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A.PRIL 18 26 30
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r' April 18, 1968 8:00 p.m. Eden Prairie Village Hall
Present: Chuck Brace, Acting Chairman, Dave Osterholt,
Harry Picha, Frances Rl.acklock, and the following
new member who had been sworn into office at the
April 9 Council meeting: Marvin Erickson, repre-
senting the Eden Prairie Athletic Assn; Dean
Holasek, 3 year term; Robert Lieb, 2 year term;
Daniel Boos, one year term; William Garens, to
complete the term of Les Wise which terminates
December 31, 1969.
Guests: Dale Gustafson, Don Brauer, Bruce Pladson
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Brace.
Summer Recreation Chuck Brace gave a brief summary of the scope of the Summer
Director and Recreation Program and efforts so far in locating a Director
Program to replace Bill Holte who is going to school this summer.
He said the Commission had met with Bill Wickett but that
he did not wish to be considered for the job.
Mr. Brace introduced Dale Gustafson, history teacher in the
Eden Prairie Junior High, who had indicated an interest in
the position. Mr. Gustafson has worked in the YMCA recreation
program, one summer in the Richfield summer recreation program,
C two years at a settlement }louse in recreation, and is
presently track coach and cross country coach at Eden Prairie.
He also coaches the chess team which recently won four out
of seven places in the state tourney.
Mr. Gustafson stated that he was interested in a job that
could go on beyond just the summer. This coincides with the
aim of the Commission to build the program into a year-round
one, with cooperation of the school district and the village.
Last summer's program was discussed. All the activities
would be continued, possibly adding. bowling, bait casting and
fly fishing, chess and as many other activities, including
adult recreation, as seem feasible. Mr. Gustafson said he
would rely on others for arts and crafts work. (Suburban
Recreation Assn. has provided this in the past, and it is
expected they will continue to do so.)
Mr. Osterholt suggested the possibility of using Teen Power
in the program. Mr. Brauer said that in Edina they had success-
fully put many teens into summer ,jobs, with a thorough train-
ing program in such things as yard care, baby sitting, park
maintenance etc. taught by experts in each field.
Questions yet to be decided;
Transportation - Private carriers will be hired for field
trips but what about assistants transportation and insurance?
Village insurance may cover.
Eden Prairie Park and Recreation Commission 4/18/68 Page 2
Equipment - Can school equipment be used? If so, what
about insurance? Mr. Garens suggested the Jaycees might
be able to help raise money for some equipment.
Registration fee - Shpuld one be charged? If so, how much,
and what insurance' adverage would it provide? The E.P.
Athletic Assn.^�nsurance coverage for its participants
which could be investigated.
Assistants - Mr. Gustafson will inquire of neighboring
communities about salaries, and will seek out interested
students for assistants.
Gustafson Recommended M/Osterholt, S/Brace that the Park and Recreation Commission
for Director recommend to the Council that Dale Gustafson be hired as Dir-
ector of the 1968 Summer Recreation Program at a salary of
$1,000 for the eight-week period. Motion carried.
Lawcon Application Mr. Brauer said the application for Land and Water Conserva-
for Park funds tior_ federal funds had been delivered April 15 to the Metro-
polltan Council and Hennepin County, who must review it and
approve it before it goes to the date for reviewal and approval.
The state will then send it to the federal offices for final
approval. This procedure may take up to eight months. Letters
with an application summary have been sent to all elected
officials in the above governmental bodies, who would be
reviewing it. He suggested that Commission members should
call or write officials, letting them know that this is a
good project for this community and urging their approval.
Brauer will keep the Commission informed. ofihe progress of
the application.
Presently it is before the Hennepin County Park Reserve District
and. the Metro Council. Men to contact are:
Otto Christensen, Park Development Analyst
Hennepin County Park Reserve District
440 Court House, Minneapolis, Minn. Te1.330-3124 or 4791995
Mr. Christensen will be setting up a meeting of the Review
Cammittee.(In speaking with the Secretary since 4/18, Mr.
C. said he sees no problem in the application getting approval
other than competition for funds. He commended the preparation
of the application by Don Brauer and his associates.)
Dennis Dunne, Metropolitan Council
4516 Casco Avenue, Edina Home phone: 920-2142
Office: 330-8123 (NW Natl. Bank)
Mr. Dunne represents this region on the Metro Council.
Names of state and federal officials will be listed when the
application reaches them.
Eden Prairie Park ,and Recreation Commission Mtg. 4/18/68 Page 3
Eden Prairie's applicatin Hennepin County for Lake Improvement
funds is before the County Commissioners. The men to contact are:
�.. Jack Provo, 2nd Dist. E. F. Robb, Jr. Chairman
Henn. County Commissioners Roads and Lakes Committee
Court House, Minneapolis Henn. County Commissioners
Tel. 330-3088 Court House, Minneapolis
Tel. 330-3084
Mr. Boos asked what kind of look the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
(BOR) takes on such projects. Mr. Brauer said they have field
representatives to look at sites and talk with people in the
states. As to how this project rates, Mr. Brauer said he feels
no one else has this potential. Lake shore is high on the
scale of appeal and is needed.. The final approval, however, will '
depend on federal economy. Decisions are made by the BUR
regional office in Ann Arbor.
Park Bond Issue Mr. Brauer said that ordinarily a community has money on hand
to back up applications for funds, but that the deadline for
applications made this impossible in Eden Prairie's case.
He felt spring was the best time for a Bond Election, allowing
about three weeks for group meeting discussions, and then
election before school is out (E.P. school lets out June 7).
Mr. Picha said there would be no conflict with a school bond
election this spring. It is expected that a Fire Dept. bond
election will be held the same day as the Park bond election.
Mr. Brauer said we would need to tell the voters what the bond
would be used for and what it would cost the individual tax-
payer. He diagrammed haw a steady mil rate would take care of
rising costs during the first three years when most of the
purchasing of property would be done, and then pay for devel-
opment and maintenance during subsequent years as the tax base
of the village increases, providing funds over and above what
is needed to pay off the Bond.
He noted that the Bond Issue would be for a certain number of
dollars (possibly $325,000 to take care of our share of the
federal application of $1,776,906, and considering the appli-
cation to -the County for $75,000, matched by $25,000 from the
village) . The council would then decide the mil rate to
provide those funds, but oannot commit future councils. Mr.
Boos : said people will want to know how much the sewer will
cost as it may affect •their vote on parks.
Mr. Osterholt said that 1 mil now produces $4800 in Eden Prairie. j
Five mils would equal 1.5% of the present tax on property.
In a discussion of what the bond issue should cover, Mr.
Brauer suggested the following priorities on the lake parks:
1. Staring Lake, 2. Round Lake (visualized as a community E
center) 3. Anderson Lakes, 4. Mitchell Lake, 5. Bryant Lake
I' and 6. Birch Island Lake. It was suggested that two school
parks be included in the bad issue plan. _
Eden Prairie Park and. Recreation Comm. Mts. 4/18/68 Page 4
If Eden Prairie does not get federal or county funds, the
acreages in Brauer's park proposals would have to be pared
down, some areas dropped, and the purchase of homes in the
park areas eliminated for the time being. He will have an
alternate plan based on village funds alone, in case federal
funds are not approved.
To make it possible for the village to purchase other pro-
perty in desirable areas when they came up for sale, a part
of the bond issue could provide for a permanent improvement
fund. No matching federal hands are available for this purpose.
Mr. Osterholt mentioned that municipal liquor revenues could
provide a future source of income for parks.
Special Meeting It was agreed to hold a special meeting Tuesday April 30
April 30 to discuss the summer program and assistants and the bond
election. Mr. Gustafson will have summer plans to present.
Mr. Osterholt will ask Attorney Harlan Perbix to attend for
information on bonding limitations etc. Mr. Brauer will have
his Park Bond proposals ready for discussion, and the Village
Treasurer will provide figures on what it will cost per household.
Special Council Following the Special Park meeting April 30, the mayor
Meeting may be suggested that a specialscouncil meeting could be called for
Called May 7 to set Bond Election dates and approve the Bond plans.
C April 27 Park It was agreed to meet Saturday morning at 9 at the Village
Comm. Tour Hall to tour the proposed park sites aA possible summer
recreation mighborhood sites.
Midget and Junior Marvin Erickson reported that the E.P. Athletic Assn. is
Baseball signing; up boys for summer baseball to be played at Flying
Cloud Fields. They are charging $3 pes/oy to cover insurance.
They are improving an additional field and expect to have
12 teams.
Minn. Park and Rec.M/Osterholt, S/Pich a that any Commission members that wish to,
Assn. Spring may attend the conference in Owatonna, and be reimbursed for
Conference registration fees and mileage. Motion carried.
Election of It was noted that election of commission officers will be
Officers held at the next regular meeting on May 13.
M/Osterholt, S/Picha that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.
Respectfully submitted, /-
Frances Blacklock, Secretary
Note schedule of special dates for Commission members
on separate page.
Friday, April 26 - Seminar on Parks and Open Space 9:00 a.m. - All day
Auditorium, St. Office Bldg.
For details, call Fran Blacklock, 944-2511. Notice of this
seminar was received after the last meeting. $1.50 fee
Purpose: "...to explore new concepts and approaches to
meeting Minn. 's open space, park and recreational needs."
Outstanding speakers from national down to local level --
Dept. of Interior, Congress, Dept. of Conservation etc.
Saturday, April 27 Tour of Eden Prairie Eroposed park sites and possible
siu=er recreation neighborhood sites. 9 a.m. Village Hall.
Dress for hiking. f
Tuesday, April 30 Special Park and Recreation Commission meeting 8 p.m.
Village Hall l
To make decisions on Summer Rec. Prog, and Park Bond Election.
Thursday, May 2 Minn. Park and Recreation Assn. Spring Conference Inn Towne Motel
Friday, May 3 or Fri. Owatonna
Registration, $5, Thurs. lunch, $3.75; Thurs. Banq. $6.50
Thursday Schedule:
8:30 Registration 2:30 Water Safety
9:15 Concurrent Sessions 3:30 Adult Games
1. Athletics-updating 6:00 Social hour
rules etc. Banquet - entertainment
C 2. Hospital Section * Speaker, Peter Clancy,
3. Park Sect. on Main- Director Mott Program,
tenance Flint Mich. Bd. of Educ.
10:30 Coffee break "Community-School Concepts
10:45 Bus tour of parks * that relate to sch.-coordinated
12:00 Lunch- Speaker, * recreation programs."
Bob Ruhe, Supt. of
Mpls. Parks
Friday Schedule:
8:30 Registration
9:00 General busine:-s
10:45 Concurrent session - One probably on teen canters
The Association is primarily comprised of Recreation Directors,
but the conference includes sessions for laymen as well.
Those starred items seem particularly pertinent for Park
Commission members.
Monday, May 13 Regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting
SPECIAL MEETING April 30, 1968 8 p.m. E.P. Village Hall
Present: Chuck Brace, Acting Chairman, Dave Osterholt, Harry Picha,
Dan Boos, Bill Garens, Marvin Erickson, Robert Lieb,
Frances Blacklock
Others: Don Brauer, Dale Gustafson, warren Schultz, Paul Redpath,
Art Miller, James Brown, Harlan Perbix, Dorsey Holt and citizens
Absent: Dean Holasek
The meeting was called to order by Chuck Brace, Acting Chairman.
M/Osterholt, S/Boos that the minutes of the March 11 and April 18
meetings be approved as published. Carried.
Summer Rec. Dave Osterholt reported that the Council had approved the appointment
Director of Mr. Dale Gustafson as summer recreation director for an eight-week
period at $1,000.
Summer Roc. Mr. Gustafson reported that the Suburban Recreation Assn. (SRA) is
Plans sending him their schedule of arts and crafts days and he will fill
in other events around it.
Harry Picha will act as liason with the School Board in working out
the use of school facilities and equipment. Dave Osterholt will send
\, the School Board an official request and inquiry regarding the same.
and. schedule
Gustafson hopes to have his assistantWined up by the May 13 meeting.
New activities he hopes to add: tennis (fencing off courts on parking
lot) , T Ball for 6,7, 8 and yew-olds, evening softball for adults,
bowling, chess, Chuck Brace appointed the following committee to
work with Mr. Gustafson in setting up the summer program: Robert
E.P. Ath,. Assn
Lieb, chairman, Marvin Erickson and. Bill Garens.
Jaycee partici- Ade Meyers reported that ribbons for the track meet and trophies for
pation report the golf meet have been ordered. Date not set set but possibly May 21,
soon after H.S. Conference Meet, and before school is out. Age limit
is set at 14- for this year. Bill Garens suggested that next year all
H.S. students be included. Junior and Midget baseball may be cleared
for that night to allow everyone to participate, and girls will be
included also. It was suggested that the Sr. H. S. team could put on
a track demonstration at a Track Clinic. No date set for Golf Tournament.
Bill Beckfeld, golf chairman; Ade Meyers, track chairman. Suggested
hours for track meet - 5:30 - 8:30; limit each entrant to 3 events.
Park Bond Issue Harlan Perbix, Village Attorney, submitted information and advice
Legal aspects regarding bond issues and bond elections. The Council has the power
to subnit the questions to voters in an election as to whether or not
to acquire and develop land for parks. They have the power -to sell
bonds, but are not compelled to. Village is limited to $1 million
C of bonded indebtedness until assessed valuati
on increases
. Now have
about $440,000 debt - village hall. Council must give two weeks notice
both published and posted of the election.
He warned that we would have to be willing to work hard for the bond; I
to convince people to vote for spending:mney. He urged that we
Eden Prairie Park and Recreation Comm. Special Meeting 4/30/68 Pag. 2
translate the cost to residents in terms of an everyday expense like
"a pack of cigarettes a day." It is calculable in advance how much
It will cost. A simple majority of those voting on the question
carries. Blank ballots don't count. Sewer and water bonds are not
included in the debt limitation. I
Park Bond Issue - Don Brauer asked for questions regarding park plans, priorities etc.
Park Plans Robert Lieb said he would like to include a figure in the bond issue
for a Teen Center. He introduced Dorsey Holt who is on the Mayor's
Teen Center Committee. Holt spoke of the possibility of using the
Gun Club building, available after July 1 at the rental rate of
$1200 per year. The committee wants a permanent structure which the
kids would decorate and run themselves.
Mr. Brauer told of Edina's experience, difficulty identifying with the
school, so left program up to two churches. One provided an old house
which the kids have had fun fixing up as a coffee house and. "hang out."
This has proved more popular than a room in the other church. He said
Brooklyn Center had a good operation with the Village, Park and School
Board all cooperating. A woman director takes care of communications
manly - she'd be a good one to talk to. Dan Boos felt that a firm
hand .,X an adult was needed to see that details such as lights, locks,
J�x heat a tc. were taken care of.
Chuck Brace asked how the Park and Rec. Comm. could assume responsibil-
ity of running the Teen Center. Osterholt replied, by being on the
board of directors, officers, through the by-laws.
CBill Garens thought it was worth considering, possibly cooperating
with the school board. He asked how much it would add to the bond issue.
Brauer replied that his original plans had called for $10,000 .for the
Gun Club building which does not go with the land. It was suggested
that the Lions might take this on as a project after the fire engine
is paid off (they had once considered it). It was felt that including
the teen center in the bond issue might help sell it; the dollar
figure could be included in the acquisition or development fund.
Chuck Brace reviewed the tour of the park sites -that Commission members
had taken on April 27, remarking how impressive and choice they were.
Bill Garens volunteered to take 8 mm movies of the park sites to show
at group meetings for bond promotion.
Priorities for Brauer presented his recommendations for park goals which could be
Bond Issue covered by the Bond Issue alone, without matching funds, incase
applications are not granted. These plans eliminate some park areas
altogether, pare down lake parks to lakeshore rights, excluding
Acquisition: Staring Lake $250,000
Round Lake 80,000 g
Anderson Lakes 180,000
Development: grading, drainage, sodding, basic preparation to make
areas usable - but nothing fancy.
Birch Island,
Pr. View, K.For 60,000
B.P. Park and Recreation Comm. Special Mts. 4/30/68 Pg• 3
Development contd.
Round Lake $10.000
Total: Acquis. & Develmt.$ 510,000
It was agreed that an additional amount should be added to r
either expand the plans or provide funds for contingencies.
cn Bond Issue M/Lieb, S/Picha that the Park and Recreation Commission submit
motion to the Council its recommendation for a $550,000 park bond issue
o for a 30-year term. Carried.
Dave Osterholt felt the timetable for bond preparation and promotion
after the Council authorizes the election would bring 1t to the
second or thi3d week in June, with June 21 as a likely date. Y
Brauer & Associates will begin preparing the bond brochure
immediately and expect to have it ready May 20. His firm will
present a preliminary session to prepare commission members for
group meetings, coffee parties etc.
Special mtg. It was agreed to hold a special meeting May 7 (and possibly weekly
May 7 meetings thereafter) to make preparations for the bond issue election.
M/Garens, S/Boos that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.
Respectfully suh fitted, j
Frances Blacklock, Secretary
l _