HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks and Recreation - 05/05/1997 1997 �
Parks, Recreation & Natural
Resources Commission �
COMMISSION MEMBERS: Claire Hilgeman, Chair; Richard Brown, Frantz Corneille,
Don Jacobson,Vicki Koenig,David Kracum,John Wilson j
STUDENT MEMBERS: Jennifer Frcemyer,Melody Hasse i
COMMISSION STAFF: Robot A. Lambert, Director of Parks, Recreation and r
Natural Resources; Stuart A. Fox, Manager of Parks and
Natural Resources; Laurie Flclling, Manager of Recreation
A. Homestead Villau
B. Pax Christi Catholic Community Addition
C. Equitable Office Building
A. Preserve Park
A. h[Q=
COMMISSION MEMBERS: Richard Brown, Chair, Frantz Corneille, Claire
Ililgeman, Don Jacobson, Vicki Koenig, David
Kracwn,John Wilson
COMMISSION STAFF: Robert Lambert, Director of Parks, Recreation and
Facilities. Stuart A. Fox, Manager of Parks and
Natural Resources; Elinda Bahlcy, Recording
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES: Jennifer Frccmycr,Melody Hasse
Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Brown welcomed new number,Frantz Corneille,to the Commission.
Koenig added,Update on the Community Pool,under New Business.
Jacobson added,Update on the Facility Use Policy,under New Business.
MOTION: Koenig moved, seconded by Jacobson, to approve the agenda as amended.
Motion curried 6-0. „ {
Koenig noted on page six,second sentence,change committee to Commission.
MOTION: Wilson moved,seconded by Koenig, to approve the minutes of the April 7,
1997 Eden Prairie Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission as amended.
Motion curried 5-0-1 with one abstention by Commissioner Krucum. j
Approved Minutes
Narks,Recreation and Natural Resources
Monday,May 5, 1997
A. Homestead Village
Staff referred the Commission to a memo dated April 30, 1997, from Stuart A. Fox,
Manager of Parks and Natural Resources and a staff report dated April 25, 1997.
from Michael D.Franzen,City Planner.
Fox noted the proposal is for a long stay hotel like an Extended Stay Hotel. ]'his site
was previously approved for Rio Bravo Restaurant on 78 Street and Technology
Drive. The site has already been graded. At that time one concern was that the
NURP pond was to take care of all storm water for the entire site. It was graded
with the Fuddruckers'site and that pond is in place. There arc a number of modular
block retaining walls that were to be constructed to create the buildings pads as well
as the parking lot area. Those have been done with the exception of the most
westerly portion of one of the retaining walls.
The Commission also wanted to make sure there was going to be a continuation of
the trail that had been started on the south side of Lake Idlewild to go around the
north side. Probably 70 percent of that trail is in place. The only thing that remains
to be constructed would be the trail out to West 79 Street. The discussion has been
to continue that trail along the westerly side of the parking lot Ind continue out to
West 78 Street.
lie noted the issues involved with the waivers f'or the development along the
shoreline arc adequately addressed in the Planning staff report. If staff were to
enforce the Shorcland Ordinance, the City would have to buy this site because it
would be unbuildablc. That's the reason why the Planning staff has recommended
waivers on this particular site
Paul Crabtree, Homestead Village Hotels, gave background information about
I lomestead Village, They have done a lot of market research and are doing three �' 3
extended stay hotels in the Twin Cities area with one in Eden Prairic, Eagan and
I le reviewed the revised site plan for the hotel:Ind the building elevations. The site
is about 2.5 acres and there will be 97 units in a three-story building. They have
designed the hotel so that it tits where the existing retaining walls are. Thcrc arc less
parking spaces than there were for the restaurant but they have less of a demand for
parking,and have less traffic than a restaurant. Staff recommended they add more
landscaping and they arc revising the plans to do that.
Approved Minutes
Parks,Recreation and Natural Resources
Monday,May 5,1997
Wilson asked how many more trees will be planted and the breakdown relative to
coniferous and deciduous trees. Fox replied they have 40 deciduous shade trees and
30 coniferous trees which would be the trees considered for screening. The Planning
staff asked for at least another dozen trees and about half of those would be along the
Technology Drive portion and the remaining will be along the south side of the
NURP pond. There is also a recommendation for additional lowland shrubs to be
placed in that area. Staff also referred the Commission to Attachment A which
depicts the additional plantings.
Kracum was concerned about the no vote from the Planning Commission. Fox said
the no vote was because they felt this was too intense of a use for this particular site
and thought it would be better fora restaurant.
Koenig asked about the impervious surface. Fox said the impervious surface is
identical on the restaurant site plan and the hotel site plan. I
Brown was concerned about the NURP pond being large enough to handle this kind
of hard surface because it's almost full right now. Fox said if it's full right now
what's happening is it's holding the water and it will be discharged. The purpose of
`- a NURP pond is for short term storage of the storm water to hold it until it can be
discharged. Since this NURP pond was constructed last summer,there still may be
some obstruction of the pipe itself because they have not done a total restoration of
the area.
MOTION: Wilson moved, seconded by Kracum, to approve staffs
recommendation for the Homestead Village site. Motion carried 6-0.
B. Pax Christi Catholic Community Addition
Staff referred the Commission to a memo dated May 1, 1997,from Stuart A. Fox,
Manager of Parks and Natural Resources:and a staff report dated April 25, 1997,
From Michael D. Franzen,City Planner.
John Justice,architect,reviewed the development proposal including the site plan,
grading plan,the landscaping plan,and presented an aerial photograph of the site.
The proposed development is an addition of approximately 47.000 square feet of a
multi purpose activity building connected to the existing church structure. There
was a parking lot built a few years ago and will be reconstructed with new
engineering because there airs some soil problems,and they will be adding a new
parking lot. i
The concept for the NURP pond is to have it located on the City property. It would
be stomt water management for the existing parking,new parking,and also to take
Approved Minutes
Parks,Recreation and Natural Resources
Monday,May 5, 1997
care of Homeward Hills. Right now Homeward Hills drains without any
sedimentation. On the far west end of the property,adjacent to the cemetery,a few
stalls have been added to maximize the parking on the site. They are trying to build
on areas that don't have existing deciduous and coniferous trees.
'Tile majority of the conifers will be used to screen the parking lot from Homeward
Hills Road. In addition,quite a bit of deciduous plant material is being used to
supplement the area between the existing parking lot and the new parking lot for the
proposed addition. The NURP pond is also being landscaped with native shrubs
which will help to soften the visual enect of the enlarging of this storm retention
pond. There are sonic existing pines in the new parking area and they are
reinforcing the existing coniferous trees with some new pines that will form a nice
background to the existing parking. There arc about 37 deciduous and 25 coniferous
trees in total, j
Wilson asked how close the NURP pond will be to the sidewalk. Fox said
approximately 100 feet. Wilson asked what the slope is from the parking lot down
to the NURP pond. Justice replied it's about 38 feet deep. j
Koenig asked if there tire any plans to transplant some of the trees as recommended
by the Corp.of Engineers. Justice said there arc 27 trees existing that are part of the
tree removal and if they can get to them with a spade they will try to relocate them.
Koenig asked how many acres were dedicated to the City on the church plan. Justice
said it's about R to 10 acres.
Fox reviewed the staff report with the Commission. In terms of the tree loss,there
is only one significant tree on the site to be lost as a result of constriction. Thcrc arc
approximately 60 replacement trees and additional shrubs and ornamental trees that
don't count,but they do meet the landscaping requirement. Regarding the issue of
moving some of the on site trees,the Church has tried to put trees along Pioneer
Trail on their own to do some of the screening of the parking lot because they did
not have full screening of the parking lot. Since they did it in the past,staff felt if ,
they were going to use them on site,it would be a great place to try and put them.
'file NURP pond is being recommended by staff because of the future expansion that
is currently being submitted on the cast side of Homeward Hills Road. There is a
proposal to bring in some housing on that side and that's the reason the Engineering
staff has recommended the development of this NURP pond. This will help both the
City with the storm water runoff us well as to take care of the storm water r noff on
the Church site itself.
4 4
f Approved Minutes
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Monday,May 5, 1997
Currently,the City has an eight foot wide bituminous trail along the Homeward Hills
portion of the Pax Christi property. It was recommended that this trail be maintained
during the construction process and be restored wherever the trail is removed due to
construction activities.
All of the construction occurs outside the 300 foot shorcland area from Purgatory
Creek. The only thing that falls within this area is the NURP pond. This was
reviewed by the Planning Commission at the April 28 meeting and it was approved
by a 6-0 vote.
Wilson was concerned about the runoff into the marsh area. Justice said they are
developing a similar drawing of storm water collection system,low grade,and curbs
on the parking lot impervious surfaces.
Brown expressed concern about the right-in/right-out. Fox noted the issue of right-
in/right-out is one issue that's going to be addressed by the City Council. The
County will also be addressing the issue of an additional entrance way on Pioneer
Trail, Whether or not that gets approved or not is based on what the County allows
( because it's a County issue. j
MOTION: Corneille moved, seconded by Wilson, to approve the Pax Christi
Catholic Community Addition based on the staff recommendation. Motion carried
C. Equitable Office Building i
Staffreferred the Commission to a memo dated April 30. 1997.from Stuart A. Fox,
Manager of Parks and Natural Resources.
Fox explained this has come before the Parks Commission before the Planning
Commission because the request is to do some fast tracking on this project because
currently the people who want to occupy this building arc going to be displaced with
some of the I lighway 212 upgrade. '
Brian Trontblcy, ( '??'?'?'? ), explained the proposal is for construction of
approximately a 20,000 square foot office building for multiple tenants on Equitable
Drive. He reviewed the building elevations and the grading plan,and noted it will
be a brick and block building. The storm water will be handled by an underground
stonn sewer which will be channeled down to the northerly end and filtered into a
pond which would retain the water and then be disbursed into Purgatory Creek.
Tim Boyce,('?'???? ),noted this was originally planned as a one-story building and
explained why it will be a two-story building, Ile reviewed the landscaping plan and
Approved Minutes
Parks,Recreation and Natural Resources
Monday,May 5, 1997
noted they would like to grade the entire site. There will be approximately 80 trees
and a variety of shrubs planted.
Koenig referred to the staff report's recommendation of an additional need of native '
type plants to be incorporated around the NURP pond,and asked if the developer
would put in cottonwoods. Boyce replied they have no preference and would take
direction from the Commission.
I-ox commented there is no significant tree loss but out on the site there are a lot of
fingerlings and(dog hair????)growth on the slope. In order to comply with natural
NURP pond standards,the NURP pond would be constructed in the area covered by
the conservation casement. This pond would be similar to those approved with the
Metro Printing and Reality Interactive Buildings which were in the same type of
situation because of the grading. Staff has been meeting with the Engineering
Department to figure out where the best place is for the NURP pond. Because of this
site,the best place is down closer to the creek.
A majority of the trees included in the landscaping plan arc coniferous up along the i
street to provide for the screening and landscaping requirements according to the
ordinance. Staff recommended additional native type plant materials to be planted j
along the NURP pond to stabilize the embankments of that pond,and to enhance its
restoration following construction to bring it back to the native type landscape that t
exists today.
There is currently a five foot sidewalk along Equitable Drive and the
recommendation is to keep that sidewalk operable during construction. In addition,
curb cuts should be made through the driveway entrance so there isn't a drop from
the sidewalk through the driveway entrance into the site. The Reality Interactive site
was potentially it trail connection to reach the soft surface trail at the bottom and may
come to this site. Stuff received information today which indicated it will be back
on the Reality Interactive site and not on this site if they can meet the grading
Brown was concerned about putting up a wall when they start grading because it's
a steep slope and there could be substantial runoff. Fox said the Engineering
Department will probably require double erosion fences and will monitor those
erosion fences.
Koenig was concerned that they do not have to pay cash park fees. Lambert said
they don't have to pay cash park fees and explained why. He noted the people that
originally made those commitments are long gone.
Approved Minutes
Parks,Recreation and Natural Resources
Monday,May 5,1997
MOTION: Wilson moved,seconded by Jacobson,to approve Equitable Office Building
based on staffs recommendation, with the recommendation from the Commission that
cottonwoods be put into the landscape plan especially around the NURP pond to enhance
the native plantings. Motion carried 6-0.
A. Nesbitt Preserve Park
Staff referred the Commission to a memo dated April 21, 1997. from Bob Lambert,
Director of Parks,Recreation and Natural Resources.
Lambert presented the original grading plan for Nesbitt Preserve Park and the new
revised grading plan. He gave background information surrounding Preserve Park
and explained the recommendations of staff at this time. He reviewed the concerns
that would have to be addressed with the revised plan and what it could accomplish.
Wilson was concerned residents would be opposed to the lighting from the hockey f
rinks. Lambert explained they don't have a lot of objections on hockey rinks. One i
reason is the lighting is fairly low level and they're only lit in the winter time and
co le arc general) inside. "file problem with softball lighting is people are out at 'P P 'a generally P lighting ��P P
night and they require much higher poles. He noted he has never received one
complaint in 20 years about lights from a hockey rink.
Wilson commented the revised plan is a great idea because one of the problems they I
have is trying to create skating opportunities and this will help that problem.
Corneille asked how staff justified trading the soccer field for the hockey rink.
Lambert said you can't justify it based only on that issue. You have to say what's
the best plan for the park and he noted the City needs hockey rinks on the cast side
Jacobson asked if the parking lot is any further away from the baseball fields than
Lit other parks. Lambert said at least 50 percent of the baseball fields in other city
parks arc this distance or further from the parking lot. I f people go to a park to play
baseball or soccer and can't walk 300 feet perhaps they should reconsider their sport.
Brown asked what the proposed costs will be. Lambert said they don't have
proposed costs yct, however, it would be in the neighborhood of$300.000 to
$350,000 depending on decisions on water and sewer needs.
Lambert explained what the Commission should do if they approve this as a concept.
7 j
Approved Minutes
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Monday,May 5, 1997
The first thing to do is make it recommendation to the City Council to consider a
new plan for Nesbitt Preserve Park and plan for that improvement in 1999. The next
thing is to recommend reallocating the money for replacement of the playground
equipment at Nesbitt Preserve Park to replace the playground equipment at
Homeward Hills Park this year. The Homeward Hills Playstructurc is virtually the
same structure that is located in Preserve Park. The playstructure would then be
replaced when the park is renovated in 1999.
MOTION: Wilson moved, seconded by Jacobson, that the Parks Commission
present to the City Council the recommendation of the staff for the new Nesbitt
Preserve Park f:►cility. Motion carried 6-0.
The Commission agreed to meet Lambert at the City Center on Monday,May 12,at
5:30 p.m.to take a tour of Nesbitt Preserve Park.
A. Update on file Comm►roitX Pool
Lambert commented the City Council tomorrow night will review and hopefully
approve file second phase contracts with the design companies. One was with
Erickscn and Ellison,Inc, and they're going to do just the I I-VAC system. Then the
water technology people will do a separate contract on just the recirculation system lr
of the pool and the chlorine system. Bruce Johnson from Erickscn and Ellision, Inc.
relayed to staff he did not think they will get that design done with the final cost
estimates until the end of June. At that point they come buck and a decision is made
as to whether or not to proceed with the project.
Koenig asked if the Water Technology, Inc. Proposal includes the ozone system.
Lambert said it does not. All improvements are made and the ozone system can'be
added at any time fix about$100,000. Cash park fees is the only source they have
f'or li►nding and it's anticipated to cost about$365,000. Staff has recommended it
be reimbursed from the General Fund over a number of years.
C. Update on Facility Use Policy
Lambert explained that the City Council did approve it to be effective January I,
1998. 'Phis summer staff is going to meet with the difTerent associations affected and
there are some requests that have to be detennincd and decisions have to be made.
A dozen other cities have callixl lbr a copy of the policy because they have the same
8 t
Approved Minutes
Parks,Recreation and Natural Resources
Monday,May 5,1997
A. Meeting with the Metropolitan Airport Commission
Lambert commented he had a meeting Friday with the Metropolitan Airport
Commission staff regarding Eden Prairie's requests to have them look at whether or
not they can do this expansion of the parameter. They said as a staff they will
recommend approval to the Board of Directors. The perimeter road system they
think is a good idea subject to a couple of things. There needs to be some
modification in the design and it must not impact the A-Zone. They will not make
approval until the City actually has a grading plan to review in detail. The staff
recommendation to the Board of Directors will be denial of the request to expand to
Spring Road because at this point they want to keep their options open for a golf
course around Flying Cloud Airport. lie said he will go to the Baseball and Soccer
Associations and tell them about the risk of hangars being put in. The irrigation
system will cost$40,000 and it could be a waste of money if the hangars go in,
although in his opinion the risk is fairly limited.
B. Senior Week
Wilson said he would like to recognize that it's Senior Week coming up.
MOTION: Wilson moved,seconded by Jacobson,to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried
6-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.