Heritage Preservation - 07/20/1998APPROVED MINUTES HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, July 20, 1998 7:00 p.m., City Center Prairie Room A/B 8080 Mitchell Road Commission Members: Deborah Barkley, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jane Hession, Jan Mosman, Lori Peterson-Benike, and James Wilson Student Representatives: Jenny Freemyer, and Kristin Kelly Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and Rebecca Belz, Recording Secretary I. ROLL CALL Chair Colliton called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Jane Hession was absent as well as Student Representatives Jenny Freemyer, and Kristin Kelly. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Lori Peterson-Benike moved, seconded by James Wilson, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF JUNE 15, 1998 MINUTES James Wilson moved, seconded by Jan Mosman, to approve the minutes of the June 15, 1998 meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission as presented. Motion carried unanimously. IV. REPORTS OF THE EDEN PARAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Commissioner Case reported that she had received a letter from Dr. Gaslin stating that he was looking forward to working with the Historical Society on the Consolidated School gymnasium project. Commissioner Case also reported that the Richfield Historical Society would be sponsoring their annual tour and historical awareness at the Bartholomew House Sunday, August 1, 1998. She added that the house, located on Lyndale Avenue, has been renovated to museum quality. Commissioner Case concluded her report by noting that the Historical Society is awaiting to hear the outcome of the pending meeting of John Gertz and Chair Tim Colliton with Dr. Gaslin and their discussion regarding preserving the Consolidated School gymnasium. V. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Update on Consolidated School: Mr. Gertz confirmed the meeting planned Wednesday, July 22, 1998 with Dr. Gaslin, Chair Colliton and himself to discuss the gymnasium, school, and designation of the property. He confirmed that it is anticipated to be an informational type meeting. Commissioner Case wondered if a School Board Member should attend as a third unbiased party. After some discussion the Commission concurred that this would be a good idea. They requested Mr. Gertz contact the Chair of the School Board to see if a board member could attend. It was noted that Dr. Gaslin should be contacted prior to the meeting to inform him of the decision and to assure him of the good intentions of the invitation. Mr. Gertz consulted the Commission as to discussion ideas that should be addressed at the meeting Wednesday. Items suggested were: communicating the meaning of preservation, fundraising and funding ideas, and how the Commission and Historical Society can be involved. B. Update on Settlers Ridge Archaeology Sites: Mr. Gertz reported that the investigation is still underway. He added that information was still needed from Indian Affairs and the Corps of Engineers. There was discussion regarding the Commissioners visiting the site while the investigation and data recovery is going on. Mr. Gertz will inquire with the appropriate parties for permission. C. Update on Fredrick-Miller Spring Plan: Mr. Gertz reported that Mr. Bob Obermyer indicated that the plans would be sent to the City the week of July 6, 1998, however they have not yet been received. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Fees associated in Preparing Cost Estimates for Historic Sites: Mr. Gertz reported having Mr. Bob Mack out to four sites throughout Eden Prairie to give estimates as to the fees associated in compiling cost estimates for repairs on the sites. Mr. Mack had forwarded a breakdown of the anticipated fees that were included in the packet. Mr. Gertz believed they were a bit high, but close to the estimated $600 to $800 per property mentioned at the last meeting. He reported that monies for the Smith-Douglas-More House and Riley/Jacques Farm would be taken out of his budget. He will talk with Bob Lambert to inquire whether the Parks and Recreation Department would fund the fee for Staring Lake Park and Minnesota Valley Wayside. He then reported that monies will be included in the 1999 budget for the Smith-Douglas-More House and Riley/Jacques Farm repairs and the others will be included in the budgets for 2000 and beyond. He explained that some City funds will be used for the repairs, some will be from fundraising and grants, etc. Mr. Gertz reported that the Staring Lake Outdoor Center needs extensive repairs including that the porch will be detached so the wall, door, window, and foundation repairs can be done to the main building. He confirmed that the porch would be reattached. B. CLG Grant: Mr. Gertz reported that Pat Nunally has submitted a request for a one-month extension to complete the designations. Mr. Gertz reported that if approved by SHPO, Mr. Nunnally should have the designations complete by the end of August. Mr. Gertz noted he was confident they would be complete by then and done well. It was also discussed that the public hearings would be conducted prior to the designations going to Council. Council will likely discuss the items at the end of September or early October. C. Riley-Jacques Granary: Mr. Gertz reported that the Granary is complete with the exception of the arena fence paint project the Horseman’s Club is working on. He said that he was pleased with the turnout of the project. Mr. Gertz then informed the Commission that the St. Peter Historic Society would be conducting a wagon train in celebration of the signing of the treaty Traverse Des Soix. He explained that the wagon train would start at Ft. Snelling, come through Eden Prairie, and proceed to St. Peter with over-night stays at various points. Commissioner Case suggested the Historic Societies get together to sponsor lemonade or ice cream for them during their stay at the Riley Jacques Farm. D. Glen Lake Children’s Camp: Mr. Gertz reported that Friendship Ventures would not be refurbishing the existing Dining Hall at the camp. As a result, strengthened maintenance agreements and other stipulations will be requested to ensure the building will be maintained. Mr. Gertz reported that though he was disappointed in the time and finances spent in the venture to restore and build-on, he acknowledged that it could be a good solution historically. He explained that the original building would be kept more original that way. Mr. Gertz concluded his report by noting that he will be applying for a grant that Friendship Ventures has agreed to match to help restore the original building. E. Cummins-Grill Peony Garden: Mr. Gertz reported that wood chips had been delivered to the property for the garden as requested by the garden club during the last meeting of the HPC. He also noted that the City will be supplying a lawn mower and gas can that will be kept in the shed on the property and will be accessible by the garden club. Mr. Gertz also noted that the Commission was unable to meet at the Cummins-Grill House for the meeting because of security problems that will be repaired July 21, 1998. The Commission suggested the next meeting be held there and to arrive early to tour the peony garden and grounds. Commissioner Mosman reported that eleven women from the Eden Prairie Garden Club met at the garden last month to work on the peonies. She added that they would meet there again July 21, 1998 to continue their efforts to save and restore the garden. She noted that the Club has donated fertilizer, the walkways will be mowed weekly, they will spread wood chips at the base of the plants, and install peony cages when they are obtained. Commissioner Mosman also noted that she would investigate locating wire fencing to better mark the grounds. Commissioner Case suggested that she contact Mark Webber to meet the Garden Club at the site to interview them and possibly submit and article in the _______. The Commission agreed this would be a good exposure for the Club. Commissioner Mosman suggested distributing a map of popular Eden Prairie Historic Sites to distribute in conjunction with Sunbonnet Day. She believed a tour map and/or and informational brochure regarding the Commission and its projects would be a good opportunity to raise public awareness. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Glen Lake Children’s Camp National Register Nomination: Mr. Gertz reported that Pat Nunally approached him to suggest that he prepare a more detailed local registry to submit to SHPO for their comments. If SHPO’s comments regarding National Registry are minimal, Mr. Nunnally offered to finish the application for the National Registry. If there is much more information and detail needed, however, Mr. Nunnally will be unable to finish the National Registration application for the Camp. Mr. Gertz then noted that he agreed that this was a good idea and contacted Susan Rath at SHPO to see if she would look at the application for input. She agreed. The Commission was in agreement with the proposed. Mr. Gertz will communicate this to Mr. Nunnally. B. Settlers Ridge Street Names: Mr. Gertz reported that Settlers Ridge submitted yet another request for street name possibilities. Instead of submitting the same list submitted two other times, Mr. Gertz complied a short list himself. C. State Capital Projects Grants-in-Aid Program: Mr. Gertz reported that he would be submitting an application for funds for the Glen Lake Children’s Camp project. He reported that since Friendship Ventures so recently decided to build a separate building on the property, no exact plans have been formulated as to how the funds will be applied. He added that the deadline for the Grant Pre-Application is soon and will strive to complete before he leaves on vacation in August. He noted that the next step in the application process is September 4, 1998 and should have more definite plans as to dollar amount and use by then. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Prior to adjourning, Commissioner Peterson-Benike suggested that the Commission tour the historic sites this fall to familiarize the newer members with the properties. She further suggested that the Commission bring a camera for pictures to reference at a later time. The Commission concurred. The tour will be planned for September. Having no other business to come before the Commission, James Wilson moved, seconded by Kathie Case, to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.