6th line, strike "estate". MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the minutes of the October 17, 1978 Council meeting as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Set Public Hearing for Thrift-Way Stores, rezoning from Rural & C-Highway to Commercial-Regional-Service, for December 5, 1978. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers , to approve item "A" on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 2 - Tues. , November 21, 1978 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Bluff's West 2nd Addition by Hustad Development Corporation, Dr. & Mrs. Brandt and B.F. I.� Request for rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 on 97 acres�0rdinance No. 78-41 and Resolution No. 78-154) Continued Public Hearing from October 17, 1978 City Manager Ulstad stated i ty Staff as of this date has not developed a proposal or recommendation for the Council to consider relative to the acquisition of a park site in the area under consideration. However, Staff has been visiting with the proponents during the week. i Dick Putnam, Hustad Development Corporation, explained the plan for Bl uff's West 2nd Addition is essentially the same as proposed on October 17, 1978. The concerns raised by the Council involved the percentage of lots that would be under 13.5 which was proposed to be 24 to 25%. Hustad would move to reduce this percentage if in fact the plan in this state or a modified state were approved. The biggest question evolved around the park, and Mr. Putnam stated he could not answer this concern as this was to be negotiated between the City and BFI . Penzel requested that Mr. Putnam comment on the Counci 1 's concern of a potential combination of the two tot lot sites into a more centrally located single site. Putnam replied what he heard at the last Council meeting was feeling on both ways, and that Hustad would propose it as two tot lot sites . ! Meyers recalled at the last Council meeting Mr. Osterholt requested an overall map showing the general development scheme for the .entire area of the community from Homeward Hills and Pioneer Trail down to Riverview Road and Highway No. 169, and questioned if this had been accomplished. Mr. Putnam displayed a concept plan for the area which thus far has only been used at Hustad's offices. a After reviewing the concept plan, Osterholt stated it is more apparent j now than ever the City should have some understanding as to what is going to happen regarding the park site that will have to serve the number of homes as referred to by Mr. Putnam, and we have not come to an understanding as yet. Lambert stated he has not talked to BFI since he received their quote of $10,000 an acre, and decided not to contact them until he has the appraisal or something to negotiate from. Lambert explained he talked to Mr. Putnam and Mr. Ostenson of Hustad Development Corporation last week about the possibility of considering taking land rather than cash park fee in the Bluff§ West 2nd; however, it all got back to how much is the land worth. It was decided this too had to wait until we receive the appraisal . Osterholt commented he would like to have the appraisal before making a decision, and also would like to see a more definitive overall plan for the area. Penzel agreed as the Council has asked consistently for the last two months that a reasonable and well-reasoned- response be made to the request regarding a park site, and he does not believe that has been forth- coming as yet. Penzel concurred with Mr. Osterholt that it would not be appropriate for the Council to take final action on this request this evening. a�U� Council Minutes - 3 - Tues ,"November 21, 1978 A. Bluff's West 2nd Addition (continued) Meyers referred to item which has been in the news the last few days regarding the concern from landfill sites around the country and the knowledge that there are illegal and dangerous wastesbeing disposed of in landfill areas . There is a community close to Niagara Falls where recently many homes had to be evacuvated because now after a short period of years the toxic chemicals are leaching through the soils and the ground water and have contaminated this area and are making people very ill . In a report on the radio this evening the Federal Environmental Protection Agency has ust checked some 600 plus landfills throughout the country and found that everyone of them is causing toxic contamination through the ground and water supplies . Meyers stated she does not know if this report included the landfill in Eden Prairie. Further if there are water problems at the landfill and storm ponding areas necessary to prevent washouts and runoff, Meyers wondered if sometime before final action is taken on this proposal if staff could check this out to see if there is a hazard in allowing develop- ment in this area. Jullie responded the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has done some study in this area and they have identified leacha to as a problem and are trying to come up with a program of surface covering that would be impervious to prevent surface water from filtering down through and leaching out of the landfill . Jullie stated he would research this problem as requested by Councilwoman Meyers and would report back to the Council . MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to continue the Bluff's West 2nd Addition to the December 5, 1978 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. F =PORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS o reports. 'ETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. Charlson Estates by Lynn Charlson, request to preliminary plat 60 acres into 10 lots for single family development on Rural 2onin Site is located west of Eden Prairie Road and east of Riley Creek Resolution No. 78-212) Richard Sath re, P.E. , McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. , representing Lynn Charlson, spoke to the request for preliminary plat and stated they will direct the runoff away from the slopes. City Planner Enger explained the preliminary plat for Charlson Estates, along with the Environmental Assessment Worksheet, were reviewed at the October 23, 1978 Planning Commission meeting and the request for preliminary plat was recommended for approval on a unanimous 7 - 0 vote. It was also reviewed by the Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Commission on November 6, 1978 and received a recommendation of unanimous approval . Both approvals were contingent on the October 16, 1978 Planning Staff Report which Mr. Enger reviewed with the Council . Bye stated this is a fine project and he is pleased to see the southwest area show some signs of being developed. However, Bye commented, the proponents are looking at 5 acre tracts and he doesn' t want the Council until the update of the Guide Plan to completely zero in or set a precedent that this is the acreage needed to build on in Rural zoning. Ccur. :il Minutes ` - 4 - Tues. ,November 21, 1978 A. Charl son Estates by Lynn Charl son (continued) Osterholt explained there has been some discussion at previous meetings where it was suggested we have minimum side yard setbacks, and wondered if in larger lot situations we could'Vhave a limitation to where the home would be built within a certain distance of a lot line. Sathre responded if he were building there, he doesn't think he would build on either end, but would look at a plan and try to build on a lot. He would want to stay on the middle of his property more than on the end. Sathre stated there is enough flexibility in these lots so the lines could be moved somewhat. Does not think in large 5 acre pieces it is that critical . Bye noted the Council has not made a judgement as to the proper size requirements outside of the M.U.S.A. line,and asked if it were 2 1/2 acres would this change the proposed plat? Sathre answered in the affirmative. Bye stated he would not like the Council to grant this request if this would set in effect an ordinance because we granted the request. Penzel explained property division is always possible as long as you are not trying to violate existing ordinances . We are not talking about adopting an ordinance this evening, we are talking about permitting a plat in a rural zone - no change in the zoning characteristics of the property, just a subdivision of land. Should that criteria for that subdivision under a new ordinance in the future change, then that same property would be eligible for such a subdivision again. MOTION: Bye rneved, seconded by Meyers for purposes of discussion, to adopt Resolution No. 78-212, approving the preliminary plat for Charlson Estates. Meyers asked the following questions: 1) What is the size and purpose of Outlot "A" ? 2) Are the Shoreline requirements met? 3) Staff recommends a 300 foot scenic easement, but the report itself calls for a 860 elevation is it going to be one or the other, and which one? Sathre responded to the first question raised by Meyers . The proponents have not spoken to Outlot "A" specifically. It would be best combined for t future development with land to the north and west. It would be held now until it is conveyed to somebody. Enger responded to questions 2 and 3 raised by Meyers: The proponents do meet the guidelines of the Shoreline Management Act. The creek would be considered a general development water and residential units on private septic systems would be required to be 200 feet back from the creek and they are in excess of 200 feet. The scenic easement and dedication would certainly i take care of that. The scenic easement would require they be 300 feet back. Above and beyond that the acreage requirements of the Shoreline Management Act is 1 acre for a private system adjacent to a general development water. They are in excess of what they need to be for the Shoreline Management Act. The intent is to have the scenic easement 300 feet from the center line of the creek. Meyers asked that the following be added to the. recommendations: "That the deadend streets be signed as future through streets because these are the ones that come in 10, 12 and 15 years later that the City has the most trouble with." Cf Council Minutes ` - 5 - Tues . ,November 21, 1978 A. Charlson Estates by Lynn Charlson (continued) Clarence Brandell , who is interested in an 8 acre tract close to the area under consideration, expressed •concern about the 300 feet of scenic easement along the creek as he woulbn' t have any land left. Enger replied the intent of the 300 foot scenic easement was not just to take a 300 foot swath, it is more related to the steep wooded character of the slope. Wes Laseki , property owner, commented he is not sure what the 300 feet of scenic easement does except cause confusion for prospective purchasers of land. He believes the Council would be setting a serious precedent for himself and future prospective landowners with the 300 foot scenic easement. What this does is tell the marketplace that out in Eden Prairie you have a 300 foot requirement and it is going to diminish the value of land that follows the creek. Laseki further questioned how will the City describe the 300 foot- easement in the resolution. Enger responded the 300 foot easement applies to the steep slopes and Staff feels that the steep slope in most cases was fairly unbuildable anyway. Os terholt stated he doesn' t think the Council should take action on this matter until some of the facts have been determined as to whether we are within our rights and that due process is being followed. City Attorney Pauly explained we have some distinction in this matter between b concept of taking and the concept of giving, and the proponents of this plat apparently are in agreement with the dedication o-O' the 100 feet on either side of Purgatory Creek, the creation of covenants and restrictions running with all of the land, and also with respect to the scenic easement of the 300 feet. There won't be any taking in the sense that the proponents are voluntarily agreeing to impose those conditions, so we don't really have a question as to taking here with respect to this property so long as the proponents acquiesce. This is an action on this particular property, it is not in the form or guise of an ordinance. At the time these other gentlemen come in to develop their property, they may or may not acquiesce. The platting under consideration should not serve to create a precedent. Bye requested Resolution No. 78-212 be amended as follows : Strike all language in the 4th line beginning with "hereto" to the 7th line through "and" . Council members concurred with Bye's amendment. Meyers called the previous question. VOTE ON MOTION: (Resolution No. 78-212 as amended) . Bye, Meyers, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye", Osterholt "abstained" . Motion carried. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Bye, to direct Staff to draft a developers agreement incorporating recommendations of the October 16, 1978 Staff report and Meyers recommendation that the deadend streets be signed as future through streets. Motion carried. C MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pauly, to adopt Resolution No. 78-227, approving the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Charlson Estates. Motion carried unanimously. A Council Minutes - 6 Tues . ,November 21 , 1918 B. Request from Suburban_ National Bank for an eighteen month extension on their agreement for their Autobank at 11401 West 78th Street City Manager Ulstad spoke to request as outlined in Mr. Terwilliger's communication dated November 10, 1978.1. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to approve the request from Suburban National Bank for an eighteen month extension on their agreement for their Autobank at 11401 West 78th Street as per communication from Roy Terwilliger, President of Suburban National Bank, dated November 10, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. VII . ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 78-213, granting preliminary approval for MIDB's for Eden Hills Compaq City Manager Ulstad explained the proponents called this afternoon and requested that this item be continued to a future Council meeting as they have additional information to be submitted to the Council . MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to continue Resolution No. 78-213, for MIDB's for Eden Hills Company to a future agenda. Motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution No. 78-214, authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract with Hennepin County for administering home improvement z contracts City Manager Ulstad explained it is necessary for the Council to consider Resolution No. 78-214, the same type of resolution adopted Tast year by our City Council , in order for residents of Eden Prairie to apply for said loans if they so qualify. Penzel requested that the guidelines for receiving such loans be made available to the media . Enger commented Eden Prairie did have a couple of applicants last year, but the applicants were not eligible as they did not meet the income or real property criteria . Enger further noted we have already received one qualified applicant this year in the Smetana Lake area . MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by. Pauly, to adopt Resolution No. 78-214, authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract with Hennepin County for administering home improvement contracts . Motion carried unanimously. VII1 . REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members No reports. B. Report of City Manager 1. Meeting with Major Center Area property owners Ulstad referred to meeting held this afternoon from 1 : 30 PM �aU�l to 4:00 PM with property owners in the Major Center Area relative to the preliminary recommendations that the Council C. 11 Minutes — - 7 - Tues. ,November ?1 , 1978 1. Meeting with MaJor Center Area property owners (continued) approved back in June of this year. Had a good discussion with the 12 property owners in the MCA 'who were present at the meeting this afternoon, and nit was their request, together with ours, that we continue this meeting to December 5 at the same time to discuss some of the differences of opinions that developed this afternoon. Mr. Ulstad stated he would report back to the Council at the December 5th Council meeting regarding the afternoon meeting. 2. Updated Guide Plan Ulstad explained Mr. Enger has completed the draft of the updated Guide Plan and asked Council direction as to what commissions should review same. It was the consensus of the Council members that the updated Guide Plan be submitted to the Planning Commission, Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, Human Rights & Services Commission and the Development Commission, and also offer same to the Historical and Cultural Commission if they so desire to review the updated Guide Plan. C. Report of City Attorney No report. f D. Report of Planning Director 1. Expiration of 4/5 Planned Study zoning of properties in NE, SE and SW quadrants Ordinance No. 77-35 Enger explained what has happened in the last couple of years in the intersection of #4 and #5 we have a certain amount of land that lapses out of the Planned Study designations. Enger suggggested that the Council set a Public Hearing date of December 19, 1978 to consider placing certain properties in the northeast, southeast, and southwest quadrants of 4/5 back into Planned Study. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Osterhol t, to set a Public Hearing for December 19, 1978 for reinstating certain properties in the northeast, southeast and southwest quadrants of County (toad #4 and Trunk Highway #5 back into Planned Study. Motion carried unanimously. E. Report of Director of Community Services 1. Anderson Lakes Joint Master Plan Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memo dated November 16, 1978, and introduced Mr. Cliff French, Superintendent of the Hennepin County Park Reserve District, and Mr. John Christian, f Administrator of the Park Reserve. " . Mr. French spoke to the proposed 1978 Joint'Master Plan dated September, 1978, and answered questions of Council members. Numerous concerns were expressed by Council members. f Minutes - is - i ues . ,iaov%,--er 41 , i y 1. Anderson Lakes Joint Master Plan (continued) MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to relay any concerns or questions on to Director of Community Services Lambert allowing him time to answer these questions and report back to the Council . Further that Mr. Lambert prepare a more specific proposal as to the specific use and joint management of the Eden Prairie portion of the site for Council 's consideration at the earliest possible opportunity. Motion carried unanimously. 1 F. Report of City Engineer ' 3 1. Approval of specifications and authorization to advertise 1 for bids on sewer jetting and eductor machines and rotary mower Ci-ty Engineer Jullie spoke to his memo dated November 17, 1978, recommending the Council consider .approval of the specifications for the jetter, eductor and tractor mower and ordering advertisement for bids. NOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to approve the specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids on sewer jetting and eductor machines and rotary mower as per Engineer's memo dated November 17, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Re o� rt of Finance Director 1. Payment of Claims Nos . 2112 - 2238 Councilwoman Pauly commented on Claim No. 2112 - Postage for mailing Precinct maps, as she did not receive her map until Thursday, two days after the election. Other residents had also indicated to Pauly they received their maps after the election also. Penzel suggested Staff inquire with the Hopkins Postmaster as to how they determine when to deliver this type of mail . Meyers requested that Claim No. 2136 indicate "Memorial Donation rather than just the word "Donation". Pauly asked City Engineer Jul l i e to check with Paul Choi niere regarding concerns he has regarding work done by RCM (Claim No. 2218). MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to approve Payment of Claim Nos. 2112-2238_ . Roll Call Voter Osterholt, Bye, Meyers and Penzel voted "aye" , Pauly "abstained". Motion carried. I Minutes - 9 - Tues . ,November 21, 191r� 2. MIDB Guidelines (Resolution No. 78-215) Finance Director Frane referred to the MIDB Guidelines suggested for adoption by the City Council , which have been read and scrutinized by City Attorney Pauly and himself. Mr. Frane and City Attorney Pauly answere8 questions of Council members. Bye spoke in favor of the guidelines as being a safeguard for the City being that they clearly represent to those applicants what the City e;pects of them. Changes were suggested by Council members to be incorporated into the guidelines. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to refer the information on the MIDB Guidelines to the Development Commission for their comments, and also to Mr. Ehlers, the City's financial consultant, for review and recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Engagement of Auditor for the 1978 AL;it City Manager Ulstad explained the City sent out 8 invitations to auditing firms in the metropolitan area, and out of the 8 we R received 4 responses and quotes from firms and/or individuals that would propose to do the audit for the City of Eden Prairie for 1978. All firms responding were very capable qualified firms and that two of the firms do have their business within the City of Eden Prairie. - Ulstad stated it is his recommendation that the Council, consider the firm of Fox, McCue & Murphy to provide the 1978 Audit for the following reasons: 1) Experience in municipal accounting; 2) Principals of the firm will be doing the audit; 3) The firm 4 has a permanent office in Eden Prairie; 4) The firm has - j sufficient manpower to complete the audit by June 30 as provided by State Statutes; and 5) Total combined experience of 25 years . a Greg Murphy, George M. Hansen Company, appeared before the Council expressing his firm's desire to continue to conduct the audit for City of Eden Prairie for 1978 as they have had the privilege to do over the past several years. MOTION: Osterhol t moved, seconded by Bye, to engage the auditing firm of Fox, McCue & Murphy as recommended by City Manager Ulstad to conduct the 1978 audit. Motion carried unanimously. MO 'ON: Pam_ moved, seconded by Bye, to continue the Council meeting past the 11 :30 PM ad urnment time. Motion carried unanimously. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Joint Powers Agreement with the Minnesota Department .of Transportation Penzel explained in order to -get the intersection on Highway 5 and West 78th Street accomplished, the Highway Department has informed us they cannot make available engineering staff to make the designs, but they will reimburse the City if the City will enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with them and if the City will engage the engineer to make the designs. Coun;:il Minutes - 10 - Tues. ,November 21, 1978 A. Joint Powers Agreement (continued) MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to authorize the City to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the Minnesota Department of a Transportation. Motion carried unanimously. B. Oral report on Ridgewood Condominiums/Ban Con Development Corporation y City Manager Ulstad stated Ridgewood Condominiums has now served the City with a Surrrnons and Complaint and they have also included in the Summons and Complaint the Ban Con Development Corporation. C. Memo from Staff regarding membership in the Eden Prairie Historical Society Penzel recommended that the City as an organization join the - Eden Prairie Historical Society. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Pauly, to authorize the expenditure of $25.00 for the City to become a member of the Eden Prairie Historical Society. Roll Call Vote: Bye, Pauly, Meyers, Osterholt and Penzel voted "aye". Motion carried unanimously. D. Letter from Ehlers & Associates on Housing Finance Bonds C Meyers referred to recent letter from Ehlers & Associates regarding HoLsing Finance Bonds and asked if the City could use the program. `- Bye suggested inviting Ehlers & Associates or Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood to a Council meeting to make a presentation on this type of financing. iJOURNMENT NATION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pauly, to adjourn the meeting at 11 :50 PM. Motion carried unanimously. x