Heritage Preservation - 04/19/1999APPROVED MINUTES HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, April 19, 1999 7:00 p.m., City Center Prairie Rooms A and B 8080 Mitchell Road Commission Members: Deborah Barkley, Lori Peterson-Benike, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jan Mosman, and James Wilson Student Representatives: Mark Perry Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and Rebecca Belz, Recording Secretary I. ROLL CALL Chair Colliton called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Colliton asked for changes or additions to the agenda. Hearing none, James Wilson moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 25, 1999 MINUTES Chair Colliton asked for discussion and approval of the minutes of the January 25, 1999 meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission. James Wilson moved, seconded by Deborah Barkley, to approve the minutes of the January 25, 1999 meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner=s Kathie Case and Jan Mosman entered the meeting at 7:04 p.m. IV. REPORTS OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Kathie Case reported that Marie Wittenberg of the Historical Society awarded each Commissioner an honorary membership on the Historical Society. Kathie Case also reported that the Historical Society will have its Annual Meeting Sunday, HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 19, 1999 Page 2 May 2, 1999 in the Gymnasium of the Consolidated School. Prior to continuing with the agenda, Commissioner Mosman requested that discussion regarding an upcoming Garden Club Event be added to the agenda under New Business. V. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF Mr. Gertz informed the Commission of some important dates. They include: * April 26, 1999 Mr. Gertz will be meeting with Marie Wittenberg and Kathie Case of the Historical Society at the J.R. Cummins Homestead to discuss projects for the property. * April 28, 1999 Mr. Gertz will meet with Mark Dudzik, State Archaeologist, to assess the current condition of the Kempton Mound Group. * April 27, 1999 Mr. Gertz will attend a meeting regarding this year=s Sunbonnet Day. Mr. Gertz asked the Commissioners for volunteers for the event. Tim Colliton and Lori Peterson-Benike volunteered and asked to be kept apprised of information as it transpires. * Mr. Gertz then reported of a letter received from IMAC regarding the Flint Ridge Project area. The letter reported that nothing was found and that no further testing is necessary. Mr. Gertz added that he would review the actual report to confirm the information. * Question was noted regarding the date of the State Historic Conference. Mr. Gertz noted that this year=s conference will be held in St. Peter, Minnesota, May 14-15, 1999. A. National Register of Historic Places Nomination for Glen Lake Children=s Camp Mr. Gertz reported that Mr. Rolf Anderson had completed the National Register Nomination and presented a copy for the Commission=s review. Mr. Gertz commended the report and noted that he was well pleased with the information and the work produced by Mr. Anderson. Mr. Gertz added that he was glad the City is involved in saving the Camp. The site is very unique and is worthy of preservation. Mr. Gertz noted that Mr. Anderson will make a presentation to the State Review Board Tuesday, May 18, 1999 to consider the Glen Lake Children=s Camp for nomination. Mr. Gertz also displayed and reviewed the property boundaries for the Commission. B. Update on the Current CLG Grant Projects Mr. Gertz reported that he had met with Paul Maravelas to tour all the sites on the current CLG Grant Projects list. All sites were visited with the exception of the two River Valley properties. Mr. Maravelas has since been back to the City to conduct research on the properties. He will submit a progress report next week, which will then be forwarded to SHPO. Mr. Gertz added that Mr. Maravelas is working solely on this HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 19, 1999 Page 3 project at this time. Mr. Gertz then reported that the CLG Grants Review Board met Thursday, April 14, 1999 to review the most recent grant application for the interpretive signs. The City will know the outcome soon. Mr. Gertz went on to report that he had submitted an Eden Prairie Foundation Grant application for the Grand Drape in the Consolidated School Gymnasium. The amount requested was $5,000. It was noted that if the application is denied, the City could reapply in the fall. C. Update on the Consolidated School Gymnasium Task Force Projects Commissioner Mosman reported on the Task Force and commended the people involved and their efforts. She then displayed one of the posters promoting the fundraiser at the Gym. She gave the poster to Student Representative Mark Perry to post at the High School. Question was raised regarding the number of tickets sold to-date. Commissioner Case reported that and exact number is not yet known but hoped sales reached as many as 150. Commissioners Mosman and Case made note of the following information regarding the fundraiser: * Paul Anderson will be the main speaker; * Task Force members are making a video to be played during the event; * A silent auction will take place; * A photographer will attend to document the time; * Dinner will include hamburgers, chocolate cake, home made french fries; * Cadets will decorate with crepe paper in an old fashioned way; and * Several people who attended the High School are flying in from all around the country for the event. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Eden Prairie Historical Society Agreement Mr. Gertz reported that the Eden Prairie Historical Society has completed a Roles and Responsibilities Statement that will be combined with the City=s. It will then be reviewed by the Historical Society April 22, 1999. If accepted, it will be forwarded to City Council for its approval. Mr. Gertz will investigate whether Commission members should attend the Council meeting when discussed. B. Draft Disaster Management for Structure Fires at Historic Properties HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 19, 1999 Page 4 Mr. Gertz noted that a copy of the drafted Disaster Management for Structure Fires at Historic Properties was previously forwarded to Commissioners for input. Once input is received, the plan will be forwarded to Robert Vogel of Cottage Grove for collaboration. Mr. Gertz will then work on a flood plan. Mr. Gertz also commented that they intend to be done with the plans by June. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Eden Apple Orchard Donated Apple Trees Mr. Gertz reported for the Commission that Arlene Marshall, the owner of Eden Apple Orchard, has offered to donate apple trees for the J.R. Cummins Homestead. He noted that the Commission had discussed this possibility some years ago, however, no action was taken at that time. Mr. Gertz said that he and Jeff Cordis, Forestry Technician for the City, visited the Orchard and the J.R. Cummins Homestead and determind trees could be moved and indicated three possible locations. Mr. Gertz reviewed the three areas identified as well as the proposed questions including: Where the trees should be planted, if the fruit would be harvested, who would be responsible to maintain the trees, and how many should be planted. The Commission discussed the three areas and the potential pros and cons. They also discussed the other questions presented. With much consideration, the Commission decided to plant the trees in area 2, on the north side of the peony garden, outside the proposed future fence area. They also decided to remove the existing Box Elder trees that are currently there which are not of historic value to the property. They also suggested that the maintenance portion be developed at a later time since an immediate decision was needed regarding the trees. Jan Mosman moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to accept 20 trees of several varieties from Arlene Marshall to be planted in area two identified as the north side of the peony garden, just outside of the proposed future fence area. Motion carried unanimously. B. Property Fencing and Gates for the J.R. Cummins Homestead Mr. Gertz reported that three attempts had been made to break into the J.R. Cummins Homestead, which resulted in a badly damaged door and frame. He suggested a fence be installed on the property to discourage any further attempts. He added that City staff is also researching re-routing the alarm to ring directly at the Police Department to more quickly expedite assistance. Mr. Gertz reviewed the approval process on changes to historic properties and concluded that this would not be necessary for this project. He said that he is looking HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 19, 1999 Page 5 into a wood picket fence and historic woven wire fencing appropriate for the time period. He believed that funds were available in his budget and that some funds may be available through the Parks and Recreation department for the project. The Commission was concerned about the damage and concurred with the proposed fence installation. Kathie Case moved, seconded by Deborah Barkley, to investigate historically accurate wood or wire woven fencing for installation at the J.R. Cummins Homestead. Motion carried unanimously. C. Garden Club Event Commissioner Mosman reported that the Eden Prairie Garden Club will host a mini Sun Bonnet Day at the J.R. Cummins Homestead May 22, 1999. She added that the event will be from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with a workshop at 1:00 p.m. The City is acting as a co-sponsor providing advertisement on the city sign in front of the City Center, shortbread cookies and lemonade. Articles will also be published and posters will be posted. All members of the Club are very excited and hope to sell many of their homegrown plants at the event. Commissioner Mosman invited all of the Commissioners to attend. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Prior to adjourning, it was noted that the next meeting would be held at the J.R. Cummins Homestead. Having no other business to come before the Commission, James Wilson moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.