Heritage Preservation - 11/16/1998APPROVED MINUTES HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, November 16, 1998 7:00 p.m., City Center, Prairie Rooms A&B 8080 Mitchell Road Commission Members: Deborah Barkley, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jan Mosman, Lori Peterson-Benike, and James Wilson Student Representatives: Mark Perry Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and Rebecca Belz, Recording Secretary I. ROLL CALL Chair Colliton called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. All Commission members were present. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Colliton asked for changes to the agenda. Mr. Gertz requested to add discussion regarding the Donated Property Name Request under letter B. of New Business. Discussion regarding the Consolidated Gym Task Force was requested to be added under letter B. of Old Business. Discussion regarding Commission Appointments was requested to be added under letter C. of New Business. James Wilson moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to accept the Agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 MINUTES It was noted that the October 19, 1998 meeting was an unofficial meeting and did not require approval. The Commission also identified that the minutes of the September 21, 1998 meeting required approval. Kathie Case moved, seconded by James Wilson, to approve the minutes of the September 21, 1998 meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission as presented. IV. REPORTS OF THE EDEN PARAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Kathie Case reported that she and two other members of the Historical society have been making presentations to schools about the “olden days.” She also reported that the Historical Society will be meeting with City employees to address and sign a resolution as recommended by the Commission regarding the collaboration (responsibilities) of the two groups. Commissioner Case also reported that some Eden Prairie students recently visited the old Kahil School in Edina where students participated in a lesson modeled after lessons that would have been taught in the classroom in 1900. Commissioner Case offered to investigate possibly moving the old Anderson School to the Riley Jacques farmstead to hold similar field trip/educational experiences for children. Commissioner Case said she would begin investigating the possibility and report back to the Commission. V. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Update on Disaster Planning for Historic Sites: Mr. Gertz reported that the first Disaster Planning meeting is scheduled for December 1, 1998 where employees from both Cottage Grove and Eden Prairie will attend. The purpose of the meetings will be to create a model local policy for historic sites in the event of a disaster. Mr. Gertz encouraged any Commissioners that might be interested to attend. He reported that future meetings would likely be held in Eden Prairie. B. HPC Meeting Schedule for 1999: Mr. Gertz reported that the regular meetings in January and February 1999 would be held the fourth Monday of the month due to holiday conflicts. C. Bob Mack Rehabilitation Cost Estimate for the Cummins-Grill House: Mr. Gertz noted the inclusion of the memorandum and Master Plan from Bob Mack and his associate, Kari Grabinski. It was acknowledged that the amount proposed for the project seemed high and also acknowledged that City Staff could complete most of a Master Plan with a few exceptions. Mr. Gertz reported to the Commission that he hoped to compile all the restoration/repair estimates and information to present one proposal to Council to recommend all work be completed in one year instead of doing a portion at a time. Commission members agreed this would be beneficial. Commissioners also noted some discomfort and discrepancies noted in the Restoration Recommendations document by Kari Grabinski. The Commission discussed at length the discrepancies and their perceived intent in restoring the house - specifically regarding establishing a specific period of interpretation. Commissioner Case believed it acceptable to restore the parlor to 1890 which is what had been previously decided and is the year the house was built. She also believed it acceptable to restore the kitchen to its original date of addition, which is estimated between the years 1910 and 1917. She explained that when people walk through the house, they are given an “historical” account of the home, who lived there, and the changes that took place over the years explaining the difference in time periods of the restoration. She suggested posting cards and/or clearly explaining the changes that took place in the house. Mr. Gertz emphasized the importance in not overlapping the families who lived there and the different time frames in the history, but ultimately left the decision up to the Commission as to how to proceed. In conclusion it was decided this topic would be further discussed in December as a restoration budget will be brought back to decide how and when this should be presented to Council. D. Update on Local Designation Review by SHPO: Mr. Gertz reported that he had not yet received a response regarding the submitted applications. He recommended the Commission wait to make presentations to Council and the Planning Commission until after a response has been received. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Demolition of the Marshall’s Vegetable Stand: Mr. Gertz reported having spoken with Mr. Marshall and learned that the stand had been torn down. Though some of the materials had been saved for the stand that will be built on another part of the land, Mr. Marshall seemed willing to let the historic designation go. Mr. Gertz recommended that the Marshall’s Vegetable Stand designation is foregone based on the lack of information regarding original materials saved and significant alterations to the site itself. Commissioner Case reported having spoken with one of the sons about the situation and she thought that perhaps some of the willingness expressed by Mr. Marshall was due to a pending lawsuit. Commissioner Case believed the site to still be a viable designation and inquired whether it could still be done. Mr. Gertz explained that the stand would not possess enough integrity, historical sense of place, or familiarity once it has been rebuilt at its new location. He noted that though it will be rebuilt, most of the historic aspects will be gone. He added that the Commission could possibly proceed with a designation application, but cautioned that it may not stand up to any type of challenge by SHPO or any other party. Jan Mosman moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to table the discussion regarding designating Marshall’s Vegetable Stand to another meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Marshall’s Vegetable Stand will be added to the December agenda. B. Consolidated School Gymnasium Task Force: Commissioner’s Peterson-Benike and Mosman reported that a task force had been formed and they had received notice of an official meeting. They noted that the first meeting is scheduled for November 17, 1998 at 4:30 p.m. and that a restoration plan, funding sources, and a timeline would be discussed. Commissioners Peterson-Benike and Mosman reported concerns and questions about the task force, acknowledged that they will have a better understanding after the initial meeting, and reported that they desired to have the support of the Commission and requested a third person or an alternate be involved. Mr. Gertz volunteered to attend the first meeting. Lori Peterson-Benike left the meeting at 8:40 p.m. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Selection of Local Heritage Sites for Designation: Mr. Gertz noted the inclusion of the list of potential designation sites to be included in his written report. He requested the Commission identify a list of eight sights and name the rest as alternates. He also noted that a consultant should be picked at the next meeting. He then questioned whether the meeting, scheduled for December 22, 1998, would still be an appropriate time to meet. The Commission decided to move the meeting to December 14, 1998. James Wilson moved, seconded by Kathie Case, to move the next meeting from December 22, 1998 to December 14, 1998 provided appropriate notification specifications could be met. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the sites. After much discussion, the Commission picked eight sights and three alternatives as designated in the motion. James Wilson moved, seconded by Deborah Barkley, to recommend and submit the following sites for local Heritage Site designation: Kempton Mounds, Kurtz-Martin Barn, Birch Island Park, Ohm House, Higgins House, Dell road, Roland Store, Dvorak Farm, Picha Farm (alternate), Minnesota Valley Trail (alternate), and Eames Archaeology Site (alternate). B. Donated Property Name Request: Mr. Gertz referred to the memo he had distributed at the beginning of the meeting and explained that Mr. Bob Brown had recently donated 40 acres of land to the City in the Minnesota River valley. He continued that Mr. Brown requested the City consider naming the property after Mr. Brown’s Grandfather. The memo from City staff clarified that the request complies with City Policy and recommends approval of the request. Mr. Gertz also recommended that the Commission agree with the Parks Recreation and Natural Resources Department’s recommendation to submit to Council for approval the request to name the donated land the James A. Brown Conservation Area. James Wilson moved, seconded by Kathie Case to recommend that City Council approve Bob Brown’s request to name the donated land in the Minnesota River valley the “James A. Brown Conservation Area.” Motion Carried Unanimously. C. Commission Appointments: Commissioner Case noted the Commission’s loss of member Jane Hession earlier in the year and that two additional positions will become vacant in March including her own position. Though she would be willing to remain on the Commission, she noted that there will be a considerable turn over on the Commission and suggested that the Commission and Staff pursue filling one of the positions with previous applicants now. The Commission agreed that a position should be filled prior to the January open house and March succession. The Commission also discussed that Council usually fill vacancies promptly and suggested Mr. Gertz investigate the process and screen potential applicants. VIII. ADJOURNMENT With no other business to come before the Commission, Jan Mosman moved, seconded by Deborah Barkley, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m.