City Council - 02/19/2002 - Workshop APPROVED MENUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOPJFORUIVI TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19,2002 CITY CENTER 5:30-6:25 PM,HERITAGE ROOM H 6:30—7:00 PM, COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY COUNCIL: Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens,Councilmembers Sherry Butcher,Ron Case, David,Luse, and Jan Mosman CITY STAFF: City Manager Carl Jullie,Public Safety Director Jim Clark, Public Works Services Director Eugene Dietz,Director of Parks and Recreation Services Bob Lambert, Community Development and Financial Services Director Don Uram, and Recorder Lorene McWaters Heritage Room H I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Tyra-Lukens called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. H. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. SELECTION OF CITY MANAGER CANDIDATE FINALISTS The Council discussed the interview evaluations of candidates by staff, service area directors and Council. Candidates were not identified by name during the discussion. Council agreed to select three(rather than two)candidates to become finalists. Council solicited the input of the Service Area Directors on the candidates. Harry Brull, of PDI, explained that the final candidates would undergo further assessments (including psychological testing and videotaped presentations) over the next month. On March 12, PDI will deliver packets describing the results of these assessments to the Council. Several Councilmembers expressed the desire to talk again to the three candidates before making a final decision;however all agreed that it is important to adhere to the timeline that calls for naming the new City Manager at the March 19 Council meeting. After considering several alternatives, Council agreed to hold brief final interviews with the three candidates the night of Monday,March 18, 2002. Council will also discuss the final selection immediately after the interviews. The Council in the discussion expressed leaning towards the following three candidates: Scott Neal,Mike McGuire, and Steve Mielke. CITY COUNCIL V,TORKSHOP:tIIINUTES February 19,2002 Page 2 V. OTHER TOPICS Council Chamber VI. OPEN FORUM (Scheduled participants, 6:30-6:50 p.m.) Friends of Birch Island Woods Jeff Strate noted that the City began looking at the possibility of purchasing the industrial portion(Parcel B) of the Birch Island Woods in December. He encouraged the City to strongly consider buying this land. He said Friends of Birch Island Woods has obtained two separate assessments that indicate such a purchase would be a good investment. Geri Westermann noted that there has been some encroachment onto the parcel by Midwest Asphalt. She said this should be considered when negotiating a price for the parcel. Stuart Nolan Stuart Nolan and several neighbors appeared before the Council to provide an update on Freeberg/Perkins properties on Bryant Lake. These properties have been the subject of dispute since 1973. Nolan informed the Council that the Board of Adjustments and Appeals had recently granted a variance for 55-foot lakeshore setback for construction of a house on one of the properties. He noted that the Council has the right to review the variance,but they would have to serve notice of their intent to do so today(according to the stated 14-day appeal period). Nolan said he and his neighbors have been struggling with issues surrounding these properties for years, and would like the Council to "finally put stakes in the ground" about what will and will not be allowed. Nolan reviewed some of the history of the properties, including past requests for subdivisions and related developers agreements. Mayor Tyra-Lukens noted that the issues related to these properties are complex and asked City Attorney Rosow what options were available to the Council. Rosow said the Council could choose, during the regular Council Meeting, to set a hearing to review the 55-foot setback variance. Councilmember Butcher said she would like to consider the issue during the regular Council Meeting. VII. OPEN PODIUM(Unscheduled participants, 6:50-7:00 p.m.) No one asked to speak during Open Podium. VI. ADJOURNMENT