Heritage Preservation - 12/14/1998Minutes Heritage Preservation Commission December 14, 1998 APPROVED MINUTES HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, December 14, 1998 7:00 p.m., City Center, North Conference Room 8080 Mitchell Road Commission Members: Deborah Barkley, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jan Mosman, Lori Peterson-Benike, and James Wilson Student Representatives: Mark Perry Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and Rebecca Belz, Recording Secretary I. ROLL CALL Chair Colliton called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. All Commission members were present. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Colliton asked for changes to the Agenda. Chair Colliton requested to add discussion regarding the Legislative Agenda for the Preservation Alliance under New Business. James Wilson moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to accept the Agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 16, 1998 MINUTES Chair Colliton asked for discussion and approval of the minutes of the last meeting. Commissioner Case noted a correction on page two concerning the spelling of the Cahill School and requested it be corrected. She also clarified that on page three in the last paragraph of the page that she had spoken with Mr. Marshall about the designation and requested the first sentence be changed to “Commissioner Case reported having spoken with Mr. Marshall about the designation and Mr. Marshall seemed willing to have the site designated.” James Wilson moved, seconded by Kathie Case, to approve the minutes of the November 16, 1998 meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes Heritage Preservation Commission December 14, 1998 IV. REPORTS OF THE EDEN PRAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Kathie Case reported that the Historical Society had met with Mr. Gertz regarding the resolution defining the roles and responsibilities of the two groups. She noted that the meeting went well and will finalize the information in January for signature. V. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Disaster Planning Update: Mr. Gertz reported that the first Disaster Planning meeting went well and will meet again in January or February to continue discussions. Mr. Gertz reported that they discussed current procedures of fire department personnel when responding to an emergency at a historic site. They will continue these discussions and formulate procedures to preserve historic sites in emergency situations. They are gathering information based on discussions at meetings and information received by outside resources. B. Update on SHPO Review and Comment Concerning Local Designations: Mr. Gertz reported that he had received a phone call from Michael Koop from the SHPO office explaining that the applications were “thin” and required additional information prior to returning them. Mr. Koop requested the information be forwarded in January or as soon as possible. Mr. Gertz and the Commission expressed their disappointment in the last year’s local designation process and the consultant they used. The Commission inquired whether Pat Nunnally will be contacted to complete the information requested by SHPO, however, Mr. Gertz said that he would complete the work himself. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Preservation Plan for the Consolidated School Gymnasium: Mr. Gertz distributed a rough draft of the first part of the Preservation Plan for the gym. He reviewed with the Commission that he had noticed some problems with the south wall of the gym including water damage, some bowing, and lead paint on the wainscoting. The Commission also discussed various aspects of the task force. Commissioner Mosman noted that individuals who attended the school and remember specific details about the gym would be called upon for their input on restoration. Commissioner Peterson-Benike is no longer able to participate on the task force and Commissioner Case will take her place. Commissioner Case will contact Al Picha for his input on the interior specifications for the next meeting. Minutes Heritage Preservation Commission December 14, 1998 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Legislative Agenda for the Preservation Alliance: Chair Colliton reported that the Preservation Alliance is currently working on pursuing a system tax credit for rehabilitation and restoration of historic homes. He noted that they are working on the details to get it through legislation and will meet with Senator Morris to introduce it and will also meet with Alice Seagram. Chair Colliton explained that the bill is modeled after one similar in Wisconsin and is currently being decided whether to include properties listed on the National Register and those that are eligible, or if they will try to include locally designated properties as well. Chair Colliton also reported of other legislative projects the Preservation Alliance is working on. They include: a tax increment topic previously vetoed, application of building codes to historic structures, and noted that they have a contact who will be working with Governor Elect, Jesse Ventura who will be educating the new Governor on historic topics as often as possible. B. Selection of Consultant to Complete Eight Local Designations Chair Colliton made reference to the four proposals received from independent consultants to complete the eight local designation applications and suggested the Commission take some time to review them. Mr. Gertz added that two of the sites had been changed due to the lack of preliminary information about them. The two changed sites were Dell Road and the Kempton Mounds, which were replaced with Indian Road and The Narrows. After some time to review each of the proposals, submitted by Peer Environmental and Engineering Resources, Inc.; Paul Maravelas, Historical Consultant; Landscape Research; and Robert Vogel & Associates, the Commission continued their discussion and decision process. Mr. Gertz also informed the Commission that when he requested the proposals from the candidates, he asked that four specific criteria be met in the proposal. They included: professional qualifications, experience in completing local registrations, references, and a cost outline. He added that the proposals included most of the required information. The Commission continued discussing the information provided and raised several questions including: * Professionalism of the individual and of the completed product * Presentation and completeness of each proposal * Concerns with timeliness of completion * Personalities of individuals * Individual approaches versus a team approach * Qualifications of individuals, etc. Minutes Heritage Preservation Commission December 14, 1998 Two candidates were eliminated and discussion continued regarding Robert Vogel & Associates, and Paul Maravelas, Historical Consultant. The Commission discussed at length their, qualifications, professionalism, image, personalities, cost and timeline breakdowns, end products, personal relations, and the importance in meeting with residents of each property. When asked which candidate they preferred to hire, the Commission unanimously favored Paul Maravelas, Historic Consultant. James Wilson moved, seconded by Jan Mosman, to hire Paul Maravelas, Historical Consultant to complete the eight local registration applications for the City of Eden Prairie. Mr. Gertz reported that he would invite Mr. Maravelas to the next meeting to discuss expectations, and various pieces of information about the project. VIII. ADJOURNMENT In closing, Mr. Gertz reminded the Commission that the meetings in January and February would be held the fourth Monday of the month. With no other business to come before the Commission, James Wilson moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.