City Council - 05/16/1978 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL �i. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1978 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel . Billy Bye, Joan Meyers,. Dave Osterholt and Sidney Pauly COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad; Planner Chris Enger, Director of Community Services Bob Lambert; City Engineer Carl Jullie; and Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary INVOCATION: Councilwoman Joan Meyers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members present. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following items were requested to be added to the agenda: A. Resolution on CETA application B. Motion to advertise for bids C. Discussion on use of chipper MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Os terholt, to approve the agenda as amended and corrected. Motion carried unanimously. II . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Set Public Hearing for June 7, 1978 for Amsden Hills IV, rezoning from Rural to RM 6.5 for 11 duplexes B. Set Public Hearing for June 7, 1978 for Darkenwald Duplexes, rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 for 2 existing single family homes and rezoning from Rural to RM 6. 5 for 48 duplex lots, and preliminary plat approval - C. Set Public Hearing for June 7, 1978 for vacation of Amsden Road west from Anderson Lakes Parkway to west line of Amsden Hills IV Addition D. Final plat approval for Edenvale 14th Addition (Resolution No. 78-93 E. Preliminany and Final Plat approval for Edenvale 5th Addition Resolution No. 8-94 F. Clerk's License List ' i -luncil Minutes - 2 - Tues. ,May 16, 1978 II. CONSENT CALENDAR (.continued) G. Payment of Claims Nos. 10052 - 10186 City Manager Ulstad requested that 'ifem A. on the Consent Calendar be removed as the proponents will not be ready by June 7th for their Public Hearing. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve items B - G on the Consent Calendar, thus deleting item A. Roll Call Vote: Pauly, Osterholt, Bye, Meyers and Penzel voted "aye". Motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held Tuesday, April 18, 1978 Pg. 5, 8th para. , 2nd line, strike "Popovich" and insert "Thorfinnson". MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to approve the minutes- of the Regular City Council Meeting held Tuesday, April 18, 1978, as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. B. Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held Thursday, April 27, 1978 MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the minutes r of the Special City Council Meeting held Thursday, April 27, 1978, as published. Motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Hillsborough and Hillsborough Second, The Preserve, rezoning from Rural to R1-13. 5, and preliminary plat approval of 80 acres into 149 lots City Manager Uistad explained this is a continued Public Hearing from April 4, 1978, at which time the Council referred this proposal back to the Planning Commission, Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, and Staff,, and the proposal presented to the Council this evening is a modification of the- proposal which the commissions originally considered. Don Hess, representing The Preserve, reviewed the revised plat as approved by the Planning Commission on April 24, 1978, reducing Hillsborough Second from 115 lots to 112 lots. City Planner Enger spoke to the Planning Commission meetings held February 13, March 13, and specifically to the meeting held April 24, 1978,where the revised plat was approved. Director of Community Services Lambert reviewed the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission meeting held Monday, May 15, 1978, whereby approval was recommended for Hillsborough First and Hillsborough Second, i contingent on protective covenants being worked out regarding lots being platted into the conservancy zone. Mr. Hess stated the proponents r; ,rici l Minutes i ues. ,►•'gay Ib, i 9/8 A. Hillsborough and Hillsborough Second (continued) agree with the recommendation of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission and are willing to work out an agreement with I the City pertaining to same. Pauly asked if Staff has been in touch with Mr. Jedlicka. City Planner Enger responded Mr. Jedlicka has not been contacted, but he'will be served with access to his property. Pauly requested Mr. Jedlicka be contacted before final plat approval . MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Meyers,to close the Public Hearing and approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 78-15, rezoning from Rural to R1-13. 5 for Hillsborough and Hillsborough Second. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-53, approving the revised preliminary plats for Hillsborough and Hillsborough Second. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-59, granting PUD approval for Hillsborough Second. Motion carried unanimously. P } Bye encouraged any proponents to come up with the best possible proposal initially, will not be necessary for the proponents to go back through the various boards and commissions with a revised plan. 4L MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to direct the City Attorney to draft a PUD developers agreement and rezoning agreement. incorporating recommendations of the March 2nd and April 19th Staff a Reports, the April 24th Planning Commission recommendations, and the May 15th Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission recommendations, adding that the land in the conservancy zone within the lots in Hillsborough lst Addition be dedicated in scenic easement to the City. Motion carried unanimously. i. B. Prairie East 4th, 5th & 6th, request bar Hustad Development Corporation for PUD approval , rezoning from Rural tD RM 6.5 and R1-13.5 and preliminary plat approval (Continued Public Hearing from 4/18/78) Discussed with item C. C. Prairie East 7th, 8th and 9th, request by Hustad Development Corporation for reaffirmation of PUD multiple conce t rezoning from Rural to RM 6. 5, and preliminary plat approval (Continued Public Hearing from 4/18/78 9 Both items B. & C. were discussed at same time. Jim Ostenson, Hustad Development Corporation, explained that since the April 18th Council meeting the proponents have gone back through the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission and the Planning ' Commission and have. 1) increased the park area from 5.1 acres to 8.3 acres, 2) taken out 3 quad buildings,_ 3)_ remoyed. 4 single family lots, 4) agreed to ' the right-of-wayfrom Franlo Road to be 50 feet together with the sidewaiKs, 5) agreed the park to the north to be private, and 6) have gone from 56 units to 52 units in the 7th Addition. .ricil Minutes _ a _ Tues. ,May 16, 1978 Prairie East 4th , 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th (continued) City Planner Enger stated the Prairie East 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Additions were considered at the February 27, March 13, March 27, April 10 and May 8th Plahning Commission meetings, and at the April 3rd and March lst Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission meetings. One of the main items of concern was the provision of open space and in what way it would be provided. Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission and reiterated the Commission's concern about getting a south neighborhood park site tied down. Meyers suggested it might be well that we require, along with the grading and seeding, the installation of some tot lot play structure. Bye expressed concern as to how the price would be determined on the park site to the south. Lambert responded an appraisal would be made and that would be the price the City would offer. Z 1 Bye further stated we have seen when a zoning situation occurs the land value immediately goes up, then the governmental entity comes in and buys the same piece of property back at an increase. Bye suggested maybe the park should come first. Osterholt expressed his misgivings on locating the park in the southerly area as he thought it should be in the vicinity of County Road 1 . Penzel asked the proponents if they would be willing to commit to $7,500 per acre price. Ostenson replied the appraisals referred to were taken about a year ago, however, it may be in the $8,500 to $9,000 per acre range. Pauly questioned if the reason for selecting the south location was because it would be cheaper. Ostenson replied it would be cheaper as there are no assessments on the property. Ken Franz, 9880 Squire Lane, expressed concerns, i .e. , park space always has water around it which is unfortunte, difficult to get to tot lot without driving and, if it is necessary to drive, there should be provisions for parking, took consensus of people in the 2nd Addition and when they bought it was their understanding it would be left natural , and felt City should acquire and leave in natural state to reduce maintenance factor. Denny Moore, 10081 Laurel Drive, stated in speaking with neighbors in the 1st Addition regarding the park in the 7th Addition, they are concerned about the park being public land as opposed to private. They don' t know who the private is and are interested primarily in the land being public land. Would be interested in the land being developed into a park, a mini-park, or something; however in public ownership. - Susan Short, 10101 Laurel Drive, agreed with Mr. Moore, if the City does not want to develop the land in the 7th Addition she does not mind if it were left in the natural state. If it belongs to the townhouse people, her children would not be able to play there anyway. ..,cil Minutes - 5 - Tues_ ,May 16, 1978 Prairie East 4th , 5th, 6th2 7th, 8th and 9th (continued) f Frank Thomas, 9785 Garrison, stated his main concern is preserving 1 as much of the wooded area as posstible for privacy reasons. Ostenson responded the developers would be retaining the small trees, the large trees are elm and will be taken down, and there are some large oak which they will try to save. Meyers questioned who would be responsible for the northern open space area adjacent to the 7th Addition. Ostenson responded it would be the responsibility of the homeowners association in the townhouse project in the 7th Addition and in the 8th and 9th Additions also. Meyers asked where the 8th and 9th Additions would go for recreational facilities. Mr. Woodland, Windsor Corporation, replied to the recreational facilities in the southern part. Meyers questioned if there were going to be some improvements made in the storm water ponding. Rick Sathre, McCombs-Knutson, explained they plan to install a culvert at the end of the private or public open area. The purpose would be to level off the flow. Osterholt asked if there would be a possibility of Prairie East 7th Addition being developed with sinE1e family homes since they will be backed up to single family homes. Enger responded this would be a possibility. Bye asked if a total has been derived on these properties as to cash park fee. Lambert responded in excess of $400,000.00. Osterholt requested Staff to come with a recommendation for the best place for the school/park site. Penzel questioned where the most useful park site would be. Lambert responded in the northeast corner. There is only 17 acres, but the school/park site would fit in. Motions for Prairie East 4th, 5th & 6th MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Pauly, to close the Public Hearing and adopt Resolution No. 78-92, approving the PUD concept with the clear understanding that the Staff and developer will enter into negotiations to alleviate some of the concerns, i .e. , pin down where the park is going to be and the cost. Bye, Pauly, Meyers and Penzel voted "aye" , Osterholt voted "nay". Motion carried. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 78-22, rezoning from. Rural to R1-13.5 and RM 6.5 for Prairie East 4th, 5th and 6th. Bye, Pauly, Meyers and Penzel voted "aye", Osterholt voted "nay". Motion carried. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 78-65, approving the preliminary plats for Prairie East 4th, 5th and 6th, with a revision that an access be provided to the 5th Addition to the property to the east. Bye, Meyers and Pauly voted "aye" , Osterholt and Penzel voted "nay". Motion carried. i ,cil Minutes - 6 - Tues. ,May 16, iij-8 Motions for Prairie East 4th, 5th and 6th (continued) MOTION: Meyers .moved, seconded by Bye, to direct the City Attorney to draft a rezoning agreement for Prairie East 4th, 5th and 6th, including recommendations of the Planning Staff report dated March 23, Engineer's memo dated March 23, Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Staff Report of April 28, as well as May 4 Planning Staff supplement report, actions of May 8th Planning Commission meeting, and provision on the 8 acre park site for the tot lot play facility and ballfield facility including backstop. Motion carried unanimously. Motions for Prairie East 7th, 8th and 9th Osterholt felt the distance suggested from the single family lot lines in the 7th is not far enough. Would like to take action only on the 8th and 9th at this time and continue the 7th until there are some alternate plans on the 7th. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to close the Public Nearing on Prairie East 8th and 9th and give a lst Reading to Ordinance No. 78-23, rezoning Prairie East 8th and 9th from Rural to RM 6. 5, and continue the Public Hearing on the 7th to June 7, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 78-66, approving the preliminary plats for Prairie East 8th and 9th, deleting the 7th at this time. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to direct the City Attorney to draft a rezoning agreement for the 8th and 9th Additions., including recommendations of the Planning Staff Report dated March 23, Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Staff Report dated April 28, Staff Report of May 11 , recommendations of the May 4th Planning Staff Report, including provision of at least one outdoor recreational facility of either a children's play structure or playground equipment in each of the 8th and 9th Additions away from the water, and noise abatement along County Road 18. Motion carried unanimously. D. Bachman-Anderson Center, request by Bachman-Anderson, Inc. , for rezoning from Rural to Office for approximately 12 acres located north of Anderson Lakes and South of I-494 Dan Militzer, Officer with Bachman-Anderson, explained their company is a professional service type company and that the building as proposed would be a credit to Eden Prairie as it will be a luxury building. Larry Cramer,developer representing Bachman-Anderson, explained the process they have followed, i .e. , through the Planning Commission, Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, and have worked closely with Eden Prairie staff. Mr. Cramer further stated the proponents have altered the grading plan extensively, the drainage plan is sensitive to the lake, and they have responded to the neighbors to the east pertaining to changing the plans to soften the building. Doug Baird, Architect for Bachman-Anderson, showed slides of the existing land and referred to model depicting the building and its placement on the site. jricil Minutes - 7 - Tues. ,May 16, 1978 D. Bachman-Anderson Center (continued) City Planner Enger reviewed the Planning Commission meetings of March 27 and April 10, the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission meetings of April 6 and April 17, and approval given by the Watershed District on April 19 for preliminary grading. Enger also referred to the Staff Report dated April 6 that the commissions addressed and make their approvals contingent upon. Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to the recommendation for approval at the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission on April 17 with the 10 conditions listed in the Planning Staff Report dated April 6, 1978. Enger reiterated one of the concerns is the impact of traffic on W. 78th Street, explaining that we have received a preliminary copy of a design that does incorporate merging of W. 78th Street from I-494 to the existing interchange area. The District 5 office of the Minnesota Highway Department is very acceptable to include the merging lane as part of the interchange upgrading but they have yet to have it approved by the Central office. Enger further explained an Environmental Assessment Worksheet is not required on this site. Meyers asked if construction were started on the building this summer, when would the project be completed. Mr. Baird responded Spring of 1979. Philip Getts, attorney representing the Anderson Lakes Property Owners Association, spoke to concerns of the property owners, i .e. , long term development along Anderson Lakes has not been addressed at all , requested Council to ask that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet on development along north shore be prepared and then to make a decision as to if an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary, large amount of wildlife habitat will be disturbed, visual impact of the building on the lake, should not approve until Watershed District has a complete drainage plan and assurance from the Watershed District on enforcement of the plan once a permit has been issued, request the Council to instruct staff to prepare a development agreement to be submitted to the property owners for review and suggestions from the property owners, then back to the Council for review before action is taken on the rezoning request from Bachman-Anderson. Bud Belk, 8116 Ensign Road, referred to the Ancor development to the east in Bloomington, and how residents were concerned about the aesthetics and these . concerns were worked out with the developer. Thus far the residents have not received this type of cooperation from Bachman-Anderson. Frank Hartmann, 8216 Ensig►) Road, President of the Anderson Lakes Homeowners Association, submitted a petition (attached as part of minutes) requesting an environmental impact statement. Mr. Hartmann further stated the property owners are not against an office building, but are against such a big one. Would prefer a two story building rather than a 4 story one. Lyman Olson, 8016 Ensign Road, spoke in opposition to a four story building and asked that the ridge be left as a buffer zone. Mr. Olson expressed his i concern about the parking area and requested that all parking be underground. „ cil Minutes - 8 - Tues. ,May 16, 1978 D. Bachman-Anderson Center (continued) Don Opheim, 13731 Theresa Place, stated he was impressed with the project as planned and the work that has been done by the developer and City staff. He feels it is an.'extremely good use of the site. Jan Hubred, 8056 Ensign Road, asked that the developer put the building on the other s i de of the hi 11 . She was assured by a real for when they bought their home this type of development could never happen. Geneva Middleton, 9411 Timber Trail , board member of the Anderson Lakes Property Owners Association, expressed her concerns, i .e. , Gelco cannot be seen visually, however, this proposal sits on the major part of the lake, oaks will die with construction close to them, it is very close to the residential area, asking for an Environmental Impact Statement so that as things come in they don't have to be dealt with one at a time, and requested that the rezoning be laid over until an Environmental Impact Statement is completed MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to close the Public Hearing and give a lst Reading to Ordinance No. 78-26, rezoning from Rural to Office for approximately 12 acres located north of Anderson Lakes and South of I-494 for Bachman-Anderson Center. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to direct the City Attorney to draft a rezoning agreement including items 1 - 10 on page 7 of the April 6th Staff Report, adding to 10 the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission recommendation about security lighting, and adding a new item 11 that the colors of the building and parking ramp be comparable with surrounding area. Further that the proponent, through the City Staff, work with the surrounding neighbors regarding review of the landscaping plans and drainage plans. City Engineer Jullie was requested to obtain a response to the traffic situation prior to the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-26. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to continue the Council meeting past the 11 :30 PM scheduled adjournment time. Motion carried unanimously. V. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS No reports. VI. PETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. Request from Dr. Lund for an interim Office Use Permit Agreement for a single family residence at 7928 Eden Road MOTION: , Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to approve the request of.Dr. ^L'und” for an interim Office Use Permit Agreement for his single family residence at 7928 Eden Road for a 5 year period. Motion carried unanimously. B. Request from Timothy Eller, Assistant Vice President of Centex Homes, to appear before the Council Due to the lateness of the hour, and the fact that Mr. Eller would like to make a 30 - 45 minute presentation, Mayor Penzel asked if Mr. Eller # would be willing to appear before the Council at the next scheduled Guide Plan meeting. Mr. Eller replied he would be happy to do so. ,ncil Minutes - 9 - Tues. ,May 16, 1918 VII . ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 78-90, PERA for CETA employees MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 78-90, approving PERA for CETA employees. Motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution No. 78-37, approving preliminary plat for COR Investment s City Planner Enger explained he has been working with the proponents and they are agreeable to the scenic easement. Steve Young, representing Knutson Architects, described the revised plat dated May 16, 1978 showing the scenic easement. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Pauly, to adopt Resolution No. 78-37, approving the preliminary plat for COR Investment dated May 16, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. C. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-25, rezoning from Rural to RM 6.5 and R1-13.5 for Raven Ridge by Edenvale and rezoning a9reement MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to adopt the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-2 5, rezoning from Rural to RM 6.5 and R1-13. 5 for Raven Ridge by Edenvale. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the rezoning agreement for Raven Ridge by Edenvale. Motion carried unanimously. D. Resolution No. 78-96, acquisition of utility easement across Lot 4, Block 1 , Edenview Addition, I . C. 51-300 City Engineer Jullie explained he has been meeting with Mr. Seaman and he has not been able to come to reasonable terms with Mr. Seaman. Jullie requested the Council to start eminent domain proceedings and direct staff to try and work out a satisfactory agreement if possible. Council so directed. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 78-96, for acquisition of Utility Easement, I . C. 51-300. Motion carried unanimously. VIII . REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members Mayor Penzel referred to invitation from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the Council to attend a seminar on hazardous materials safety at the Minnesota Department of Transportation Training Center in Arden Hills for June 13 and June 14. .,,... unci l Minutes 10 - Tues. ,May 16, 1978 B. Report of City Manager 1. Report on -rezoning agreement for Condon/Naegele Realty City Manager Ulstad referred to opinion from City Attorney Thorfinnson and answered questions of Council members. Bye questioned if his interpretation of Mr. Thorfinnson's opinion was correct that the proponents could continue with the existing zoning agreement unless there are changes in the developmental plan for this area. Mr. Ulstad replied that Bye's interpretation was correct. No action .necessary. 2. Rescheduling of July 4 1973 Council meeting MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Osterholt, to reschedule the Council meeting of July 4, 1978 to July 5, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Set date for next Guide Plan meeting c MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to set Tuesday, i May 23, 1978, 7:30 PM at the Eden Prairie City Hall , for the next Guide Plan meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Appointment of City Attorney Councilwoman Pauly excused herself from the Council meeting during this item of business. Mayor Penzel spoke to the process undertaken to appoint a City Attorney for Eden Prairie, and referred to letter from Councilwoman Pauly. (Letter from Councilwoman Pauly attached as part of minutes) . City Manager Ulstad recommended the appointment of the Lang & Pauly law firm as City Attorney for Eden Prairie. Further Ulstad requested the Council to direct him to ask an opinion from the Attorney General that the engagement of a legal firm, of which one of its principals is the spouse of a member of the City Council , and the designation of such principal as City Attorney would not be invalid under or in violation of M. S. 412.311 or 471 .87. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Meyers, to appoint the firm of Lang & Pauly as City Attorney for the City of Eden Prairie, !. and that,the the City Manager seek a legal opinion from the Attorney General . Motion carried unanimously. �_ 77 ,. juncil Minutes - 11 - Tues . ,May 16, 1978 Councilwoman Pauly returned to the Council meeting. 5. Request from League of Minnesota Cities MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers , to pledge $100. 00 to the League of Minnesota Cities to investigate alternative insurance possibilities: Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Meyers, Bye, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. i 6. Receive and award bids for two satellite stations and an p addition to the main facility for the Fire Department Mr. Kodet, Dickey/Kodet,Architects/Incorporated, spoke to bids received and answered questions of Council members. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder, C. 0. Field Company, in the amount of $529,900. 00, and Alternate A-1 in the amount of $17,600.00, as per communication from Dickey/Kodet/Architects/ Incorporated dated May 11 , 1978. Color other than white to be used, and that Council be advised of what the color will be.. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Bye, Meyers, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. 7. Definition of Section 2, Subd. 2.7 of Ordinance No. 135, Special Requirements pertaining to Design Continued to June 7, 1978 Council meeting. C. Report of City Engineer 1. Receive feasibility report for extension of sanitary sewer on Eden Road - AMOCO site, I . C. 51-320 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-95, receiving feasibility report and calling for a hearing for June 7, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Discussion of transportation projects and priorities City Engineer Jullie spoke to memo dated May 16, 1978 regarding transportation projects. City Manager Ulstad recommended approval of the projects and priorities as submitted by City Engineer Jullie, recognizing from time to time priority lists can be changed. Osterholt suggested this proposal should be brought to the attention of the public, i .e. , 5 or 10 minute presentations, a press conference, and through commissions. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Bye, to* approve the priority list for transportation projects as per memo dated May 16, 1978,with the following revisions : 1) add Hidden Ponds 2nd Addition to item 6, 2) reverse 13 and 14, and 4) delete 18. Further that the City Manager pursue alternative financial methods. Motion carried unanimously. - _- - - �__ :._ .,+ci 1 Minutes - 12 - Tues. ,Kay 16, i S F IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution on CETA application MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 78-97, regarding Title VI CETA Application. Motion carried unanimously. B. Motion to advertise for bids MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-98, approving Plans and Specifications and ordering advertisement for bids (I. C. 51-319) for utility and street improvements in Norseman Industrial Park 2nd Addition. Motion carried unanimously. C. Discussion of use of chimer i General discussion took place regarding the use of the chipper. X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to adjourn the Council meeting at 12:45 AM. Motion carried unanimously. } TO ! Nay 4 , 197" PM'ITION TO CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE CC)NCERNS:NG: BACHMAN - ANDEJZSON DEVELOPMENT WC- 7 th,� uncac z a �" ; c.ned request , ruest that an envirorrner-J-..1 impZ ct statement b,2 recui r,_>d by t}j(- City ref Eden P-a it le with respF ct to the development plans for. the 1-3achman-Ander son property. Recently disclosed plans call for a 4-5 story office building along with a 500 car parking lot r_•equiring substantial grading. As property owners and rt-.si.dents near this site, we feel this development as currQrntly p.l:aznnud will adversely affect residential property values , traffic flow and the overall quality of life in an area where the original natural envi-ronmental quality should be maintained. An environmental impact statement will serve to safe- guard our rightful interests . ------------------------------- --------- ,"" --------_-------- 5 t,� +C 135� May 1,978 P 0'2 1 T I C)I j T 0 C'I T Y 0 T I-,4DE PqI PRAIRIE COINICERN11,11G: E'%ACHMAN - ANDLERSONT DE'VELOPMEDTr W(� , tI-.,c2 under,--I-Lyric-:d , that ar, env-'I. ronviental imp,,,act- st.-ar-e.ment-- h)e by tl-)c Citv c)4-- Eden with re._ pcct t c� th(,:- dc--,velor3ment -I, Ln�7, 0 kc--- ently clisclo-e-d pl, riz; c---a.11 4-7) tery of fJc(- 1-ju-' ding 1 o n(j w j.t h , 500 c:-i c TD iri k nc, 1 c) u J Jnj -,3-uh,.-It -ant ial CAI -d nci As property owners •-md near th-'L.- site , we feel this dt---v'Dlcprnent current-ly pl.inj_(---d will affect rez-:71dont-i ;al -,(a the ov(:Iir,i-11- c-lual:tty of Iif`e in an where- tY.o oriq-ln l n;�t t-z- .,.1 ,rivircnmerital c--.uz-il-Ltv should be maintained. An environmont,-I 1, rrtp,ac-t st--itc:,m.(%nt- wJ-1-1 serve tc) --afe- - guard our rJLgh-II---.1--uI 000 L ,00 6-1-71 S-/-2 / -2 4A ,Cco' " -0 7117 4? U "g 71l q? 9 -S ,F SZX 7 7 � � �) 63 a 6 sy It'll 77-1 j 1 May, 19 78 4 PEr:i,rl(-)N TO C__fTY OF EIj'E,T,,i PPAIRTE CC)II*"CFRNJJjG : BAC-HPLI-,1 - PIJDLI-I':SON DEVELOPM MIT T' .in env n'c rime-nr_'71 1. _'Lm"�)act We , st,-.iternent by tI.f C'-I,t-y o f Ern PrIrio with ri- t t the rdevelopment plans for the Recently djscic-)_-r�d plans call for a 4-5 story office building alonq with a SOO car pai-king lot requiring substantial grading. As property owners -,:.,.rid residents n(-,.-Ar this site , we feel. this development cur-j;ently plannc�d will a4dvers-r-,ly affect residential property -values , traffic flow and th(-, rover'-Zall quality of life in an area whece the original natural environmental quality should be rr,a in r-a i n e d . An envd.ronmr-,nit�ii imp._�ct statement aill serve to safe- guard our rightful interests . A;;z-------------------------- -------------- 7? S- Act. P/ CIA-7-r- 'Ole ? May 4 , 1978 PE-DIT1();,11 TO CITY OF' EDLEN PRAIRIE CONCERTTINC : ANTDERSOINI DEVf-,L0PMH-; N,-r We , the 1--hat an (-i-nvi.ronmental, imr-)act statement be j--y thc CjLy -)f E;,Je-n with respect to the developmen!- T.:,,1:;nS for the ,.-,roperty. Recently ::all 4-5 -tort' office buildinq, r:loncj w7th a 50(--"; c"AIC --arking lot requiring sub:31- antial grading. As Proport ,- owners ---.ind residc--nts near this site , we feel this deve---lopment, as cuci�-ently planned will adversely affect recidential property Values , tra-f-fic flow and the overal-I quality f 1 iii e in an zarea whore t-hi-, orig.inal, n�.Lt--,-iral environmentFal quality should be maintained. An env-ironmentail impact staterne-nt w-J.11 serve to safe- gua.rd our rightful interests . ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 1717 k Y7 ,--7- 7S Ar4j -7-'7 33 7 _ ` 179 J 774�? ra e May 4? , 1972 y PETITION TO v ' DEN PRAIRIEC'ONCERNING : DAC'HIM •.N - ANDERSON DEVELGPME^TP We the unc c r ; I.qm e d 9 CeC,aC-. t I--I Irl <_,rrv.i r:onmental impact st at._;nc,nt be rt ; �:i r�: 1 Y1✓ tY1F C:i :,y Uf Ed' Pz�a i r: ; .- witY^. r.r s- ct to the deve- opment p l _tfi -foj- t-iic hm,i in-Ari,jC_'l:Lion P.- operty. a { Recently c,-1_t I for Ii 4 story off-cc� building i".lorig wit!, %-I `�'QC� rlc� l rat rc,gtiirinq :,ut�_.t:3ntial grading. As property awns rs inJ near thi: .site , we feel this �iev}�,?oprnr x t -:is, cur t ntly pl.--innr d will :__dverscl_y ,effect r.es , dentiLl pi-aperty v_11.u� , ti -i-If-f is flow and the overall ,qual:i_t,,, of I.; fF• in n «rc>a �aYZc r<e the �ri.c final n< tiic l envircnment� 1 quality should k7e maintaine3cs . An env] ronrricYnt.-,1 imp'ict statement will serve to safe- guard our rightf.u1 -1_nterceat s . i ell c> :z May 4 , 1978 PETITION TO CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE CONCERNING; BACHMAN - ANDERSON DEVELOPMENT We , the undersigned , request that an environmental impact statement be required by the City of Eden Prairie with respect to the development plans for the Bachman-Anderson property. Recently disclosed plans call for a 4-.5 story office building along with a 500 car parking lot requ4ri.ng substantial grading. As property owners and residents near this site , we feel this development as currently planned will adversely affect residential property values , traffic flow and the overall quality of life in i an area where the original natural environmental quality should be r i maintained. An environmental .impact statement will serve to safe- guard our rightful interests . --------- J-22 I would like to make the following statement concerning my position as City Council member and the proposed selection of my husband' s law firm, Lang and Pauly, as Eden Prairie legal counsel. I was not present or involved when any of the discussions concerning the selection took place. I Seel an obligation to serve out the remainder of my elected term. A Council member' s decision making power does not ,seem to be in conflict with a spouse who is a member of the advisory staff. Naturally, I will defer to a legal opinion on this matter. Finally, I realize that I would be personally uncomfortable working in local political campaigns as the wife of the City Attorney. Consequently, I would not run for re-election, nor involve myself in local elections for the remainder of my term, or while my husband would serve as City Attorney. n