City Council - 04/18/1978 i APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY -COUNCIL IUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1978 7:30 PM, CITY HALL ',QUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Billy Bye, Joan Meyers, Dave Osterholt and Sidney Pauly )UNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger U1 stad; City Attorney Ross Thorfinnson; Planner Chris Enger; ry Director of Community Services Bob Lambert; City Engineer Carl Jullie; Finance Director John Frane, and Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary 14 VOCATION : Councilman Dave Osterholt t-EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE i i -')LL CALL : All members present. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS Cne following items were requested to be added to the Council agenda : A. Setting date for next Guide Plan meeting Under item VII. C. Rauenhorst settlement (.Under item VI I . B. ) Continuing liaison with the Metropolitan Airports Commission (Under item VIII) j l LOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to approve the agenda as mended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-20, rezoning of a 22 foot strip west of I-5 District from Rural to I-5 Park for Richard Anderson B. Final plat approval for Basswoods 4th Townhouse Addition (Resolution No. 78-71 C. Final plat approval for Nestlebrook Addition (Resolution No. 78-72) D. Final plat approval for Maple Leaf 6th Addition (Resolution No. 78-73) E. R. L.S. approval for Lots 4 and 5, Block 1 , Highpoint 3rd Addition F- Clerk's License List G. Payment of Claims Nos. 9282 - 9409 Council Minutes - 2 - Tues. ,April 18, 1978 II . CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) H. Request to set a Public Hearing for May 16, 1978 for Bachman-Anderson Center by Bachman Anderson, Inc. , for rezoning from Rural to Office for approximately 12 acres located north of Anderson Lakes and South of I-494 MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve all items on the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: Bye, Osterholt, Meyers, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. III. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held Tuesday, March 21, 1978 Pg. 9, 9th para. ,lst line, strike "Bob" and insert "Dr. Richard" MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the minutes of the Council meeting held Tuesday, March ' 21 , 1978, as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. B. Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held Thursday, March 30, 1978 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers , to approve the minutes of the Special City Council meeting held Thursday, March 30, 1978, as published. Motion carried unanimously. C. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held Tuesday, April 4, 1978 Pg. 5, last para. , 1st and 2nd line, strike "scenic easements and will be" Pg. 7, 7th para. , 2nd line, strike "on" and insert "to", and in the 3rd line, strike "to buy" and insert "about" Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting were laid over until the May 2nd meeting, as questions occurred regarding the motion on page 6, last paragraph. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Pheasant Oaks, Burmith, Inc., request for preliminary plat approval and rezonin2 from Rural to R1-13. 5 for 96 single family detached homes on 55 acres Continued Public Nearing Director of Community Services Bob Lambert spoke to the recommendation for approval of the Pheasant Oaks proposal by the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission at their special meeting held Monday, April 10, 1978. Lambert further commented that the Commission on Monday, April 17, 1978, withdrew any further consideration for a pedestrian underpass. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, that the Public Hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adopt Resolution No. 78-57, approving the preliminary plat for Pheasant Oaks. Motion carried unanimously. //r-0 Council Minutes - 3 - Tues. ,April 18, 1978 A. Pheasant Oaks (continued) MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 78-17, rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 for single family detached homes for Pheasant Oaks, Burmith, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Bye, to direct the City Attorney to draft a rezoning agreement incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Staff Report dated March 3, 1978, recommendations of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, and the Engineer's Staff report recommendations dated March 7, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. B. Utility and Street Improvements, Norseman Industrial Park 2nd Addition and Vicinity, I . C. 51-319 City Engineer Jullie outlined the proposal for utility and street improvements in the Norseman Industrial Park 2nd Addition at a total estimated cost for the entire project of $283,000. Jullie suggested a 17-year spread at 8% interest, and explained that if improvements were ordered in, bids would be taken in June and hopefully work would be completed by October of this year. Charles Nixon, legal counsel for Condor, explained that Condor is the owner of Parcel 1310 and has a problem with the street assessments as they would receive no benefit. Jullie state+ there is a road corridor which abutts the Condor property, and in Condor' s rezoning agreement it was outlined there could be a future assessment for road purposes along 74th Street frontage. The back area of the Condor property could use 74th Street for access, so Jullie stated there is some benefit and it would be unfair only to assess the one side. George Hoff, legal counsel for Mr. & Mrs. Hell e, spoke in favor of the proposed improvements and supported Jullie' s comments regarding the Condor parcel . Hoff also stated it would be inequitable and unfair if Condor did not carry their share of the assessment. F MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers , to close the Public Hearing and adopt Resolution No. 78-70, ordering utility and street improvements for Norseman Industrial Park 2nd Addition and Vicinity, I. C. 51-319. Motion carried unanimously. C. Prairie East 4th, 5th and 6th Additions, request by Hustad Development for PUD approvals rezoning of approximately 70 acres from Rural to R1-13.5 t and RM 6.5, preliminary plat approval for approximately 200 units of single family and guadrami ni ums t This proposal was discussed along with item D. ' D. Prairie East 7ths 8th and 9th Additions, request by Hustad Development for rezoning and approximately 50 acres from Rural to RM 6.5 and preliminary plat approval of approximately 200 units Items C. & D. were discussed together. City Manager Ulstad explained that the proponent has requested a joint hearing for these two proposals. W uncii milnutes - 4 - Tues. ,April 18, 1978 C. Prairie East 4th, 5th and 6th Additions and D. Prairie East 7th, 8th and 9th Additions continued Jim Ostenson, Hustad Development Corporation, reviewed the history of the Prairie East PUD, and introduced Mr. Woodland of Windsor Corporation, and Rick Sathre, McCombs-Knutson, who appeared before the Council . Mr. John Woodland, President of Windsor Corporation, developer in Prairie East 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th Additions, outlined his proposals and answered questions of Council members. City Planner Enger spoke to the actions taken at the four Planning Commissions meetings where the aforementioned Prairie East Additions were considered, noting that the open space as proposed is undesirable for usable open space. Director of Community Services Lambert explained that the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission did recommend approval of Prairie East 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Additions as outlined by the developer. Steve Jacobs, 9645 Squire Lane, 2nd Addition of Windsor, spoke in opposition to the proposed 7th, 8th and 9th Additions as he is against multiple dwellings next to single family homes, and also stated the park system as proposed is not adequate in the 7th Addition. Ken Franz 9880 Squire Lane, also expressed concerns with the 7th, 8th, and 9th Additions with the traffic, open space, and trailways. Rod Sundstrom, Chairman of the Planning Commission, spoke to the specifics discussed at the Planning Commission pertaining to park sites. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to refer the Prairie 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Additions back to Staff, Planning Commission, and the Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Commission for continued review, and directed Staff to work with the developer regarding concerns contained in the Staff memos dated March 23, 1978. Public Hearing to be continued to May 16, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. V. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS No reports. VI. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 78-76granting preliminary approval for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of i,000,000 for Super Valu MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 78-76, granting preliminary approval for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $1 ,000,000 for Super Valu. Motion carried unanimously. im 9 Council Minutes - 5 - Tues. ,April 18, 1978 B. Resolution No. 78-69granting preliminary approval for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $3,200,000 for C.P.T._ IL MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adopt Resolution No. 78-69, granting preliminary approval for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $3,200,000 for C.P.T. Meyers, Osterholt, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" , Bye "abstained" . Motion carried. C. Resolution No.78-50, granting preliminaryapproval for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of 1 ,100,000 for Barrett Moving & Storage Meyers questioned why the form had not been complPtely filled out. a Marvin Ingber, legal counsel for Barrett Moving & Storage, explained it has now been filled out and is acceptable. Mr. Ingber introduced. Bob Eidsvold, Chairman of the Board of Barrett Moving & Storage. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-50, t granting preliminary approval for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $1 ,100,000 for Barrett Moving & Storage. Motion carried unanimously. D. Resolution No. 78-22, establishing a ,policy for the Cash Park Fee Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memo dated April 14, 1978, deeds received from The Preserve and Edenvale, and the communication from The Preserve dated April 18, 1978. 4LOsterholt commended Staff for getting a difficult job accomplished. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-22, establishing a policy for the Cash Park Fee, deleting Hidden Ponds from the resolution. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 78-75, accepting deed by the City of Eden Prairie from Independent School District No. 272 for Round Lake Park City Attorney Thorfinnson spoke to his conversation with Peter Popovich, legal counsel for the School District, and was told an attorney i n Mr". Popovich's office who drafted the deed as submitted would review the joint powers agreement and would revise the deed to be consistent with the joint powers agreement. Osterholt stated he would feel more comfortable adopting Resolution No. 78-75 after receiving a report from Mr. Thorfinnson. MOTION : Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to instruct the City Attorney to accept the deed subject to bringing an action for reformation of the deed to eliminate restrictions on road development, or in the alternative to require the School District to deliver to the City a deed pursuant to the 1970 agreement and purchase of property. Motion carried unanimously. /Zv Council Minutes - 6 - Tues. ,April 18, 1978 F. Resolution No. 78-77, authorizing the sale of certain property, Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivision 335, Hennepin County Me to adopt MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded �Y Meyers, Resolution Nd.P 78-77, authorizing the sale of certain property, Lot 17 Auditors Subdivision 335, Hennepin County. Motion carried unanimously. VII. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members 1. Appointment of one member to the South Hennepin Human Services Council to fill an unexpired term to 1/31/79 Mayor Penzel recommended Doug Meyer to be appointed to the South Hennepin Human Services Council . MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to appoint Doug Meyer to the South Hennepin Human Services Council to fill an unexpired term to 1/31/79. Motion carried unanimously. B. Report of City Attorney City Attorney Thorfinnson spoke to the settlement request from Rauenhorst to pay the amount of the bond plus split the interest that the court found should be paid in a total amount of $58,000. MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Osterholt, to counter-offer in the amount of $60,000 to Rauenhorst. Motion carried unanimously. C. Report of City Manager City Manager Ul stad requested Council to set a date for consideration of the Guide Plan. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to set Thursday, April 27, 1978, 5:00 PM at the City Hall , for consideration of the Guide Plan. Motion carried unanimously. D. Report of Director of Community Services 1. Tennis Courts at Flying Cloud Airport Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to memo dated March 31, 1973, and answered questions of Council members. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to work out a long-term lease with the Metropolitan Airports Commission with pro-rata payback for tennis courts at Flying Cloud Airport as per memo dated March 31 , 1978. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Joint Use Agreement on Tennis Courts with School District . . MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to continue the item on the Joint Use Agreement on Tennis Courts with School District. Motion carried unanimously. /.201 Council Minutes - 7 - Tues. ,April 18. 1978 4 { 3. Arbor Month Celebration Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to memo dated March 31, 1978, and answered q`uettions of Council members. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to designate the "Sugar Maple" as the official tree for Eden Prairie, and that Arbor Month be celebrated in a fashion as outlined in memo dated March 31, 1978 from Stuart A. Fox, City Forester. Motion carried unanimously. E. Report of Finance Director 1. Final figures and costs incurred for bond refunding Finance Director Frane answered questions pertaining to his memo dated April 14, 1978, VIII . NEW BUSINESS 4 Mayor Penzel spoke to communication from Executive Director Glumack of M.A.C. in response to our letter to Chairman Befera. Penzel recommended to propose to M.A.C. the establishment of a City Advisory Committee. The committee would be responsible for airport matters and to the City Council and M.A.C. The committee as proposed would consist of seven members to be appointed by the City Council: 3 airport businessmen, 3 citizens, and a chairman. Staff would be supplied comparable to other ity commissions. All Council members concurred with this recommendation. 3nzel requested staff to draft a letter to Mr. Glumack advising him of the �---.^.cil ' s action. 7JOURNMENT MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Bye, to adjourn the Council meeting at 11:22 PM. Motion carried unanimously. r� z