City Council - 01/23/1964 - Village Meeting January 23, 1964 The Village Council of Eden Prairie not in room 308 in the Eden Prairie High School on January 23. 1964 at 8 o•clock p. m. Present were: Donald A. Rogers, Mayor Rolf Haugen, Treasurer Kenneth E. Anderson, Trustee James C. Brown, Clerk Albert Bruce, Trustee ORDER OF BUSIHBSS: MINUTES A motion was made by Kenneth Anderson and seconded by Al Bruce to accept the minutes of the January 14. 1964 meeting as written. Motion carried. USED CAR. LOT Mr. Olson was present as he had attempted to open a used car lot on January 19. 1964 on Highway #169 on the property of the old Skelly Oil Co. Station. He had been previously ordered to cease operating by Norman Larson, Village Constable on instructions from the Village Clerk. The council informed him hew.ias in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and there was no possibility of getting a permit due to the else of the area. Be is to have the cars removed by the 31st of January, 1964, HILLCE=ITS c A motion was made by Al Bruce and seconded by Kenneth Anderson to approve #re- liminary plat of Hillcrest Courts. i Motion carried. A letter from Eden Prairie Development Co. offering two sites of land an County Road #4 was read and made a part of theme minutes. A report from the site committee was accepted and made a part, of these minutes. Discussion was held on the sites and points were raised pro and oon for two sites on County Road #4. A motion was made by Al Bruce and seconded by Kenneth Anderson to authorise Rieke A Carroll to do preliminary test borings on both sites on County Road #4 on the lewd offered by Eden Prairie Development Co. upon approval of Eden Prairie Development Co. !lotion carried. A motion was made by Kenneth Anderson AW seconded by Al Bruce to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. I � Janes C Brown, Clerk i } r'