HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Rights and Diversity - 02/08/2018 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY COMMISSION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2018 7:00 P.M., EDEN PRAIRIE CENTER Office of Housing and Community Services COMMISSION MEMBERS: Sana Elassar(Chair), Greg Leeper, (Vice Chair), Joan Howe-Pullis, Harvey Humes, Katherine Lucht, Ann Martinka, Shahram Missaghi, Leslie Philmon, Rehmatbai Sumra STUDENT MEMBERS: Ashwin Senthilkumar, Carolyn Mason, Kholood Mo'allim, Mason Stoltz, Meghana Chimata, Tharun Rao COMMISSION STAFF: Molly Koivumaki, Staff Liaison; Megan Yerks, Staff Liaison; Julie Krull, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Elassar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Commission Member Leeper arrived at 8:00 pm and Commission Members Humes, Sumra and Philmon arrived during the local non-profit presentation. Members Senthilkumar, Mason, Mo'allim and Rao were absent. II. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Crystal Winston, with PROP, will be the guest speaker tonight. IIII. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Martinka moved, seconded by Missaghi, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0. IV. APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 11, 2018 MINUTES MOTION: Howe-Pullis moved, seconded by Lucht, to approve the January 2018 minutes. Motion carried 5-0. V. LOCAL NON-PROFIT PRESENTATION Crystal Winston,representing PROP, said she is here this evening to let the group know what PROP does and who their clients are. Ms. Winston said PROP was initially started HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES February 8, 2018 Page 2 with 5 people and the goal was to alleviate hunger in the community. At present, they support basic needs such as food, shelter, electricity, and car repairs. Ms. Winston said PROP stands for People Reaching out to Other People. She stated there are two part time case managers and a social worker onsite. She stated that relationship building with clients and volunteers has always been a focus at PROP and that some volunteers had been involved for up to 47 years. Ms. Winston also pointed out there are special pop-ups for fund raising and said it is a new way to do food drives. PROP also works with landlords to alleviate homelessness. They also support NAPS —Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors along with the following other programs; youth scholarships, summer food for kids, enrichment programs to help with certificates, gas cards, financial mentoring, new incentive for healthier foods, and also work with emergency response teams. Ms. Winston suggested the Commission could support PROP by hosting a pop up fundraiser or food drive. Howe-Pullis asked what the yearly goal is for fundraising for homelessness prevention. Ms. Winston said she would get that information for the Commission. She also said affordable housing is a huge need for the State of MN. Howe-Pullis asked what the biggest needs were for each program. Ms. Winston said she would have Jenny from PROP get back to the Commission with those figures. She said right now car repairs are the most important need. Chair Elassar suggested Commission Members visit PROP and tour the facility and then they can decide where they would like to volunteer. Chair Elassar asked Ms. Winston to explain what Empty Bowls is. Ms. Winston said it takes place at St. Andrews Church on February 20t" and they will have soup and a silent auction there and it is for lunch and dinner. VI. STAFF REPORT—Molly Koivumaki/Megan Yerks Yerks gave the following updates: A. Housekeeping The updated calendar and 2018 work plan are included in binders. 2018 City Council Meeting dates have been confirmed and the 2018 work plan has been included. B. Debrief Information: Koivumaki is consulting with the Planning Department to get more information about entrance points for HRDC involvement in the Aspire process, with an overall update possible at the March City Council meeting and information to HRDC. HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES February 8, 2018 Page 3 In regards to the "advisory" nature of the commission: The City Manager and City Council sees its role as 90% education and community outreach done on behalf of the City and Council. The remainder of our role is to provide feedback to Council when it is requested, to execute council driven initiatives (such as the International Festival, feedback from Work Plan, etc.), and facilitate community conversation with Council and City (such as Coffee with the Council, etc.). Howe-Pullis said she is frustrated with the lack of a housing subcommittee and focus on the issue of affordable housing. Yerks reiterated that the City Manager would like the Commission to focus on participation in the Comprehensive Plan at this time. Chair Elassar said the Commission can have ideas and connect it with what the City Manager wants. Missaghi asked if the Commission has made a decision on housing and how can we move forward. Chair Elassar said we can still have a sub-committee and that committee will consist of Humes, Missaghi and Howe-Pullis. Chair Elassar suggested the sub-committee meet with Yerks on their ideas. Yerks said one of the struggles is the structure or lack of in the housing topic. Leeper said we are to advise the City and Council and maybe a helpful distinction to the City Manager. Humes stated he wants to know how this Commission fits into the Aspire Plan. Missaghi suggested speaking with Julie Klima from the City to get more clarity; Chair Elassar agreed. Leeper said the reason for the sub-committee is because they need to get together aside of meeting times as there is more time there. Missaghi said he would like someone from the City to come to the meeting and tell the Commission where they need to serve. Yerks agreed to contact Julie Klima and request that she attend an upcoming meeting. C. HRDC Business The Human Rights Awards are in motion and 3 submissions have been received. Applications are due by Feb 28th, spread the word. D. OHCS Business Landlord Collaboration with PROP ■ Meeting with Metro HRA to build relationships, learn about ways to encourage/support voucher use in Eden Prairie. ■ PROP/OHCS will be doing Meet and Greets with Eden Prairie landlords to build relationships, educate landlords and identify opportunities for increased interaction to benefit residents. HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES February 8, 2018 Page 4 ■ Metro HRA is doing increased outreach in communities to support landlords, and maintain accessibility for voucher holders • Increased opportunity for City/PROP to communicate with Metro HRA for properties that are at risk of losing voucher accessibility. E. Collaborative Events in Progress Meeting with Communications regarding Welcome Packet: ■ Communications is working on a new Welcome Packet. The rough draft should be ready by March, and would like HRDC feedback once it is ready for review. ■ Two main points: accessibility for all residents and knowledge of community services. Possible collaboration with Heritage Preservation Commission for Native American Heritage Month in November: ■ Archeological dig in Eden Prairie during Flying Cloud construction. ■ HPC liaison is contacting state archeologist to see if we can get some of the artifacts for a display at the City Center. ■ Host presentation at the City Center,perhaps in collaboration with local tribal leaders to learn the history of the Dakota in Eden Prairie. International Festival: ■ Planning has begun with the Park and Recreation Department. ■ Still waiting to hear if EPPS will be collaborating. ■ Weeklong celebration: Concert in the Park, Art Center events, Festival in the Park, Visual Display? ■ Dates still TBD NAMI Classes are in progress: ■ Mental Health Awareness Month: HEART with EPPS? ■ Gray Matters Course: Senior Center • Tentatively scheduled for an evening in October at the Senior Center,partner with Meals on Wheels for taste testing, food? Acting Black Presentation in partnership with HTC ■ Confirmed for February 28th 10a-12p ■ Marketing is in motion through Communications, Eden Prairie Senior Center, EPPS, non-profits etc., ■ Will be featured in Go and Do section of EP News on Feb 22nd, Facebook event is live, flyers are available for distribution. F. Upcoming Opportunities Bloomington HRC Black History Month Celebration Feb 13th HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES February 8, 2018 Page 5 PROP Empty Bowls Feb 20th VII. OLD BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. JCPP SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATE: COFFEE WITH A COP Chair Elassar said there will be a subcommittee meeting on February 9th for this. Chimata said she will attend. Howe-Pullis passed out a flyer for an event at Pax Christi on Sunday, February 11, at 12:30 featuring speaker Joan Rater who will talk about the challenges facing transgender people. IX. UPCOMING MEETING A. March 8, 2018 X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Martinka moved, seconded by Leeper, to adjourn the Human Rights & Diversity Commission meeting. Motion carried 9-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.