City Council - 07/05/2005 - Workshop APPROVED MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OPEN FORUM/OPEN PODIUM TUESDAY,JULY 5, 2005 6:30—7:00 PM, COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY CENTER CITY COUNCIL: Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens, Councilmembers Brad Aho, Sherry Butcher, Ron Case, and Philip Young CITY STAFF: City Manager Scott Neal, Police Chief Dan Carlson, Fire Chief George Esbensen, Public Works Director Eugene Dietz, Parks and Recreation Director Bob Lambert, Community Development Director Janet Jeremiah, Communications Manager Pat Brink, Assistant to the City Manager Michael Barone, City Attorney Ric Rosow, and Recorder Deb Sweeney I. OPEN FORUM A. Dick Feerick Richard Feerick, of 13995 St. Andrew Drive, Eden Prairie, expressed his concern over the loss of life in Iraq, which he felt as a citizen and a veteran. He shared that he had contacted several military officials regarding his concerns. He said it is not a Council matter,but the Council could express its opinion if it were so moved. Butcher and Tyra-Lukens expressed appreciation for Feerick's citizen activism. II. OPEN PODIUM III. ADJOURNMENT