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Parks and Recreation - 05/25/1976
1976 MAY 3 , 17 , 25 MINUTES CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE t r . AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Monday, May 3 , 1976 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COMMISSION MEMBERS: Marvin Erickson, Tim Pierce, Richard Anderson, Paul Choiniere , Steve Fifield, William Garens, Francis Helmer, Jerry Kingrey, Geneva Middleton, Brian Mikke lson, Mary Upton COMMISSION STAFF: Marty lessen, Director of Community Services Approx. Time to Begin Item 7:3 0 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. MINUTES OF APRIL 19, 1976 MEETING IV. PETITIONS REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. !` B. V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A.. Reports of Commissioners 1. Councilman Pierce 2 . School Board Director Middleton 3 . B. Reports of Staff 7:45 1 . Recreation Activities a. Teen Program b. Everything Goes 8.00 2 . Kutcher & Deaver Properties-Discussion with Minnetonka ' 4 f 8:10 3. Operations at Lake Riley 8:20 4. Development Proposals a. Gelco -2- VI. OLD BUSINESS 8:30 A. Cash Park Fee Policy 8:45 B. Capital Improvement Program-Status Report to Council 9:00 C. Status of Mitchell Lake Park 9:15 D. 1976 Commission Goals i VII. NEW BUSINESS 9:30 A. Cedar Hills Golf & Ski j B. 9:45 VIII. ADJOURNMENT 1 )approved l PARI_S, REC-F A'TION A11. ) I,TkURAL RI✓SOURCM CObIDIISSION 14034DAY, Illy 3, 1976 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL IiE11Lal,I�S PRLSL'1.1T: Chairman Marvin Erickson, Tim Pierce, Richard Anderson, Geneva Middleton, Jerry Ki.n;rey, 1•knry Up-Lon, Paul Choiniere, Francis l elmer., Brian 14ikkelson, and Steve Fifiel.d I MBMS ABSEBT: William Gnrens STAFF PIUL Sr1,'T: ldar ty Je osen,*Director of 00=uni ty Services O17JERS PFLE91?,11IT: Tom Bartel, L.P. Community News The meeti.nt; was called to order. at 7:35 P.M. by Chairnan lsiekson. ' ~ II. APPROV.1l_;_QF AGL.; Helmer moved to approve Agenda as printed. Upton seconded, motion carried. III. I.413111TES OF APRII, 19. 1�'76 1 L:1 TIA�G P. 2, pora. 2, last sontence; delete "stripping", add "strip zoning;". 2, add "to set priorities to" before "determine". Anderson inoved to approve the Minutes of April 19, 1976 meeting• as amended. Upton seconded, motion carried, with Erickson and 1.1il:kelson abstaining because of absence. V. ADD A. l e xorts of Corm—gi nianers 1. Councilnnn Pierce Pierce spoke to three itans on Council Agenda which were of importance to the :Covunirsion: approval of'`fir,�,t reading of AUtchell Lakc proposal, the early openin7 of Bryant Lake Park (Saturday, I1ay 3, at 6:00 A.M.), alld apl,ro•,ra.l of t1:e Slur:mer Pl.aygroiuii Program. 2. Sehool. I;3rird Director 11id0l eton 1•iiddlotnn reported that the :financial picture is still being looked into, anc-1 mnnv hinds of pos^ibiliLios are being; invostigrated. She added Vint the preliminary thinkin;; on the cost cnmo back considerably higher than i,,hat wo •thouj;?it it would cost ori[�inally. Anderson as''-cd i,,hether our Schdcl Board has irivestigate<i lensing buildinf;s froin rinothor di ntriet. Middleton responded that a special. Minutes - Pnrks, Rec. and Page two Natural Resources Coinaission aapproved May 3, 1976 2. School. ilonrd Director Middleton(CCNT I D) cormnittee had looked into this, and it did not turn out to be very practical for various reasons. Erickson felt -the people should be advised of this, because he had heard many comments about the lossibility of lossing a building in another district. Middleton said that an infornation sheet will be made public, and that a survey will. be mailed out. She added that they have also considered year around school, different scheduling, and other approaches. She said that Forest hill could operate al.l'yenr because it was air conditioned, and the high school could have air conditioning put in much easier than tho Middle School. Anderson asked what the projected enrollments would be. Middleton res- ponded that they are figured on a 5 year basis, and that turns oiit to be close to &o, which they feel is a realistic grot•rth projection. She added that this growth drops off sonewhat in the Middle School, with another drop in the high school.. B. Rnnbrts of Staff 1. Recrention Acti-*i•ties C_ Toen Pror•.rsm Jessen spoke to the addendum to the Teen Activity Memo, which basically outlines a proposed teen dron-in-conter, along with a series of week- ly special events. He said -they have considered various locations, and felt that Forest Hills was the best possibility because it was the most comfortable. He added that Mr. )Eallett, Forest Bills Principal, had agreed to this and that School. Board and Administration approval was being seeked. He suggested the training; of city employees for custodial Mork in connection with the program. I,inrroy was concerned with the responsibility of the school, and asked how ninny �eadors would be involved. Jessen answered that three leaders and some special "leadership would be available, along with some chaper olles etc. . Ki.ng;rey asked whether the outdoor hockey rink lights could be utilized and also whether there had been tiny comments from neighbors about noise from the hockey and slcntin!7 rink: . Jessen responded that the lights could be a scud and that it could get noisy. Anderson su",e,,tcd outside evening vol.l.eyball games at Ro-L .1 Lake and'felt th ;t with--the lake close -by,. this would make it even more desi:rabl©.. Upton said that ;7ince the Luthermn Church had boon trying to operate a teen drop-in-contor in the past, it might be a possibility as a site. 1 Minutes - Parks, Roc. and Page Three Natural Resources Coin. t,�s)a.pproved May 3, 1976 a. Toon Pr.or*rsun cont'd MOTION: Anderson moved to recommend to the Council the Teen Program as per melno of April 19, 1976. Ilelrier seconded, notion carried unanimously. b. ]3ver thinr- Goes Jessen spoke to the status of the event, and coi-imented that volunteers are still needed in some of -the categories. lie said there would be three winners, with ton -to elevon communities participating. , Kingrey reported on the try-outs, and commented that the turn-out was very poor. ; 2. Ku•tcher & Denver Pro)ertie�.-Di cus_,ion with 11innetonka, Jessen reported that Minnctonka was contacted about the possibility of a joint venture, but they were not interested. lie said we do not hnve a formal response, but that is how it stands at this time. Be said there is a need to' talte some action regarding the Kutcher property, so we can give them an answer. ;. Kingrey asked whether there were funds available to purchase the property. Jo;sun rest;onded that there is cone monies from the last park bond, and suggested that we could secure an option agreement, or ask- the Watershed District for funds. Kingroy questioned where the property stood as far as priority. Jessen answered that the Deaver property was on priority _list last stumnor, with the Ku•tchc.r property being; considered in place of another site- Anderson asked whether there were ossessn-tents on that property. Jessen answered affirmative, about `,15,000. Anderson asked whether the Ilotersbod District would go throul*h with any fund- ing, unless ,some of the money was provided by the City, based on previous dj.;:cussi.on, wo have had with tl.em. Jessen responded -that we do have to come up with 50,5 at sol,10 time- Brickson felt that the I'lutcher property ;should be acted on, and requested that Jessen brj.I,« back information on the costs of acquiring, where the money would come from otc. . 3. Opernti-ons nt L-11.e IIi-1 a1 Jos,cn spoke to propusal. by Mr. 5chni.tberger for continuation of operation of. tho Dulichls Report nren. lie added -that the other alternatives are to open up for someone e.1 to run it, or for the City to self-operate this. Which would cost u3 about "I"000 -to r5,000. lle said he did not know whether rovcnuc; would e01M]. the o.I-.enses. The ,rorooal was discussed, with the gcnel•a 1. n�rce,r,c:nt tha lt tl;ca roposal outlined in the memo was tl;e most desirable. MOTION: Kjngrey movorl, to roconu;lend to the Council: to accept lease proposal as per memo of April 30, 197h, witla additional conditions that leasee be responsible for-innintennnce, Iren.;ir,s, and insurance,- and that the season run from Memorial Day to Labor Dny. Upton sec:ondod, motion carried unanimously. Page 4 Minutes - Park, Rec. and May 3. 1976 Natural Resources f'.apprbved a. GeTco Jessen spoke to dedication of Parcel B, consisting of 1.3 acres, as z recluireinent b©fore approval of the proposal, which would result in public ownership of shoreline ground the lake. Middleton asked what the provisions for run-off would be. Jessen responded that basically they are the same as the last proposal, and-are regulated by the Watershed District. Anderson was concerned as to time limit on .future e:cpansion of their build- ing. Jar-,,son o.•:;_�'lained that there were no time limits, and that the Planning r Col:unission will address themselves to this question. Kingrey inquired whether we had had any trouble with Gelco to this point. Jessen responced that they have been very cooperative, and they have agreed to no developticat south of the sewer line. Jessen responded to further questions regarding whether there was any con- sideration of ramp parking - 6 acres would be needed and would have to be purchased from the i'reserve, and it was undecided whether there will be underground, pnrl:ing in expanded building. Anderson e:;pressad his opinion that "temporary" basis has a way of turning pernuanont and asked how long is "temporary". Choiniere arrived at 8:30 PM. MOTION: Anderson moved to recommend to the Council that time limit negotia- tions take place between Gelco and Council, subject to limit of a valid, reasonxibl.o time, on a temporary basis. Kingrey seconded. Motion was with- drawn by Anderson. Anderson cor.Lmented that he would like to see some future plans. Choiniere felt tlint the restrictions and controls for proposals need to be Treater. Ile requested that a presentni:ion La made in order to understand what Gelco was proposing for the future. ! rifiold left at 9:00 P.1I.. s Concern was axprossod for the lack of plans or final design of the proposal. by some of the Conuai nsiuners. Kingrey qucstioncd the cormittment that would result from this proposal- whethor it lac»ul.d romnin a prrl:inrr lot or i4lether some other use would be rxide out of this lot. Jo9sen nnswered that it may ultimately turn out to he n builcli.n,r rnther than a porr.nne.•nt pt:rki.ng lot. Ile e.plained. that what Cthey want now is a pnrl:i.n, lot on an interim basis. page 5 Minutes - Park, Rec. and May 3, 1976 Natural Resources .,,.approved a. Gcico coat I d,� Choiniere commented tlin•t; when they- were allowed to build originally, there was not sufficient parking, and he felt they had to show us how they can control. future problems. l�ri.ckson added that GoO-co had folt they.could solve that problem by the use of car pools and bus transportation from Hopkins, but that this had never matcr.ialized. , Anderson felt that if this proposal. were approved, we are telling them that every -t:ure they need more parking lots, we will help them out, and was opposed to this. Upton asked whether they will IlavO to come back for approval when they decide to make the parkin,_; lot permanont. Jessen responded that they will have to come back to the Council- for approval. 11iddleton comrented that we are dealing with fragile areas - not flat, barren land with no trees etc.. MOTION: Riinf rey moved to amend motion to make it very clear that -this in no way coruri•ta the City to that use beyond the end of the interim period, Cf with the interim beinn defined through negotiation with the Staff. and Gelco and be adopted by the City Council. I-lotion died for the lack of a second. Anderson was in favor of Gelco coming in with a presentation of their plan,. Jessen asked .for a point of information, whether it was meant what Gelcots-present proposal was or for their future plans. CoTa.iissioncrs Anderson and Middleton felt t•re were opening; ourselves to the whole 'sl y,rl.inn lot e�pansion" issuo. Jessen e:cplai ned that Ordinance 135 covers pa.rl:in;; renuiremonts for various types of buildings, and added tha+ the Pl.an.ninr; Cor>:nission has historically dealt with this Question. Choini•ere sul-ges•ted bui.ldins7. in a reviewal process. He was also concerned with any imoh out problems that mirrht occur because of a gravel surfaco. Jessen said holding ponds are inspected l:)}t the `'late.r shed District on a regular bnois. Anderson asked jaether tale Prosez•vo ovincd this land. Jessen answered that ` Golco is in -the process of buying the land from the Preserve. I;0`PIOId: L'ingrey moved to approve proposal subject to: one year time limit, with two one-,year extensions; mutual agreement by the two parties, final plains must he submitted to the City; consideration of holding ponds; and re-inforcencnt of two 1 ,year chock points. Anderson seconded, motion carried with Pierce and liiclda.eton abstaininr. t Page G f Minutes — Parks, Rec. and. May 3, 1976 Natural Resources CiOMMIs.`1.iotl ';,approved C. Stgtus of -litchel.l Lnhe Park Jesson stated that the "Island" was dropped as economically unfeasible at this time and recommended that our efforts be carried toward the hiller Bros. property. Choiniere questioned the granting of the docks in the proposal, and said he didn't reel the lake could handle water traffic. He added that he satin a constant battle because of not enough docks if the five were granted. Anderson commented that the lake is suitable for caning and sailing. Jesson said that the 4atorshed District had considered raising the water level to .10 feet at one time. He explained that the Homeowner's Association will own the Innd, ,subject to easements between the City and open space process. He added that eliminating docks will make it harder for Pemtom to market their units. The recreation provisions were discussed, and Jessen expained that the mini—park proposed will be ptablicly owned but Homeowner Association maintained. Ile added that there would be additional mini—parks and tot lots in the final 9;otaiinouse addition and the site was of a mile from a major recreational area. Ile felt provisions for plan areas were very adequate. Trailways were discussed, with concern expressed by Anderson about regulations that Homeowner Associations may put on trailway around the lake, and the in— consistency of these regrulations on various lakes in Eden Prairie, mal.cing it -rrer,v confusing for -the public. There was discussion of Homeowners Associattiono and the need to establish I;uidelines for these associations throughout the whole cormunity. MOTION: Choiniere moved to recot.maend Staff Memo of April 30 on Mitchell Lake � Proposal with following; changes: Eliminate provision for docks permitted onto Mitchell Lake from Homeowner's Association space and from private property included in this development; and add "subject to final review of Homeowner's Association Documents." Anderson seconded, motion carried unanimously. 1.OTIOII: Upton inoved that the PR & 1.111 Cor.nission again recommend the action of last yogr, that the Council appoint task force to study and make recommenda— tions on Iloaneownc+r's Associations for consistency in the City. Middleton j seconded, motion carried unanimously. fI ! • I Minutes - Parks, Rec. and Page 7 Natural Resources Com. approved May 3, 1976 VI.. OLD BUSIIILSS A. Cash Park Fee Pol.iag Jessen spoke to former park fee policy using per acre fi�;ur.e based Oil zoning density, which he felt should now be trnnsposed into a per , unit fee based on various density categories and presented a break- down of how this fee would apply in each of the categories. He suggested draftin;r of an ordinance on this final form for the Councilvs considera- tion. Upton questioned the industrial/commorcial figure. Jessen responded that y2,000 was the decided figure and that there was no way to break it down. MOTION: Helmer noved to recomTnend to the Council the policy of estima- ting cash p"Irk fee on a per unit fee based on the various density cate- gories. Anderson seconded, motion carried unanimously. Helmer asked 1-rliether this has been 'tested legally. Jessen. answered that the Jity requires park land dedication or cash-in-lieu of land as part of developers proposals, payable zit the time of building. B. Caritnl. In ro rpriien•t Pronrrcm-Status Report to Council C' Tabled. C. Status of Mitcl.ell Lnke Park See Pg. 6 D. 1976 Oomminsi.on Gon1s f Tabled. VII. rrELBus:Rrll 3s A. Gedar Ilil 1.s Gcll.cl f'^Ski Jessen informed tlje Commission that owner wants to sell and will accept any rencionabl.e offer, and would accept revenue bonds and certificates. NO action required. : Jessen spoke to service of l.otir, time volunteers Floyd Berntsen and 1,:Loyd Carpenter and sufrrosted a draft of appreciation. MUTIONs Choiniere roved to roglic;st that Chairman Erickson ask. Mr. Carpenter to re-con.idor his ending of work with firearm safety for the City, and nlon to draft resolution coniiianding is. Carpenter and Mr. Berntsen for t:,eir servi.ees to the C9.ty. Upton seconded, iuc•,tion carried. C•r riz. nDJOtllt?^(7_II i Upton moved to adjourn at 1Os40 P.1.4.. Choiniere seconded, motion carried. Subrnittod by, Donna Stanley, Racordi.ng Socretnrsr AG EN DA r EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Monday, May 17, 1976 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COMMISSION MEMBERS: Marvin Erickson, Tim Pierce, Richard Anderson, Paul Choiniere, Steve Fifield, William Garens, Francis Helmer, Jerry Kingrey, Geneva Middleton, Brian Mikkelson, Mary Upton COMMISSION STAFF: Marty Jessen, Director of Community Services Approx, Time to , Begin Item 7:3 0 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. MINUTES OF MAY 3 , 1976 MEETING IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. B. V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS 7:45 A. Reports of Commissioners 1. Councilman Pierce 2. School Board Director Middleton 3 . Chairman Erickson - Meeting with Lake Riley Improvement Association. B. Reports of Staff 8:00 1. Kutcher & Deaver Properties VI. OLD BUSINESS 8:30 A. Capital Improvement Program 9:15 B. 1976 Commission Goals Parks, Rocmati.on & Natural -2- Monday, May 17/76 1 Resources Commission VII. NM- ,V BUSINESS A. 'B. 10:00 VIII. ADJOURNMENT r c ' )approved PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COAaSSION M01:DAY, MAY 17, 1976 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL I�D BERS PRESENT: Chairman Marvin Erickson, Tire Pierce, William Garens, Jerry Kingrey, Paul Choiniere, Geneva Middleton, Francis Helmer, and Steve Fifield 1,0,,BERS ABSENT: Mary Upton, Richard Anderson, and Brian Mikkelson STAFF PRESEIIT: Marty Jessen, Director of Community Services OTHERS PRESENT: Preserve Homeowner Association member The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Erickson. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Addition of VI. C. Coimiunity Gardens - Choiniere VII. A. Eden Prairie Happenings - Choiniere B. Eden Prairie Fireworks - Pierce Choiniere moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Helmer seconded, motion carried. III. 14INi1TES OF MAY 3. 1976 MEETING Choiniere novedtoapprove Minutes of May 3, 1976 meeting as printed. Pierce seconded, motion carried. IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COI,4frUNICATIONS None V. REC01•1047�ATIONS AND REPORTS A. Reports of Corunissioners 1. Councilman Pierce Pierce reported that the Gelco request for re-zoning of area to be used as a parking lot was approved by the Council. He added that he voiced the concern of the PR & NR Commission regarding definition of what they meant by "temporary", but Gelco would not commit themselves to future plans except they would abide by all points of original pro- posal. fie said re-cycled asphalt would be used for the parking lot surface, which they felt was a better substance to use because it would keep the dust level down and would not wash away. He commented J I Minutes - Parks, Rec. and Page Two Natural Resources Commission !approved May 17, 1976 1. Councilman Pierce (cont'd) that this was the first reading and that we could let it be known to the Council that we feel "temporary" should be defined. MOTION: Choiniere moved regarding the Gelco request for re-zoning for additional parking purposes, that we request the City Council of Eden Prairie to reconsider prior to the second reading, adding a controlling clause for renewal purposes for this re-zoning in order to better define If temporary". Garens seconded, motion carried unanimously. Pierce continued with Council action-cash park fee was received, with additional clarification on industrial/commercial fee requested; Homeowner Associations were being studied; boat regulations on Starring Lake needed, since this is a State access, there are none; and final plat approval of 2+1aple Leaf Acres, with requirements as suggested by this Commission. r Pierce added that the Minnesota Pollution Agency has received a grant from the Federal Polluation Agency to establish a chemical waste disposal area, and this area is being studied. He said the Council has advised the Staff to investigate. 2. School Board Director 11iddleton ` 1-liddleton said there was nothing new to report because they were still deal- ing with reviewal of plans and preliminary figures. She added that the Survey has been approved and frill be coming out in a couple of weeks. 3. Chairman Erickson - Meeting with Take Riley Imnrovement Association Erickson reported that he and Jessen had been asked to appear before the Lake Riley Homeowner's Association for discussion of park development of the City. Erickson said that the fear was expressed that development of Riley Lake would bring in people from Minneapolis, as well as from all over Hennepin County if it were funded by the County, and it would be taken over. He added that it was a good meeting, with a large turn-out. Jessen added that most of the people were opposed to the development of the Lake, especially those people closely involved by being on the boundary. Funding of Dutches Resort was discussed, with Jessen commenting that the E Metro Council will finance Lake Riley, but did not know when. Kingrey arrived at 8:00 P.M.. i' B. Reports of Staff r 1. Kutcher & Deaver Pronerties Jessen spoke to Memo of May 14, 1976, containing requested information on the two properties, with recommendations for consideration. He added, in addition to these recommendations, the possibility of using Development Revenue Funds for this purpose, rather than bike trails. 77 ;Minutes - Parks, Rec. and Page Three Natural Resources Commission ;,..approved May 17, 1976 C1 1. Kutcher & Deaver Properties conttd Choiniere expressed his opposition to the idea of a golf course pro- posed if entire acreage is purchased. He felt this area would take care of a good share of north Eden Prairie as a neighborhood facility. Jessen commented that he felt a municipal golf course would be the only justification for acquiring the total amount of property, because revenue would be generated from this use. Choiniere added that a golf course had been proposed in the past, with the conclusion that only a short course would work, and the project had been abandoned because it could not pay its way. Jessen said he did not feel a private golf course could make it because of real estate taxes, income taxes etc.. Garens questioned the need for another golf course in Eden Prairie, since there already were some in the City. Jessen responded that he was look- ing to a future population, and he felt that golf was growing as a leisure time activity and sees a great potential for municipal golf courses. Erickson summarized the recommendation into two thoughts - a small parcel or all of the land was being considered here. Jessen said that all of the CKutcher property except the two home sites was recorunended'for purchase and either all of the Deaver acreage or 20 acres for a playground site. Pierce felt that if we propose something that massive, such as all of Deaver property, we would run into trouble, but the park site would be a viable proposal and felt we would yet support. Choiniere commented on receiving phone calls from people living on Purgatory Creek expressing their opposition to allowing the public into "their back yard", and suggested keening it as open space without public use. Erickson inquired whether Choiniere meant that funds used for Purgatory Creed: be directed toward the purchase of this land, vrith the land remaining open space. Choiniere answered affirmative. Pierce commented that this was a viable alternative until the Purgatory Creek Study was defined. Jessen added that it would be acceptable in meeting open space requirements, although we would lose all continuity, but he felt that we may not be able ' to get as much funding for this kind of idea. Jessen suggested acquiring six to eight options on properties from neigh- borhood facility study and show people exactly what is involved. He said that the Watershed District will pay for part of the Kutcher property, but that we would have to come up with remainder of funds. Minutes - Parks, Recreation and Page Four Natural Resources Commission . :s:pproved May 17, 1976 C^c 1. Kutcher & Deaver Properties (cont'd) 140TION: Helmer moved to recommend to the Council to secure an option on the proposed twenty acres of the Deaver property and thirty-five acres of the Kutcher property, as per memo of May 14, 1976. Kingrey felt that a direction as to how much money we will give up be established. Jessen responded that it has been 1 to 2%, and if d this is going to be the approach we should go the same way with all i of the sites. Y Garens asked for a point of clarification on whether the intent of { the motion was to purchase this piece now, with the rest being bought later. MOTION: Choiniere moved to ask Jessen to investigate with the owners of the Deaver property and consider for an option the remainder of the property and have Jessen report back to us with the possibilities of funding for the entire package, if that were possible. Kingrey seconded, motion carried, with Pierce abstaining. 9 VI. OLD BUSINESS B. 1976 Commission Goals CErickson spoke to Draft 1 of the 1976 Commission Goals, consisting of five points, drawn up by Jessen and himself, and asked for discussion. Kingrey requested that "specific goals for youth athletic programs" be added to no. 5• (service levels) The desirability of "municipal.liquor" was discussed, with Jessen comment- ing that a specific Notion of intent was passed by the Council that all revenues generated by municipal liquor would go toward recreational purposes, and that the public should be educated to this. rifield left at 9:00 PM. 'The status of proposals for the Council to consider for enactment as City Ordinances regulating park use, slope development, hunting & trapping, and developer park fees was discussed. Jessen said more research and analysis is needed, before these would be complete. Erickson requested that Jessen come back with the current status and deadline dates of the Goals. A. Capital Improvement_ Program Jessen referred to past discussion on the euestion and felt that the / action on the Deaver and Kutcher properties show we are trying to take Minutes - Parks, Rec. and Page Five Natural Resources Commission !iapproved May 17, 1976 A. Capital Improvement Program (cont,d) some action on the Capital Improvement Program. He asked about more surveys, conducting neighborhood meetings and what needs to be done etc.. Erickson was in favor of looking at various sites for parks, and com- plete agreement of Commissioners on approval or disapproval of the site. Jessen commented that regarding the referendum, the City financing plan has to correspond to financing of the school. Kingrey expressed his opinion that a park referendum would not have a chance of passing until the school district has _ come up with theirs. He felt it was extremely important to get down to the "grass roots" and get into the neighborhoods. and talk to people. � . Choiniere, referring to the 1968 bond issue, commented that this was passed at a time when no one felt it would pass, but the way it was pre- sented was what sold it to the people. Kingrey inquired whether the Staff would lay out a map of the City and organize campaign for neighborhood meetings. ( Choiniere commented that the "Eden Prairie Happenings" newsletter sent to all residents was the best piece of "public relations" this City has because it says at the bottom, "paid for by your property taxes", and I added that successive mailings of that nature will do nothing but strengthen what has already been started. 11OTION: Erickson moved to set Tuesday, May 25, at 5:00 P111 for date of special meeting. Choiniere seconded, motion carried unaniinously C. Community Gardens - Choiniere Choiniere was concerned about when water would be supplied. Jessen res- ponded that a tank was on the way, which would be mounted for all to use. VII. IE4 BUSINESS A. Eden Prairie 11nppPninas - Choiniere Choiniere complimented the Staff on the "Happenings" newsletter sent to all residents. B: Eden Prairie Fireworks - Pierce Pierce informed Commission that the Eden Prairie Center had offered to add $1,000 to the 0250 of the Chamber .of Commerce and $250 of the City if they would agree to set off the display at the Center. He asked for C suggestions on how to allow the change, since it had already been printed in the Happenings as being scheduled for Round Lake. '14i.nutes - Parks, Recreation and Page Six Natural Resources Com. r:approved May 17, 1976 B. Eden Prairie Fireworks (conttd) Choiniere expressed his opiiilon that; since City money is involved, it should be held at Round Lake Park. Jessen was concerned with the transition from the park activities to the Center for the fireworks. Pierce responded that events were over by 3:30 and there was some time before it was dark enough to set off the fireworks. Choiniere felt the City was being pressured into publicizing the Center. Pierce responded that the Chamber has been losing money, and even with the help from the City, they cannot put on a very good display with the amount of money available. Choiniere was also concerned with the possibility of a fire hazard by setting off fireworks over Anderson Lal:e, and traffic problems on getting in and out of the Center. He added that he felt that public park funds should be used at a park. Helmer expressed his opinion that he agreed with Choiniere and didn't feel park funds should be used to finance publicity for Eden Prairie Center. / MOTION: Kingrey moved to have fireworks at the Eden Prairie Center, subject to the following conditions: 1. approval by Fire Department 2. Highway Department be contacted regarding significant traffic problems 3. Eden Prairie Jaycees accept responsibility of notifying people of the change in location. Garens seconded. Kingrey agreed with use of the funds as it was a special occasion, but would not favor it in the future. Garens felt that in the future it should not be the Cityts job to publicize the Center, and suggested using the $250 for other Jaycee projects. Garens i•rithdrew his second to the Motion. ADDITION TO FOPD R MOTION Kingrey added condition no. L.; take 0250 that would be normally contributed to the Jaycees and utilize for City activities to be held at Round Lake. Garens seconded, motion carried, with Pierce and Choiniere abstaining. VIII. ADJOURNIMiT Garens moved to adjourn at 9:40 PM. Helmer seconded, motion carried. Submitted by, Donna Stanley Recording; Secretary .......... .- - Capproved PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, MAY 25, 1976 5:00 p.m. CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Cliairman Marvin Erickson, Tim ; Pierce, `4 ' William Garens, Jerry Kingrey, Mary Upton, Paul Choiniere, Geneva Middleton, Steve E, ; Fifield, Francis Helmer, Richard Anderson t;a MEMBERS ABSENT: Brian Mikkelson STAFF PRESENT: Marty Je s sen,Director of Community Services Sandy Werts, Recreation Supervisor b f. OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Bartel, Eden Prairie News The meeting commenced at 5:00 p.m. at the Eden Prairie City Hall from which the tour bus left to view the following sites considered or proposed for park facilities in the community: C 1. Mitchell Lake 2 . Deaver and Kutcher Property 3 . Lochanburn Area 4. Hidden Ponds Area 5 . Prairie View 6. Edenvale 7. Topview Area 8. Preserve 9. Franlo and Co. Road 1 Area 10. Redrock Center 11 . City Hall Site 12. Various Locations along Purgatory Creek The purpose of the tour was to reorient all of the Commission members as to the sites considered last year in the Park Bond Referendum proposal and those which are now under discussion as potential park areas. The tour bus returned to the City Hall at 7:25 p.m. Commissioners Erickson, Upton and Pierce left the meeting at this time . The other Commissioners adjourned to Lyons Tap for dinner at which general discussion took place concerning various aspects of park, recreation , facility planning . There was no action taken. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Marty Jessen, Recording Secretary