HomeMy WebLinkAboutConservation Commission - 06/12/2012 APPROVED MINUTES
Prairie Room
8080 Mitchell Road
COMMISSION MEMBERS: Laura Jester(Chair), Greg Olson (Vice
Chair), Stacy Bettison, Sue Brown, Kurt
Lawton, Anthony Pini, Prashant Shrikhande
STAFF: Regina Rojas, Planning Division
Andrew Rotschafer, Environmental Intern
Jan Curielli, Recording Secretary
Chair Jester called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Bettison, Brown and Pini were
Rojas added Item W.A. Report from Environmental Intern. Jester added Item XI.A.
August Meeting Date.
MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by Lawton, to approve the agenda as amended.
Motion carried 4-0.
A. Approval of Minutes for the May 8, 2012 Meeting
MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by Shrikhande, to approve the minutes of the
May 8, 2012 meeting as published. Motion carried 4-0.
A. Report from Environmental Intern
Blue Star Award: Rotschafer distributed a memo to the Commission regarding the
Blue Star Award for stormwater management. The Blue Star Award involves
completing a survey on the community's stormwater management practices, and
the GreenStep Cities program uses the award. The completed survey is graded,
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and the award is given to a city that scores 60% or higher. Cities receiving the
award are recognized on the Blue Star website and in program communications
and also receive award certificates, posters, newsletter articles, press releases and
other materials for outreach and promotion.
Olson asked if it is given by the Friends of the Mississippi River. Rotschafer said
it is. Shrikhande asked when the program was started. Rotschafer said it started in
July of 2011.
Lawton asked what is measured on the survey. Rotschafer said there are three
sections: water friendly planning and preservation; stormwater management
standards and practices; and stormwater pollution prevention. Each of the three
sections has three subsections with three to nine questions in each of the
Jester asked if he had received direction from Ms Stovring as to whether she
thinks this is a good idea because it seems like something she would have to
complete. She thought it would be good to complete the survey, submit it, and we
could then ask staff to work on areas that need to be remedied if we don't score
high enough to receive the award.
Shrikhande asked if the Conservation Commission is involved in any of these
areas of education. Jester said each year at the Expo the focus has been on
education about stormwater quality. We also helped to draft the impervious cover
management ordinance. Shrikhande suggested we give Mr. Rotschafer copies of
our annual reports to help complete the survey.
MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by Lawton, to support staff to complete the
self assessment and report back to the Commission with the results. Motion
carried 4-0.
Recycling in the Parks: Rotschafer distributed information extracted from a report
by Eureka Recycling regarding best practices for public space recycling. He
reviewed the minutes from the last Commission meeting and talked with Ms
Stovring about what she has done with recycling in the parks. He said he worked
for the Parks Department as a seasonal employee for a couple of years. Matt
Bourne in the Parks Department told him they currently have 12 recycling bins in
the park system. Mr. Bourne said the Parks Department workers check the
recycling bins weekly and have noted there is usually about a 50% contamination
rate. The Eureka report indicates when bins are correctly labeled and the public
has been educated about recycling, the contamination rate is reduced to 0-6%.
Rotschafer suggested our bins need to be replaced with newer bins that have
restricted openings and good labels. Mr. Bourne talked about plans to hand out
educational pieces to all the sports associations regarding the recycling bins.
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Jester said the Commission was told there would be a pilot program at Round
Lake with new containers to replace the ones that look too much like garbage
cans. We need an educational component for recycling, and we need the right
containers in the right spots. She checked recycling containers at Lake Susan Park
in Chanhassen last week, and there was no contamination in their three clearly-
marked containers. She also checked Miller Park and found there were no
recycling containers in the park area,but about 50% of the material in the trash
bins was recyclable. Rojas noted the plans for the upgraded playground and splash
pad at Round Lake show fixed and permanent locations for recycling.
Jester asked what Mr. Rotschafer found in his research on new containers. He
said he was not able to find any grant money,but Ms Stovring has some funds for
recycling containers.
Olson noted someone would have to be point person if we were to do something
about the set of best practices. He asked how we would go about setting that up
and what the action plan would be. Rojas said Ms Stovring is the recycling
coordinator for the City,but this should be a joint effort with the Parks
Shrikhande asked if the Parks Department has money for this. Rojas said she did
not know their specific budget,but she has not heard of a line item for recycling
container funding.
Olson asked if Ms Stovring had an opinion on the best practices outlined by
Eureka. Rotschafer said she accepts them,but she wants a plan to make it
sustainable. Ms Stovring suggested we look at contracting out big events to a
waste management company. Jester thought the logical next step might be to
come up with a budget to see what it would take to get recycling in the parks. We
think the public would accept it more if recycling were to be found everywhere, so
consistency is one of the things we are looking for. We could pick a good
container that works well in other cities, see how much it costs,how many we
would need, and then put together a budget.
Olson asked if this would get done if the City decides to do this. Rojas said we
would need to have some leadership and good communication to get it done.
Olson asked if we have ever put a recommendation to the City Council that the
City adopt this. Jester said we have tried to work through the Parks Department
because it comes down to them. Lawton thought we need positive reinforcement
with consistency throughout the system. Olson thought we could reduce
contamination to zero with education. He offered to help draft a recommendation
to the City Council.
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Jester said we should look into the cost of good bins and get updated information
about contamination in the recycling bins that are currently in the parks. We could
also talk to parks managers in other cities.
Lawton thought this would be a good thing to explore on our tour next month. He
noted we have heard the Parks Department needs to make three trips to pick up
recycling and that is a component we need to address. Jester thought we could ask
other parks managers how they do this logistically. Shrikhande suggested we look
to see if there is some way to adapt the trash bins for recycling. Rotschafer noted
bins compatible with dump trucks would need hinged lids.
Shrikhande asked why we would recommend a resolution on this matter since Ms
Stovring seems to have something going. Olson said our mission is to advise the
City Council in questions of policy, so the Commission would advise the Council
that recycling in the parks is essential. Jester thought it would not have to be a
formal recommendation.
Rojas said Commission Members are welcome to suggest other items for Mr.
Rotschafer to research or work towards during his internship.
Jester said she will not be able to attend the July 10 meeting.
A. Environmental Education (Sue Brown)
Jester said this report will be continued to the July meeting.
B. DNR Update (Prashant Shrikhande)
Shrikhande distributed copies of emails regarding discussions Robert Ellis held
with DNR representatives about groundwater and future City water supplies. He
reviewed several future considerations given by the DNR in the emails. Those
considerations included a continued focus on water conservation efforts for long
term sustainability of groundwater resources, a continued evaluation of
conservation rates, monitoring and finding ways to meet or exceed benchmarks of
water use, and other points.
Lawton asked whose benchmark figures were given in the email. Olson asked
how we get to those figures and what the payoff would be down the road.
Shrikhande said there is no equation that connects the figures to what they are
recommending. Lawton asked if they used some kind of model. Shrikhande said
he was not sure we have that detail. Olson noted it appears if everyone got down
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at or below 75 gallons per day that would be some safe level below the recharge
rate. Shrikhande said that may be what would keep up with the expected increase
in population. Olson thought it makes sense to get to a level of usage where we
are not depleting the aquifer. Shrikhande said these are based on a reasonably easy
means to reach the goals,but we need to understand where our baseline is.
Lawton said the fifth consideration listed indicates they are working on that.
Jester noted the email from Mr. Ellis to Mr. Shrikhande states the City intends to
refine and implement the ideas as part of our aquifer use plan. Olson asked if that
plan has been developed. Jester said it is being developed. Olson asked what the
policy objective is regarding depletion of the water table. He thought the
Commission would like some more clarity about that and how we are moving
towards that objective.
Shrikhande said this does not address the amount of discharge, waste water
treatment and what the goals are for that side of the equation. Jester said the
Metropolitan Council has a handle on that because their treatment plant has a
certain capacity.
Shrikhande wondered if we have any plan for emergencies where we would have
connections with other cities for an emergency water supply. He was not sure at
what point our water rates would result in our highest users finding it more
attractive to put in their own wells.
Olson said he would like to know what Mr. Ellis views as our water management
plan. Rojas said thought he and Rick Whalen open to making changes and
adjustments. Lawton noted this information is impressive and shows they are
looking at this.
Shrikhande said we have adopted an aggressive water rate structure, and it appears
the metrics have improved. We don't know the basis for determining how the
metrics have improved. Jester thought we probably need to have another couple of
years of data to evaluate that. Shrikhande said he wanted to verify what this metric
is related to, if the current rate structure resulted in an improvement,how effective
it is in meeting the goals, and what strategy we are going to use going forward.
Jester said it sounds like Mr. Ellis is working towards goals, and we should ask
him back for an update. She noted the Commission appreciated Mr. Shrikhande's
efforts to stay on top of this issue.
C. Water Use Strateu & Sustainability (Prashant Shrikhande)
Shrikhande thought we should wait until Mr. Ellis comes back to give us an idea
of where we are headed on this. Lawton said with these considerations it would be
good for him to come back and tell us how and what we are going to implement.
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Jester said she would like to know a timeline for development of the aquifer use
plan so that we could comment on the plan once it is close to being developed.
Shrikhande asked Mr. Rotschafer if he has had any discussions about this.
Rotschafer said he has entered rebates into the system. Shrikhande said it would
be interesting to see how the rebates have been used over the past few years to see
how effective those rebates are and how many people have used the program.
Jester said it would be good to know how many households used the program.
A. LRT Community Advisory Commission Update
Rojas said she did not have an update from Mr. Pini. She said Mr. Pini has taken a
temporary, one-year job in Texas. She is in the process of talking to the City
Manager as to whether he can serve on the Commission when he returns.
Jester noted Mr. Pini was the primary representative on the LRT Committee and
she is the secondary. She will be able to attend this Thursday's meeting. She
suggested Ms Rojas send an email to the entire Commission to see if anyone is
interested in becoming the primary representative. Rojas noted there is a policy in
City code regarding how many meetings a commission member can miss. The
new primary representative would have to be appointed by the Council.
B. PACE Legislation
Olson said he has had meetings with the liaison from Senator Franken's office and
has connected with the individual who wrote the PACE legislation at the State
level. He said PACE is not just about solar energy,rather it includes any and all
conservation measures. The payback on many projects is well within ten years.
The City ends up playing an important role in this by making it easier for
commercial property owners to step into the project. Because the program is
generating savings from the technology, it enhances property values. It will also
help create jobs.
Olson said we are at a point where we need guidance from staff for a strategy on
how to get this going. Rojas said the people she has talked to seem interested in
learning more about it. Sue Kotchevar and Steve Sinell have both touched on it, as
have the City Manager and a Council Member. At this point there has been a
"wait and see" approach to see how it is working and functioning in Edina.
Shrikhande said he was led to believe we can't have a large size wind turbine in
Eden Prairie. Rojas said wind generators are viewed as accessory structures. We
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would allow them to be 25 feet above the highest building size allowed for the
zoning district. An intern in the Community Development Department is looking
into solar, wind and geothermal ordinances and is coming up with improvements
for our ordinances.
Olson said part of the process is to hire a contractor to come in, do a full audit of
the building's windows, insulation and electrical fixtures, and put together a
project that would get tax credits and rebates on many items. A business could get
as much as 90% off solar panels. There are different ways to structure the finances
to do a loan based on assigning the rebates. He said the program will only be done
with proven borrowers and for no more than 10% of the assessed values.
Jester thought a separate question is whether our ordinances preclude our adoption
of the PACE program. She noted at one point the representative from Blue
Horizons was going to provide us with draft language for the ordinance. Olson
said we can get that from Edina.
Jester asked what the next step is. Olson said he would envision having someone
from the Commission work with staff to get input on an appropriate way to bring
this forward. We would want to go before the City Council with something that
incorporates staff concerns and questions. He noted we want to do this right, and
there is no particular urgency as far as timing goes. Jester asked when he last
spoke with Ms Kotchevar. Olson replied he has not talked with her very much,
and he thought we should also get Dave Lindahl involved.
Lawton asked if we have any examples of cities that have used the program other
than the Edina location. Olson said there is a whole catalogue of examples, and he
thought there is a place for this in Eden Prairie.
The consensus was that Mr. Olson should discuss the PACE program with City
C. GreenStep Cities Program
Rojas said she has no update except to reiterate that we will receive Step 2 status
at the annual meeting of the League of Minnesota Cities. Mr. Rotschafer will be
working on the Blue Star Award, which is a GreenStep best practice item. Jester
asked if Ms Rojas has enough direction to keep working towards completing the
required steps. Rojas said she does.
D. Communication Strategies--Website, Life in the Prairie, Facebook, etc.
Lawton gave kudos to Joyce Lorenz and Leslie Stovring because there were recent
articles on coal tar and last year's lower rates for recycling. He gave Ms Lorenz
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information he got from Hennepin County about things that can be done to help
rivers, lakes and streams for an article in Life in the Prairie.
Lawton said he talked with Ms Lorenz about the environmental blog, but he
doesn't think we need to do that now because we can highlight items on our
Living Green page on the new website. He will put together a list of some timely
topics for the website.
A. Project Profile--City Projects and Development
Rojas reviewed the project profile report. Lawton asked where the Mitchell
Crossing project is located. Rojas said it is north of Buca's and southeast of the
gas station. She noted that the current plan shows a green roof.
Jester asked who is doing stormwater inspections on the UHG project. Rojas said
the Engineering Department checks erosion control..
A. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Joint Tour--July 2,
2012 at 6:30 PM
Jester noted she will not be able to take the tour and asked if everyone else will be
there. Rojas said Ms Bettison cannot attend.
Rojas asked if the Commission would prefer to have the tour in place of the July
meeting. Jester said she would not like to miss Ms Brown's presentation on
environmental education. The consensus was to cancel the meeting scheduled for
July 10.
Rojas distributed copies of Mr. Lotthammer's memo with proposed tour sites. She
noted the Commission can add to his list.
XI. NEXT MEETING--July 31, 2012
A. August Meeting Date
Rojas said the August meeting will need to be rescheduled because August 14 is
Primary Election day. The consensus was to schedule the next meeting for July
31, 2012, as a combined July and August meeting date. Jester asked Ms Rojas to
send an email to Commission members regarding the change in dates.
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MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by Lawton, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried
4-0. Chair Jester adjourned the meeting at 8:25 PM.