City Council - 05/04/1976 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL_ TUESDAY, MAY 4 , 1976 7.30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel Billy Bye a d Joan Meyers Tim Pierce 3 Sidney Pauly COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad City Attorney Ilarlan Perbix City Engineer Carl jullie Director of Community Services Marty lessen ' Finance Director John Frane Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary INVOCATION - Harlan Perbix, City Attorney ROLL CALL: All members present. (Bye arrived at meeting at 7:50 PM) I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITMIVAS O_ F BUSINFSS - The following items were requested to be added to the Council agenda under the "New F{usincss" category: A. I-lcmc-o- n&r's Assoc iatioils B. AonoiW-n r>nt of I3L,n-urt Rights Corn-mission mc-rnber. C. Question of_l'►lj!r. -ase D. Association of )Vi .trr�,�olit:,n Murtici �alifies_meetin E. I\4e--tino sc)',eduled for Ma_y 12, 1976 in Robbinsdale for municipal G. Fdcnar to prop o-zal, i i MOTION: Micyers moved , seconded by Pauly , to approve the agenda with the inclusion of the 7 afore mentioned items . Motion carried unanimously. II. PU LIC HEhl-UNG A. Proposed I,ituminons surfacing on Staring Lane and Rime Road, 1. C. 51-287 . Mayor Penzel outlined the procedures for public hearings. i A. Proposed bituminous surf,scin_g on Staring Lane and Ridge Road , I . C . 51-287 . (Continued) City Manager Ulstad explained that an affidavit of publication is on file and. the public hearing was called for as a result of a petition received March 24, 1976 signed by property owners requesting this improvement. City Engineer jullie outlined alternatives for Council' s consideration: 1 . Double seal coating application over 3" crushed Blacktop base. . . . . . . . . Cost $425. 00 per lot 2 . Paver-laid 2" bituminous matt . Cost $700.00 per lot i 3 . City staff prepare subgrade and place recycled blacktop base, Cost $390.00 per lot r 4 . Seal coat only . _ Cost $270 . 00 per lot The following property owners appeared in opposition to this improvement: Mrs . Roy Jaszczak, 15081 Ridge Road, Doug Olson , 9030 Staring Lane , Gerald Schwankl, 9090 W. Staring Lane , Jim Peterson, 9161 E . Staring Lane , Floyd Olson,15130 Ridge Road, Donna Vasiliades , 9190 W. Staring Lane , Mrs . Ron Ostman, 15080 Ridge- Road. in reasons for opposition were cost and the fact that th-e road vrould ha vr• to be dug up when s--ever and water come through the area . Doug Olson presr nted a petition to the Council noting that 85 . 7% of the peoiAe in the affected urea signed the petition in opposition to this izr�l.� v :- rnr�nt. (Petition attachad as part of minutes) . City Engineer Jullie erpla ined that Staring Lane and Ridge Road would be oiled once a year, and if the residents desired more treatments It would be at their own expense . Nllayor Perizel noted the lettem,received from Eugcne and Margaret Pexa , 9031 'W. Staring Lane , and IAr. & Mrs . Tim Banker, 15060 Ridge Road , and requested these he entered into the record . 4 MOTION : Eye moved , seconded by Meyers , to deny approval of I. C. 51-287 for bituminous surfacing on Staring Lane and Ridge Road. Motion carried unanimously. 3 - Tuesday, May 4, 1976 "- III. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 322 , rezoninq properties surrounding County Road 9 and T .H . 5 to Planned Stud 4 MOTION: Meyers moved , seconded by Pauly, to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 322 , rezoning properties surrounding County a Read 4 and T. H. 5 to Planned Study. Motion carried unanimously. y i B. Resolutions No. 1129 and No . 1130 for correction of recorded utility11 e_a s enients , I. C. 51-269 . MOTION: 'v:eycrs moved , seconded by Pierce, to adopt Resolution No . 1129 , correcLi ng recorded utility easement on Scroggins property. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Pierce moved, seconded by Meyers , to adopt Resolution No. 1130, correcting recorded utility easement on Loren Irvine property. Motion carried unanimously. IV. PETITIONS R-EQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. Reauast from the Ho_okins I%AinnetonkaZI: _� of Women _' cu Voters for a ceritribution from the Cite to help s cnsor "Town Meeting" } d held May 1, 1976_ City 1,1janager Ulstad er-plair,ed he had talked to Mrs . Dietz , coordinator of rc i sing funds for the "Town N1 eeting" day from the League of Women Voters. Mrs . Dietz c=lained that at the present three all of the bills Have not been rc c<:ived so it is hard to say whether there is a shortage of funos . The Ric nt:!nn al Cornrnittce has contributed $150 . 00 toward this event. M0'110N: Meyers moved , seconded by Bye, to authorize expenditures of up to $200 . 00 to help defray the cost of the "Town Meeting" day held May 1, 1976 . Roll Call Vote: Meyers , Bye, Pauly, Pierce and Penzel voted "aye" . Motion carried unanimously. V. REPORTS OF OFFICERS , BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council members . 1 , Councilman Pierce reported on the Parks , Recreation & Natural: Resources Commission meeting held Monday, May 3, 1976. 2 . Councilwoman Meyers -reported on the'Town Meeting" day held ( May 1st sponsored by the League of 'Women Voters . e• 3 . Councilwoman Pauly reported on the Planning Commission meeting held April 26 , 1976 . Council Ii1inutes - 4 - 1'LIL: Ci�iy , ;,."_ B. RPnort of Director of Community Services _ 1 . Tax forfeited property at West�a,te Director of Community Services Jessen explained that he met Thursday , April 29, v:rith some of the neighbors from the Westgate area regarding their interest in turning this tax forfeited piece of properly into a mini park . Mr. & Mrs . Flavin also attended the neighborhood rneeting and led a discussion on their experiences with Sterling, Field, which is a mini park in their neighborhood. Mr. Jessen further stE:ted that tine general reaction at this point s is that thzre just ar`n't enough people in the area interested In this property being harried into a mini park . Concerns seem � to be: 1) Too small an area , 2) Round Lake lies across the road, and 3) haw would it affect the immediate adjoining two houses. Wes Johnson , 7481 Westgate Lane, verified Mr. lessen's remarks. MOTIOhT: Bye moved , seconded by Pierce , to adopt Resolution 'No . 1121 approving the sale of the tax forfeited property at Westgate by Hennepin County. Motion carried unanimously. VI . NE-V! BUSIITLSS A. Hoinoo•%?ner's Assoc aflorls R/r. Ulstad c.-pIaiin--d thhat %ve do h:ve a lot of in;ornnation regarding Hornoe�t,=her' s i'�.ssociations, but that this info,=;iatiorl has not been rcvie.,Jed by Commissions or Cour•cil . QuestioriCd if the Council would appreciate tl,o Planning Com.,misslon and Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Couimission taking a look at this and then bring it before the Council . Joel Fleiscl-:e.r, 8793 Basswood , -The Preserve , expressed his concern regarding any future action on Homeowner's Associations, --specially pertaining to existing Homeowner' s Associations . MOTION: Bye moved , seconded by Pierce, to refer this matter to the Planning Commission and Parks, Recreation Natural Resources Commission for consideration and recommendation as to process to be used. Jvlotion carried unanimously. B. Hpl�cintr:nent of I3iima:n Riglnts Commission member. Mayor Penzel recommended Michael Dardis to be considered as a member to serve on the IIuman Rights Commission. MOTION: fierce moved , seconded by Bye, to appoint Michael Dardis as a member to the Human Rights Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Council l".inutus - 5 -- '1'ucsc;uy, i'.iLsy -1 , i`.J / u g C. uestion of Library site Lease i 't. �._-- o n -- i r further report will be submitted to the City Council on this item within a imonth . D. Association of M etr000litan Municipalities meeting. Mayor Penzel rem:r:ded the Council of the Association of Metropolitan Municipal hies anrILI-31 rnneting to be held May 19th at the Golden Valley House . Ure.cd Council members to attend . s k E . IV!eetir, 1 scl,edLllCd far hf 12 1976 in Robbinsdale for municipal officiaiw_ Tv:ayor Per. eel announced them would be a meeting at the Robbinsdale "Civic C,-nter" for municipal officials on May 12th. - F . Sicrn Orriinance review City Ma,i.ager Ulstad explained that the Planning Commission will L;e discuss incx the Sign Ordinance at their next regular meeting. ». G. 17denoate i:)rc,i_ sal Thn f0ll0v.7ing Motions were made by Council members: MOTION: Tvie-y ers moved, seconded by Pauly , that the City Clerk be instructed to return to Gerald Pautz and R . F. Pautz, President of POLItz-Franklin Realty , the application of Eden Prairie Townhouse Company raat:�d February 11, 1975 on the grritinds that the commercial Lur;iness name, Eden Prairie Townhouse Company , has not been filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Hennepin County and a certificate c : .ecuted and published in accordance with the provisions of fic�-ction 313 . 01 , Minnesota Statutes . This shall be without prejudice to the filing of an application in compliance with Minnesota Statutes and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Eden Prairie : ilotion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bye moved , seconded by Meyers , since the application of Gerald B . PaUt2 and Pautz-Franklin Realty Company doing business as Eden Prairie 'Townhouse Company dated March 19 , 1976 and filed March 22 , 1976 "is rnade as an alternate only to applicant' s previous application to develop the site with 20G too.,nhouses . This application does not replace or { constitute .?withdrawal of said previous application , which application shall remain in full force and c•ifect. " , the planning commission is instructed to defer any further action on said application of March 19 , 1976 until the ahplicantr have filed an application in compliance with the Statutes of the State of 1V i nnesota and the Ordinances of the City of Eden Prairie "to develop the site with 20G townhouses . " Motion carried unanimously. Council Riitiutes - 6 - uc'sday, ;�iu}° •� , 1�� � ! VII. ADJOURNMENT t MOTION: Bye moved , seconded by Penzei, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 PN,. Motion carried unanimously. 1 r I i iff f r i k i i C , May A. , 1976 To 1'!s..Yc.1r ar-d ubuncil 1..cr-,bcrr,-2dcn Vrairia City Courell . 17,'hen thia J'-'or I L, sw " a-iij[ L-nc v -a around 2 j,c:op1c- Y,;c2:c un,"'ar the liul,rczaim that it V-.:oulcl br! th .- Cie: U� V:'Pvtt- ha:; viijc1l v.,e 000ld of had lor 4�77 . 91 e pf-. r vc�'J, .1 inn ' t• iii t:-_c .1'311 c,-#- JvG9 and, vv-�j** cral'y cirrncd t 17.- C 16 L:Tt C'r I.:Y- c.-n I. r.111 rA, V 4u 1.0 tV;Q C Q' 0 t c a fOr tV. C) 11 C!-y)'j4 f_:) -,C-.,rC mosct of th-- r-c- opla v.c-r c t u r m c�d of on tho and -,,c!GOJ!d -pcA- A,tjr3jj N-j-,c, p asocd aroil-sid v.hic.h may hav'c, a If V-'o could have t1i7o, oams lmr.rove mant 0 'L t rj Q y bo 1 c s th a r, 1. 1 a 4�2.4, , CC --i-nd thc '�� 7 , 000 ;'i C 1 r I C-.- t'h c c o z?.nd o-,!' tl-i- recaident- r.-.y bc t.1-14 in favor c)f Q 0 uJCJ a S c I..' d 0 c,r. c s a P.Q t Y r a o I:-- t v4 A -17Ct%cnt da-v rricczi ? It no doabt h� her hYx in CLr -' �uu to hi-hrar %it, roc (And highs r -- :. I:L 'Lc, jo tjos.*', of the re. o e- c*-\,c.,.)th y-ar and it ati12 lvsck � road it jooi.s liluc. j. t zrhoold, t"':o r: r r" C V r-Ca T,c,, -7.rc of c the tv o tAA-crnato.,3 tl*j(, T.(Irm rr.---iria rrorr,-- c-d c.G c-i-ther c-rLc-I VIOLOA bc be -Llter than the ac-al r-o C.i 'I'1 0 4 1 Jjj r- for dintr-ontrol ca it hz:,.z b�r--c-n doiic J. L t,,')C.- J,-Ast J.umr.,�7 , o !--! is hard Ontlr�.,S .. it slao t'.�-kcG A t t Ll-ji 6 c c) 'Id caw.c im acclGent Y'hen you Zc-t oil a r,a c 0 v a 0 f I, a rj t r o 11 f; 0 d 0 lien Y013 vialk the f;t.rcct Vic. oil OtIc. 1-- to tho -%ilaloaa arid the rac----'Q is wiped on thc C., f 1-. on t i n 6 -�- 1 t.f'ter a rain Sta-ins; L.--no U.cta Li»c7dy and, chnak Doles dove-lob--e soon . t o r.re lni;:vcr of f-:ny ty-na of bltcuilnotly nurf'r.cin ,. This Nvotild cli;:in;:te t"r!e daot , the m-,* d and chvicic hole: and also taakc it better i`h t',o•zld PiL:Ecc it a mach 1.►et',,er corimulAty to 15ve in . t F e b #g3 • 9 EUISCIIc E . I'c1: v scat Ti S6 "1 n L0n0 j b '✓� I� ~ April 28, 19'4('6 ,,e the oppose the Piturninou.,,7. seal cozAtj.nS on Stari-iij Laric- aiid R'id�tc Road : Address: 2. 6. 9. 10. fC en ?6. 27. 2 9. . 0. 31. 32..