City Council - 04/04/1978 9 ;I 2 APPROVED MINUTES ' EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUES DAY, APRIL 4, 1978 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel , Billy Bye, Joan Meyers, Dave Osterholt and Sidney Pauly COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad; City Attorney Ross Thorfinnson; Planner Chris Enger; Director of Community Services Bob Lambert; City Engineer Carl Jullie; and Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary INVOCATION: Councilwoman Joan. Meyers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members present. I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR sterholt requested that agenda items VI. D. 1 , 2 and 3, and VI. E. 1 , ith the exception of the Olympic Hills liquor license, be placed nder the Consent Calendar. Meyers further requested that approval of he Olympic Hills liquor license be placed under the Public Hearincis ,.ategory as IV. I. All Council members agreed with these requests. A. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-12, amending Ordinance No. 152, and providing for the regulation and licensing of advertising signs B. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-13 amending Ordinance No. 261 and re uiating and requiring permits for signs and imposing a penalty C. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-52, amending Ordinance No. 111 , Community Based Services Board D. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 78-51, amending Ordinance No. 77-2, changing_ name of the Human Rights Commission to the Human Rights and Services Commission E. Payment of Claims Nos. 9146 - 9281 F. Setting of a Public Hearing for May 2, 1978 for Raven Ridge Addition in Edenvale 3rd Addition G. Consider bids for pumphouse #3 and appurtenances, 1 . C. 51-301A Resolution No. 78-63 - formerly item VI . D. 1 on Council agenda) Counci l Minutes - 2 - Tues. ,April 4, 1978 , t II . CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) H. Easement agreement with NSP for Pum house #3 (formerly item VI. D. 2 on Council agenda I . Resolution setting hearinq date for Dell Road/Valley View Road Improvements, I . C. 51-326 CResolution No. 78-64 - formerly item VI. D. 3 on Council agenda) J. Clerk's License List excluding Olympic Hills liquor license request formerly item VI. E. 1 on Council agenda MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to approve all items listed on the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: Osterholt, Pauly, Bye, Meyers and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. E III . MINUTES A. Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday, March 14, 1978 r MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday, March 14, 1978, w as published. Motion carried unanimously. B. Special City Council Meeting held Monday, March 20, 1978 MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held Monday, March 20, 1978, as published. Motion carried unanimously. 1 'UBLIC HEARINGS E A. Round Lake Area Trunk Sewer Watermain and Street Improvements, I. C. 51-315 Resolution No. 78-62 City Engineer Jullie spoke to Resolution No. 78-62, his memo dated April 4, 1978 outlining the 3 alternatives for the extension of Luther Way, and answered questions of Council members. Penzel requested that information submitted from Mr. David Pavelka, 16725 Luther Way, and communication from Mr. Robert Williams , - 16600 Luther Way dated April 3, 1978, be made part of the permanent record. Mr. Pavelka, 16725 Luther Way, spoke to his communication in detail , _ and requested the Council to vote "no" on the proposal as presented. Cliff Wiese, 16680 Luther Way, also spoke i n_.oppos i tion _to- the proposal . Cliff Swenson, resident of Bloomington and one of the purchasers of the Savaryn property, would like to work with the City in any way that will please people in the area, as he is anxious to get something going this year. a Council Minutes - 3 - Tues. ,April 4, 1978 A. Round Lake Area Trunk Sewer, Wate retain and Street Im rovements I . C. 51-315 continued x: MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to continue the Public Hearing for Round Lake Area Trunk Sewer, Watermain and Street Improvements to May 2, 1978, and instruct Staff to meet with the residents and property owners to work out the best possible solution. Motion carried unanimously. Council directed City Engineer Jullie to work with Mr. Eliason, the developer, on whatever problems he may have. Bye urged Staff to keep the State Department of Transportation informed on what we are doing which would affect Highway #5. B. Anderson Rezoning of a 22 foot strip west of I-5 District, lying in the NW corner of Valley View Road and Washington Avenue City Planner Enger spoke to the proposal referring to the recommendation for approval by the Planning Commission at their meeting held February 13, 1978, and memo from City Engineer Jullie dated December 2, 1977. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to close the Public Hearing and give a 1 st Reading to Ordinance No. 78-20, rezoning of a 22 foot strip for Richard Anderson, lying in the NW corner of Valley View Road and Washington Avenue, from Rural to I-5 Park. Motion carried unanimously. C. Bryant Lake View Estates, Thelma Griffith Haynes Property. Request IL for rezoning from Rural to R1-22, and preliminary plat approval of 26 lots on approximately 24 acres Jack Lynch, Bather-Ringrose-Wolsfeld, representing Mrs. Naynes, spoke to the proposal and answered questions of Council members. City Planner Enger spoke to the Planning Commission meetings held February 13 and February 27, 1978, and the March 13, 1978 Planning Commission meeting whereby a recommendation for approval was adopted. Enger further outlined the Planning Staff Report dated February 15, 1978, and answered questions of Council members pertaining to same. Meyers questioned whose responelLi 1 i ty is the dirt mound and who would bear the cost. Enger replied that since a problem exists with the sight line distance, that if additional traffic is brought in by the development it is the Staff's recommendation and also the Planning Commissions that the developer do this improvement within the right-of-way with his development. Penzel asked if the diseased trees on this property have been removed prior to the April deadline. Enger responded the diseased trees have not been removed and they were tagged last year. However, Enger stated, it is the recommendation in the Staff Report that the trees be cleaned up. Osterholt questioned if there would be any severe problems for a storm `�► sewer in this area. Enger responded there is a high potential for erosion in this area which is one of the main problems of the massive gradings, and that a close look has to be given by the Watershed District Council Minutes - 4 Tues. ,April 4, 1978 C. Bryant Lake View Estates , Thelma Griffith Haynes Property (continued) and Staff to insure that proper sedimentation procedures are followed. Dick Anderson, Chairman of the Parks;, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, explained it is important we address ourselves to the accesses to Bryant Lake Park because not only do we have this development under discussion, but also Super Valu. William Garens, member of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, agreed with Dick Anderson about needed accesses to Bryant Lake Park, as 99% of the citizens live to the southwest and he feels there is need for accesses across Highway #494 for children. Mr. Robert Fransen, 6851 Beach Road, stated he thinks the access to Bryant Lake Park is adequate, and it would be ridiculous to have an access over Highway #494. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to close the Public Hearing and adopt Resolution No. 78-60, approving the preliminary plat for Bryant Lake View Estates. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 78-19, rezoning from Rural to R1-22 the 26 lots on approximately 24 acres for Bryant Lake View Estates, Thelma Haynes Property. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to direct the City Attorney to draft a rezoning agreement incorporating recommendations of the February 15, 1978, Planning Staff Report on page 7, items 1. a - e and 2, and also including that the eastern end of the through street be signed to denote it as a temporary deadend. Motion carried unanimously. . R D. Pheasant Oaks, Burmith, Inc. , request for preliminary •plat approval and rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 for 96 single family detached homes on 55 acres Mr. Richard Smith, Burmith, Inc. , introduced Ron Bastyr, McCombs- Knutson Associates, who outlined the proposal and answered questions of Council members. City Planner Enger spoke to the Planning Commission meeting March 13, 1978, whereby a recommendation for approval was adopted. Enger further explained that due to the lateness of the hour the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission did not have a chance to consider this proposal at their meeting held April 3, 1978. Director of Community Services Bob Lambert explained that a special Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission meeting has been set for Monday. April 10, 1978, at which time this proposal will be considered. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to continue the Public Hearing for Pheasant Oaks to April 18, 1978, when a report from the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission will be available. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 5 - Tues. ,April 4, 1978 D. Pheasant Oaks , Burmith , Inc. (continued) Ron Bastyr asked if the Council would take action on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet as this has to, go through the governmental agencies and it is important that it be started as soon as possible. R' 9 MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adopt Resolution No. 78-55, approving the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Pheasant Oaks by Burmith, Inc. , contingent upon favorable action by the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission at their meeting to be held Monday, April 10, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. E. Super Valu Stores, Inc. , request for PUD Amendment to Major Center Area PUD for a 140 acre site, and rezoning of 37 acres from Rural z to Office for corporate headquarters to be located on south end of Bryant Lake F City Manager Ulstad explained that the Super Valu proposal has been heard before the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, a:id the proponents have visited with property owners in and around the area. fi Howard Loomis, Super Valu, introduced Bob Dill and Gene Stormoen from Ellerbe & Associates. Mr. Dill showed graphic illustrations of the site and outlined the proposal . City Planner Enger spoke to the recommendation for approval from the Planning Commission and to Staff Reports dated March 7 and March 23, 1978. Enger also referred to the communication from the Hennepin County Department of Transportation dated April 3, 1978. Enger stated Super Valu is prepared to amend their rezoning to 35 acres so that the 'area remaining essentially would be unbuildable. Osterholt raised a concern about the balance of the property and if there are any suggestions being made as to what the future use might be. Mr. Dill replied there are no plans for the land and it was purchased so Super Valu could control their neighbors. Enger noted there is no request for zoning of the rest of the property. Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to the concerns expressed by the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission at their April 3, 1978 Commission meeting, i .e. , trail around Valley View or Bryant Lake Park, land dedication and encroachment on the pond. Dick Anderson, Chairman of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, explained the Commission has concerns about the trail system and accesses . Concerned about providing an access to the recreation area. When a developer comes in especially along a natural resources area, there has been a certain amount of dedication. In this proposal there has been no proposed dedication to the City, only that in cash park fee. We have set a certain precedent in this community, and this proposal would not go along with this precedent. Osterholt explained the area shown as open space will beleft undeveloped by the developer, and would service the community and residents. Council Minutes - 6 - Tues. ,April 4, 1978 0 E. Super Valu Stores , Inc_ (continued) William Garens, .member of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, stated this is a good proposal for the site, but his reservations are with the trail system. 951AV of the people have a poor access to get to a major access to a major park. Bye explained it should be pointed out that the problem Eden Prairie has had in acquiring and developing parklands is traced to one similar thing - money. Approximately $40,000 will be contributed by Super Valu to be set aside as their contribution for cash park fee. Jerry Carnes, 7036 Willow Creek Road, spoke in favor of the Super Valu proposal , complimenting Super Valu and Ellerbe for working with the people in the area and coming up with a proposal that is fair and equitable. Don Sorensen, 7121 Willow Creek Road, explained he is pleased with the efforts Super Valu has made, however, expressed concern about the modification of the Major Center Area Plan with this particular setting involved. Sorensen also suggested if a trailway easement is going to be provided along Valley View some thought should be given to placing a fence on the inside from the sight standpoint of that trailway system. Mr. Loomis explained Super Valu has same concerns about the misuse of the property, but hoped it would not be necessary to construct a fence. However, Super Valu will take whatever steps necessary to protect the property. Penzel stated the recommendation for a scenic easement has come up a number of times. Mr. Loomis responded it is Super Valu's understanding that through the zoning process they are just rezoning this particular site, and the City has a great deal of control through zoning and permits as to the remaining area. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to close the Public Hearing and adopt Resolution No. 78-52, approving the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Super Valu. Motion carried unanimously. Meyers requested that Resolution No. 78-51 be amended in the first line of the second "WHEREAS" clause by adding "conceptual" . - MOTION: 0sterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to adopt Resolution No. 78-51 as amended, granting request for a PUD Amendment to the Major Center PUD for a 140 acre site for Super Valu. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 78-14, rezoning of 35 acres from Rural to Office for Super Valu's corporate headquarters. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pauly. to direct the City Attorney to draft a developers agreement for the PUD Amendment incorporating land uses as shown for office space and open space only, removing the remaining land use designations of housing and commercial from the Major Center Area original PUD. Further incorporating recommendations of the Hennepin County Department of Transportation for accesses as per communication dated April 3, 1978-9 restrictions of any docks or piers on the entire PUD parcel , open space to remain unaltered and in natural state, no clearing , along lakes other than Council Minutes - 7 - Tues . ,April 4, 1978 m E. Super Valu Stores, Inc. (continued) dead vegetation, Super Valu to dedicate all of the land below the 854 contour as scenic easement, and Super Valu to dedicate trail easement along Valley View Road. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to direct the City Attorney to draft a rezcning agreement for the 35 acre office site for Super Valu, including recommendations of the March 7 and March 23, 1978 Staff reports, allowing height variances and parking variances. Motion carried unanimously. F. Hillsborough and Hillsborough Second, The Preserve, rezoning from Rural to RI-13. 5,and preliminary plat approval of 80 acres into 149 lots Don Hess, representing The Preserve, outlined the proposal as presented to the Planning Commission with - the exception of a few modifications. a City Planner Enger explained the proposal was considered at the Planning Commission on February 13, February 27, and March 13, 1978, and that there were considerable changes from the initial time it was reviewed until action was taken. Rod Sundstrom, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated the Commission does not disagree with the land use of single family residential , but does not agree with the platting as proposed. Further that the platting was no reason to give a PUD approval because the Commission IL did not see any trade-offs that would warrant approval . Sunds trom noted the proposal went through a lot of changes from the 19t time the Planning Commission saw it to the 2nd time. Director of Community Services Lambert explained that the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission has not had a chance to review this proposal because of the lateness of their meeting, however would be doing so at their special meeting on Monday, April 10, 1978. Lambert stated Staff has some concerns as outlined in memos dated March 2 and March 23, 1978. Leroy Jedlicka, 12501 Pioneer Trail , explained in the proposal The Preserve shows accesses to his land and he has been at his present location since 1968 and nobody has contacted him about his land. Mr. Jedlicka also spoke to the extreme noise from the airport which would affect homes proposed in the development, and questioned the price of the homes to go into the area. Mr. Hagen BanCon, replied the prices of the homes would range from $60,000 to $70,006. Bye stated it is the Job of the Council to react to proposals as they have gone through the Commissions and staff. Further that he felt it would be inappropriate for the Council to take any action because the proposal as outlined this evening is different than what the Commissions and Staff have considered. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, that the Hillsborough and Hillsborough 2nd be referred back to Staff, the Planning Commission and Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission for consideration, i to be back to the Council on May 16, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 8 - Tues. ,April 4, 1978 G. Amsden Hills III , The Preserve, request to preliminary plat 32 acres for single family, multi-family, and park uses; and to rezone 16 acres from Rural- to R1-13.5 with variances for approximately 30 lots ' City Planner Enger spoke to Staff Report dated January 25, 1978, and to the recommendation for approval by the Planning Commission. Director of Community Services Lambert explained that his department does not have a Staff Report but concurs with the Planning Staff Report, and that the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission has recommended approval . Penzel requested that the communication from Mr. & Mrs. John Wastvedt, 9166 Neill Lake Road, be entered into the permanent record in opposition to the proposal . Osterholt questioned if the deeds had been received. John Ger ts, The Preserve, explained once the final plat has been approved it will be filed at the County, then the deeds will be available to the City. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pauly, to close the Public Hearing and give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 78-18, rezoning 16 acres for Amsden Hills III, The Preserve, from Rural to R1-13.5. Meyers, Pauly, Bye and Penzel voted "aye" , Osterholt voted "nay" . Motion carried. x MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 78-56, approving the revised preliminary plat dated February 27, 1978. Pauly, IL Bye, Meyers and Penzel voted "aye"' , Osterholt voted "nay" . Motion carried. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pauly, to direct the City Attorney to draft a rezoning agreement including the cul-de-sac be maintained by the Homeowers Association, developer to work with City Forester to determine the extent and method of tree removal during overall site development, removal of diseased dutch elm trees, and that ove rstory vegetation be established. Meyers, Pauly, Bye and Penzel voted "aye" . Osterholt voted "nay" . Motion carried. H. Minnesota Mini-Storage, 2nd Addition, request by Bruce Hubbard to rezone from Rural & Highway Commercial to I-2 Park 3.06 acres for individual storage warehouse space Bruce Hubbard, Minnesota Mini-Storage, 'Outlined the proposal and answered questions of Council members. City Planner Enger spoke to the Planning Commission meetings held January 23 and February 13, 1978 where a recommendation for approval was passed unanimously. Enger also referred to the Staff Report dated February 2, 1978. Director of Community Services Lambert outlined the recommendation for approval by the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission at their meeting held Monday, March 6, 1978. Z-3 _ i Council Minutes - 9 - - Tues. ,April 4, 1978 4rH. Minnesota Mini-Storage, 2nd' Addition +'(continued) MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to close the Public Hearing and give a 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 78-21, rezoning 3.06 acres for Minnesota Mini-Storage for individual storage warehouse space from Rural & Highway Commercial to I-2 Park. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyer moved, seconded by Osterholt, to direct the City Attorney to draft a rezoning agreement incorporating 5 items in Staff Report dated February 2, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Bye, to continue the Council meeting past the 11 :30 PM scheduled adjournment time. Motion carried unanimously- I . Olympic Hills Liquor License (formerly item E. 1 under Clerk's License List on Council agenda) R MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Osterholt, to approve the Liquor License for Olympic Hills. Motion carried unanimously. s V. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS No reports. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members 1. Councilwoman Pauly Councilwoman Pauly referred to resolution pertaining to the South Hennepin Human Services Council . MOTION: Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 78-68, supporting the activities and leadership provided by the South Hennepin Human Services Council and urging the Hennepin County Board to continue funding as they have in the past. Motion carried unanimously. ! 2. Mayor Penzel a. Penzel referred to communication asking _for suggestions for Outstanding Women in 'America. b. Mayor Penzel brought up for discussion the transfer of deeds to park properties. 1 City Manager Ulstad explained there are two deeds, one for 2.2 acres for the purpose of a fire station location, and the second for 41 .77 acres for the balance of the property. The lst deeds does not have any restrictions, the 2nd has the following restriction: "Subject to the restriction that no roadway or public thoroughfare shall be located or constructed upon the described premises without the express and prior consent of the Grantor", the grantor being Independent School District No. 272. Council Minutes - 10 - Tues. ,April 4, 1978 b. Transfer of deeds (continued) MOTION: -Osterholt moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 78-74, ordering a Feasibility Report for Valley View Road from County Road 4 to State Highway #1U1 based- on the general transportation plan concept. Motion carried unanimously. Council directed the City Attorney to draft a resolution s ' accepting the deeds to include the Council is not satisfied with the restriction on the 2nd deed. B . Report of City Attorney City Attorney Thorfinnson spoke to the order received from Judge Amdahl on Rauenhorst. Thorfinnson aisc recommended that until we get good evidence that there is jet noise in violation of Ordinance No. 51, that the City should not spend any time or money to go into Court. Tn Y '- C. Report of City Manager No report. D. Report of City Engineer 1. Consider bids for pum house #3 and appurtenances, I. C. 51-301A Item II . G. on the Consent Calendar 2. Easement agreement with NSP for Pum house #3 °. Item II . H. on the Consent Calendar) 3. Resolution setting hearing date for Dell Road/Val i ey View Road Improvements, I . C. 51-326 Item II . J. on the Consent Calendar) %'11 . NEW BUSINESS 1Y No New Business. I 1 I . ADJOURNMENT kf` MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Osterholt, to adjourn the Council meeting at 12:20 AM. Motion carried unanimously. r _m �M4 I urge the City Council to vote no on the Proposed eaten$ion to Luther 'fay for the following reasons: Design of Luther Wad �ry 1 . Luther Way was designed and built 13 years ago to serve a small residential neighorhood. It is adequate for its initial intent. 2. It is inadequate to handle the volume of traffic that will be generated by the proposed 250 additional units in these respects: A. Width Two cars cannot safely meet when a (261 ) car is narked on the raad. B. Sidwdalris There are no sidewalks, so many children with wheeled vehicles use the street. T.ntersection of Luther W„a-r with Cometv Road 1 . Substantial improvements would be required to the intersection of Luther Way and County Road 4- in order to , andle tho nruiected traffic, , . Traffic generator existing on Luther Way in addition to the residential traffic are: ,3 A. Church B. Day Care Center C. Nursery Scho-ol � 3. Within a few hundred feet of this intersection are: A. The major entrance to Round Lake Park B. Two major entrances to the Prairie Village piping mall. 4. A few hundred feet beyond this on County Road r+ the following traffic generators are located A. The Westgate Housing Additions. B. Lil Red Store C. E. P. Library �. The paved shoulder on the Luther Way side of Cty Rd is designated as a bicycle path. , Proximity to Round Lake Park 1 . Round Lake Park is a magnet which draws pedestrian traffic (toddlers to -teenagers) from the neighborhood. . Crossing Luther Way will be a hazard since: A. Luther Way currently is a "straight shot" B. Extended as proposed will encourage =26i.M iarn V^ricular speed. Alternative solutions to the problems generated by the development X of the—TIMason property. 1 . Develop" a north exit from Neritage to the new Valley View Road.. 2. Design the new Valley View Road wide enough to accomodate the 250 units. 3. Design a pro�rrer intersection of Valley View Road with County Road 4,with stop lights. M y r ' General Comments 1 . It appears as though the proposed extention to Luther Way will create more pnoblems than it solves. . 2. The, proposed Luther Way extention re1l ti sfers a ve difficult ro_blew of entrance and e f rozn Rerftaige Rip ay to the intersection of Luther Wad and Oty Rd 4. Final r ecom+-1-i1datioii 1 . All planning of the Luther Warr extentian stop until after er cor:cret plan has been adopted, funded and scheduled Pax the new Valley View Road. 2. The Luther Way extention is a-- "stop-gap" solution to a bigger problem. 3top%.gap solutions have a way of becoming permanent. We have enough of these already. Let's not make Luther Wary do a Job it was never intended to do. I The7 Pk yvu fo c© 3deration, David Pave?ka 16725 Luther Way Eden Prairie, Mn. r Home: 941 8791 Office: 91+1 2230 z L _L We, the undersigned, are opposed to the ex_tention of Luther Way as nronosed under Public Improvents I. C. 51 -315 and urge the City Council to vote against the project. f n aLne address f r � ' ' �• •'.•' ,i:` ,..�.,.{._ •... �.'�•. ... C �.; �; ....... ! ,�•. .. � � 'i .".w!.. ..f't_C:<.- -- „��":� r.: ram.: r, ( � C `k ., � � ��^� t.�..1.`1,. k."��~ 1 �\ '� "�; �«r � c•-.." - r r J J r • r t 1 , • f "! � Alt,(.' 'j a tr' . l' u..� ./ "•c ram yt. .^�` v ? 3 ` _ 16. 176 ► ,/'t fr_..�, fir,;;. -'/ /�L'.' /,'' fic�lir'=�t / 1 200 c } 22. 23 24. �° f ,i"��"�-�, ` �is��� � �' `. r f`- � _ 4•���26 e"O � � C l 4 'I } 4eg the undersi.�ned � are anr�osed to t extf-�nticr: of Lutrer Way as nronosed under Public Improvements T.C. 51 _3i 5 and urge the City CoEi'�cil to vote against the project. �wj,,naLme address U-) , �1 428. =W�l Z-- w 20. 30. w 31 . 32. 33. l �t W •f/./ !11 34 37. 38. t t `_ �c ��c, i 6 j a c7 1-�;T.�t`S rZ c )Vz 39. �C-G 2 ..:. All 571 . 52 t c� f.. ., 53. • ♦a• 3 r 60. f :4 yR Wei the undersigned s are opposed to the extention of Luther Way as proposed under Public Improvements I.C. 51 -31 5 and urge the y City Council to vote against the project. Name Address R ; 6 / - 63. !� GUC/,J�=%... f(CtCL� LY+� . 65. E �i c ��-�e-, 774K 7 ' - -70 5 66. 6$ c,�,{.- t,: ,� `3 t ✓':.ail �,_�.. -, 3 -/ 7 Q- `... ,'art r. c'P c v 1 T v-• .� / .,1 v�� (.(,,', L s is.C� �J 1..- 71 72. 73. 71+• �, /' ° ,a ..r,� ++L Lam-.4..�^?. ��-�' / _ m 77. 790 80 i ' 81 • rr�/-,cam �,% , 1 • r '� / / 820 83. ?a,l of 85. t m 4/ 3/78 ist't�u� to ( TO: Members of the Eden Prairie City Council me44K4 ' � ► " SUBJECT : Proposed Public Improvement Project I . C . 51 -315 ) 4 Residents of Luther Way and Meadow Lane received materials about the above proposed project about March 18 , 1978 . We had the opportunity to meet with city staff and find out the details ( as they existed) concerning these planned changes on March 30 , 1978 . This proposed "public improvement" appeared very threatening to most of the households that would be directly affected. It would drastically change the environ- ment that we have all been used to over the years _ I am sure that in your positions as council members you have heard , many times before, the concerns of households, parents and neighbors that any proposed changes will be to their detriment . My basic concerns about Project I . C . 51-315 are that it would unalterably change the complexion of this previously isolated neighborhood and greatly increase the traffic burden in this area and create a public safety hazard . In addition , any decision about extending Luther Way should be decided coincidentally with a final decision on the route for the Valley View extension past the new high school . With these concerns in mind , I would make the following comments . Using some basic demographic and traffic analysis data provided in the Hennepin County Transportation System Study ( HC'T'SS ) dated December , 1975 , I have tried to estimate current and anticipated automobile daily trips in the affected area of existing Luther Way . Assuming approximately 80 persons on Luther. Way and Meadow Lane today , and assuming 2 . 72 daily trips per person (RCTSS , p . 21) ( this includes auto traps , truck trips , and transit trips) , this would result in a current trips per day level of approximately 220 vehicles . The maps we received covering this project showed the following proposed or existing potential lots that would be expected to egress to Highway 5 via Luther Way : ADDITION LOTS Heritage Park lst 31 Round Lake Estates : 1st & ' 2nd 52 Round Lake Estates : 3rd add . 47 Parcel #10 (west of Luther Way) _ 51 181 Assuming that these 181 households contain 4 . 20 persons each (HCTSS 1-6) , and assuming 2 . 72 daily trips per person , this would amount to an additional potential 2 , 070 trips per day down Luther Way , This would represent a traffic vehicle increase of almost 850% * . r- This staggering increase in traffic would no doubt increase the risk to residents ( not just the children) on Luther Way . I would also doubt that existing Luther Way was designed to have this traffic load . ( 2 , 000 vehicles per day is about 25% of the current traffic flow on County Rd . #4 in the affected area We are not unaware of the problems of the current residents of Heritage and Round Lake Estates in trying to go east onto d Highway # 5 . But easing their problems , while creating a new potential hazard for the residents of Luther Way , is not a good solution . I would request that the City Council direct the City Staff to look for additional alternatives that would reduce the problems of exiting onto Highway # 5 but would also not shift the problem to the households on Luther Way. One suggested alternative and one which I believe most house- holds on Luther Way can live with , would be to extend Luther Way to collect the traffic from parcel # 10 West of Luther Way (approximately 51 lots proposed ) . Traffic from Heritage and Round Lake Estates would be run north to the extended Valley View Road . Additionally , a "greenway" could be set aside that would go from Round Lake south to Highway 1#5 ( this greenway was originally proposed two or three years ago as part of the total City Open Space systems) (See map) . This alternative would increase the traffic on Luther Way by about 170% * * , which is substantial , but it recognizes that we cannot remain isolated ( as in the past ) and provides for orderly ingress/eggress ; it keeps a greenway buffer that helps protect the southwestern section of the park ; and it provides a medium to handle the problems of the residents in Heritage and Round Lake Estates . We all have a stake in achieving some accomodation . Citizen disenchantment must be balanced against the requirements to develop this community . I only ask that an orderly , safe and enfironme.ntally sound plan be developed . Developmental rights don ' t necessarily run with the land but are created by yourselves and allocated by you (our representatives) to the particular land involved . *Admittedly , �y , residents of Heritage Park and Round Lake Estates Ist Add . will find it more convenient to ingress directly via Highway 5 ; the.- estimate for current traffic on Luther Way did not account for the trips generated by the ABC Day Care Center. , the ABC Nursery, and the Immanuel Lutheran Church . * * 51 H .H . @ 4 - 2/H . M . 214 people @ 2 . 72 trips/person 582 trips/day Very truly yours , Robert K . Williams 16600 Luther Way v,fw �1 t�" • o l r " • � 391r11tl3K � a �P� v�'1 t ,1- s ,` DUCK llr Q + i 4 — ' - �[ cn :54: l' 1 _ c —_—_---- co Rc 4 8 ,000 V.P . QA I -- r*) r ti x _ - R 7