City Council - 02/04/1997 - Workshop APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1997 6:30 PM, CITY CENTER CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION Heritage Room IV 8080 Mitchell Road COUNCILAIEMBERS: Mayor Jean Harris, Councilmembers Sherry Butcher-Younghans, Ronald Case, Ross Thorfinnson Jr., and Nancy Tyra-Lukens HENNEPIN COUNTY STAFF: Jim Grube, Transportation Division Manager, Hennepin County CITY STAFF: City Manager Carl Jullie, Assistant City Manager Chris Enger, Director of Public Works Gene Dietz, City Engineer Al Gray, Assistant City Engineer Rod Rue, and Council Recorder Barbara Anderson I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Harris called the meeting to order at 6:43 p.m. Councilmember Thorfinnson was not present. H. DISCUSSION ON T.H. 101 UPGRADE - Jim Grube, Transportation Division Manager, Hennepin County After introductions, Jim Grube provided the history of Trunk Highway 101 (TH 101): • Hennepin County has been involved in a 15-year process with the Minnesota Department of Transportation working on roadway jurisdictional issues. • The jurisdictional issues have involved many roads throughout Hennepin County, but the final elements of the transfers will include MnDOT ownership of TH 169 (old CSAH 18) and County ownership of TH 101. • Other segments of TH 101, both north and south of Eden Prairie have been extensively discussed and studied for turn back and the turn back process for the segment in Eden Prairie is imminent. • The term "turn back" essentially means transfer of jurisdiction and responsibility from MnDOT to either County or City responsibility -- in the case of TH 101 to Hennepin County. • Specific State Aid rules apply to turn back projects and funding is established in the State Aid account to make improvements to these roadways. • There is a five to ten year window of opportunity to make roadway improvements using turn back funding. CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION Al[NUTES February 4, 1997 Page 2 • Meetings with Chanhassen, Eden Prairie, Carver County and Hennepin County staff have taken place and the staff consensus is that a project should proceed as soon as possible. • Since there will be four agencies involved in the project, it will be important to find a good middle ground to work from and get all the issues on the table in the beginning. • Hennepin County has selected a consultant to perform the design work for this project. Dietz commented that the City of Eden Prairie has tried to maintain Dell Road as a City collector street and not provide a substitute for Th 101. Therefore, TH 101 improvements would be very beneficial to the City, but this project will be more intrusive for our residents than the Townline Road project. There are approximately two dozen homes that have driveways that make direct access to TH 101. Although the initial planning indicates that the roadway should be divided, this would prohibit full access to many properties. Staff would like to consider a four-lane undivided roadway with attention to landscaping and bike trails. Tyra-Lukens inquired how they could justify the road and be sure it was something that the citizens really wanted. Grube responded that part of the process will be a study which will include traffic projections. Highway 101 will be constructed as a minor arterial. Arterial roadways on borders between communities are excellent locations and benefit both communities as well as facilitate through traffic to other communities. Chanhassen asked about the number of lanes and he thought it would be at least four lanes wide but the process has not yet begun and there will be strong reactions from residents who live along Highway 101 in both communities. He wanted to work with both communities to design a project that will meet the expectations of residents as much as possible. Dietz commented that we had learned a great deal through the Townline Road process and expected to use that knowledge to avoid mistakes that were made on that project. Grube offered to bring together a task force that would include representatives from both cities and obtain input from the public during the initial design process. The goal will be to treat people on both sides of the roadway equally including those immediately adjacent as well as some distance away from the project. Harris asked when the project would begin. Grube did not provide a definitive answer, but indicated that the Gray's Bay Bridge replacement project will be a priority ahead of this segment. However, Grube indicated he would be willing to proceed with the task force process if both communities are supportive. Case said that he believed something needed to be done sooner rather than later and that he supported the project. Dietz stated that it would take at least three years to begin construction and up to five years to complete if we start the project now. Grube said that Chanhassen shares Eden Prairie's interest in examining the corridor for improvement. CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES February 4, 1997 Page 3 Harris noted that the project will be difficult, but that there was consensus among the councilmembers that the project should move forward. Grube stated that he would have the turn back issue before the County Board in March and will be working with City staff to determine the best way to proceed. Eden Prairie will be requested to pass a resolution supporting the turn back of TH 101 to Hennepin County. Grube also said that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet would be part of the process. This could lead to an Environmental Impact Statement, but that is unlikely. M. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Harris adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.