HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks and Recreation - 01/11/1971 1971
Monaday, January 11 , 1971 7:30 P.M. , Village Hall
A. Election of Officers.
B. Appointment of SRA Representative.
A. Policy Governing Sale of Beer on Park Property.
B. Uniform Snowmobile Ordinance. j
C. Designated Snowmobile Areas.
D: Community - School Policy.,
E., Purchase of Park Land At Anderson Lake & Staring Lake.
F. 1971 Winter - Spring Recreation Program.
January 11, 1971 7:30 p.m. Eden Prairie Village Hall
Present.: Marvin lirickson, Chairman, William Garens, Robeth Lieb,
Dennis Kalmon, Uchard Lindquist, Terry Fields.
1•1arty Jessen, Pk, and Rec. Director
Visitors: 'ferry I•Ierrick, LIV Observer
Donald Pennie
The meeting, was called to order by the chairman. M/Lieb, S/Fieldd
that the minutes of Dec. 14 1h� accepted as published. Carried.
The revised Beer Policy as accepted by tho Council becomes part of
the Dec. 14 minutes.
Election of The Secretary road the By-Laws which call for election at the first
Officers meeting in February in order to follow commission appointments in Jan.
S.R.A. I,i:/Garens, S/Lieb that Garens, Fields and Lindquist be a committee to
appointmt, represent E.P. -- one of the three to attend each meeting. Carried.
SRA meets the second .fed. of the month; it was aereed that Garens
would be the rep. with i,'ield and Lindquist as alternates.
leer Policy The Peer Policy (See File) was approved try the Council on Dec. 15
as .revised by the Pk. and Rec. Comm. on Dec. 14.
Uniform Snow- Jessen said that both Snowmobile Clubs had seen the Ordinance as
mobile Ord. discussed at 'the Dec. 14 meeting of the Pk. and Rec. Comm. and had
,{ no su.r,-estions for changes. The Council will havo its first reading
l_ of the Ordinance Jan. 12. Edenvale now has a copy of the lease
arrreement as drawn by the L.P. attorney, ready for. the Council Jan. 12.
Liability insurance is costinFc $150; ,;reens will be protected and
areas marked where machines are not to go. There will be a $1 permit
for use of the i .P. Golf Course. Desimnated areas could include
Sound Lake north of the Valley View extension, Birch Island Park,
Eden Prairie golf Course and all lake surfaces which can be reached
le«ally. IIinn. River Bottoms are private land, so the village has no
jurisdiction over them.
M/liarens, S/Kalmon 'that the Park and Recreation recommend to the
Council that the Ordinance be adopted with the followinr{ recommendations:
1. Snow obilin, on private property only with consent of owner;
2. On areas insL-nated; wound Lake north of the Valley View
extension, 13irch Island Park, i�.den Prairie 1:,olf Course
and lake surfaces which can be reached lei--ally;
3. iith enforcement by the sheriff to determine nuisance factors.
(.o-inmunity- Jessen said 'ao anci school officials are+ on the third draft, but the
School Pol. report is not ready. iie hopes it will be for the February :neetin:r.
I 111 chase, of Jessen reported that, two parcels have been purchased -- 'tho Kopesky
Pk. Landsprone:rty on Andcr>on 1,1ko (Parcel 4) and Parcel 2 (5.6 acres) on
Staring Lako. (.:t.:u ituport on file with minutes.)
( 1., 71 .;inter- Jessen presented copies Of the joint Villa;;e and School schedule of
;prig ; Act'i- activities (Sec+ copy on file with minutes) . Throe Vo-Tech. classes are
vitinI also available; Snowmobile repair, and Small enhine repair.
E.P. Park and Rec. Comm. Mt,. Jan. 11, 1971 Paize 2
{ Jessen said 45 are registered for Figure akatinr; which ends
the end of i,'eb.; 45 went to :lelsh Village Jan. 2 on ski trip.
Printed schedules of classes and activities will be mailed to
E.P. residents Jan. 20 with rerristration until Feb. 1. The prot7ram
starts Feb. 8 except for earlier activities.
Liason with Lieb su!-;rested that Commission members be assi7ned to review
neighbors park plans and ideas of our neighboring communities in order to
coordinate efforts. He would like to see the idea reviewed.
A question was raised about attendance of teen members on the
Commission. If there is a .reason they cannot attend, it was
su�i,gcsted that others be appointed.
Iq/Lieb, S/Garens that the nioetin;*, be adjourned. Carried.
i� GULL-C'-e.li
Frances $lacklock, Secretary
i -
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Eden
Prairie, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, that the following public
lands and frozen waters owned and/or regulated by the Village be
designated as snowmobile areas in accordance with Ordinance No. 148.
Public Lands
1 . Round Lake Park North of the Westerly extension of
Valley View Road.
2. Birch Island Lake Park.
Frozen Waters (limited to only the frozen lake surface
if the snowmobiler can gain legal access either
through public land or permission from a private
land owner.
1 . Round Lake
2. Staring Lake
3., Birch Island Lake
4. Bryant Lake
5. Mitchell Lake
6. Riley Lake
7. Red Rock Lake
8. Rice Lake
9. Grass Lake
ADOPTED by the Village Council on January 26, 1971.
David W. Osterholt, Mayor
Edna M. Holmgren, Clerk
` tilllrio11 DEN teal Scclion S. AI'1'I,ICATION OF OTIIEII
yn.l.ncr:rir•r:Dl•:N I'll,tutlr; serunna. nPr:dtn'rloNcr:�ei<ul�.l.v.
OIIDINANCE NO.t IN Exrepl its otherwise sprrilr:Ills gmuml led LAWS Village traffic urdlnances shall ap-
ANORDINANCEREGU1,ATING and aaulhorired.it isunLreful lnl anv person ply lit the operation of snowmobile upon
THE 111'I:IGtTNINO(, loaperalva snnwmnbi to walht o lh-•Iunus of streets and highways.and Minnesota State
SNt Wltl rilll.l•:S the Vdiage or Eden Prairie oil-,IIJ89.Serrlions IR.81 to 84.H8.and Mi nne-
The Village Council of ale Village of laden Su MI.1. On it public-sidewalk or walkway rut;, S,aides 1999,Chapter 187 except far
I'rairicurdainsas follows: provided uruscd for pedestrian travel, those provisions relating toeq ruired equip-
( Section In. Ordinance No, 140 Is hereby Subd. 2. On private properly of another ment, ore hereby adopted by reference,
repealed without lawful authority or consent of the exceppt those provisions which by their na-
Seclion Ili. DItiFINITIONS. For the par. owner-ococc•upant, ture hovennappIlratlon.
purrs or tills(rrdin:race the terms defined Su MI.a. Ohl;Inv publu•ly owned lands and Serllonfl PERSONS UNDER 18.
herein shall have lilt•following uleaning, frozen waters,including but null Innitol In Subd. L No person under 14 years of age
ascribed to Ihem school grounds.park properly.plal'grounds, shall operate on streets.highways.public
Subdivision I. "I'en:un"includes;.it inch- recreation areas, µal( courses null Likes lands tar frozen water tar make a direct
vudu 1.partnership.corporation. the stale except areas previously listed or authorized crosxmg or it street or highway as the opera-
and it,;agencu's:uul subdtvi"ons,and anv for such use try the proper public authority for of a snowmobile.A person 14 years of
huh• of persons, whether au•orporated or in which rase such use shin Id be Lawful and age or older,but less than 18 years of age,
nut. snowmobiles may he driven in.and ail of may operate a snowmobile on streets,high.
Sulxl.2. ••Snuwoloint "nuv n,a selr-pru. such arms by the shortest route.Authorized ways.public lands or frozen waters as per.
polled seho-le designed for travel on now areas in tilt-Village of Eden Prairie owned milled under this ordinance and make a di-
or ace..r natural terrain st(mred by wheels, and or regulated by the Village including reel crossing of a street or highway only if
skis or runners, frozen waters shall he designated liv Coun• he has in his immediate possession a valid
Sdd, ',1, "Owner" means;t person,other cih resolution.Operation on public Iuudsamd snowmobile safely certificate issued by the
than a hen holder having the proper"-in or frozen waters where authorized will be reg. commissioner of conservation as provided
title In snnwnwhile entitled In the use or uleled Iw the provisions of this ordinance by Minnesota Statutes 1969,Section 84.86.
possession thereof, governing operation on streets and high. Sold.2. It is unlawful for the owner of a
Subd.4. "Operate"mt-ans to note in(r urh wit vs•except as follows: snowmobile to permit the snowmobile to be
and control the operation of a snowmobile. a.Maximum speed limits will be enforced operated amtralry to the provisions tar this
Solid 5 *'Operator" means elery person as follows: Scclion.
whnolnaled or is uaaclual phvsle;l l ronlrol Public lands ll0 mph Section 7. LEAVING SNOWMOBILE
of a Snowmobile. Frozen Waters 50 mph UNATTENDED. racer- person leaving a
Subd li. 'Ituadwa v"means that porttonof Subd.4. Al anv place,while under the in. snowmobile in a public place shall lock the
it highw•av improved,designed.or ordmari- Iluence d intoxicating llgaorar narrntics or ignition,remove the key and Lake the same
Iv used for vehicular travel,including the habilformingdrugs. with him.
shoulder. SutxL 5. A(a rate of speed greater than Section N.CHASING ANIMALS F•ORHID-
Subd 7. "Street tar highway" means the reasonable or proper under all the surround. DEN. It is unlawful to inlentionally drive.
entire width between buundary lines of any ing circumstances.Racing is prohibited chase,run over or kill any a ti al,wild or
way or placer•hen any pan thereof is open unit-ssspeelically authorized as a pantofan domestic.wit It snowmobile.
lu the use of lix•public,as a miller of right, rganizcd event by permll issued by lilt-VII. Section 9.VIOLATIONS.Every person con-
[(it the purposesuf vehicular Ir;dfic. "age Manager. victed of a violation of any of the provisions
SUbd 8. ••Itght of way"means the entire Subd.6. At any place In a careless,reek- of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine
strip ill Land traversed by it hlghwav or less,or negligent manner sow as to endanger of not more than three hundred dollars
street In"Inch the public owns the fee or an lie person or property of another or to If0110.00 n or by imprisonment for a period of
c;asement for roadway purposes. cause injury or damage thereto. not more than ninety i901 days,or bath but
Sulxl.9. "Safety or deadrmm"throttle is Subd.7. To tow any person or thing on a in either case the costs of prosecution may
defined its a device which.when pressure is public street or highway ex"ppt through the he added.
rent well frown the engine accelerator or use of a rigid tow ba r allache to the rear of Section 10. SEVEIIABILITV. Should any
throttle,causes the motor In be disengaged the snowmobile section,subdivision,clause or other provi-
from thedriving IrarA. I Subd.B. Al a speed greater darn ten miles sion of this ordinance be held to be invalid
Section 2. OPERATION ON"Tit h:F:TS' an hour when within 100 feet of any lake- by a court of competent jurisdiction,such
AND 111GIIWAYS Shure,except in channels,or of fishermen, decision shall not affect the validity of the
.Subdivision I. No person sha 11 uperule a ice house or skating rinks,nor shall opera- ordlnanceasawhole,orolany part thereat,
snowmobile upon tilermulw;rv,shoulder or lion be permitted within 100 feel of anv slid- other than the part held to be invalid.
inside bank nr slope of anv trunk,eouniy ing area, nor where the (operation would Section IL EFFECT.This ordinance shall
state:aid,or....only highway in this Village conflict with the lawful use of property or be publisher)in the Eden Prairie Sun News-
and.no the case of it divided trunk or county would endanger other persons or properly. paper and shall be effective upon publica-
highway,on the right a(way between the Subd.9. Ina nnannerdo as to create a land, lion.
opposing Lmes of traffic. Nn person shall unnecessary or unusual noise which dos• Adopted by the Village Council of to Vil-
uperale a snowmobile wil bin the right of lurbs,annoys or interferes with the peace lage of Eden Prairie this 281h day of Janu-
way of any trunk,county HOI.T DAVID W.OSTER
state aid,ar on and quiet of other persons. ary.1971.
ly highwaybetwt-on the lours of om•Ialf Subd.10. During line (ran 11:00 p.,.hour after sunset 1n one-half hour before to 7:00 a.m.of any day except as a means of Mayor
sunrise,except on the outside shore or(filch transportation to the residence of the opera. Attest:
of such right-af•wav and tit the same direr-. for and Ihenata reduced speed EDNA M.11O1,hIGIIEN
ton:as the hlghwav traffic on the nearest Section 4. EQUIPMENT. It is unlawful Clerk
lane of the roadw;av.adjacent thereto. No for anv person to operatea snowmobile airy 1Feh.4&11,19711-11
snuwmublle Jill be operated at any little ,ace within the Il nuts ofthe Village or ----------
within the nghbof-wav if ;mv interstate :den Prairie unless it is equipped with the
logliway ur frt•t•wav wthm the st;owe, following:
Solid.2. No person shall operate a snow- Subd.I. Standard mufflers which ore pro-
mobile upon the roadway al ;my Village perdv attached and in constant operation,
start except for the purpose of direct Ira-- and wtiich reduce(lie noise of operation of
rl front fit(- persons home ire tilt-closest the motor to the minimum nemss;ary for
snuwmohle own-;,by tilt- tartest possible operittion.MufflersshallcomplywithRegu-
nonIt-ant then only of travel in the adjacent lotion CONS.55 which is Icrebv;adaptcd by
street nghbol•wav Is wstrrled bceautc of reference as it existed on Sep(emher 1,1970.
developed vards or physical barriers. No person shall use a muffler cutout,by
Solid 0. A snowmobile naav make a direct pass,straight pipe or similar device on a
crossing'if it re highway or stet except an snowmobile motor,and the exhaust system
interstate highway or freeway,provided: shall not emit or produce a sharp pupping or
n The crossing is made at an angle of crackhrg sound.
i'Muuxonalch to degrees inn tilt-direr- Solid. 2. Brakes adequate to control the
non ul ale hlghwav or sheet and at it i movement of and to stop and hold the snow-
pl:ue where uo ubsrurt ni prevents o mobile under anv condifions of operafion.
Iluuk;unl safe cruslirg. Subd.3. A safely or sumalled"deadman"
b fhe snowou.bde Is hnnight ,,a earn. throttle In operating condition.so that when
plelc stop before crossing the shoulder pressure is removed train the a•celerttor
or ncnn traveled way of the Iughw•av or or throttle,the motor is disengaµed from
street tie driving track.
v.The driver vivid,the right Away In all Subd.4. At(cast one clenr lamp atlacho ed
aneonung nadwav traffic. his Lite Iron".with sufficient intensity ill re,
d.In rrolli g;a dined street or lughl wav,I yea I persons and vehicles at a distanced at
Ihr vro"Ing Is load univ aI inn in•� least 100 feet ahead during the hours of
Irr,crton of such street tar highway darkness under normal ahnospleriv condi-
wtlwnother puhhr sheet ur lughw;a% lions.Surh head lamp shall be so;airned that
II Ihr rrnssug Iv made between the glaring rays um not projected Into lilt!eves
e hours done.all hour after sunset In of an oncoming vehtele operator. 11 shall
one-twif hour bofury s arise oruacund, ;'Is(,be equipped with at least one red tall
loons ul reduced va,lblhh•,only it b th lamp having a rnmtnum candle power of
I runt and roar lights anon sufficient intensity W aithlbt it red light
Subd 4 Nu snownwbdr shall he operated plainly visible from a ot Ntane•c of,5oo feet to
own,heels or hlghways at it speed exceeding the rear during the hers of du kness under
lu oufrsper hale normal atmospheric conditions The equip•
Subd 5 Nu .nuwnauLte shall enter any nment"a be on operating condition when the
uncontrol Led own lerserli o without making a Vehicle is upended between the hours of
•uulplrlr Nap.Toe gn•ra lnr,hall then veld on-half hour affer sunset to ore-half hour
the right of will'1-mv vehicles or pedrstri. helm-sunrise oral times of reduced%habit•
/ ;an, IN
I\ Subd li Yulwhsl:anding ;am pruhlbltuI Skibd. 5 Reflective material at lead 18
on till,Ilyduauron . it snuwnlolut• may be square Inches on each sole,loward a4 the
opera led on a public llumnglU are on an hndleb;am.was to reflect ur beano tight ill
rnua grata during Ihr lied of hum•when a amety elegrrl•angle .
ul ail dom,whirr,now ill Ill,-nsuI
wac render,Iraw'I by.mfmm'hlle unpno•ll
The Community School Objective
In Eden Prairie
The objective of the Community-School in Eden Prairie is to:
1. Make available school facilities to all people in the
community with a uniform set of procedures governing
such use.
2. Provide for the co-ordination, through the community
recreation director, of all such facilities and their
3. Provide a procedure which protects the interests of
all groups and agencies which use these facilities.
4. Seek to avoid unnecessary duplication of program
activities through a closer co-ordination of all leisure
time services.
A policy to govern the use of school facilities outside of "regular"
school hours:
1 , Defirdtions:
1. School Facilities - all property, buildings, equipment, and
other improvements owned and/or operated by the school district.
2. Regular-School hours - 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday during the school year - exclusive of vacation days.
School year is the approximately 175 days that the school is open
to all students to meet the educational requirements of the
Minnesota State Department of Education, running from about
September 1 to June 10.
II Scope of Co-operative Service
The Village of Eden Prairie Park and Recreation Director will assume
the responsibility for programming after-school activities operated
by the recreation department and also for the scheduling of all non-
school activities and programs that request the use of any school
facilities. This will free school administrators to deal with tasks
of a more educational nature.
The community recreation director is responsible for the provision of
a variety of recreational services for the people of the area. This
procedure will enable him to be more closely involved with all leisure
time activities available in the community, and will allow for a much
closer co-ordination of all recreational services with the community
recreation director serving as the clearinghouse for this co-operation
All requests for the use of public facilities in Eden Prairie willthen
come to the recreation director andj,�vill be able to co-ordinate the
scheduling of all such facilities so that all groups will be able to
utilize facilities under one uniform policy and can receive the use of
any public facility with one phone call.
The educational process and all school activities must have first
priority for the use of school facilities. Most of the schools after-
school and evening programs are scheduled far in advance and can
be programmed into the Master Schedule before any other time is
allocated for other-groups. However, in case of school activities
being re-scheduled or other co_:flicts.arising the group scheduled "
for the facility at the conflict time must relinquish their time so that
the educational process can be fulfilled. The priorities for use of
school facilities would remain as it is now - school activities,
Village programs, community groups, and private groups in that
TII. Facility Charges:
1. School- no special charges
2. Village - no special charges
3. Community groups - can use the school at no charge except
when it is necessary to have a custodian availalbe, when one
is not regularly scheduled for that building. In such cases
these groups will be charged custodial overtime, presently
about $6.50 per hour. These groups can use the school with-
out a custodian being present and will be charged custodial
fees only if it's necessary that they be there to perform a
special service. Special charges will also be made in cases
where other than normal custodial service is required - such
as setting up chairs for a lecture or preparing the school lunch
room for a dinner, etc. These charges will be determined by
the Recreation Director at the time that the group applies for
a school building use permit.
4. Private groups will pay a flat rental rate for the use of school
facilities. This rate will vary with the facility to be used. In
addition, any private group wishing to use a school facility
when custodians are not normally in the building will also ba ve
�. to pay the custodial overtime charge, presently about $6 .50/hr.
Rental Rates:
Gym, Cafetorium, etc. $20.00
Kitchen 30.00
Classrooms & other areas 10.00
Special charges for additional custodial service may also be
made at the discretion of the Recreation Director.
Specific Regulations:
1. SA soring organizations shall provide sufficient competent adult
supervision. An adequate amount of supervision will be-agreed
upon at the time the contract is issued.
2. Applicants shall supply any special supervision needed; i.e.
police protection, parking supervision, etc. , as determined by
the community Recreation Director.
3. Smoking is prohibited except in specified areas.
4. Gambling and drinking d`r the possession of intoxicants within
the school ,buildings or on the school property is specifically
C prohibited.
C 5. Use of materials on floors, walls, or other parts of a building
is prohibited without specific approval of the Recreation Director.
6. Electrical equipment cannot be used w ithout specific approval
of the Community Recreation Director. Application for such
approval shall be made at the time of submitV.ng application for
7. Decorations shall be fireproof and shall be erected in a manner
that will aot be destructive to School property.
8 When admission tax is to be collected or when fees are to be
paid by agency or group, the organization using the facilities
shall assume all responsibility.
w 9. Rental contracts are not transferrable.
10. Rental fees shall be determined in advance. Reservations shall
be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance or charge shall be made.
11. Arrangements for seating or any other special equipment or facilities
shall be made at the time rental contract is issued. Extra compensation
shall be paid to cover charges for supervision, transferring
equipment, setting equipment already in the building, etc.
12. Gymnasiums are essentially designed for specific recreational
purposes but may be used for other approved activities that will
not cause damage to floors.
Tennis shoes are the only approved footwear onwood gymnasium
floors or when gymnasiums are used for athletic activities.
Entrance mats, where available, will be used whenever spectators
are permitted on wood gymnasium floors and the traffic contained
to the area of the mats.
13. Lunchrooms may be used as multi-purpose rooms consistant with
their equipment, furnishings, and floor design. Kitchens are
designed primarily for food preparation and will be limited to uses
of this type. r1OA
lie;,/ rc
Activities such as:
Dinners and banquets
Activities where refreshments are served
CDances (where floor material is appropriate)
Instruction rooms for large classes are considered appropriate
for lunchrooms.
Service of coffee or light refreshments in multi-purpose rooms is
permitted ,without charge if kitchen facilities ar equipment are not
School-connected organizations (PTA,etc.) may serve light refres't-
ments without food service supervision with the approval of the
Building Principal. The organization shall meet with the School's
head cook prior to such use in order to learn proper use and care of
S oking-'may be permitted i4unchroom areas 's o state�lo�t`h_�`
prmit'and ash trays ave.been rovi ed
IV. Procedures for Implementation
The Community Recreation,Director will prepare a master calendar
for all public facilities in A�gun of each year. At this time he
will pull together from each of the various after school groups, clubs,
and special prmgrams th eir requirements for the coming year and fit
these groups into the schedule. He will then plug the community
recreation programs into this schedule as planned for that W ar. Then
each community group can schedule their needs for various facilities
for the year. And finally private groups and agencies can submit
their schedules.
It is essentail that principals, club leaders, coachea, and all others
wishing to schedule activities into school facilities promote good
communications so as to avoid conflicts, such as two groups in the
same facility at the same time. This new procedure will require a
bit more far-s:i.ghted planning in scheduling activities on the part
of all concerned. However, it should also result in a great deal
more satisfaction for all concerned because of the..more effective
utilization of public facilities in the fulfillment of the Community-
School objective in Eden Prairie.
i 1971 Winter - Spring Recreation Program J'
Registration Report-February 8, 1971
Activity Fee Registrations Revenue
Snowmobile Safety $ 2 -24 $48
Tot-Learn to Skate $ 3 5 $15
Ski Lessons $17 6 $102
Jazz, Ballet, Acro., Tap $ 5 5 cancelled . "a
Gymnastics $ 5 30 $150
Firearm Safety $ 4 15 $60
Judo $ 5 4 $20
! Guitar .$ 7 19 $133 j
Dog Obedience $12 5 cancelled
Social Dancing $12/couple 4 cancelled
Bridge $ 5 2 cancelled
Men's Gym $ 5 2 $10
Ladios Gym $ 4 9 $36
I Golf $ 5 7 $35