Heritage Preservation - 11/16/1999APPROVED MINUTES HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, November 15, 1999 7:00 p.m. J.R. Cummins House 13600 Pioneer Trail Commission Members: Deborah Barkley, Lori Peterson-Benike, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jan Mosman, and James Wilson Student Representative: Mark Perry Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and Deb Meuwissen, Recording Secretary I. ROLL CALL Chair Colliton called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Members present included Deborah Barkley, Lori Peterson-Benike, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jan Mosman, and James Wilson. Student Representative Mark Perry was also present. Staff present included John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and Deb Meuwissen Recording Secretary. Also present were university students Jonathan Moore, Sarah Naughton, Molly Howard, Tony Phelps, Nicole Murray and Mike Murray. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Colliton asked for changes or additions to the agenda. There being no changes to the agenda, the agenda was accepted as written. III. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 18, 1999 MINUTES Chair Colliton asked for discussion and approval of the minutes of the October 18, 1999 meeting of the Heritage Preservation Committee. Changes requested included: - insertion of the word "that" after the word "Commissioners" on page 2, Item V.A., first sentence - replacing the words "Minneapolis Airport" with the words "Metropolitan Airports" on page 4, Item VII.B., beginning in line 6 of the first paragraph With no other changes, Jan Mosman moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to approve the minutes of the October 18, 1999 meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 15, 1999 Page 2 IV. REPORTS AND REQUESTS V. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Update on Overlook Park Heritage Site John Gertz advised he had spoken with Mitch Killian from Flying Cloud Airport regarding the salvaging of the stone which had been thrown over the hill at the Site during the recent vandalism. Discussions were ongoing with the Parks Department, the City Manager's office and Metropolitan Airports Commission to determine which agency would be responsible for salvaging and storing the stone. Jan Mosman advised she had been informed of at least two locations where platfield stone could be acquired and would provide Mr. Gertz with the information. James Wilson related funds may be available from MnDOT for the Site due to the fact rest areas in general were being evaluated by the State. A written request would have to be made to the Governor's Office. A brief discussion ensued. Mr. Gertz indicated evidence of additional vandalism had been found. MAC would be installing additional barriers at the entrance to the Site and would include "No Trespassing" signs. The Eden Prairie Police Department was patrolling the Site nightly. Mr. Gertz related Bob Mack of McDonald & Mack Architects would be conducting an evaluation of restoration needs for the Site as soon as a decision had been reached with respect to which agency had ultimate responsibility for the Site. B. Miller Store Water Tower Mr. Gertz advised he had discussed the erection of the old water tower at the entrance of Miller Park with Bob Lambert, Division of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Lambert had indicated there would be no problem erecting the water tower at that location as long as the water tower was restored and was in good, sound condition; the complete project was visually appealing; and the water tower was erected so as not to be a nuisance. Discussions regarding the proposed project would be conducted with the City Attorney. Deborah Barkley indicated Kevin Adkinson would begin the restoration process as soon as a definite site was chosen. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Heritage Site Management Planning Mr. Gertz presented a proposed plan to establish an advisory committee of approximately seven individuals not affiliated with the Heritage Preservation Commission to review each City owned historical site and formulate a management plan for each by February 2000. After the advisory commission is chosen, it would be advised of the specific standards of its function and the history of the properties being reviewed. This group would not be involved in budgeting or maintenance requirements for the sites. A lengthy discussion ensued at the conclusion of which James Wilson moved, seconded by Deborah HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 15, 1999 Page 3 Barkley, to create a citizen advisory committee, consisting of a total of seven members which would include two individuals from the Historical Preservation Committee, two from the Eden Prairie Historical Society and three members from the community having no affiliation with either the HPC or the Historical Society, whose purpose is the evaluation of each City owned historical site and the formulation of a proposed management plan with respect to each. The advisory committee shall report to the HPC. Upon the conclusion of the committee's proposed project, it shall cease to exist. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission agreed that Lori Peterson-Benike and Jan Mosman from the HPC and Kathie Case from the Historical Society would be included as members of the advisory committee. B. J.R. Cummins House Restoration Projects Mr. Gertz advised work on the fence would commence within the week. Changes to proposed plans for the fence had been modified in order to allow equipment used by the City of Eden Prairie's Maintenance Department access; to accommodate snow removal and mowing; and to accommodate the inclusion of two ADA approved parking spaces; to provide a trail to the interpretive kiosk which would be ADA accessible. Ms. Barkley asked if the setback for the fence along Pioneer Trail was sufficient to accommodate widening of Pioneer Trail. Mr. Gertz indicated he would contact the City Engineer with respect to the proposed fence setback line. A general discussion ensued regarding new and ongoing restoration projects, including: completion of the bathroom by the end of the year; installation of original light fixtures; general maintenance by the City twice a year; and a remedy to the bat infestation in the upstairs area. Chair Collitan would ask to placed on the agenda of the City Council in the near future regarding funding required for this project, as well as other properties. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Miller Spring Update Mr. Gertz advised specifications for the project would be going out for bid in the near future. The project would not be completed by the end of 1999. B. Landscaping Mr. Gertz indicated Hennepin County had been doing work along Eden Prairie Road and presented a plan for tree restoration. The County was obligated to restore trees that had been removed at the Moore House due to the widening of the road. A general discussion ensued with respect to the proposed tree restoration plan and the adequacy of the number and types of trees proposed. Ms. Mosman indicated the pine and maple trees included in the plan should be at least 5 inches in diameter. VIII. ADJOURNMENT HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 15, 1999 Page 4 Mr. Gertz related John Devorak had discussed with him the possibility of Mr. Devorak's property being designated a historical property. Mr. Gertz will visit the property. He will also discuss with the City generally historical designation of properties within the community. Having no further business to come before the Commission, James Wilson moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.