HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks and Recreation - 03/27/1969 •4 i ;r i 1 1969 s MARCH 10'. 27 a 1� MINUTE 1 y q CITY OF EDEN P—R—AIRIE a v s ti 7 I i s i S 5 COMMISSION EDEN PRAIRIE PARK AND RECREATIONnMEETING Monday, March 10, 1969 7:30 p.m. Eden Prairie Village Hall Present: Robert Lieb, Chairman, Marvin Erickson, William Garens, Robert Gartner, Dean Holasek, David Osterholt, Frances Blacklock. George Hite, Village Manager The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Minutes M/Garens, S/Holasek to approve the minute of February 10, 1969. Carried . Kings Forest Mr. Hite reported that the village is analy,7ing three possible sites with Sch.-Park the school architect; now securing addition data to present to the School Site Board with jecommendations about April 1. Looking for a ste of 25-30 acres for combined operation. The new vocational school is looking in the same area, to accommodate about 2600 students on a 24-hour basis. Twedt Sch.-Pk. Mr. Hite reported that the Twedt property of 78 acres on Round Lake Site has been purchased for $152,000 under the agreement in the Memo of Understanding with the School District. After the Kings Forest school committee has completed work on that site, the village and school district ti . will develop the plan for allocation of acreage of the Twedt land. It may be a year before the vii7lage pays its share, although it may allocate some funds for that purpose this summer. Purgatory Cr. The formal application for the 12 acres on Purgatory Creek south of Tax Forfeit County Road 1 has been completed, according to Mr. Hite. He explained Land that when land becomes tax delinquent, it goes to the State, and public bodies have the first chance to acquire it. If they don't want it, it goes up for public sale. The land had been owned by Mr. Hanson. Teen Center Mr. Lieb reported that the building will be open every Saturday afternoon for work projects, to receive donations of furniture etc. and papers and magazines in the paper depot. The first annual meeting was held Thursday, March 6 with election of officers, but he had no report on this. About forty students attended the first work party. Events will be divided for three groups - Jr. High, Sophomores, and Sr. High. The Teens are planning to run concession stands at the Braemar Skating Party, March 22. Recreation Mr. Hite said Ken Rosland will be out of town until March 17. On March 24 Study Rosland, Hite and Dale Gustafson, who has been hired as next summer's recreation director, will meet to discuss plans. Later that night, Rosland will moet with the E.P.A.A.. Skeet Ransre - Hite is still investigating possible sites -- have to shoot northerly because of the sun, and need clear horizon. Plateau by airport is ideal. NOTE: PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION SHOULD RESERVE MARCH 27 AS A MEETIN:s NIGHT IVIITH KEN ROSLAND. Summer Rec. Dale Gustafson has been hired for $1000. Assistants may be interviewed Cduring Easter vacation March 28 - April 5, and hired subject to approval by the Pk. and Rec. Commission. Braemar Skating Mr. Lieb reported for Dorsey Holt, who was absent. The prty will run Party Mch.22 from 7 to 11 p.m. with TV sets for the State Basketball Tournament. Two broomball games have been scheduled: Liens Blub vs. Jaycees and E.P. Park and Recreation Commission Mtg. March 10, 1969 Page 2 the Village Council vs. the School Board. For publicity, a picture has been taken of Pat Casey and Dave Osterholt with brooms for the C paper. Every student will receive a button to wear and an announce- ment to take home. League of U!o- Mr. Lieb read an invitation to members from the League of Women Voters men Voters of Minnesota to attend a luncheon March 24 at the St. Paul Athletic Club. Luncheon Coordination Mr. Garens reported that he had. attended a meeting on the proposed with others Minn. River Valley Trail which would be under the jurisdiction of h the State Parks. A paved or graveled trail 10' wide with a 50t right-of-way fenced and patroled would extend from Ft. Snelling to Le Ste . Another group is working on getting a trail in the Mankato area. The trail woll.d be for hiking, bicycles, horses, and facilities for picnics, boating and canoeing etc. Assignments -- Garens suggested the following division of areas to be contacted: i Bob Lieb and Paul Redpath -- Edina, Nine Mile Creek, Dauer Fran Blacklock - Bloomington, Anderson Lakes, Nine Mile Dan Boos -- Minnetonka, Purgatory Creek, Birch Island and Bryant Lakes Bob Lieb -- Chanhassen, Riley Lake and Creek, Lotus Lake Dean Holasek -- South of Minn. River, River Bottoms Bill Garens -- Metro Council, State and Federal Mary Erickson -- E.P. Athletic Assn. M/Gartner, S/ Blacklock to accept Garens' Guide Plan of Coordination. Each member will be responsible for contacting his areas and reporting back to the Commission at succeeding meetings. Carried. Chanhassen Mr. Lieb said he had been contacted iW the Chanhassen Park Commission. Brauer is doing their park plan and they were interested in suggestions for recreation program and bond issue. Open Space The Commission reaffirmed motion at the February meeting to have Bills the Secretary write to representatives and senators in the State Legis- lature from E.P., Edina and Bloomington, asking them to support the Open Space bills which have now been introduced. Bofenkamp & The Secretary was asked to write Dr. Bo2'$SCamo Mr. Miller thanking Miller gifts them for their gifts to the village. Mr. d he would investigate the plaque made for the Village Hall when Don Nygaard was Park Commissioi1 chairman, on which to note gifts to the park system. Park idea The Secretary relayed a call from Mrs. Howard Kaerwer regarding the possibility of acquiring park land from NSP and adjacent land owners in the vicinity of Top View Acres and 494. Mr. Hite said he was aware of the possibility and was taking it into consideration. i Osterholt Mr. Osterholt read his letter of resignation from the Park and Recreation resignation Commission which he was presenting to the Council the following night. Increased pressures on his time are making it difficult to attend meetings. Ho assured continued interest and recommended Paul Redpath in his place. M/Gartner, S/Blacklock to accept Mr. Osterholt's resignation with regret. Carried. M/Usterholt, S/Gartner that the meeting b duo ed Carried. Frances Blacklock, Secretary--/� -;@ A ime Special Meetine - M ro : Next regular meeting - April 14 -Ari EDEN PRAIRIE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONNSPECIAL MEETING March 27, 1969 7:30 p.m. Eden Prairie Village Hall Present: Robert Lieb, Chairman, Dorsey Holt, William Garens, Dean Holasek, Marvin Erickson, Paul Redpath, Frances Blacklock. George Hite, Village Manager; Kenneth Rosland, Consultant The minutes as printed were approved for Feb. 26 (special meeting) , and March 10. Gun safety prog. Mr. Hite reported that the airport site seemed to be the only suitable site . He has written the Airports Commission but has no answer yet. Braemar Skating Mr. Holt reported profits from the Teen Center concession between Party $50 - 60. Hite suggested renting the Arena for next year, and that Holt reserve the night soon. Suggestions for next year -- competitive event for younger kids and coed broom ball. Some felt teen age hockey had saf icient interest but players should wear protective gear. All felt thX 80nt worthy of repeating. Mr. Holt will write a letter to Edina thanking them for the Arena and acknowleding the good time that was had. Lawcon grant Mr. Hite reported that E.P. is not receiving any Lawcon funds this HUD App. year. This is not surprising since we were treated so well last year and there is less money available this year. Our application for HUD funds will be submitted tomorrow for $900,000. They have to "`- reply within 90 days; very complicated application. Park property The Heppes property has been shifted into Lawcon funds because of the urgency -to act. The Bofencamp property on Staring Lake cannot legally be donated to the village as an outright gift at this time, but will eventually belong to the village. Recreation Plans Kenneth Rosland outlined various possibilities which he is consider- ing in his recreation plans, to get the reaction and suggestions from the Commission. He will give his recommendations at an April meeting. Discussion covered spreading the recreation program to more locations, more special programs, a pre-school program, school facilities, playground fees, golf league for adults, industrial and neighborhood leagues, coed vs. all-male teams, brochures to promote formation of leagues etc. Rosland talked. with individual members about their interests and ideas regarding the park and recreation program. Purgatory Water- Mr. Hite reported that the Council had passed a resolution approving shed District the creation of an independent Purgatory-Riley Creek Watershed District at its March 25 meeting. M/Redpath, S/Holt that the Park and Recreation Cosranission supports the Council's Watershed Resolution of March 25. Carried. Teen Board The Commission was told that the Teen Board had been introduced to the Council on March 25. M/Redpath, S/E ckson W thgJmeeting be adjourned. Carried.