HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Rights and Diversity - 07/13/1999 UNAPPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HUMAN RIGHTS AND DIVERSITY COMMISSION TUESDAY,JULY 13, 1999 7:00 PM, CITY CENTER Prairie Rooms A & B 8080 Mitchell Road COMMISSION MEMBERS: Brad Behrends,Harry Moran, Vicki Pellar-Price, Darryl Stanton, Gloria Winans, and Munna Yasiri YOUTH REPRESENTATIVES: Jennifer Johnson and Sopanha Te CITY COUNCIL STAFF: Michael Barone, Supv. Personnel/Payroll, and Jan Nelson, Recording Secretary I. ROLL CALL Winans called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Behrends, Stanton, Johnson, and Te were absent. Barone will take minutes for Nelson for this meeting. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Yasiri moved, seconded by Moran, to approve the Agenda as published. Motion carried 4-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MAY 11, 1999 MEETING Winans asked to amend May 11 minutes for the following two items. (1) Change IV.B., paragraph 12, sentence 1 (on top of page 4) to read `recipients' instead of `person'. (2) Change IV.B.,paragraph 12, sentence 2 (top of page 4) to read, " . . .liked Moran to be able to sit at the MTS table, as he is part of that organization, and could sit with his colleagues." MOTION: Pellar-Price moved, seconded by Moran, to approve as published and amended the Minutes of the May 11,1999 meeting. Motion carried 4-0. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Amendment of Commission By-Laws for Quorum through September 1999. Item tabled by Commission until Stanton arrives. B. Report on Youth Scholarship presentation at EPHS Awards ceremony on May 27, 1999 HUMAN RIGHTS &DIVERSITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 13, 1999 Page 2 Winans said that she and Pellar-Price attended the ceremony, and that once again, our Youth Scholarship Award amount of$500 was right in line with other community organizations such as the Lions, Rotary, etc.; whereas corporations with foundations are larger in their awards. Winans said she took the opportunity to promote the YSA for future years, informing any Juniors or parents of Juniors in attendance that night of the YSA's availability each year by our City. The presentation to Diane Nguyen went very well. Pellar-Price mentioned that we could make the YSA more visible by working with an EPHS liaison, so our Scholarship isn't just placed in a file cabinet with all the rest of the scholarships that are available. C. Report on Baha'I Community event of June 8, 1999 Winans said that Pellar-Price, Yasiri, and she all attended the event as residents of the City, not as representatives of the HRDC or City. Yasiri said that there were a series of interpretive dances on peace and racial unity performed by a traveling United Nations group, with refreshments served afterwards. Pellar-Price mentioned that she saw the advertisement for the event in the Sun Sailor, the EP News, and posted at the High School and at CMS, as well as at the Library. Yasiri said they might have been a bigger turnout if it was held at a place like Pax Christi, a larger venue. Stanton arrived at 7:12 p.m. A. Amendment of Commission By-Laws for Quorum through September 1999. MOTION: Stanton moved, seconded by Yasiri, to amend the Commission By- Laws through September 1999 to lower the quorum number from 4 to 3. Motion passed 5-0. (Note: By-law amendments require 2/3 majority to pass.) Johnson arrived at 7:15 p.m. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of HRDC activities for the `DiversCity on the Prairie' event planned for August 15, 1999 Winans asked who would be available to staff the HRDC booth on August 15. Shifts are 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The event itself runs from 4:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m., so the first shift has a 1/2 hour cushion prior to the start for set-up, the last shift has a 1/2 hour cushion for take-down/clean-up. Yasiri and Pellar-Price will work the first shift; Winans and Moran will work the last shift. Stanton and Johnson will call about their availability for August 15 to Barone in the next few weeks. HUMAN RIGHTS &DIVERSITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 13, 1999 Page 3 B. Discussion of`gameplan' for the `Information Packet' for the July "Optional Workshop" meeting on July 13 immediately following conclusion of regular meeting Winans said we would review the materials compiled to date and determine as a group what else needs to be added/deleted to the packet, and then develop a time line for the packet, as well. C. Other Item No other items from the Commission brought forward. VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS A. Housing, Transportation & Human Services: Brad Behrends Barone mentioned that in the June HRDC packet were a number of recent agendas and minutes for Commission members to read to stay up on the activities of the HTHSB, in the absence of Behrends. B. League of Human Rights Commissions: Gloria Winans Winans said the LHRC is planning the Annual Conference for September, slated for September 25 in New Brighton, and she should have the flyer for distribution in the August HRDC packet. C. Report of Youth Representatives: Jennifer Johnson & Sopanha Te Nothing to report. D. Quarterly Report - Pride Institute: Munna Yasiri Yasiri reported that a number of changes have occurred, with a new Executive Director and a number of new FT staff members at Pride Institute;revisions in programs, the closing of the Duluth clinic; and the struggles of the St. Paul office with Ramsey County. She also reported that an attempt was made to convene a meeting between Mayor Jean Harris, Police Chief Jim Clark, Pride Institute representatives, and Yasiri, because of these administrative changes, and the meeting never took place. The goal is still to reschedule and have that meeting. VII. REPORTS OF STAFF A. Activity Status HUMAN RIGHTS &DIVERSITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 13, 1999 Page 4 Barone mentioned that he had brief discussion with David Lindahl, staff liaison for the HTHSB, and Lindahl mentioned some issues at the Purgatory Creek Townhome development. Lindahl said this is a police matter currently, but that the HTHSB would like to be involved, and wanted to inform the HRDC (through Barone) to be aware of the situation. Barone said he would contact a Police department representative and try to clarify the situation and VIII. FUTURE AGENDAS/EVENTS August 15, 1999 4:00— 8:00 PM DiversCity on the Prairie Staring Lake Park September 14, 1999 7:00 - 9:00 PM HRDC Regular Meeting September 28, 1999 7:00 - 9:00 PM Optional HRDC Workshop October 12, 1999 7:00 - 9:00 PM HRDC Regular Meeting October 26, 1999 7:00 - 9:00 PM Optional HRDC Workshop MOTION: Stanton moved, seconded by Yasiri, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.