HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage Preservation - 05/18/2009 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 18, 2009 7:00 P.M. Prairie Rooms A & B 8080 Mitchell Road COMMISSION MEMBERS Ann Higgins, Chairperson; Kathy Veurink, Vice Chairperson; Betsy Adams, Richard Akerlund, Nina Mackay, Mark McPherson, Ed Muehlberg STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Frank Bi, Stephanie Vilendrer COMMISSION STAFF John Gertz, Planner—Heritage Preservation Specialist Lori Rain, Recorder I. ROLL CALL Veurink called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Commissioner Higgins was excused. Student representative Frank Bi and Stephanie Vilendrer were absent. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Akerlund moved, seconded by Adams, to approve the agenda as published. Motion carried 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —APRIL 20, 2009 Gertz corrected the title word "Historic" to"Historical" on page two under Reports of Commission and Staff Item A. MOTION: Akerlund moved, seconded by Muehlberg, to approve the minutes of the Heritage Preservation Commission held on April 20, 2009 as corrected and published. Motion carried 5-0. IV. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. BLOOMINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY COOKING STOVE DONATION UPDATE Gertz reported the cook stove donated by the Bloomington Historical Society is being cleaned and rebuilt as needed to make it functional. A new oven door thermostat will be ordered and installed and possibly some parts may be getting HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING May 18, 2009 Page 2 new white porcelain. The chimney connections are not complete at this time, but should be completed in June. Heat shields also need to be crafted to make the stove code compliant. Pedestals for the stove were found within the ash compartment of the stove. Gertz advised the Dorenkemper House will get a new stair railing this summer to make the upstairs accessible. Parks and Recreation will complete the railing as time permits. Decorating the upper rooms will also be on the list of things to get done this year. V. OLD BUSINESS A. FY 2008-2009 CLG GRANT UPDATE Gertz reported the CLG grant project is moving along on schedule. Mr. Robert Vogel will be attending the June 15, 2009 HPC meeting to provide site management plans and give an update on the project. Gertz advised he's been working on the site photography that will be used for itemizing some of the site specific issues to be highlighted in the manuals. Adams inquired whether a follow-up on the list of issues as discussed at the March meeting is needed. Gertz said anyone could inquire with Vogel on the issues if they had any questions or feedback. B. HENNEPIN COUNTY MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT PROGRESS REPORT#2 Gertz reported the County has provided Memorandum of Agreement Progress Report#2. The County completed the Goodrich-Ramus Barn MHPR report in March. A copy of the report is included in the packet. The County will continue to seek a buyer for the barn. At the May 5h City Council meeting, Councilman Case indicated that a local resident has an interest in the barn and recommended the City facilitate bringing the local resident and County together to discuss the barn. Adams advised possibly all three local farmers of Eden Prairie might be interested in using the barn together. Gertz reported the John R. Cummins House site is being monitored to ensure the shag bark hickory trees are properly protected. Much of the landscape along the Pioneer Trail front is now under construction. The City hasn't started its parking lot construction on the north side of the site. Akerlund inquired whether anyone is currently monitoring the site. Gertz said he's been monitoring the site and is on location nearly every day. Akerlund inquired whether there are photos of the foundation prior to the start of HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING May 18, 2009 Page 3 construction to monitor if any new cracks develop. Gertz said there are no photos but he would be able to recognize if there are any new cracks in the foundation. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. PRESERVATION ORDINANCE DRAFT REVIEW Gertz provided a preservation ordinance draft to the HPC members. This version incorporates past comments and is slimmed down from past drafts. Gertz requested HPC members provide comment on the document. Once the HPC comments and changes have been incorporated Gertz will have City staff and the City Attorney review the proposed ordinance changes. It will then go back to the Planning Commission for final review. Adams inquired whether the word"which" should be removed within Subd. 2. Definitions A. Item 9 —Demolition, second sentence. Adams advised adding an apostrophe to the word "resources" under Subd. 2. Definitions A. Item 19 —Integrity, first sentence. Gertz recommended changing the listed eight criteria for evaluation to be consistent with the four criteria used for the National Register. The criteria would be as follows: A. that are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or B. that are associated with the lives of persons significant from our past; or C. that embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or D. that have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Adams inquired whether"move from or to any building" under Subd. 7. Alterations. Item 4 requires more clarification. Gertz advised there is current language included in the site alteration permit packet that addresses this subject. Gertz will bring the site alteration permit packet to the HPC for review to determine if further clarification is needed for Item 4. Gertz advised Subd. 10. Demolition addresses the demolition of a designated historic property. Adams recommended changing the word "by" to "to" under Subd. 10. Demolition Item A, first sentence. B. MINNESOTA HISTORIC STRUCTURE & COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT TAX CREDIT Gertz advised Minnesota is considering a historic structure tax credit, which if passed, would make Minnesota the 31st state to offer this incentive. If passed, this HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING May 18, 2009 Page 4 tax incentive will certainly be a powerful boost to redevelopment of some of Minnesota's most important historic structures. It may also have local implications for the HPC, which is certified to determine the eligibility of local historic resources. Gertz provided a fact sheet about the proposed legislation to the HPC members. The tax credit is available for a property if it's listed on the National Register of Historic Places, certified as a contributing element of a National Register Historic District and/or certified as historic by local heritage preservation commission or Certified Local Government. VII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Adams moved, seconded by Mackay, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Veurink adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.