City Council - 09/19/2006 - Workshop APPROVED MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP & OPEN FORUM/OPEN PODIUM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 CITY CENTER 5:00—6:25 PM, HERITAGE ROOM II 6:30—7:00 PM, COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY COUNCIL: Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens, Councilmembers Brad Aho, Sherry Butcher, Ron Case, and Philip Young CITY STAFF: City Manager Scott Neal, Police Chief Dan Carlson, City Engineer Al Gray, Parks and Recreation Director Bob Lambert, Community Development Director Janet Jeremiah, Communications Manager Joyce Lorenz, Assistant to the City Manager Michael Barone, City Attorney Ric Rosow, and Recorder Lorene McWaters Heritage Room H I. SOUTHWEST TRANSITWAY ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Stephanie Eiler, Hennepin County consultant with Parsons Brinkerhoff, and Katie Walker of Hennepin County,presented a PowerPoint on the Southwest Transitway Alternatives Analysis Study. The study compares benefits, costs and impacts of a range of transit alternatives. Eilers explained the study process and reviewed the schedule. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is scheduled to meet this month to develop a recommendation that will be forwarded to the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC will then select preferred alternatives for public review. Public input will be gathered in October and November, and the PAC will forward a final recommendation on preferred alternatives to the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority (HCRRA) on November 29. The HCRRA is expected to take action on the recommendation in December and forward their recommendation to the Metropolitan Council. Eilers reviewed each of the alternatives under consideration—Enhanced Bus, Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) and Light Rail Transit(LRT). The alternatives analysis includes two tiers of goals for the southwest transitway. Tier 1 goals include improved mobility and provision of a cost-effective, efficient travel option. Tier 2 goals include protection of the environment, preservation and protection of quality of life, and support of economic development. City Manager Scott Neal asked Council whether or not they wish to hold a meeting to receive public feedback before taking final action on supporting an alternative. Community Development Director Janet Jeremiah noted that ridership forecasts in the study are based on pre-Comp Plan update numbers, so actual ridership will likely be higher than indicated for the LRT 3 alignment. The analysis also assumes all property within Eden Prairie will have to purchased; however, the City has a policy of requiring that a portion of land be set aside for transit as development occurs along the alignment that passes through the Major Center Area and Golden Triangle. Jeremiah also presented the following staff recommendations: • Staff requests that the Council actively advocate for a southwest transit line. • Staff recommends that the City continue to maintain a strong preference for the "3 alignment," which travels through Eden Prairie's Town Center and the Golden Triangle. • Staff recommends that a public meeting be held in advance of Council taking action on a resolution of support. • Staff recommends that the City take action on the study prior to the HCRRA Board Meeting scheduled for December, and that the City consider drafting a resolution of support in cooperation with Minnetonka and possibly Hopkins. • Staff recommends full incorporation of the preferred LRT alignment and station locations into the Comp Plan update. Council discussed holding a public meeting on the transitway study at the Council's November 14 meeting or as part of the November 28 Town Meeting at Summit Place. Council agreed to hold the transit study public meeting as part of the November 14 Council meeting, and they asked staff to begin drafting a resolution of support. Council Chamber II. OPEN FORUM A. MAINTENANCE OF WINFIELD PATH Bob Rose, Doug Kelso, and Larry Ziski addressed Council concerning a letter several property owners on Erin Bay received from the City informing them they must discontinue mowing on City property that abuts their properties. They indicated the developer of the neighborhood told them it was their responsibility to maintain this land when they bought their homes 13 years ago. They also said location of the property line is not clear. They asked Council to review the ordinance pertaining to this issue and to consider the merit of their case individually. Parks and Recreation Director Bob Lambert said property markers could be installed within a week,but that they must discontinue mowing on City property. The Mayor suggested that the issue be referred to the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission and the Conservation Commission for review. III. OPEN PODIUM A. THOMAS BRIANT Mr. Briant asked Council to reject City Manager Scott Neal's recommendation that Gregerson, Rosow, Johnson & Nilan continue to be retained to provide prosecution services for the City. IV. ADJOURNMENT