HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage Preservation - 06/18/2012 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY,JUNE 18, 2012 7:00 P.M. CITY CENTER PRAIRIE ROOMS A&B COMMISSION MEMBERS Ed Muehlberg, Chair; Cindy Cofer Evert, Vice Chair; Jeffrey Lawler, Mark McPherson, Kay Desmarais, JoAnn McGuire, Steve Olson STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Ian English; Metadel Lee COMMISSION STAFF John Gertz, Pathfinder CRM, LLC Lori Creamer, Recorder I. ROLL CALL Muehlberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Desmarais, Cofer Evert, English and Lee were excused. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Muehlberg asked to add an Item C. Website Update under Old Business. MOTION: Lawler moved, seconded by McPherson, to approve the amended agenda. Motion Carried 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. COMMISSION MEETING HELD MAY 21, 2012 MOTION: Lawler moved, seconded by Olson, to approve the minutes of the Heritage Preservation Commission meeting held on May 21, 2012. Motion carried 5-0. IV. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. UPDATE ON HISTORIC PROPERTIES FIELD INSPECTIONS This project is incomplete as of today. Gertz has been out of town and hasn't been able to work on the project. He stated he would start the project next week. (June 25-29). Lawler offered to help. Gertz would contact Lawler when he knew what date/time he would be in Eden Prairie. B. UPDATE ON THE CUMMINS HOUSE FOUNDATION REPAIR HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES June 18, 2012 Page 2 Gertz updated the Commission on the Cummins House foundation movement repair project. No work has been done on the foundation repair to date. He shared the Phase 1 summary and Phase 2 & 3 cost estimates of the project, which was prepared by Pathfinder CRM. Gertz wondered if the delay was the possibility of looking into funding sources. After looking at the summary and cost estimates, some concerns were raised over the removal and disposal of the cistern. Gertz stated that was the recommendation of the architect. The current plan does call for a complete archaeological documentation of the cistern as a means to mitigate the loss. Lawler and McPherson both voiced a concern since it is a historic artifact, would it have to be removed. Muehlberg agreed and asked if there was a creative way to resolve this issue. The thought was if it does have to be removed could it be saved and displayed on the property somewhere. Gertz was going to consult with the architect and engineer to see if this is possible and at what cost. Gertz will update city staff and the HPC as soon as the information is available. Phase 2 would require a C.O.A. approval from the City Council before work could be stated. Gertz would help create that document. It would also need SHPO and State Archeological approval since it is a National Registry Property. V. OLD BUSINESS A. CITY COUNCIL HPC PRESENTATION Pathfinder CRM prepared a PowerPoint presentation for the City Council HPC annual update. Commission Chairman, Ed Muehlberg presented the PowerPoint to the City Council on June 19, 2012. The update included a portion of 2011, current 2012 accomplishments as well as projects to complete by the end of 2012. B. CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CUMMINS HOUSE CUP Gertz updated the commission on the approval of the Cummins Grill House CUP at the June 5, 2012 City Council meeting. There was no further discussion. C. WEBSITE UPDATE Lawler gave a brief update on the progress for the Historic Preservation portion of the website. He brought a"mock up" screen shot of what he thought might be nice to have available to the public. There was some discussion about adding links from the Historic Preservation Page to other pages. For example if a resident were looking at the Riley Jacques Barn, they could link to the Parks and Recreation Page if they were interested in renting the Barn for an upcoming event, or to the Historical Society website to see more detailed information about the History of the Barn. The next steps are to gather the appropriate information for the City HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES June 18, 2012 Page 3 owned sites and get that information on the website. From there other properties will be added as the commission sees fit. Lawler will work with Gertz to determine which nationally and locally designated properties to start with and bring them back to the commission at the July 16, 2012 meeting for commission members to review. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. EDEN PRAIRIE: THE FIRST 100 YEARS —HISTORY BOOK SALES Staff determined there are approximately 500 copies remaining of the Eden Prairie: First 100 years book which were reprinted several years ago. The city would like to make these copies available at venues throughout the year including the July 4th celebration, Sun Bonnet Days, Cummins House events, Smith Douglas More—Dunn Brothers, and any other event which would be appropriate. Muehlberg will contact Betsy Adams, the Historical Society President, to coordinate this ongoing project. VII. ADJOURNMENT There was discussion for the next meeting to be held at the Dornenkemper House. Start time will be 6:30pm. City staff will confirm if it is available and communicate with the Commission. MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by McGuire to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. There being no further business, Muehlberg adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.