HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks and Recreation - 07/06/1965 `i
July 6, 1965, 8:00 p.m.
Eden Prairie Village Hall
Present: Don Nygaard, Chrman., Howard Merriman, Frances Blacklock
Guests: Jim Flavin, Clifford Whitehill and James Fier of the
Sterling Field Association
Bill IIolte, Summer Recreation Director
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman
MAMerriman, Seconded, Blacklock that the minutes of the last meeting
as printed be approved. Carried.
Sterling Field A letter to the Commission from the Sterling Field Association was
Sports Arena read, in which Sterling Field Assn. offers to donate to the Village
up to '. 500 for the cost of blacktopping a sports arena, and the labor
of installing a six-foot fence around each end.
The arena is being planned for use as a doubles tennis court, volley
ball and basketball court, and to be flooded for skating in the winter.
It will be 40 x 120 feet, built according to the City of Bloomington
Tennis Court specifications, with a It" base and 12" blacktop. In their
proposed plan, Sterling Field Assn. would pay half the cost of the
blacktopping, (total cost :IM9.50) and the labor of installing the
fence. The Village would pay half the cost of the blacktopping and
furnish the material for the fence (6fxl20, total cost: S137.20.
lloved?Merriman, S/Blacklock that the Eden Prairie Park and Recreation
Commission recommend that the Village of Eden Prairie install a
Sports Arena at Sterling Field. The cost for a 40 x 120 foot blacktop
Arena. will be a total cash cost of. ";)936.70 and the offer of the
Sterling Field Association of June 26, 1965 be accepted as attached
on,] incorporated I-L-rein. Carried.
A letter was drafted to the Council to accompany the motion, urging
immediate and affirmative action on our recommendation.
Summer Rec- Bill Holte renorted that attendance has been averaging between 60
reation and 70 par tici pants each day. A track meet was schedules for the next
day, milmi.nating in a Got,-;rnor's Meet at the U of M on Friday. Three
weeks of drama workshop was beginni.nf, the next day. No events other
than orininally announced have been scheduled. Bill suggested that
more preparation go into a printed schedule for tine summer, similar
but not as costly as that bein7 done by surroundirg communities. It
should i nclude 0.1 activities open to Eden Prairie younrysters.
Au?ust mtE;. The Secretary was redueated to write; Don Brauerof Brauer and A:soc.
askinn* him to come to our next meeting.
Joint mt.-. Chairman, Lon Nygaard, will try to set up a ;joint meeting of the Eden
Prairie Council, PlanninS and Zoning Commission and the Park and
Recreation Commission.
Respectfully submitted
MAIerriman, S/Blacklock that the ,eeting be adjourned. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Prances Blacklock, Secretary
Addition to Bill Holte's report under Summer Recreation:
Insurance on the bus or buses used in the Summer Recreation '
program is covered by the school's regular bus insurance.
Next rreeting: Monday, August 2, 1965
To t Ibn Nygaard
From: Fran Blacklock
natet June 11, 1965
Ras Sterling Field
As per our phone conversation this morning, here are sane notes.
Otto Christensen, Pnrk Supt. of Bloomington, who was at our Park Board
meeting June 71 has since that time, met with Cliff Whitehill, president
oi' the Sterling Field Assn. with the purpose of helping to plan the beet
use of the field.
He will submit some plans to Cliff Whitehill on Monday, June 14.
The Sterling field Avsn. will ;e meeting Tuesday, June 15. Bill T. olte
and possibly Uncla 71rekke plan to attend the meeting; to discuss recreation
plans for th3 summer at Starling Field. (If possible, you or a member of
our Board shoulrl attend also, to represent out intent in going to Sterling
Field -oi.th -Part of our summer me pm ram.)
Otto C. sugnest.s that in his opinionp one of the best means of eoopmration
between the Vi11A9e anI the S.F.Assn. would be to acid to the Assn.'s fund
�- and pnt in an adequate blacktop arena 1,10 x 120. ',le feels that the Assn.
should give their fund for this purpose I believe) to the Village0
aryl the `pillage do tie job. An w3cliti.onal 5225 mi7ht do the job.
Otto recommends the Suburban Pavin.ir Company, Herman Held is the man to contact.
They ore doing tennis cuuz•ts for Bloomington and do a very fine and Conscientious
job, ,rrorrlin,7, to Otto.
Aftotr revielrincl •nl.sns for Storlinr� Field, perhaps we should have a special
Park lin.nrd meet r,n to recor•enend certain items to th s `filla.;Te Council, who
could eti.11 take care of it this month.
Publicity -- J ;aaild like to sae us have tha little ceremony we at one t3.me
discussed, r.t Sterling Field. . . with donors of the Field present, the plaque
with their names on it, nnrl soma of the kids from they summer rec program.
June 28 is thu first play of recreation at the Field. Publicity could also
mention what the plans for improvement are, the cooperation from the residents etc.
In arlditzlon to the gift of, the land. Seems like an opportunity +re shouldn't paes up.
in the minutes
Plote the clicnga I've made in information rat donation of land by developers
because of now Lgri Intion passed in the last session. We should talk to the
Council about t'i-;r??
June 26, 1965
Park Board
Village of Eden Prairie
Eden Prairie Village Hall
8950 Highway 4
Hopkins, Minnesota
Attention: Mrs. Frances Blacklock, Secretary
Dear 14rs. Blacklock:
0n the 26th day of June, 1965, 1 Grace Swanson, the duly elected
and acting secretary of the Sterling Field Association, Inc.
do certify that the following resolution was duly adopted
at a general meeting of the paid Association on the 15th day
of June, 1965 t
11LaVerne Killevolte made a motion, seconded by
Helen Tosney that we vote on an arena, regulation double
tennis court size, to be financed 50-50 by the
township with our portion to be up to 0500.00. Roll
call vote was 20 yes and 6 no. "
and .further
11Jim Flavin made a motion, seconded by Joan Meyers,
that ,ve have a 6,t fence and that we ask the
village to furnish the material and we would
furnish the labor for installation. The motion
passed. "
Executed as the true act and deed under my hand and seal
of office.
l Urace .i'wanson, Secretary
6931 Boyd Avenue
Eden, Prairie, Minn. 55345