City Council - 07/05/1978 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITI". COUNCIL WEDN ESDAY, JULY S, 1978 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Billy Bye, Joan Meyers, Dave Osterholt and Sidney Pauly COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Mafiager Roger Ulstad; City Attorney Roger Pauly; Planner Chris Enger; City Engineer Carl Jullie, and Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary INVOCATION: Councilman Dave Osterholt PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members present. I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following item was requested to be added to the agenda under "New Business" : A. Discussion on the "Storefront" — i MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the agenda as amended and corrected. Motion carried unanimously. II . CONSENT CALENDAR, g A. Payment of Claims Nos . 10639 - 10784 B. Clerk' s License List x C. Set Public Hearing for Creekside Heights, Hustad Development Corporation, for August 1 , 1978 D. Final plat approval for Crosstown Industrial Park 1st Addition (Resolution No. 78-121) _ -' 1 1 E. Fi Hall _pl_at a roval for Crosstown Industrial Park Znd Addition (Resolution No. 7b-1'22T pp_� F. Right-of-way acquisition on Valley View Road (Resolution No. 78-123) MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to approve items A - F on the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Meyers , Bye,' Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. III . MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1978 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers,- to approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held Monday, June 12, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS �3 k A. Prairie East 7th, request by Hustad Development Corporation, to rezone from Rural to RM 6. 5 and prelirnin.ar lat approval Resolution No. 78-106 and Ordinance No. 78-31 ) A MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to continue the Prairie East 7th Public Hearing to the July 18, 1978 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. B. Darkenwald Duplexes, rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 and RM 6. 5 for 2 existinq single family and 52 duplex lots, and preliminary plat approval Resolution No. 78-102 and Ordinance No.,,.78-30)- Continued Public Nearing from June 20, 1978 City Manager Ulstad explained Staff has met with Mr. Darkenwald to review his proposal . Originally Mr. Darkenwald was requesting consideration from the Council of 52 duplex lots and 2 single family lots. In reviewing 411-11s proposal with Mr. Darkenwald, he has now agreed to request duplex lots that front on Franlo Road and the balance to be zoned single family. Mr. Darkenwald, the proponent, displayed a map showing the new proposal consisting of i duplex lots and 21 single family lots. Meyers questioned why the proponent can' t put in one street. Mr. Darkenwald responded the topographic layout of the land becomes impractical to run a road through. City Planner Enger noted it is a lower area, but it is not a significant low area.. Further City Engineer Jullie and Planner Enger looked at the layout and did not feel it would be an undue hardship to run a road through. Enger felt it is possible to swing a road down along the storm sewer easement. Jullie explained the cost of the road would be approximately $50.00 a running foot for a completed road, roughly $25,000 to $30,000 for the road construction which includes some grading and a fair amount of fill . Osterholt questioned if the road were realigned, would there be any possibility of building additional sites? Enger responded it would be feasible that the road could go in without losing a lot, however, he does not know if a lot would be gained or not. Penzel questioned if the City has adopted a policy that cul-de-sacs should not exceed 500 feet in length, as both of these exceed the 500 feet. Enger responded it is part of the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and if a cul-de-sac exceeds 500 feet it would be a variance to this ordinance. Meyers felt the entire neighborhood should be serf-contained in one loop street rather than in 2 cul-de-sacs. Penelope Needham, 8685 Westwind Circle, presented a petition indicating preference to have the Darkenwald property developed into single family residential lots in lieu of the proposed duplex lots. (Petition attached as part of minutes) Mrs. Needham, however, stated she was pleased to see the changes which have occurred since the June 20th Council meeting. B. Darkenwald (continued) Osterholt stated he feels the proposal )s an improvement, but would like to see an access for the one road to the east if it can be worked out. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to close the Public Hearing and give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 78-30, rezoning 21 lots from Rural to R1-13.5 and 7 lots from Rural to RM 6.5. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adopt Resolution No. 78-102, approving the preliminary plat for Darkerywald, and that prior to final platting an alternate access to Preserve Boulevard be worked out. Bye, Oste rholt,Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" , Meyers voted "nay". Motion carried. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to direct the City Attorney to draft a developers agreement incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Commission, Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, and City Staff. Motion carried unanimously. C. Lake Trail Estates, request by Mr. Swenson and Mr. Schwartz, to rezone from Rural & 0-22 to R1-13.5, RM 6.5 and Public, and preliminary plat approval of approximately 27 acres for 3 duplex lots, 43 single family and 1 church. Located north of TH 5 and west of the Prairie Village Mall . Ordinance No. 78-33 and Resolution No. 78-116) City Manager Ulstad explained there is an affidavit on rile calling AffftL for this Public Hearing. The proponents have appeared before the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission and notices have been sent to all affected and abutting property owners _ on .file. Steve Young, Knutson Architects, representing the proponents, spoke to the proposal and answered questions of Council members . City Planner Enger stated this item was considered at the June 12th Planning Commission meeting where the rezoning was approved on a 4 0 vote, however, the preliminary plat was denied on a 3 - 1 vote. Enger noted Mr. Bearman, member of the Planning Commission, is present to speak to the reason for the motion of denial on the preliminary plat. Enger - also spoke to the Planning Staff Report dated June 8, 1978. Bill Bearman, member of the Planning Commission, explained on many occasions Eden Prairie has become the land of cul-de-sacs , and we don' t have enough through streets. The Planning Commission felt there needed to be some direction as far as the City Council is concerned for a new north/stuth street between Highway 5 and Valley View - one from the safety standpoint, and the second that everybody building along the area would be exiting on to Highway 5. Enger reitereated the position of the Planning Commission that the Commission was not in opposition to the plat, except as it deals with how the road system is to be handled, otherwise the plat meets all City ordinances . k C. Lake Trail Estates (continued) Meyers noted that on the preliminary plat a private drive is shown going .nto the church property and asked if consideration had been given to extending that private drive as a frontage to the vacant parcel east of the church site. Enger responded the Staff's original feeling prior to the proponent talking to the Highway Department was negative to any access to Highway 5. The Highway Department was in favor of access strictly for the church and the church would confine most of its hours to the weeklend. Enger commented the proponent also added accesses fdr half the subdivision and Staff does not feel this is a good solution. The proponent contacted Eagle Enterprises to the east for potential access to the east, and Eagle Enterprises was not ready to provide access to the church. Staff felt a frontage road would add to the amount of traffic and therefore would not recommend same. Ivan Kundel , 17491 Kilmer Avenue, explained there are 50 homes in the area now that have to make their way out to Highway 5 already. If there is any emergency vehicle needed inthe area during a heavy snowfall , there would be no way for emergency vehicles to get into the area. Mr. Kundel thought it would be reasonable to extend Luther Way into this area as he feels all accesses should be open. He also does not feel two more cul-de-sacs make any sense. Greg Boen, 7760 Heritage Road, referred to petition signed by residents of Heritage Park First Addition and Round Lake Estates First Addition dated June 28, 1978, which speaks to the best solution to be an access to the east to County Road 4. (Petition attached as part of minutes) _ Osterholt explained the Council considered 11 transportation alternatives for a road system in this area, and it was decided one was more acceptable than the others. Jullie explained the City Council gave concept approval to Alternate W10, extending Luther Way around 500 feet to the west. The Council also ordered that water and sewer improvements would have to include a road connection up to 72nd Street as a temporary solution so that area would have another way out over to County Road 4 to get to a signalized intersection. As this becomes a reality, the system can work reasonably well . Jullie commented this was the general concept that seemed to be reasonably acceptable to the parties involved. Steve Longman, 17230 Park Circle, stated the residents in his area were not notified that a discussion would be held on the it alternatives in May. Mr. Longman requested to hear all of the plans and alternatives which were presented to the Council at that time. Penzel explained there were a number of Heritage people present at the meeting in May. The response of the Council at that time was clearly in accord on what we heard. The Council did not overlook the fact that Heritage Park has a problem with access to Highway 5. Mayor Penzel called for a brief recess for City Engineer Jullie to go through the 11 transportation alternatives and ir-. ited those in the audience interested to remain during the discussion. C. Lake Trail Estates (continued) Meeting reconvened. Osterholt questioned what the time schedule the developer is contemplating. Mr. Swenson, proponent, stated they are behind their proposed starting date now, and asked if there was a possibility of letting bids. Penzel replied as far as utilities are concerned, he doesn' t think they would be affected. City Engineer Jullie agreed. Reverend Mark Liesener, representing Prairie L6theran Church, explained he is concerned that the church be allowed to proceed as soon as possible. Penzel stated the proponents could proceed with the engineering work with Mr. Jullie' s guidance, and then resolve the transportation concerns as soon as possible through the Public Hearing process . MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to close the Public Hearing and give a 1 s t Reading to Ordinance No. 78-33, rezoning from Rural and R1-22 to R1-13.5, RM 6.5 and Public for 3 duplex lots, 43 single family 3 and 1 church for Lake Trail Estates, and direct Staff to hold a Public Hearing with the Planning Commission and Council for the purpose of transportation alignment as it affects this particular development. Motion carried unanimously. r MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to direct the City Attorney to draft a developers agreement incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Staff Report dated June 8, 1978, Engineer's Supplement dated June 6, 1978, and Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District comments. f Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-116, approving the preliminary plat for Lake Trail Estates contingent upon preliminary plat that is approved as a result of the transportation hearings . Motion carried unanimously. D. Amsden Hills IV, The Preserve, request to rezone from Rural to RM 6.5 for 10 duplex„lots on 5 acres and pri—limifnary plat approval City Manager Ulstad explained there is an affidavit on file calling for this Public Hearing. The proponents have appeared before the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission and the Planning Commission. Notices have been sent to all affected and abutting property owners on file. Lee Johnson, The Preserve, outlined the proposal and answered questions of Council members. Mr. Johnson requested consideration of the Council of setback variances of 30 feet on the two lots fronting on Franlo Road. City Planner Enger explained the proposal was considered by the Planning Commission on May 22nd and unanimously approved, with the stipulation that the lots on Franlo Road adhere to the 50 foot setback. D. Amsden Hills IV, The Preserve (continued) Jim Edwards, 10260 Amsden Way, commented that a final disposition of Outlot D has not been reached. Mr. Johnson explained he is in discussion with a number of people on the use of the parcel and access to it. Further Mr. Johnson stated he is coming in with a final plat for Amsden III , and he has a compromise proposed to a number of people ? and would like to get that in order before discussing same. He does not feel the question of the outlot corresponds to this proposal . Osterholt questioned if Mr. Edwards feels Amsden Hills IV has any impact on Outlot D. Mr. Edwards responded only as it would affect the access to Outlot D. Osterholt further questioned if The Preserve is contemplating any change in Amsden Hills IV to gain access to Outlot D. Mr. Johnson replied in the negative. Mr. Edwards then requested the proponents to keep Outlot D as open space. Mr. Krouchko, 10300 Amsden Way, questioned how far the lot line is from the pond in the southern most lot fronting on Franlo Road. Mr. Johnson replied about 400 feet. Mr. Krouchko commented that the land has been graded part way down the slope and asked if there was any particular reason. Mr. Johnson replied the property line is at the bottom of the flat spot. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers , to close the Public Hearing and give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 78-34, rezoning from Rural to RM 6.5 for 10 duplex lots on 5 acres for Amsden Hills IV, The Preserve. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to direct the City Attorney to draft a developers agreement incorporating the 7 items in the Planning Staff Report, recommendations from the Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District, and the dedication of Outlots B and C through a Quit Claim Deed or Warranty Deed, whichever the City Attorney deems suitable. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-117, approving the preliminary plat for Amsden Hills IV by The Preserve. Motion carried unanimously. E . Norman Addition by Norman Clark & Dirlam Properties. Request for rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 and preliminary plat approval of 6.5 acres into 13 lots City Manager Ulstad explained there is an affidavit on file calling for this Public Hearing. The proponents have appeared before the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission and the Planning Corunission. Notices have been sent to all affected and abutting property owners on file. E. Norman Addition (continued) Don Peterson, representing Dirlam Properties, spoke to the proposal and answered questions of Council members. { City Planner Enger reviewed the Planning Commission minutes, pointing out the two main items of concern voiced by the residents: 1) the continuous street throughout the subdivision, and 2) the item of storm water run-off which was resolved at the June 22nd meeting with an updated report from the Engineering Department. The Planning Commission did approve the project unanimously with the consideration that the developer request the City Council to allow them the possibility of Outlot A being in private ownership as a pond for a storm sewer and utility easement by the City. Further that the Planning Commission recommended a 5 foot wide concrete pathway along Duck Lake Trail , however, the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission recommended that there should be continuity with an 8 foot wide bituminous pathway along this system. General discussion took place as to the need for a trail in this development, as there is a commitment for a trail across from this trail . Mr. Peterson stated for that reason he is requesting that a trail system not be part of the approval of this proposal by the City Council . He further requested the proponents be given an opportunity to work out the storm sewer system with the City Engineering Department. Osterholt questioned if there was a ponding area permitted, what would the liability be to the City if it remained in private ownership? City Attorney Pauly commented it would depend on what action is taken by the City Council , however, it would be a little remote that the City would have a liability if it remains in private hands . Ulstad questioned if Outlot A would be assigned to all lots in the area. Mr. Peterson replied he would like to work this out with their attorney in order to come up with the best possible solution. If this cannot be done, the proponents will go with a straight pipe. Mr. Peterson stated in talking with the neighbors, the neighbors would like to have it done with a pond. Bob Pemberton, 18070 South Shore Lane, and Mr. Bowser, 7043 Park View Lake, spoke in favor of a pond. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Meyers , to close the Public Nearing and give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 78-35, rezoning 6.5 acres from Rural to R1-13. 5 for Norman Addition. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adopt Resolution No. 78-118, approving the preliminary plat for Norman Addition, contingent that the Staff work out the ownership and/or assessing of the ponding area. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to direct the City Attorney to draft a developers agreement incorporating items of the May 3, 1978 Staff Report, deleting the trail requirement, and that lots 8 and 13 shall have front and side yard setbacks consistent with the adjacent R1-22 lots. Motion carried • unanimously. _W . V. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS No reports. r VI . ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. Ist Reading of Ordinance Nol 78-36, establishin theg Flying Cloud Airport Commission __ Sally Brown, 10080 Bennett Place, stated she does not know if there will be cooperation if the number on the commission is not equal between the citizens a the airport people. Would rather see an even number of members, i .e. , 8 rather than 7. If the number is 7, she would like to see 3 citizens, 3 airport people, and one M.A. C. member. - The following amendments were made to Ordinance No. 78-36: In the title after "Airports" insert "Advisory" and after Commission" insert "of Eden Prairie". In Section 1 , Subdivision 1 , 5th line after "year", insert "to consist of at least one member to represent the Metropolitan Airports Commission to be appointed by the Chairman of the Metropolitan Airports Commission, no less than two members representing the Flying Cloud Airport Businessmen's Association to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council , and four members to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council ", thus striking "All appointments are to be made by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council . " Add a new Subdivision 2 as follows: "The purpose of this Commission is to improve the communications between the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the City and to discuss Flying Cloud operations as it affects the City." Subdivision 4, 5th line, strike "each month" and "Three" and insert in lieu thereof "a quarter" and "Four" . Section 2, 1st line, after "City Council" insert "and the Metropolitan Airports Commission Renumber the subdivisions accordingly. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Meyers, to give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 78-36 as amended. Motion carried unanimously. Penzel asked Mr. Les Lewis, who represents the Flying Cloud Businessmen' s Association, and the Eden Prairie News to spread the word the Council is looking for citizens to serve on this Commission. Further Mayor Penzel requested Staff to contact citizens who participated on the Flying Cloud Airport Adhoc Advisory Commission in the past and inquire if they would be willing to participate on this newly formed commission. B. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-23, Prairie East 8th and 9th by Hustad Development Corporation, rezoning from Rural to RM 6. 5 and developers agreement City Planner Enger brought Councilwoman Meyers up-to-date on actions { taken by the Council during this Public .Hearing as she was not in attendance. i MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to give a 2nd Reading to Ordinance No. 78-23, Prairie East 8th and 9th by Hustad Development Corporation, rezoning from Rural to RM 6.5. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to approve the developers agreement for Prairie East 8th and 9th with a change in item 2, in the lst line strike"two" and insert "three", and in the same line strike "one" and insert "two" . Motion carried unanimously. VII .REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members 1. Ap2 i ntment of one member to the Planning Commission to fill. an unexpired term to 2/28180 Osterholt placed the name of OAC Martinson into nomination. Penzel placed the name of Fred Baumann into nomination. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Osterholt, that nominations be ( closed. Motion carried unanimously. Upon tauulation of ballots, Oke Martinson was selected to fill the unexpired term on the Planning Commission to 2/28/80. 2. Mayor Penzel brought up for discussion the possibility of having a joint meeting with the School Board to discuss mutual concerns since two new members have been elected to the School Board. Osterholt stated he would like to have a list of items for discussion circulated to the Council for review before a meeting is scheduled. No action taken. B. Report of City Manager I. Amendment to Super Valu's PUD Resolution No. 78-51 MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Pauly, to amend Resolution No. 78-51 by striking "140 acres" and inserting in lieu thereof "80 acres". Motion carried unanimously. Report of City Attorney No report. ` D. Repast of City Engineer J _ - acquisition 1. Report on Lotus View Drive right-df wad City Engineer Jullie spoke to his memo dated June 30, 1978, and _ communi c ,ti on to Mr. & Mrs. Shea dated June 21, 1978. Jullie pointed cut he had hoped to have a commitment from the Shea 's, Meyers an.' Spande' s by this evening, but does not. Jullie requested that the Council consider approval of the Shea's agreement and shifting of the road alignment. Mrs. Shea, 6991 West 192nd Avenue, appeared before the Council speaking to her request as outlined by City Engineer Jullie. 1 Mr. Meyers, 19040 Lotus View Drive, expressed concern about the project and objection to a house being built prior to dedication of the right-of-way. Mayor Penzel requested that the communciation received from Mr. & Mrs. Spande be entered into the record. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Shea as outlined in memo dated June 30, 1978, and order plans and specifications subject to receipt of commitments from all parties for right-of-way dedication, and that the Shea's receive one assessment until lot is subdivided. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Chanhassen DL-1 Sewer Service Agreement MOTION: Meyers moved seconded b Bye, to authorize the Mayor Y � Y Y � .Y and City Manager to enter into a Chanhassen DL-1 Sewer Service Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Street vacation request on Lakeland Terrace (Resolution No. 78-124) MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adopt Resolution No. 78-124, setting a public hearing for vacation of part of TR. U, RLS #783, for August 1 , 1978. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion on the "Storefront" General discussion took place regarding the "Storefront". Mr. Ulstad explained in his opinion, after reviewing the request from "Storefront" with Sergeant Tyson, that the services to be provided would be for one day a week, and really the counseling services are needed at the time the problem happens. Mr. Ulstad stated he is willing to sit down and review the situation with representatives from "Storefront" The principal of the Eden Prairie Nigh School has been asked by Sgt. 'Tyson • - to provide a. report on the use of the "Storefront" in Eden Prairie as well Osterholt asked that "Storefront" provide the number of people from Eden Prairie who have been serviced by this organization. d y A. Discussion on the "Storefront" (continued) Pauly noted that South Hennepin Human Services Council is setting up a subcommittee which will be studying the "Storefront" indepth. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to adjourn the Council meeting at 11 :40 PM. Motion carried unanimously. a T ,.a , PETITION We the undersigned, being residents of the Preserve, would prefer to see the property west of Preserve Boulevard and south of Franco Road, known as the Darkenwald Property, developed into single family residential lots in lieu of the proposed duplex lots, and would support such a proposal should the City Council give its approval . i 1. 2. 04 4. -6� y 5. 1� 6, 7. 1 12. 13. 14. 1 ' L . a, .. t 9. %Y,.e Iwo. PETITION F We the undersigned, being residents of the Preserve, would prefer to see the property west of Preserve Boulevard and south of Franlo Road, known as the Rarkenwald Property, developed into single family residential lots in lieu of the proposed duplex lots, and would support such a proposal should the City Council give its approval i 1. 2. r 3. 4. 5. 6. 10 7 8IC/ 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. t PETITION We the undersigned, being residents of the Preserve, would prefer to see V~ the property west of Preserve Boulevard and south of Franlo Road, known I as the Oarkenwald Property, developed into single family residential lots in lieu of the proposed duplex lots, and would support such a proposal should the City Council give its approval . i 1. 3. � 4. x _ 5. 6. 7. �~ • 4' 8. 9, _ 1Q. 12. 13. 14. 15. T i" PETITION We the undersigned, being residents of the Preserve, would prefer to see the property west of Preserve Boulevard and south of Franlo Road, known as the Darkenwald Property, developed into single family residential lots ' in lieu of the proposed duplex lots, and would support such a proposal should the City Council give its approval . 1. 2. `-- /0 2' 3. � w 4. 5. 6. i 7. Dav' r'J L t-s'itJ Z&J �. 8• _ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. r r June 28, 1978 �f TO: THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL RE: REZONING AND REPLATTING OF THE LAKE TRAIL ESTATES Attached is a petition signed by residents of Heritage Park First Addition and Round Lake Estates First Addition. There is presently one ingress and egress to these additions. The Plan is for another access onto Highway #5 off the proposed Lake Trail Estates which will tic in with Heritage Road in the future. With the predominant number of residents using Heritage Road turning East onto Highway #5 due to work, school and services, another access onto Highway #5 does not remedy the problem because of the ever- increasing saturation on Highway #5. The residents strongly believe that because of the aforesaid, the best solution is an access to the East to County Road #4, preferably connecting with Luther Way. . f 1. There has to be an access to the East before any additional construction brings more traffic onto Heritage Road. 2. The residenAs who attended the August 16. 1977 City Council meeting ' were told they would have an access to the East before any additional construction was done. 3. The question is why is the present proposal not connecting with Luther F Way. g 4. A proposed Plan for access to the North does not solve the problem be- cause most of the residents exiting Heritage Road go East on Highway #5. The best solution is for access directly to the East to County Road #4. 5. What if there is an accident on Highway #5 or Heritage Road and there is an emergency in the area such as a fire or need of an ambulance or police assistance? There has to be another access to the area. Access from County Road #4 directly West would unsure that the emergency vehicles could eft through to the area in the least amount of time. t' proposed street plans and utility 6. The area was not nc�ifzed when the prop p y designs were discussed. 7. The concern is with future development in the remaining open areas, and because of this, the most sound planning is access to the East to County Road #4. I 8. The proposed access to Highway #5 from Lake Trail Estates during peak traffic will be almost impossible because of the stacking of traffic in the East bound lane at the semaphore on County Road #4 and Highway #5 and then the semaphore release of the West bound traffic. mw F. A ' n a i P �• x b 00 A � n lz � w c� ,y $ fin W M Al �. tv - S /1 Go Vag V ++ 4 ` co w IN tt V Z d ` Y C � � i l� �xro A � �\ ti to p�p It C N O J� w � I i 1 1 A a e ' ,y Ir- \� 1 y 5 y^" 01) cat W Ir OD » x e a i -N jy� Vim•� J '� -Z/I . &AIkk IC' .� d2-lk X-14 ; CLIJ A< Ar .� R _ . S * 4