City Council - 04/06/1976 1 'APPROVED MINUTES ' EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 6 , 1976 7;30 PM , CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel Billy Bye Joan Meyers Tim Pierce Sidney Pauly COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roger Ulstad City Attorney Harlan Perbix City Engineer Carl Jullie Director of Community Services Marty Jessen City Finance Director John Frane Planning Director Dick Putnam Joyce Provo, Recording Secretary INVOCATION - Roger Ulstad, City Manager ROLL CALL: All members present. I_ APPRDVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEIVIS OF BUSINESS . The follo,ling items were requested to be added to the Council agenda: l A. Shoreline Manaclement Act. B. Foto Mark 'Waste Wa'er Disposal Pc-rmit . t C. Chernical Wasteland Disposal Site. D. Plague to City gouncil from Eden Prairie Fire Department. MOTION: Bye moved , seconded by Meyers , to approve the agenda with 1 the inclusion of the four afore mentioned items . Motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 23 , 1976 . Pg. 2 , para . 3 , 1st line, strike "select" and insert "selection"; in the 2nd line strike "consisting of" and insert "for" . G Pg. 4 , strike para . 2 in its entirety, and insert in lieu thereof "Liz Retterath t 9011 high Point Circle, The Preserve , felt much thought has been given to the appearance from 1494, but no thought has been given to screening of the properties on Leona Road. " Pg. 4 , para . 5 , line 6 , strike "purchase of additional acreage for" . MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pierce, to approve the City Council ` minutes of March 23 , 1976 as published and corrected. Motion carried unanimously. x III. PUBLIC HL'ARTNG A . Proposed street improvements on School Road and Eden-Court, I._C. 51-286 . Mayor Penzel outlined the procedures for Public Hearings . City Manager Ulstad explained that a petition had been received signed by 50% of the affected property owners . 1 City Engineer Jullie outlined the proposed improvement project, stating 1 that the project as proposed is feasible and will benefit the properties to be assessed . Jullie responded to questions asked by Council members. George Robs , 7953 Eden Court, questioned the placing of stop signs in the near future on Wallace Road and Eden Court, and Wallace Road and Highway 5 . Jullie , referring to the traffic lights in the intersection of Wallace Road and Highway 'r5, responded this may happen within the next two years , but probably not for five years . 1 William Deckler, 7930 School Road, asked what could be done with kids driving too fast going to and from the School . Jullie responded that hopefully the School District will do everything possible to discourage through traffic. Richard Beyer, 7917 Eden Court, questioned if 3 1/2" bituminous overlay would be sufficient . Jullie felt this would be enough . W Glenn Britney, 7823 Eden Court , questioned who is going to decide if culvef•tS are needed . Jullie responded that the City will have to go out and make an inspection of each lot and see which culverts are deficient. Steve Shed , 7941 -:.den Court, noted that more than half of the people are from, e Solhool `hat use the read and not residents . Questioned if the School District plans on kicking in any money on this project. MOTION : hvie5,ers moved , seconded by Pauly, to close the Public Hearing P and adopt Resolution No . 1112 ordering improvements on I. C. 51-286 for bituminous having on School Road and Eden Court. Motion. carried unanimously. It was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to consider the assessment of benefits to the School District for abutting frontage and traffic generations , end also consider the need for traffic signing. IV . RFSOLUTIONS & DRDINTANCES r A . 2nd Readina of Ordinance No . 313, granting Carnes/Tangen rezoning_ from_R_ura_l�to RI-22 for 3 lots and Carnes Tan en lard division, preliminary plat and Registered Land Survey approval . City Attorney Perbix outlined the rezoning agreement to Council members . A. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 313, granting Carnes/ Tangen rezoning from Rural to R1-22 for 3 lots and Carnes Tangen land division , preliminary 1 plat and Registered Land Survey approval. (continued)- Dr. Tangen and Jerry Carnes expressed opposition to that part of the rezoning agreement stipulating a bicycle path as an entrance to Bryant Lake Park. Does not believe there would be a practical way to put in this type of path. Meyers stated that the City would not be putting in an 8 foot signed and lighted path. City Planner Putnam noted that this path would not serve as a drop- off point for Bryant Lake Park,and suggested conveying the path to the Willow Creek Association. MOTION: Meyers moved , seconded by Pierce, to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 313 , granting Carnes/Tangen rezoning from Rural to R1-22 for 3 lots,and to further instruct the staff to withhold publication of Ordinance No . 313 until revised rezoning agreement is signed stating that a walkway for pedestrians be provided connecting across Tract F. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to adopt Resolution No. 1118 approving the preliminary plat and final plat of the Carnes/Tangen land division. Motion carried unanimously. B. 2nd R--adincg of Ordinance No . 299_Msden Bills Addition, and Resolution No. 1117_clranting finaI_pl�!t approval. Lee Johnson, The Preserve , answered questions of Council members . Meyers stated she would like Garrison Way signed to denote it as a temporary deadend . MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 299 . Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye, to approve Resolution 1117 approving Final Plat of Amsden Hills. Motion carried unanimously. C. Resolution Into. 1108 stating guidelines for City financing of improvements to serve undeveloped roperty. City Manager Ulstad spoke to Resolution No. 1108 , City Engineer Jullie's memo regarding proposed 1976 projects which will require bonding, and communication from Robert Ehlers dated April 1 , 1976 . MOTION: Pauly moved , seconded by Bye , to adopt Resolution No. 1108 stating guidelines for City financing of improvements to serve undeveloped property. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 4 - Tuesday, April 6 , 1976 D. Resolution No . 1111 approving Dcpzjrtment of Public Safety Radio J Service with�lIennepin County for Year 1976 . City Manager Ulstad spoke to Resolution No. II11 MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 1111 , approving Department of Public Safety Radio Service with Hennepin County for year 1976. Motion carried unanimously. V. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members- 1 . Councilman. Tim Pierce reported on the following: . . Environmental Impact Study hearing on March 25, 1976 . . Chamber of Commerce activities . . Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Commission meeting on April 5 , 1976 . B. e_port of Planning-Director 1 , Guide Plan Update - Planning Commission's recommendations on update process . City hfanager Ulstad recommended the Council approve the contract with ?1ra-uer & Associates and submit same to City Attorney for final review. CounciiVJornan Meyers felt final product lacking in development and adoption of new and/or revised implementation tools . She further stated she could not support the City entering into this contract noting that the guide plan needs updating, but does not feel the process proposed by the consultant will provide the needed product. Councilman Pierce questioned the price and services the City wild be receiving. Pierce further stated that he is In favor of an update of the Guide Plan, but finds it difficult to vote "yes" or "no" on this particular proposal . Don Brauer, Brauer & Associates , answered questions of Council members . MOTION: Pauly moved , seconded by Bye , to approve the contract for professional services with Brauer & Associates to update the Guide Plan (Contract dated April 1 , 1976) . Pauly, Bye and Penzel voted "aye Meyers voted "nay", Pierce "abstained". Motion carried, Council Minutes - 5 - Tuesday, April 6, 1976 C. Report of Director of Community Services fl 1 . The Tree Disease Program. for 1976 . F Director of Community Services jesse'n spoke to his memo dated April 2 , 1976 regarding the 1976 Forestry Program. MOTION: Meyers moved , seconded by Pierce, to approve the 1976 Forestry Program as per memo dated April 2 , 1976 from Marty lessen with the clear understanding that the part-time position not turn into a full time position. Motion carried uinanirnously. MOTION: Meyers moved , seconded by Pierce, to adopt Resolution No . 1110 for a subsidy program to assist landowners in the removal of diseased trees from residential properties . Motion carried unanimously. D. Report of City Engineer 1 . Consider bids received on April 2 , 1976 , for utility and street pproyernents servin Areas F and G of she Preserve's Commercial Plan and acjac:-nt areas , I.C. 51-274 . City Engineer jullie outlined bids received April 2, 1976 and recommended awarding the bid to G. L. Contracting, Inc. MOTIONT: Bye moved, seconded by Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 3113 awarding tYe rid to G . L . Contracting, Inc . in the E arnoUnt of $487 ,832 . 40 for Improvement Contract 51-274 . Roll Call dote: Bye , Meyers , Pauly, Pierce and Penzel voted "aye" . 10otion carried unanimously. 2 . Receive petition for bituminous seal coating on Starinq Lane and RiAge_Road and set public hearing date for May 4 ,_1976 , I. C. 51-287. City Engineer jullie spoke to Resolution No. 1115 , and acknowledged petition received from residents requesting same. MOTION: Meyers moved , seconded by Pierce , to adopt Resolution No. 1115 , receiving petition, calling for hearing for 5/4/76 and ordering preparation of a feasibility report for I.C. 51-287 , and direct staff to consider the life expectancy of this improvement when making assessment recommendations . Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 6 - Tuesday, April 6 , 1976 . D. wort of City Engineer (continued) 3 . Receive petition for severer and water improvements on Industrial _Drive , south of Co .Rd, 67 and order preparation of a feasibility report, I. C. 51-288. City Engineer Jullie spoke to Resolution No. 1114 and petition received in support of proposed improvement. x MOTION: Meyers moved , seconded by Pierce , to adopt Resolution No. 1114 receiving petition and ordering preparation of a fea sibili-ty report for I . C . 51-288 , and further to direct the staff to explore the possibility of utilizing Minnetonka's water supply 1 temporarily for this project. Motion carried unanimously. 4 . Receive pctiti.on from Pemtom , Inc . , for utility and street im roverr_nfis for the Mitchell Lnice PUDand order preparation of a feasibility report, I. C. 51-289 . City Engineer Jullie spoke to Resolution No . 1116 and letter from James Hill, P . E. ,Senior Vice President, Pemtorn, Inc . , dated March 24 , 1976 . MOTION: Meyers moved , seconded by Bye , to adopt Resolution ;f No. 1116 receiving petition and ordering preparation of a feasibility report on I. C . 51-289 , and further to attach to resol,utlont as Exhibit "A" the letter from Jam-es I-Jill , Pemtom , dated March 24 , 1976 . Motion carried unanimously. f 5 . Prairie East 2nd AdditLon prgliminary and final plat approval. Director of Community Services Jessen suggested the City apply to the proposal a park fee of $300. 00 per lot and the construction of an 8 foot wide bituminous pathway. i MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Pierce , to adopt Resolution No. 1119 and the 4 points listed in Engineering Staff Report dated March 31, 1976 , change pathway to a 8 foot wide bituminous surface , and add $300 . 00 per lot cash park fee. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Penzei noted that the time had reached 11:00 PM , the adjournment time for Council meetings unless waived by unanimous consent of the Council . MOTION: Pierce moved, seconded by Pauly, to continue on with the Council 4. meeting past 11 :00 PM . Motion carried unanimously. (.OUI;(.:11 — 1 — '.l'ut:s 'lay, i prll C , 1J/6 D. Report of Cif Fngi.ne(--r (continued) 6 . Resolution approving plans , specifications and special provisions sub mit.,�d IDv Iinnll�in Coul-ily for bridge construction at Valley_ View ;:oad and County Road 18. City Engineer Jullie spoke to Resolution No . 1120 . h101JON: Bye moved , seconded by Pauly, to adopt Resolution No. 1120 approving plans and specs for Hennepin County Project No. 6514 . Motion carried unanimously. 7 . Reso7 u_t,on r^ru^!:ied _y Hennepin County a llowingtha Public sale Of t..X iol'£i'.iJIc �+ror)_erty. a City U.,s tad spoke to Resolution No. 1121 , recommending approval. MOTION: Nt-�yers moved , seconded by Bye , to continue this item until t._c April 27th Council meeting , and direct staff to contact neighbors and see if they would be interested in this vacant lot with the stipulation that improvements would not be made by the City. Motion carried unanimously. E . Report of Cite Atton)r---.y_ 1 . Recon-imcnd_ation from City Attorney on amendi_g ordinance L�erte�in?nu. i_o b ndlrzq of bui.10 Dr- cc :�tt a ctc)r5 . _- _- __-- - _ City f'tttorncy PCrIDi.x spoke to Ordinance No. 324 and answered questions of COLIOCil niern'r_e s . moved , seconded by Faye , to approve the 1st Reading of Ordli-ante No. 324 . Motion carried unanimously. 2 . Fliddon Pc---mds 2nd _Addition. City Attorney Perbix brought the Council up-to-date on Hidden Ponds 2nd Addition and discussed agreement he has prepared with Ecklund & Swedlund. MOTION: Pierce moved, seconded by Pauly, authorizing the reeonveyance of Outlots A , B & C, Hidden Ponds 2nd Addition, to Ecklund and Swedlund. Further that the City accept from Ecklund and Swedlund, the south 78 . 5 feet measured at right angles from the southeasterly line thereof of Outlot A, Outlots C & C, and that part of Outlot B lying southerly of the following described line: commencing at the southeasterly corner of Tot 4 , Block 12, and running to the southeasterly corner of Lot 10 , Block 11; that part of Outlot D lying southwesterly from a line drawn on a point on the northwesterly line thereof which point is 355 feet northeasterly from the northwesterly corner thereof, together with an easement for storm water, drainage and maintenance over, across and upon Outlot A , except the south 78 . 5 feet measured at right angles from the southeasterly line thereof of Outlot A. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 8 - Tuesday, April 6 , 1976 F F . Report of City Manager x 1 . Consideration of Ordinance increasi.no Council and Mayor's salaries . City Manager Ulstad spoke to Ordinance No . 325 and also survey compiled on salaries of other municipal officials . MOTION: Pierce moved, seconded by Meyers , to approve the Ist Reading of Ordinance No. 325 establishing salaries for the Mayor and the City Council. Mayor's salary to he $300 .00 per month and Lach Councilman's salary to be $200. 00 per month, effective January 1, 1977. Motion carried unanimously. G. Rei?ort of Finance Director b 1 . Clerk' s hicens:= List { NOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Bye , to approve the Clerk's License List dated April 6 , 1976 . 1\.4otion carried unanimously. VI. T-JT Vd BUS1TtF.Sls A . Shoreline Tlianagcment Act - Councilman Pierce requested information on this item be d;.stributed to Council members . i B. Toto Tv';7,6: Waste \Vc—,_ter n1spos ] P=rinit - Council-,,.orr,an Meyers requested the staff 'oring the Council up-to-date on this item . C . Chemiczl wasteland„r3isnosal_Site - Councilwoman Meyers requested the staff bring the Council up-to-date on this item . D. Plaque to Cif Council from Eden Prairie Fire De_gjrtment - Mayor Penzel displayed plaque presented to the City Council from the Eden Prairie Fire Department in appreciation for the City's continued support of their organization. VII.AP10URNMENT I\40TION: Pierce moved, seconded by Pauly, to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 PM . Motion carried unanimously. 1