HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 832 - Resolution Accepting State Grant Offer - 04/09/1974 P CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE HENNEPIN COUNTY , MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 832 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING STATE GRANT OFFER N014, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE: The City accepts the grant offered by the State of Minnesota- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in the amount of $21 ,330.00, per its letter dated 3/28/74. ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Eden Prairie on April 9, 1974. t David W. Osterholt, Mayor ATTEST: SEAL Jo D. Frane, Clerk r MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY 1935 W. County Road B2, / Roseville, Minnesota 55113 612-636-574+0 HAR 2 8 1974 I The Honorable Paul R, Redpath, Mayor City of Eden Prairie 8950 Eden Prairie Road ` Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55343 Re : State Grant Offer for Sewage Disposal Systems C270718 Dear ,Mayor Redpath: It is a pleasure to inform you of a state grant offer under the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal Facilities Assistance Program in the amount of $21 , 330, r This offer is IS% of the total estimated eligible project costs of $142 , 200 as shown in the letter dated December 19 , 1972 you receiived from the U .S . Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in which the EPA tendered an increase to bring the Federal grant offer to 750 of the total eligible costs, We are enclosing four copies of the State Grant Offer and Acceptance form. Your attention is directed to the special conditions and assurances on Pages 2 and 3 of the form. The original and two signed copies of the form, along with certified copies of a resolution of the governing body to complete Section III of the offer Should be returned to Mr . Duane L . Anderson at the above Address, if you have any guesti,ons or desire assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact either Mr. Duane L . Anderson or MS, Sharon C . Meyer of the Construction Grants Unit. Y.0" r. very truly -,-,-- Lewis Barbe, Director Division of Water Quality Enclosures AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER c� CD PC: E R A L. t' E 7 T if t I t I 1:I- I�'J T L.I<I 1 ;4 M A,r,F,F2 0 E L-l. I I I 1 0!1 1 L A f 4 N I T f?A I-I r)tJ El T E.v 14 f F :F ,C ,- rk)iCr, : r:FN r F ­ —C � [ p T Ul ­u AGE FRP cij - 1 U.S.C. "!60 o* I R T A SECTION I - OFFF:Q I LOCATION 01 PROJ E:.0 T (Stare, Pr?O-)LC T liumuLfi rJAr.Jh. A f,1) A Lir,k L: 5 C,f t,P L N G AU I H Qi 4 1 1 r1i 11—f tho 1APPI) r"fif 11) L 0 nd 3. PROJECT' UNDER TERPS OF THIS Of'Fj:R Total Ostirricited project cost Estlinated projoct cost eligible (or VodLrcil participofior, 4 FEDFRAL GRANT OFFERED a. S C R I N OJ E C.T .o -II A t -V Thct -projec t c'_)r1-(_1.­-1C-f::Lo-',L f Zq -,,a0 L .0, V(�Cc r y n U it c 14 r Vil*.,�1j;, eja. 1 3 0 i: -.1 Consideration having,tncn given Ly 0-ic-Commissioner ofth-- Federa I Water Pollution Control Administration to the'app)i cation sub - ri-tittedby the Applicitnti,ursu-inttoSc,,c:i.i,-)ii3 of the Federal`,Vater Pollution Control Act, asame-nded(33T.I.S.C.466et seq.), (b)Vic public benefits to be derived by the construction of this pro'�cct, (c) the relation of the ultimate, cost of constructing and maintaining the works to t!ie public iriteit-st ind to the pul)llc necessity for the and (d) the adequacy of the provisions made or proposed by the AmOicant for nssjrinj; ;)r0f)�l and efficient o,wration and n-.aintcriance of the treatment works after completion of the constructicr, thereof, and i, havirif,, been, dotcrrTi!ri,_,cT by the Co'minit-.siorler that such project (a) ir. in conformity with the approved State water pollution control plan SUb'n1ttCJ POISU.Int to Section 7 of the Act, (b) meets the criteria for Federal aid specified in Section 601.'-,9 Of tile rci�ulation%, and (c) i_�; included in a prograrn developed pursuant to the Act; and the further tcnl,inrd t.,,at .11c• sti.t., water pollution control ai-.Cv�:y has approved the project and certifled that it is entitled to priority over other eligible ptcjects on the Laws of financial as well as water pollution control needs; The Commissioner of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, acting in behalf of the United States of America, hereby offers: To make a Federal grant to the above named Applicant subject to the assurance included in this document as Section 11, in order to aid in financini,. the c,-,n!;trUc.4t;,)n of the project pursuant to the F,,( .,ral Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. The jamolint of the Fedoral grant v:ill riot t_,xcec-i Itie appropri,,ze the estimated rC:-­-;Ur-:-!AQ CC;'.;t --If the ;If(jJL'Ct, aS cstabhsheJ by 1.1w, or such doll,ir firmlation so e-A:0,lished, that in the "'verl, the actll.,! r,W,a-i(,n.,i'!t-_- Lw't Jf any P:,"Ject, determtricd by the- Cum.ni sl.otier ut)on (ornp!­Cion of c,m,.trtiction, iom. 1. — !h.iri the t—i-iio-d t:." it. based, -;uch actual coI ;hall be used to determine the agrantount of the Federal grant, and the grant shall be reduced as necessary to conform with the limitations is heremabove cited. ttE t C h nit: P) Of thn- Jnnu ar v 1. 19 7 1 (it(I i tio n they nro mot- t f 11t 1"11-V -30, Fir;fc". o G 7.77' 1, u-1 A 11i, 1 LL.01%I'll 't ITS, That before requesting the final EPA field inspection of the project, prerequisite to the final grant payment , thu applicant will (a ) have a tailor-custcm-made project operating minual in sufficient Mail to quide and instruct plant suporintendents and other operating personnel prepared and submitted to EPA through the State, and (h ) furnish necessary training and instruction to completely familiarize operating person- nel with the operation and maintenanco of newly installed equipment , coordination of the laboratory with plant controls , and other dutics prescribed in the operating manual 2. That the applicant will require the pre-treatment of any industrial wastes which would othcrwise be CUOMO to the treatment works or its proper and efficient operation and maintenance or will otherwise prevent the entry of such wastes into the treatment- works ; and will have in effect before the project is placed in operation , an equitable industrial waste cost recovery �ystein consistent with EPA regLIliltiOnS Enid YLAdelines . It will be the applicant 's responsibility to demonstrate the establishmnnt and equitableness of this system before EPA will conduct a final field inspection. 3. That the facility will be designed , linointained . and operated in accordance with such requirements as the Administrator may publish from time to time concerning methods , techni flues , and practices for economic, efficient, and effective design , operation , and mairo�enance of treatment works . T'hi7-,t the: projacL M11 be placed under construction by August 11 1972* IS OF FFR MU'L,1 13 C ACC C P T C 1 F Al A LZ7 ON Ok ilL fTCl N E (dq I V) FOR THE 0 STATES OF /01 71 I—C"'J. pOLLUJAW CONTROL ADIAIMSTRATIOI4 -7 1 So 7 IN F 0 R M 11.,HE C01111IS51 0f-,R UA I I-I .Q _ jy _11,egi -nal Adm.iriistrator SECTIOtJ 11 - ASSUPAt Cf.5�____ 1)ie Applicant hc-rr_-L,y gives assurance to We Commissioner of the Federal Rater Pollution Control AdministrationA. .• That actual corl!;truction -xorl: :rill bo performed by be lump sum (fixed price) or unit (rice contract method, that adequate inethods of cd"nWing c,,peshvi. boo,, "A! Ue vmp"yuld prior to Dwarding., the construction contract, and that the nwmd of the contract will bu made to the r"ponwlAe bidder submitting the lowest ricceptable bid; 13. That the project will not he ad"rHsvd or placed on the mallet Or biddinq until the final plans and specifications have been eppmved by die Commissioner and Qc zinc! the Applicant has been so notified; C'. 'That the cow.itruction contract will rcquic the contr.ict.jr to funw;h pcforniaricu and "NoniuM bonds, the rimouril of which shall va5i he in an omnunt not lose Von ANN p,tcuntum (50'" of the c .retract price, -ind to maintain durinf'. !be life of We contract adequate KrQ and vxnmdvd covw0glv, WoQaw"'n comPonsWun public liability and prupvrty damage insurance; D. That any change or charipeq in the contraA which m"Lo any major alteration in the rvrii1nQ by thl plc w W WWW"Wrns, or -A"ch ttr uct Of t"- :qMVCt UbjVU UIV UVOt VIAWItV approval L-y the Commissioner will Lie Eubrititted to the f,,. f-. That the of th,, proic, I, of i c—mcctiO em n thur1h, ,;hall conform to the ff'ClUiremeWs of Ww, Evr"inriml w"l bwai Kins and WinJ&Vn. F W F'C A-eo W c 21 "',•}'.^ ht:'l t''t �.1.�;!r-.-_-. �� _._-1. .. .. C.L : 't_. .._. , .1t.......-- . 4J_ r . .. . .t ctn lll __�.._-__. �' Ar!:I:i�:: . . r. .•;I.I l.,•. t.. _.��,.. � :It.. ..� t!It• .. : vrr it t: .,I. .t ur pr;,('I. :, all'( tit:,. it., s �r Ccc'1:.,, t,... ..,Il jlrc�:l:. .�,-:ill: I:•t . . 1: ..�=i•.... ,..,.1 It. .-(t:.... � C. "Il:LI is t' l,;'i,iU ::'IL v::t! ,.'..1 ,,..i1 f:.:efn l:,:I, J•'.a n'!I`:1l ,:a.� ..I L. ,•l:,•11l,'t r1:1,', :.:pllr\'l r•ir�lt iU1� In 5pt'Ct/J:1 tit � ! !y i the j,rojct t to Insure th,:t lht• I •:,tt,,Uuctton c•,e'lo:;ns •,�llh Lit ,•.eL r,l j•I.In•: .t...'. ;j:vclft�atlnns; I f :•t. .tl r,•, rat,: . :vtil 1�.. ::I:t:r::.t:... .•.;ii� :rt.. :tie• tht• .,r*;r,ul, . rceeij,t, &n.1 [ tLspul:It1•"t L ,;r.:nt n .In , i.r•I.t,?� I I' t t E,.1 rr. .,( 't.� t• �• t .n,l'lrnn v::'L ,.htcl t!t ;rr,r'.l h,I 1'dc'n "I I.' s:,ul•-c:,. ur, I II I ! ofhcr It'. .,:i:, ,,:, the C'. .,... ...::•,I.t , M1, j,:c• ,Lt:!•c to l.I.'t11!„tt I fit 1. lltat :+il L:n,:,; t!retttod p: r,1! 1 to tale Feue;i'l .Valvr i'"liuti•ri C ,;:troI Act !•Ftc.'.1 ltc: expended solely for certyirt;• out sl the r•ppro"C'Li project; a 4 J. "I'llnt th,.- CC; A:ji;;ioncr .,nd inv Corap!roilct Goner„1 of the unttt•,i Sl:tl or uny of their duly aulhori,ed I 1'ep1csr•rt1a0:co_, r.hnli have ..:-[E•s,:: for t}tu j.ufpot e of :,edit :.rI,i ,.,':I::linntiol, to :Illy books, documents,tr L. pccs, un<1 records c.! C;,• g,,;.ttL•L :et! a:c portrrte:)t tot i•:, lite; rcceivcd unctt r th.t i.,:t, ..rld Ih�•i',rnntt, shall sum bit to the CUnt nti-sFL0! •�t or the Cor:jlt z:•ller General of tl. United :;tote:. auLl: d culner:ts aa.i inionettlion us they may re yLiire in cnrtrtech .❑ witl: 0". p.op., , !:. flirt ;}Ie a.tntct:on c:inlr.tct 'Fill requite the coiitr:.,rter to c,tmply ::iih lhe: I. ,".Ila(ictns of the S"Cret:ry of Labot tr.•u !r; Ii ,toil. -i',,,-oa Ac_, ;tt t.t,;.rL•I1 3, 11,t2,,1. a!> .:ntcn-h-1 (•,t) U.S.C. ':'ur th,(;t.i;h L1h:l--jj, lilt. I 276c•), ar.L+ .. C', .,tract r,•uzi: (! '.u.. St:+aciartis Act if f.ui,u::l 13, 1963 (40 1;.:�.C'. _, :; fits or rr!o, :usc r{•prr,j•rtatc• [•ruvi•;ir,rts to bt` 1•15ettr t: 7 tr: :.. t t ,-r ;!: > '; :.1: 1 oat:'Irtr,:•, l.L .I) I ti t c.t t>c It ;,c•:ti.e 1'')r t}:c i !.uhr-,t I I, e 1 t c 1,1 t '-L;t> r u:ctors ti crc a L^r, except ❑a the ;r c t rq t f L.:.bcr I`,iy specifically t prov:,:o f"r re .I_,o.,: - ii,.::.. ..o, \.Lrtnti- t,nn, tL1,rancc_, ;inci r,..•nptrua froLt ,.0 ;,z.ne: fit., 0.Llcof; 4` I_. '0:at the A1'•plt n... :!; de ,•.n:t: tc ,,j thv S,,tisf:Acucar of tilt- C:o:r,IaisstL:tc: his .t,ility to j...v t the project; tS. 'll;nt the Appli,ont .vill d r.,,,r::tr:lie to the .::Itu;faction of dtc C•.'Inr issi:ra._r thief ha has or will hive a fee simple or !,ur-h olhrr !e c`I u1t,*;.': l i:t the mite of tt:e p:^jcct, inch:;iir.i• nLce`,sury c:,setr,_nta and ri gilts-oi--.vuy, as 11:r Co:r..^.:istii :::•: 1:,,.1_: fft l;r.t to as:.,.l:r_ untl:::tuLLc•d u::e :u)Li pu cese.ion for t::e jilt.-poses of Coll:;tnlction and opelittiun for the rstir•Int.d lift- of 0.- project; t I:• Tl);+t the t'„c1.Lruttan:, eu:st:t..n. es, rcpzcscr.lfrti_,ns artd stater c:,!s Inude by the Applicant iu the application, and ail docLA,_,f_'ntl., nnicndmenls :In i r•:::r,rau:lir,4tton5 fileli •.with tl:e Fv,'.•r;:i 'tl'at.rr 1'ollutiort C,:,.iuol A(iroinistratton I,)- the n iJ Applicat in s I;,;_r; cf it^ ur:.l rc•_ for c:lil b,.r fulfi:lccl; Ci. 11nt 0' .e; ,!t,....t t t1i l_ it 0.. Adn.hli: !I .0 .Il .:r it.. ,:lilt. is c,. :I,;rr,ta tci 1•a, . .,L.crs:. to the, jo:oj,'ct c:td tll;. S •ecor•:, j.nla:..,. i. r......•I .•t y rr_.,.:r.::,.hie tir.,! fc11>,. .n u t' col-.plc•til ,-if :o:: .tr.lction�(Ctr t!;e purpc•se of trlr o;,tr.,tu,:t ,:I:L: „•.:Ir.lcnr.nce Gf t`.c }vc; ct; j !'. "1'!:c• s.f'j,licntt : c .:u,t..lct tl.e pI„jer' :c .I• It to =, ' C1::aSllll('!ed to final co:apleaezt :rt accor,:aner with the application end j i ,its an.1 :.;,• •_iiic..!ior.c. t j:j::.,v.d by t},e Conte:i::sionc r. r f That the ri.ppl ica nt inecr joratOs az' cau!)O r to be ineorporr.tod into all construction contract', ;paid for it1 •t':t:o2c or in part ;ith f'uncis nbtaincid under this L-,r-unt tilt-: 11c,ncii :lcriini;laiicon Provislun3 for Fede,ally-a >i:3tod Coll,-t1'L1Ct:io111 contracts proscribed fly Section 301 of EXeCl.ltiVt3 Ordsr llt:4'b of Scpte:• ,tier 2,11 ih-,'t the z'ectuiromc-lit:e of the attachment to this grant offer, cntitled 11Llimination of St-'-.1•eCated Facilities ,'` Which is hereby iiicorporated by roference , shall be fulfilled, 3 Or.1 EILHAUI: Or ((„egnr Nnme of Applicant} SECTION lit Village of Eden Prairie 8950 Lcicn. Prairie itoad' 1 tile• un,irr,","It, , t .:tr,t� ruly auth rirr:! to t,.i : >"" h ;,ct::•n :I ; .`vtri•'.Icc,! t:y the attache i CI:Fi"1'IPI :D COPY OE' AUTlI(1i,17A•CI '. I •i'1IF: Ai f'f.fC:+N'T'v <K)V1•:1•'NI it-', !1; •C`.' 1 a fit '!t: fft . nnrl F,f'la�:t.' n5�. •:L:1: cuntntncd ht:r},etn. f .Y .i--r,a TlvF. - CS�rr -^ rC r .ti,t Art L> 71 TL t� 0! s.L.�L.f. },r 11 a 711 V s (1)'11 fire.,O 1^� i `are ++Y� `�.�ro ti�i-�,�e•`' '�" . �� � 11�-��`:-i•�">v� � �� tip:�•4jJ��..!�.��.._._ __�__._ �._.. -� F Yi F' -A-oa ti, ,�+ 41J Hl t it}•_: 11CCt �t•.-t.? 1�s'.. i l II,I1.S C C " i c1 c C,.t tit rr t, ' C .. .. ` .r.., : :1 � 11 t, i; lt :�i't_c•ltt"1llt'C J a STATE OF MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE OF STATE GRANT FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEMS UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION '116.16, et. seq. SECTION I — OFFER 1. LOCATION Of.' PROJECT' (City, Village, County, TwVp.) PROJECT NUMBER Z&en Pralrio, CO=L-Y, 1-Unrte2-00t " C -7 071-a 2. LEGA1. NAMF AND ADDRESS OF APPLY INC,NUTHOR ITY (herein called the "Applicant") 9 3 .�-1 .1 �An P, ity 02- 1��Idara P--Ar.;eo .ad-N= rriirio, 1-UMnusoti 3. PROJECT FINANCING UNDFR'I'l-'RNIS OF THIS OFFER a) Total estiniated project cost 124o 000. h) Fstiniatud project cost eligible for State and Federal participaticri L4-L2 0 700. c) Federal grant offered $ d) State grant offered 2 11 330 4. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project- con,-.isj-_9 of t11f,. cm.,3truction of a wank water recovery ba.sina two lima 51tadge 21-agoons and .31) ZAX'LanunCO:3- "t tl.-G CitY Of Scle.1-1 prairie's prcT.>o3ed wu6.tax softening planto After consideration of the application submitted by the applicant pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 116.16-.18, as amended, and Water Pollution Control Regulation 34 (hereinafter -'WPC 34") of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (hereinafter "Agency"), and the application SUbMittCd pursuant to Title 11 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. Sec. 1281-92), the Executive Director, actin-- on behalf of the Agency finds that this project is: (a) in conformity with all relevant, approved state water pollution control plans, required by Title 1, Sec. 106 and Title 11 Sec. 208, 209, 303 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as ornended (33 U.S.('. Sec, V- -)5(,, 1288, 1289, 1313), and any other plan required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; (b) an iniprovennent of a capital nature needed for the prevention, control and abatement of water pollution in accordance with the long-range policy, plan and program of the state established in Minn. Stat. Sec. I I S.41-.53, as amended, and is in accordance with SlalldaFdS ;ALIOJ)Ml by the Agency; (c) necessary to protect the quality and purity of the waters of the state and to protect the public health of the citizens of the state: and (d) entitled to priority over eligible projects under the Criteria for Determining Eligibility set forth in WPC 34. Pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. Sec. 12SI et seq.), and Minn. Stat. See. 116.18, SLIhd. I , as J111CI)LICd. the FXeCtltive Dire:-,tor acting on behalf of the Agency hereby offers, subject to the conditions listed in this section and to the assurances listed in Section 11, to make a state grant to the above-named applicant in order to aid in financing construction of this project. The amount of the state grant shall not exceed the appropriate percentage of the estimated reasonable cost of the 1)1'()icct as established by law, or Such dollar limitation so established; provided that in the event the actual reasonable cost of any project, as delermined by the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency upon completion of construction, is iQ!;,, than the estimatcd reasonable cost upon which the grant offer is based,such actual cost shall be used to determine the amount of the state grant, and the grant shall be reduced as necessary to conform with the limitations hereinabove cited. JTF: 'I he Agency may, in its discretion, and after consideration of the amount of state funds required to match federal funds, make a grant Of state t-LI11LIS not exceeding 25 percenturn to a municipality that would qualify for a grant of federal funds but desires to initiate construction Of a project without a federal grant where such project is necessary to abate an immediate health hazard. The Agency may limit the scope and eligible cost of such project. IN AI)I)ITI0N '1'LIIS OFFER IS ,IMAM`- SUl3JEC'1"I'0 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. I fist allil1cnt payments at the Fifty ( 50) percent level shall not be made until the applicant has in its employ in responsible charge of the treatment facility a wastewater operator having a valid state certificate issued by the Water and Wastewater Operator Board of Certification or one who is capable of obtaining such a certificate for operation of designated class of treatment facility within a reasonable period of time. 2. Installment Imynicnts at the seventy-five (i5) percent level and beyond the seventy-five (75) percent level, shall he b ±sed on an assessment, inclilcling but not limited to, the applicant's development of and progress toward the completion of an acceptable manual for operation and maintenance of the disposal system. THIS OFFFiK MUST BE AC(EP'I+D, IF AT ALL, ON OR BEFORE (elate) -- APR 2 9) 11974 FOR THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY FOR 'Pf1L I::�EVU HVU, I)1 R :C"1'0R —_-- — — DATE MAR 2 S '074 TI"i LF 0( 014 , Iacywis Co SECTION II — ASSURANCES The Applieanl hcrehv gives assurance to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that it will: A. Comply with all the cof,�litigns and assurances of the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Grant Agreement" dated't1no e 1972 , a copy of which is appended hereto and hereby made a part of this st:,tc Brant offer, and that it shall afford to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency all of the rights and privile'-!es thcrehy afforded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. B. By accepting this state grant offer irrevocably undertake to use all funds so made available exclusively for the ,-onstruction of the project, and to pay any additional amount by which the cost of the project exceeds the esti:niate, by the appropriation to the construction fund of additional municipal funds or the proceeds of additional bonds to be issued by the municipality. ". Maintain and operate the project after completion of construction in full conformance with all applicable ricluirements for the same now or hereafter imposed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. SECTION III — ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF (Legal Name of Applicant) City of Zc3on Pryairia, 0950 L, den Prairie Road Zd,an Pr�ziria, ILinne ota 55343 I, the undersigned, being duly authorized to take such action, as evidenced by the attached CERTIFIED COPY OF NUTHORIZATION BY THE APPLICANT's GOVERNING BODY, do hereby accept this offer and make the assurances contained herein. SICNA"PURE OF RE11RESENTATIVE DATE NAM L AND TITLE OF REPRESENTATIVE (Type or Print) 1`