HomeMy WebLinkAboutConservation Commission - 11/10/2009 APPROVED MINUTES
Prairie Room
8080 Mitchell Road
COMMISSION MEMBERS: Laura Jester(Chair), Dan Trebil (Vice-Chair), Sue
Brown, Ray Daniels, Ravi Jaiswal, Geneva
MacMillan, Greg Olson
STAFF: Regina Herron, Staff Liaison
Jan Curielli, Recording Secretary
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES: Gretchen Askew, Julia Wang, Michele Wu
Vice Chair Trebil called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Jester, Jaiswal and MacMillan
were absent.
Trebil changed Item III.A. to Item VII.B. Daniels said he would like to respond to some
postings on the City blog and asked if there are rules or restrictions regarding Commission
members doing that. Herron said she will ask the City Attorney.
MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by Brown, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion
carried 4-0.
See Item VII.B.
A. Riverview Road Erosion--FYI
Herron said the email sent to Commission members had an article attached about a
study of erosion problems in southeast Eden Prairie. She said there is additional
information about the study on the City's website under the Public Works
Department. The Watershed District is currently reviewing this as is the Army Corps
of Engineers. Olson noted there was quite a bit of background information on the
website, and it included an estimate of the cost to repair the erosion.
Herron said at this point the City is providing information to the Watershed District
and is leaving it up to the Watershed District to work with the Army Corps to resolve
the issue. Trebil asked if part of the cost will be kicked back to the City. Herron
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thought it would be kicked back to the Watershed District because it is part of a
bigger issue with the Minnesota River. We are providing information, but as far as
doing the study and resolving the issue, it is too big an issue for the City.
Olson asked if we have time tonight to discuss the topic. Herron said she wanted to
bring it to the attention of the Commission as an FYI item because it has received
attention from the City Council and the local newspaper. Olson said he has a lot of
questions about the topic. Herron said she would refer questions to the Public Works
Department. Olson asked who decides that. Herron said at this point we are
providing information to the Watershed District.
Olson said that leaves open the issue that the Minnesota DNR has jurisdiction along
with the Watershed District and the City, and it is not clear who is taking the lead
and whose budget it is coming from. He thought it would be worthwhile for the
Commission to understand the process as to how problems like this are dealt with in
cases where there are multiple jurisdictions. It would be possible to pass the problem
around the various jurisdictions, and meanwhile there is a potential for a major
landslide and some talk about seepage from the landfill. He thought the issue seems
to be fairly clear,but he wanted to know who is going to resolve it.
Trebil thought the most relevant piece from our Commission standpoint would be the
landfill. Brown thought it is two different issues because we are talking about the
process and also about what role we would take in being able to weigh in. Olson
thought both issues are good ones.
Herron said right now the Public Works Department is serving as liaison to the
Watershed District and is providing them with background information. The
Watershed District is trying to get the Army Corps to be involved,but at this point
this item is just background information.
Olson asked if the City has made a ruling that this is not a City government decision.
Herron said this is something that is in the Watershed District's hands,per the
decision of the Director of Public Works. Olson said it might be useful to understand
in a little more depth what the position of the City is, as expressed by the Public
Works Director, and also what comes next from the City's standpoint.
Daniels asked if it would be possible to request that either the Director of Public
Works or a spokesperson come and discuss the situation with us. He said he didn't
realize there was a problem with leakage from the landfill, so he thought there are a
couple of areas where we need to be informed. Herron said she will have someone
from Public Works talk about the two issues at a future meeting. Olson thought that
was a good idea because we need to get some more information if we are going to
give advice on these matters.
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B. Rain Barrel and Compost Bins
Herron said Ms Stovring informed her she has money in her budget to purchase rain
barrels and compost bins if the Commission wishes to sell those at future events.
Trebil asked if the Commission has done that in the past. Daniels said we have done
workshops for rain barrels but we haven't sold them.
Brown asked what would be done with the money we receive if we sell them for a
profit. Herron said she didn't discuss that with Ms Stovring. Trebil thought the main
idea is to get them out so people use them. Olson asked who is knowledgeable about
the use of rain barrels if we were to put them out for sale. Daniels said he is familiar
with them.
Daniels said he would like to know more about the compost bins. Brown said she
would vote for selling the compost bins. She noted we are supposed to move to
compost recycling next year, and she would like to know when the program will be
in place. Trebil said it didn't sound like it would be available to everybody right
away. Brown said it sounded like it would be publicly organized,but people might
want to use compost for their gardens. She thought we should learn more about the
compost recycling program as there are a lot of questions about the program.
Trebil asked if the money is available to use for the Expo next March. Herron said
that would be one place as well as future events like the July 4th event. She said Ms
Stovring has a vendor available so we need to decide whether to sell these at future
events or not. She said she will find out more details and email the Commission
members for their feedback.
C. Request for Topics for Speakers at Eden Prairie Home, Landscape and Garden
Herron said we have secured two booths at the Home and Garden Expo. She said Ms
Stovring asked if the Commission could brainstorm about specific speakers for the
event in order to help generate ideas
Trebil suggested we do something that is consistent with our mission for 2010.
Daniels said Minnetonka has been holding a fairly successful Expo, and they have
had some topics that have attracted people to attend their event. He thought it might
be worth our time to visit with them to see who they had as speakers. Trebil asked
when we need to give her the feedback. Herron said she needs it by mid-December,
so the Commission can think about it and come back with ideas at the next meeting.
Brown asked who the audience is at this event. She thought we could possibly tie it
into the topic of water. Herron said one of the topics Ms Stovring came up with was
spring lawn care. The target is people who are remodeling or landscaping. Daniels
thought anything that would be primarily informative probably would not go over
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Trebil suggested Mr. Daniels do some research with Minnetonka and then we can
hone in on a couple of ideas. Brown noted one of the leading companies for green
construction is based here in Eden Prairie, and there is a wind energy company here
as well. She thought the whole subject of green remodeling might be one of our
The Commission should provide four different options for speakers for the Chamber
to select.
Daniels said he read an article about local cities getting together and trying to write
regulations for wind turbines, and he asked if Eden Prairie is involved in this in any way.
Herron said she was not aware of the article or study. Herron said the Planning Division has
wind turbines on their work plan but have not begun to work on it yet. She said right now
wind turbines are reviewed accessory structures.
Trebil noted we talked about having Best Buy come in and asked if we have tried to set a
time for that. Herron said she will request a presentation from Best Buy for a future meeting.
Olson asked what would cause the topic of wind turbines to rise in terms of priorities.
Herron said this is something we treat as a permitted use, so we don't prohibit wind turbines.
She said staff has had this on the division work plan and the commission could assist in
coming up with a proposal to strengthen the ordinance.
The students had nothing to report.
Brown said she would appreciate it if the students would come to the Commission with
issues or things that should be done. Askew asked if the Commission would be able to help
with issues such as the lack of recycling bins at the high school. Olson thought it would be
more along the lines that initiatives within the School District to conserve more or make
schools greener could be shared with the Commission, and we could then underscore the
initiative and present it to the community. Brown said we could be supportive of their
efforts. Olson thought the City might want to replicate a good initiative from the students.
Brown said we could help the students with information for a presentation.
A. Commercial Recyclins! Initiative Code Amendment
Herron distributed copies of the proposed code put together by vice chair Trebil and
draft copies of the code sections with changes inserted in the code. She said she
routed the code changes to staff and was informed that Chapter 9 of the code would
also need to be changed. She reviewed the proposed changes to the three chapters of
the code, noting that Chapter 5 deals with licensing of haulers and adds commercial
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establishments to the code. She said there is a new section for recyclable waste
collection in office and commercial zones in Chapter 9 that deals with the location
and types of material that can be considered compost or waste. She said the Planning
Commission has to make a recommendation to the City Council for the changes to
Chapter 11, which is where we talk about the physical location and the zoning
Brown asked what we would do to get public properties included. Herron said public
zoned properties include parks and churches. Feedback from the Parks Department
was that they aren't in support of the change to public zoned properties yet.
Trebil asked if this was for new buildings only. Herron said it is applicable to
building permits for new construction after the date the code is adopted.
Olson asked what our role is in this process if the changes have to be adopted by the
City Council. Herron said the Commission can make further modification at this
point, or she could go ahead and give it to the City Attorney. She could then bring
his comments back to the Commission. The changes to Chapter 11 would have to go
to the Planning Commission and then everything would go to the City Council. She
noted we don't have a deadline so the Commission could take more time to look at it.
Trebil said it appears that it includes what we are trying to accomplish except for the
issue of public classification, and it sounds like Ms Herron has had that discussion.
He thought it appears to be what we were asking for. Daniels thought we could wait
to review it again when we get it back from the City Attorney.
Daniels asked if the Planning Commission has seen this. Herron they have not,but
Ms Stovring and she are planning to give an FYI presentation to the Planning
Commission at their November 23 meeting. There will have to be a Public Hearing
at the Planning Commission before they make a recommendation to the City
Daniels thought the changes should not get objections from anybody. Herron said
she didn't foresee that, especially since we don't require current business owners to
make changes.
Trebil asked if we have any specifics about size. Herron said the changes in Chapter
11 do not specify size. Daniels noted it states both trash and recycling, so it would
need to fit both. Herron thought it could vary based on the size of the building, so she
didn't know if we would specify a limit.
Trebil asked if we require containers for recyclable waste. Herron said recycling for
buildings is a building code requirement now, and these changes firm up our code.
MOTION: Daniels moved, seconded by Brown, to submit the Commercial
Recycling Initiative Code Amendments to the City Attorney for review. Motion
carried 4-0.
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November 10, 2009
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B. Approval of the Minutes for the October 13, 2009 Meeting
The minutes of the October 13, 2009 meeting will be approved at the December 8,
2009 meeting.
A. Upcoming City Projects and Development—Project Profile
Herron said she did not send out the Project Profile because there were no new items
on it. Olson said he recalled an email from Ms Jester regarding what should be the
Commission's work next year. He had the impression we were going to discuss that.
Herron said Ms Jester asked that we postpone any 2010 work plan discussion until
the December meeting.
A. November 19, 2009—Anderson Lakes Public Meeting-7 pm, Heritage Rooms I
and II
Herron said this will be a discussion of the status of the work being done on
Anderson Lakes.
B. December 1, 2009—Night with the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed-7
Pm, Chanhassen Legion
Herron said Leslie Stovring is attending this event.
C. March 20, 2010—Eden Prairie Home, Landscape and Garden Expo
Trebil asked when we need to figure out the booths for this. Herron said we need to
brainstorm about the speakers and come back with ideas for the Chamber of
Commerce so they can select two by mid-December.
A. Tuesday, December 8, 2009
MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by Brown, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Vice Chair Trebil adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM.