City Council - 02/26/1976 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL s '. 7IURSDAY, F BRUARY 26, 1976 7s30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL ME MERSs Mayor Wolfgang Penzel Joan Meyers ' Billy Bye - Tim Pierce Sidney Pauly COUNCIL STAFF PRESEW: City Manager Roger Ulstad r City Attoracy Harlan Perbix i4 City Engineer Carl Jullie i Director of Comity Services Marty Jessen Recording Secretary Donna Stanley INYOCATiOIv — City Attoriioy Harlan Perbix ? PLEDGE OF ALT.EGI."XCE ROLL CALL — Penzel, I-.eyers, & Pierce present. Bye and Pa-xly absent. a 1. APPRA'lAL Or AGE?:DA AYD OrITUI�:R I2'P1, 1_S OF RUSH:-SS The following items were requested to be added to the New Business category. F A. Additional information to be requested of developers and our Staff ::. in reviewing proposals. B. Clarification of Council position on timing of proponents _ appearance before Council. C. Request for support of Bloomington Stadium Resolution D. "Everything Goes" communication from the Minnetonka Community Services group. E. Brief mention of the potential need:of a regulating ordinance for Cab' service in Eden Prairie. F. Resolution supporting IiF 2143 (change in aid For=ula) G. Renewal of Membership in the Minnesota League of Eunieipelities H. Brief discussion of issues to present to Congressman Frenzel at upcoming meeting of Saturday, February 28, I. Consideration of the question of the I•ietro Plannirig Bill before the Legislature. J. Minnesota Protective Life Insurance Company public hearing. K. Park u o ordinance. } MOTION: Pierce moved, seconded by I•layers, to approve the agenda with the inclus=on of the eleven afore mentioned items under Now Business category. Mti.on carried unanimzously. II. APPRO AL, OF I•g1gTTFS A. MINUTES OF JOII!T CITY COt11"'O L U7D P.R. & NR I-=3 ING EELD WES2 . JAN. .7„2 1976, Page 1, last sent.,strike "which might •include a swimming pool facility." MOTION: Meyern moved, seconded by Pierce, to approve minutes of Jan. 27, 1976, joint City Council and P.R. & 14R meeting as published and corrected. Motion carried unnniriously. boos Council Minutes -2- Thursday, Feb. 269 1976 II. APPROVAL OF ?T12IUT-:s Jcorr 1D D. Y11MITFS OF THE REGIILAR CITY COUT.CIL 1•=ING HELD TUE.SDAY. FEBRU yig 3. 1976 Page 4, para. 6, sentence 3, after „station" add "only". It If 5, after 01976," add "deleting and disapproving the proposed restaurant." " 6, para. 4, add after motion "Fenzel requested S'HHSC to furnish receipts to the City Z:anager." a 7, pars. 5, after "Commission" add"as recommended by 2ayor Penzel." HOT1011: Moyern r:�ved, seconded by Pierce, to approve minutes of February 30 1976 as published and corrected. Motion carried unanimously. 110TIOi:: Meyera moved, seconded by Pierce, to reconsider The minutes of February 3, 1976 at tho request of Mr. Rusty Irvine. Motion carried unanimously. } Page 3, 4-th sentence from bottom, strike "duplexes" add "tiwo family residence0". MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Penzel, to make the change requested by Mr. Irvine. Motion carried unanimously. MTIO11: Pierce moved, seconded by M-eyera,for final adoption of minutes of February 3, 1976 as published and corrected. Notion carried unanimously. s �:.. r+ES t� TC rf'ti TT Q r C. MIh�Jlr�.� 0: TIiF REGULAR CITY COUI�,.,II. 7,..'ETI.�G HELD TU:�SD1Y FEBT{UA�tY 0 1 .76 Page 4, para. 1, sentence 3, delete "not interested in" add "opposed to". " 5, " 4, last sentence, after "constructing" add "and financing of". 14DTIOII: Heyers moved, seconded by Pierce, to approve minutes of February 10, 1976 meeting as published and corrected. Dbtion carried r unanimously. III. RETORTS OF OFFICERS, BOILRDS AND CCINISSIOUS A. Rerort of City Engineer 1. Receive retition for sewer service iron Min so a Pr tectiye Life Iwwrance Coi-mr--ny,, City Engineer Jullie spoke to the petition, explaining that the estimate for the feasibility study was P2,000. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pierce, to approve adoption of Resolution Ivo. 1095 ordering; preparation of a feasibility report on Project San 76-1-02, I.C. 51-2S4. Motion carried unanimously. 1. Council Minutes -3- Thursday, Feb. 26, 1976 A. Report`of City Engineer (Coat'd) �• 2. Lkryreenent for 1_;'76 Engineerinn,, Services with Suburban t En,�neeri.r_a; U'ori-rani. City Manager Ulstad explained that this was a routine kind of agree- wont that the City enters into each year for professional services. MTION: Meyers roved, seconded by Pierce, to approve the agreement for professional engineering services for 1976 with Suburban Engineering Co.. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Re guest frorn 111ITB Inc. cons-ultina enrrineers for copmensation r: to City I✓4ana ger Ulstad reque-teed that this item be removed from the Agenda at the request of •the firm in question, as they would libe to have additional tine, and will. re-submit their request. 1 B. Rcp✓ort of City Yannagn 1. 13is:�t�ssion of 1,11re Ordi.nanca. City Manager Ulstad spore to the co=unication received from the Pokers Dry Goods Go. requesting •`ube necessary information to permit serving of wine or beer as a beverage with a real on the promises. Ulstad explained that an ordinance had been developed for review by the Council. MTIOMJ: Pierce moved, seconded by Meyers, to approve the first reading of Ord. ' No. 320 relating to wine licenses and include City tanager Ulstad`s suggestions on square footage of floor area and seatin;• capacity of dining area open to the public in restaurants and hotels, and that this ratter be brought to the Public Safety Director by the City Manager before the second reading. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Penzol requested that City Attorney Perbix speak to the subject of the wine license fee. 140TIOII: Meyers ers moved seconded b Pierce to approve the 1st reading of Ord. Y s Y � 9 , No. 321 , regulating fees and charges for business licenses, permits and municipald services amending_Ord .No. 280, with the on-sale wine license fee to be in the 2. Vmowt�t of $2 000. Motion carried unanimously. roi . on _ r,in_di,Crr City Marsag;er Ulstad informed the Council members briefly on the prog- ress of placing Schooner Boulevard on the FAU system. He said they were about half-way through the process and that it would be finalized about mid April. 3. Roviow of Nenneni n County Tnnnsportntion Plnnninrr. City Manager Ulstad informed tho Council, that Hennepin County had called n public licaring, on March 4 to be neld at Bloomington City liallp which is in conflict with schedulod Council meating, but request will be i made that Hennepin County appear before the Council and discuss further changos you may require. 1[e said that F.P. will be represented on M•Sarch4o rcr goo-7 - e Couacil Minutes Thursday, February 26, 1976 f H. Report of City Mana!e_ (Copt d)_ 4. Recort on meetins at llir_netonka City Hall, re: "Use Formula General nos-oital". City Y._t::ager Ulstad reported on the :meeting held to discuss "use formul<, '; tegardin- Gcreral hospital, and the effects the proposed change ;r:)uld have on suburban coaaauriitics, which would result in an 100% in ;rease . MOTI0.:: 21Eyers novecl, seconded by Pierce, to adopt Resolution No. 1101 tranrr.-.itting our feelings on "use formalall-General Flo spital to our legirlc,tcrr. in the douse cnd Senate and to the news media. b?otion f carried uruiaizwusly. C. iRegort of Director of Commnity ,Sgrc-ices 1. 14-,mo on Grentive Tag Struc.-tt?re- for F;ore.,t Fills School. Co=mni ty Services Director Jessen spoke to the mesa of February 13, 1976, explaining the make-up of the structure, along with estimate of costs of about a2,70O for materials, with the Vo-Technics]. School helpin,e; with the m-anufacture of it. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pierce, to approve creative play structure approved by the PR & :.'R Comrission and explained by Jessen. Motion carried unantmusly. 2. Memo on Joint Projects with Riley-Purgatory Watershed District. � f Jessen spoke to the memo of February 13, 1976, on the three projects proposed for funding as out-lined on the memo. Jessen responded to • questions from the Council. t HDTICN: Meyers moved, seconded by Pierce, that the Staff be directed to approach the Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed Dio trict on the first two priorities as reco=iended by the PR & 21R Commission and initiate negotiations for financing as outlined in the newo of February 13. 1976, and Co back to the PR & NR Commission for further recommendations . on the Mitchell Lake park areas . D. Reoort of Finance Director 1. Payment of Cl.ainn, MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pierce, to approve the Payment of Claims of 1'os. 8654-1862. Roll Call Vote: Pierce, Fenzel, and 1•10yers voted "aye". 14otion carried unanimously. 2. Clerk t s Liccn:;e -1-int MOTION: Pierce moved, accorded by Meyers, to accept the, Clerk's License List dated February 24, 1976. Motion carried unanimously. J ' 2GU� Council Minutes - 5 - Thursaay,, reroruai y G u , zz IV. NEW TBUSINFSS A. A.ddittonnl inforration to bo renuest,ed- of developers and, ourLStaff in reyi a vinry xrono sc l s. Councilwonan Meyers stated her request for additional requirements from developers and Staff to be adopted as part of proposal review. - M=10N: Ylevers moved, seconded by Penzel, that the Council adopt as part of the requirements of a proponent, information as to dollar value of his x project, and Job opportunity break-down for both co=ereial and industrial; and request Staff to provide. infor..a.tion on the existing market value and e.-cisting real estate tsxe:, projected market value at the completion of the project, and estimate of taxes at the completion of tno project, w3.th the City and School District's share taken into account. Penzel requested an addition, ar;reed to by ANr_•.rrrs, a request for projected costs to tiie City in the co3ra erci al :area. Lotion carried unanimously. B. Cleri ficatior of Co�lnci.! rorition awn, Vbni.n,a of -proponents f 8l�p;ltr•a^ce b�.:or�: :;oun.:il. Councilwonan lfeyers s-roko to the concept plan for Area H of the Preserve presented by Mr. Don riess and to the Planning Commission's meeting of Feb. 9. E It was brought to the Council's attention that the Preserve requested the opportunity to discuss Area H and not the Planning Commission 's request. Penzel directed the Staff to suggest that a letter be submitted by applicant when such a request is brought up . C. Request for of B1onTMdn-ton Stadium Rcsolut_ion Councilvoman Vayers spoke to request by Bloomington for support of the resolution to put any stadium proposal to a vote by the people. MDTIGN: Xeyers moved, seconded by Pierce, to adopt Resolution 1102 distributed this evening, calli.nR for State Legislators to put stadium proposal to a. vote of the people of Unnesota. 1,:otion carried unanimously. D. co_runic-.tion fro: the Mix etonka Corzmn_itv Srorrir..e^ ryZ•ouy Mayor Penzel spoke to tho communication received for a competitive evont to be held at 1,dnnotoe! a Senior high School on Friday, May 14th, with ginning cor-m-unitics rocs iving monetary awards to go toward their park program. He invited voltuiteers for the E.P. coach and team. 4200 Council Minutes - 6 - 1'nursaay, r-epruary zo, ivio IV. PIEW EUSItIESS (continued) j E. Brief n(-ntion of the rotential need of a remla.ting ordinance for cab service in Eden Prairie Mayor Penzal spoke to the need for such an ordinance to handle potential problems that may occur. MOTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Pierce, to request that the Staff develop appropriate regulative ordinance at this time for cab service in Eden Prairie. Yotion curried unanimously. F. Resolution supvortinx_HF 2143 (change in aid Formula) City Mancgcr Ulstad spoke to the 1..etro co=TMranity mecting held in Brooklyn Center, regarding resolution supporting HF 2143 (change in ` aid formula). MOTION: Pierce moved, seconded by Meyers to adopt Resolution Nio. 1103 supporting HF 2143 (Change in Aid Formula j. Motion carried unanimously.G. Renemti�l of Vembershiu in the Minnesota Lea due of 1-borlici.r-2 tip; City Manager Ulstad stressed the immortance of belonging to this organization because of the racy services offered. The need to belong to both 1rt.AtSA, which directed attention to specific problems of the Metro area,and the Minnesota League of Municipalities, which handled more general type problems, eras discussed. City Attorney Perbix supported the membership, and informed the Cozancil that the League was a tremendous source of information for questions and materials. NOTIONt Pierce moved, seconded by Meyers, to direct the City Manager to renew our annual dues of ;;1313, which provides us with a membership for the calendar year of 1976. Motion carried unanimously. H. Brief direr sfon of im-mes to rrinnent to Con2ressmsn n:�enze,j at un- eomin2 meetir., of Februntr_y 28, 1276, (Snturdev) Mayor Penzal spoke to the meeting; to be held at 1:00 on Saturday and mutters to be brought up vyhich included: road access considerations- particularly to Inter-Sta►te highways, our support of the official Wildlife Plan for the Minnesota River bottom, F&U-Schooner Boulevard, continuation of revenue sharing, and inquiry relative to any grants relating to utilities. He asked for any other subjects the Council desired to be brought up. I. Consideration of the question of the Yetro FInnnin,,Bill before the Leeislntoroo_ Mayor Penzal e�cplained that Eden Prairie was at the ed;e of urbanized zone, with SW corner of our community considered a rural area. He felt we should :.-upport the establisrsaent of a plan cuch as the Metro Planning Bill, which has found support by the League of Minnesota Municipalitios. ADTION: Meyers moved, seconded by Penzal, that Eden Prairie adopt Resolution No. 1101+ strongly supporting; the rlatro Planning Bill before the State Lcgislaturo, with instruction to the Staff to inform Legislators, ldotro Council, and Vows media. Motion carried unanimously. Council'Minutes = �l = =rIffiursda y,--Febiruarwt 26•; 1976 IV. NEW BUSINESS (continued) ( J. W ota Protective Life Insurance Com an b lie hearin,. City Manager Ulstad informed the Council of the request by the Minn. Protective Life Ins. Co. for a public hearlmg. MOTION: lieyera moved, seconded by Pierce, to set a public hearing for March 23 for the 11inn. Protective Life Ins. Co., with the understanding that if the Planning Cor,:uission has not reached a recommendation by that date, the public hearing will be continued. Motion carried unanimously.- K. Perk Use Ordi.r Councilrrzn Pierce spoke to the discussion at recent PR & MR meeting at vh i.cL it was agreed there eras a need to develop a comprehensive park ,use ordinane;:, because of the mi :ur a of park lands by motorized vehicles. Mayor Penzel requested the Staff investigate the question and bring back to tar: Cc-unodl. y The following; items were referred to o.- received by the Council. 1. Councilran Pierce briefly touched on action of PR & 14R Cormission concerning:favorable response to Valley View alignment for trail systom and the Coraaission is looking; for further detail and design from Staff; -�pi�,rovml of summer recreation program; and 1•fotion regarding Condon-2dacgele Proposal. 2. 2-Tayor Fenzel spoke to recent planning P►rant to South Hennepin Human Services Council to see if there was a need for mental health services in Hennepin County, 3. IbYor Penzol extended invitation to Council members to attend opening of Eden Prairie Center on Wednesday, March 3, at 8:30 AM. . 4# Mayor Penzel informed Council members of invitation by Chamber of Commerce to speak at their meeting on Hareh 18, and requested additional questions by Council members to be brought up, and information from Staff. Pierce moved, seconded by Ye;ers, to adjourn. 2'otion carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 10:D65 P14. 1 2011