Heritage Preservation - 10/19/1998APPROVED MINUTES HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, October 19, 1998 7:00 p.m., Cummins-Grill House 13600 Pioneer Trail Commission Members: Deborah Barkley, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jan Mosman, Lori Peterson-Benike, and James Wilson Student Representatives: Mark Perry Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and Rebecca Belz, Recording Secretary I. ROLL CALL Chair Colliton convened the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Deborah Barkley, Lori Peterson-Benike, and Jan Mosman were absent. The Commission acknowledged that no voting quorum was present and decided to hear discussion items only. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA No action taken. Mr. Gertz noted that items requiring a vote would be added to the November agenda. III. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 MINUTES No action taken. IV. REPORTS OF THE EDEN PARAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY No report given. V. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Introduction and Welcome of Student Representative Mark Perry: The Commission welcomed Mark Perry to the Commission. Mr. Gertz asked Mr. Perry to share how he learned about the Commission, about his interests, and what he hoped to learn from his position on the Commission. Mr. Perry believed this to be a good place to learn more about City government and Eden Prairie history. Mr. Gertz also gave background information about the Commission for Mr. Perry. B. National Register Nomination for the Glen Lake Children’s Camp: Mr. Gertz reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Rolf Anderson who will be completing the National Register Nomination for the Camp. He added that the letter included the cost estimates for the service, which he believed to be a reasonable amount. The letter was included in the packet for Commission review and information. C. Work Projects for the Cummins-Grill House: Mr. Gertz reported of his meeting with Mr. Mack and his assistant October 14, 1998. He explained that MacDonald & Mack Architects will provide cost estimates for exterior maintenance and renovation work as well as for the interior. Mr. Gertz added that he had also requested Mr. Mack to also provide guidelines for the interior as well. Once these estimates are complete, he will have information covering all the properties the City currently wishes to work on. Mr. Gertz will then compile a budget proposal for City Council. D. HPC Items for the 1999 City Planner: Mr. Gertz reported that Eden Prairie’s 1999 Planner is being compiled and that the City wants input from all commissions regarding important dates for inclusion. Mr. Gertz will forward the planned dates for the Commission’s annual events and then suggested the Preservation Week in May be included as well. The Commission agreed. Mr. Gertz will track the National Trust and report the theme and when it will be planned. Mr. Gertz encouraged Commissioners to contact him with any additional dates of interest to be included in the planner. E. New Copy of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties: Mr. Gertz reported that the copy of this guideline is now available. He added that two copies had been purchased. One would be available to check out from the City. F. Bearpath Re-vegetation Request: Mr. Gertz reported receiving a letter from Mr. John Vogelbacher of the Bearpath Development Corporation regarding planting grass seed over an archaeology site now protected by historic preservation easement. Mr. Gertz reported to the Commission as included in the letter back to Mr. Vogelbacher, that he believed that the seeding would not pose a threat to the archaeological resources, but, made few specific requests for markers, silt fencing, and grading. Mr. Gertz added that he would inspect the installation process to ensure protection. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Update on Historic Property Maintenance/Budget Plans: Mr. Gertz distributed a draft of the Maintenance Plan for the Riley-Jacques Farm. He reported that he will compile similar lists for each historic property for long-term budget items, maintenance needs and scheduled repairs. He continued by noting that treatment guidelines will accompany these lists for each property. The Commission reviewed the plan developed for the Riley-Jacques Farm Maintenance Plan and was pleased with the detail and completeness. Mr. Gertz believed this to be an important element to care for historic properties in Eden Prairie. B. Update on Completed Heritage Site Designations: Mr. Gertz reported that the SHPO office is currently reviewing the list. Once their review is complete and provides comments to the City, the planning Commission and City Council will then review. Mr. Gertz reported that he hoped that a public hearing could be conducted at the regular HPC meeting in November. C. Selection of Current Heritage Sites for Designation: The Commission noted that though a quorum was unavailable for vote on the list, they desired to discuss the properties. After some discussion regarding the proposed list included on Mr. Gertzes written report, the Commission divided the properties to contact the owners to discuss the possibilities of designation. The Commissioners will investigate and report back in November. As an aside note, Chair Colliton noted that he had not received a response from Dr. Gaslin, School Superintendent, regarding the letter sent encouraging assistance in forming a Task Force for the Consolidated School’s Gymnasium. It was suggested that another letter be sent and/or the Chair of the School Board is contacted in efforts to follow-up. It was further suggested that if these efforts were not responded to, that the Commission formulate a Task Force and proceed with the project of saving the Gymnasium. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Historic Site Disaster Planning: Mr. Gertz reported that he had been in contact with Robert Vogel of the City of Cottage Grove regarding meeting to establish a disaster recovery plan for historic sites. Mr. Gertz reported that the two cities would plan meetings in December to formulate and identify issues and possible mitigation measures. Mr. Gertz explained to the Commission the importance of having such plans in effort to salvage historic sites, materials, etc. in the event of a disaster. He sited several recent cases of tragic loss of valuable history due to improper care and direction in such disasters. He also noted locating resources via the Internet they may use in the formulation process. Mr. Gertz invited the Commissioners to participate if interested. As an information item, Mr. Gertz reported that the Preservation Alliance will host its Annual Meeting and Special Event, November 14, 1998 and invited Commissioners to attend if interested. He noted that the fee would be reimbursed for those who attend. Mr. Gertz also noted that SHPO’s Annual Preservation Conference will be held May 14 and 15, 1999 in St. Peter. And that the Minnesota Historical Society’s Rural Historic Landscape one-day workshop will be held Thursday, October 29, 1998 in Dennison Minnesota. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.