HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 887 - Denying the Application of Feeder's Inc. For a Land Alteration Permit - 08/27/1974 P r
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did on or about Septc_ini"°= 21r 1 a i i n ]ly*
". - .� n .i - p pl _.c._ti_on his been reviewed ed by tC_a sznff o - - n r, `ter
Plyn 1.7u _ 1e, and, -
... _- ;� �,nhl_i c hearing has been hold on ,said
the `-pplicat on. of _ FEDE S I"CO_T'__'OPAT_.D for a r' - ii' _ � -- - -
C' .. :__ _ _.-_ ._ ' 7111=- of the 'urEatory (:fee Floo 'pinin in nn rnn4nz
-'J Vmys rlaa c 3osad in t:i-!e ?Tajo)' Center Area concept plan, n n'1 as " ._C=d
_...=1 i!3 for the Ping Pond project, and
-'-- -^e n n i>70?o.".,ed Mvelopment plan - 7 - eiy Oi , -`_n0, d- -
.A._ :._-- - _ n_ -.. , i' 3 Mad project . TP 72-9-26 2S shown cn Mfbi.t 72 o7 ona ywp-
_it-; -. dated June 25, 1973, and
1771MG , the proposed plan indicates direct accc iS to HQ�7ny 5 nAl T ,q :
i h . `:r_ : contyaiy to plans to construct Highway 212 to the Pest, a_! to -. ^_IO-
c.nne Tivi : ,"aril 1e ract in conjunction with the construction. of t lie
in P r1-1r _Ion, ('(;a''.-"<"?'"_y to plann , to make the ling Road fuilci:i_on ro
-'_ p 'an fit.Qh = 5 and I est /3 t.h Street:, and
9, wha r plicat:ion fails to contain a review of t:i
;9at oQ ,wit&z 3 a 200 root wide deep channel Over one I?lile long b?t`.&n the ,':_m
' -1--
1'ilrI S , the high water level. indLuared for the eMuns ion of Starring
~ Lite is at vnrionce with the 100 year frequency flood zone profile, and
i.'H PF?S , ? oad.�ays proposed in the application do not correspond with
ny proposals mide to date by adjacent land owners or municipality, and
there is no showing that the road systems proposed could be
of radonunte capacity to service the Feeders development if the method of develop-
ment proposed by Feeder; is followed by other lend owners in the flood plain, and
UHE'RFAS, there is no showing that the road systems proposed would meet
necessary safety standards , particularly with the intersections with Highway 5,
and extensive _arudy would be required to determine their potential design if laid
oll= as roT-;US'.CI , :Ind
i;PrnFAS, the road systems proposed do not respect the existing natural
toposraphic features and Soil characteristics , thus making them difficult and
expensive to construct Ns well as having a potentially negative environmental.
impact, and
OPEPE S , the. :access to the site Mould seem to indicate the need for an
at--grade intersection With Highway 5 or, in the near future, n full diamond access
with the extension of 212' s highway program 1995; thereby creating a serious over-
loading of Me regional freeway system, which is inconsistent with the metropolitan
development goals, and
l:'.?EJ'Ij7 S, no transit or pedestrian systems are included in the proposal, and
Llinre is no indication of the peak hour traffic generation rate
from the propogvd land use which would he necessary to evaluate the impact of the
Wvel op;i onv Can i ntersec K on s of 11 ljoi%xiy 5 -11 Ii of h(-!r ro�Ir!s, in t I 1,-: In(i
the Feeders ' •zippl iCaLiOn is inoo"SiSLOnt wit-h the Major Center
Area plan, witich proposes a Ring Route to serve the entire 1,200 acre Anjor Cen-
ter Area , a fact which is ignored in the Fec:tders ' plan, and
IMEREAS , there is no environmental impact analysis provided with the land
al Larati on submission which the municipality must have in order to com?ly with the
rcquirLm2nLs of Minnesota SLaLutes, including Chapters 110, I16T) and 116% and
INZPEAS, the existing topography on Lhe site, including ch=ea and banks
of lakes and streams and the existing major woodland and forest areas, would be
materially changed by the Feeders ' plan whereas the eXiSLing ropography has been
respecced by the Comprehensive Guide Plan for the Major Center Area plan, and
UPEPEAS , the proposed project may have adverse impact upon adjacent lands
substantially reducing their value by converting that scenic open space ni-ea to
industrial/commercial properties , and
I t:he displacement of wildlife, as well as the elimination of any
modification or enhancement of this area as comminity open space resource, would
result from the implementation of the plan proposed, and
UIIERTIAS, the application does not provide for a detailed analysis of the
effect this alveration will have on the hydrology of Purgatory Creek, particularly
the effect downstream where the steep slopes of the creek could suffer severe
erosion dnmage if excess water is rushed through that area at a rapid rate of flow,
"I -"!A Vfshill wr sr"Ilmrnit - r hm c"w nd Wi; nw.
1 fo7 ekhar the of 1 in-I
, O- iknin; av th" C-Mplption of Line prO ) CICt . nn(l
UZPFAS . Lhe application Wes not provide for a naturnlist' a sturiv of
q nvqi uAuk i! nild darprahnn vildlifn hnWrar and nildlife usnpo a" an t-(')
effect thn pwdinZ and land altprArion will hivo "n wC.-
K�RPFAS, Lhcre in m) plan of revegntaion. for As areA . and
'LI!C- Aoes zio,-. provide informavion on vhuz puslAv.--,
ar n-,-nL ? vv WEQirs ihn :Atnratkri will have on the ability of chin arnA co ppw-
mini my�qln- %! rnq7ai7ron ni-na and fncillrins for the Nul-ire re0d2nos of On,
-S t-!IQ nppl Un t i on does not: provide a derailed f inaricial cost twe-
cif- zPA I n a c mLch immid inninan the cow of storm unter symems cnpahle of Inrid-
-El-wff frum thQ davnIonriant prnposal , includLng thn Crndin�o
�Ad Innd rilraralon and the fovurn h"Ilding on the site , and
&AWAS , Clio prrTnsed land plan does not conform to the Eden Prairie Com-
prchqnAva Wide Plnn as amended with the Major Center Planned Unit t Davolopwant ,
KWP"AS .. Cho ubincrive of Opnn space ratenLion of significant natural foa-
ures rod r-annDurvarion facilities do not coincide with the land plan p----c)-.,-)o.scd,
of ( he pl-nn would be contrary to Socvion I .2A
of Uv nmilng ondinancps , uh Lch rnads W ass f m in the implement:a tion of thn Cite
Of Eden Prai KC comprehensive guide plan whLch in its entirecy represents the
foundazion upon which this ordinance is hared" , and is on objective of Lhe
zoning regni tions , :-arid
�riIEP.77A 1'1SA 1, 10!1 .03 £?r,,,nts LPllnicip311ties various powers to pr�ve..nt
" . . . air, hater, lend or other natural resources located within the State:, whether
puolicly or privately owned, from pollution, Unpai.rnent or destruction," and
t:}iER nS , the approval of the Feeders' application could subiect the City
of Eden Prairie to civil action under MSA 116B. 1.0 by a citi �nn or citizens of
the Stage of Minnesota, and
i7:?T RFkS, the gcnnLWg of a grading permit would not be in the bast int.cr-
est of the City, nor cause undue ' ardnhip to the applicant.
Tf3Ei�.?�FOPE, fiE I'I' }? 'SOLVED that Feeders' request for a grading permit
he denied.
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Eden Prairie at a regular meet-
ing nhereof held this 27th _any ofAuguSt 1974.
ATTEST: City of Lden Prairie