Heritage Preservation - 08/17/1998HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION August 17, 1998 Page 1 APPROVED MINUTES HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, August 17, 1998 7:00 p.m., City Center Cummins-Grill House 13600 Pioneer Trail Commission Members: Deborah Barkley, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jan Mosman, Lori Peterson-Benike, and James Wilson Student Representatives: Jenny Freemyer, and Kristin Kelly Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and Rebecca Belz, Recording Secretary I. ROLL CALL Chair Colliton called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. James Wilson was absent as well as Student Representatives Jenny Freemyer, and Kristin Kelly. Chair Colliton reported as noted in the packet, that Jane Hession has resigned her position on the Commission. Sarah Grill, relative of the proprietors of the Cummins-Grill House was present. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Mosman requested to add Helen Anderson’s letter regarding the Cummins-Grill peony garden to the agenda. Commissioner Case suggested changing the agenda to review the letter and discuss the Cummins-Grill House under the Reports and Requests of the Eden Prairie Historical Society while Sarah Grill was present. Chair Colliton requested the Commission discuss the concept of developing a “10 Most Endangered Properties” list. This was added under New Business. Jan Mosman moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF July 20, 1998 MINUTES It was noted to correct the spelling of the word “Sioux” in the second paragraph from the bottom of page 3. It was also requested to fill in “Eden Prairie News Paper” after the words “submit an article in the” in the second to last paragraph on page 4. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION August 17, 1998 Page 2 HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION August 17, 1998 Page 3 Kathie Case moved, seconded by Deborah Barkley, to approve the minutes of the July 20, 1998 meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission as amended. Motion carried unanimously. IV. REPORTS OF THE EDEN PRAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Commissioner Case had no report other than to introduce Sarah Grill who is a descendant of the proprietors of the home and noted that Sarah has offered to help with cleaning the house and helping with Sunbonnet Day September 20, 1998. Miss. Grill inquired as to the future plans of the house, once the remodeling has been complete. She also asked whether it has been considered to hire a groundskeeper of sorts to live in the home and help with the remodeling. She added that she would like to see someone living in the house to make it more homey and attractive. The Commission discussed several potential options for the house and some of the details that would need to be worked out. However, no conclusion was made as to how to proceed. Commissioner Mosman read a letter received by Eden Prairie resident Helen Anderson, who also wrote "Eden Prairie - The First 100 Years". Mrs. Anderson’s letter commended the efforts of the HPC and Garden Club for restoring the peony garden at the Cummins-Grill House. The letter explained that she had known the proprietors and the history of the once very admired garden. Commissioner Mosman was very pleased to have received the letter and will forward copies to the Historical Society as well as to the City for record keeping. V. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Resignation of Commissioner Jane Hession: Mr. Gertz confirmed that Jane Hession had resigned her position on the Commission. He reviewed the letter sent by Mrs. Hession and explained the circumstances surrounding her decision. He noted that Mrs. Hession is still very interested in the Commission and may visit meetings from time to time. He further explained that the Commission will be looking for a replacement and will be working with Kitty Porta, City Records Administrator, to solicit interested candidates. He also requested that Commissioners knowing of any interested individuals, please forward their names to him. B. Update on Consolidated School: Chair Colliton reported, as noted in the letter forwarded to the Commission regarding the meeting held with Mr. Gertz, Dr. Gaslin, and himself, that the meeting had gone well. He reported that there were concerns expressed by all parties regarding the Consolidated School that was concluded by suggesting a task force be formed to assist with the HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION August 17, 1998 Page 4 project of restoring the gymnasium. It was decided that the task force would include a representative from all interested parties. Potential members could include a member from the Historical Society, the HPC, Eden Prairie residents, alumni, school board/officials, etc. It was the understanding that Dr. Gaslin would begin formulating such a task force. Chair Colliton asked for interested parties among the Commissioners. Commissioners Peterson-Benike, and Mosman volunteered. Mr. Gertz suggested that the Commission be prepared to make recommendations concerning the task force to assist in its formulation, purpose, etc. He suggested that a task force of seven members be considered to work for a period of one year. The Commission concurred. Mr. Gertz will contact Dr. Gaslin in the near future to inquire as to the progress of the task force formulation. He will also be prepared at that time to make the recommendations if arrangements have not already been made. C. Update on CLG Grant Project: Mr. Gertz reported that the local designation drafts of the five properties were included in the packet for review and comment. Mr. Gertz noted that the review process would be finalized once Pat Nunnally returned from vacation later in August. Question was raised regarding why the Glen Lake Children’s Camp format was different. Mr. Gertz clarified that this property will be submitted to the SHPO office in the format of a national registration application for comment by Susan Rath. The Commission inquired as to Mr. Gertz’s thoughts on the applications that were submitted. Mr. Gertz reported that he did believe that there was the required information, however, believed them to be a bit “thin”. The Commission discussed few additional comments and conversation ensued regarding the quality of work done by consultants such as Pat Nunnally. Mr. Gertz reported that registration applications must be submitted by “qualified” individuals and expressed a general disappointment in the work that such individuals submit. The Commission agreed that when paying a specialized individual to complete a task, one would expect a higher level of excellence from the individual. The Commission agreed that they had hoped for more information than what was submitted. They agreed that no new information seemed to be included in the applications. D. Archaeology Investigation Results for Site –21-HE-0019: Mr. Gertz referenced the letter included in the packet from Mr. Mark Dudzik, State Archaeologist, and explained some of the background information surrounding the particular site. He noted that the State’s office and the Bureau of Indian Affairs had found conflicting information regarding the site and the letter was to conclude the question through additional investigation that indeed there were no burial mounds there. VI. OLD BUSINESS HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION August 17, 1998 Page 5 A. Fredrick-Miller Spring Plan: Mr. Gertz reported receiving the plans for the Spring August 3, 1998 showing the Spring in the wrong location. Mr. Gertz has contacted Barr Engineering and the appropriate changes will be made. Mr. Gertz then showed the plans he had received and discussed some of the changes anticipated. B. Restoration Cost Estimates for the Smith-Douglas-More House and Riley-Jacques Farmhouse: Mr. Gertz reported cost estimates had been completed and included in the packet for two sites and is still waiting for the estimates for Staring Lake Park. It was decided to postpone the estimates for the Minnesota Valley Wayside. Mr. Gertz then reported that prioritization will need to be done with the sites to assist in the budgeting process. Chair Colliton offered to assist Mr. Gertz with the prioritization. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Draft Maintenance Guidelines for Glen Lake Children’s Camp: Mr. Gertz noted the inclusion of the drafted guidelines for the camp. Mr. Gertz will also require annual walk through inspections. The Commission was in favor of the proposition. B. Sunbonnet Day: Mr. Gertz reported that the planning process for the event is mostly complete. The City is now looking for volunteers to help with various tasks such as running games and an EMCEE to announce activities, etc. Commissioner Peterson-Benike volunteered to EMCEE and Commissioners Mosman, Colliton, and Case offered their assistance as well. Mr. Gertz will forward appropriate information as time nears. Several ideas were offered in having the Cummins-Grill House cleaned prior to the event, however no decisions were made at the time. C. Endangered Property List Nominations: Chair Colliton suggested that the Commission consider properties that could be included on an Endangered Properties List. The list would be updated annually and will serve as an educational and awareness tool to residents. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION August 17, 1998 Page 6 VIII. ADJOURNMENT Having no other business to come before the Commission, Lori Peterson-Benike moved, seconded by Deborah Barkley, to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.