HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Rights and Diversity - 04/10/2008 APPROVED MINUTES
Office of Housing and Community Services
COMMISSION MEMBERS: Cari Maguire (Chair), Pam Spera (Vice Chair),
Daniel Abraira, Gerry Beckmann, Marcy Harris,
Mohamed Duale, and Kelly Brandon
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES: Nelum Madanayake, Kevin Karner, and Laura
COMMISSION STAFF: Molly Koivumaki, Staff Liaison
Katie Hood, Recording Secretary
Commissior Maguire called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. was excused. Kelly
Brandon was excused. Student Representative Nelum Madanayake was excused.
Gerry Beckmann added Three Motions about Minutes to Item VII. B. Reports From
Commission Members.
The group informally approved the updated meeting agenda.
The approval of the March minutes was tabled until the May meeting.
The new Commissioner members were introduced. All Commission members
introduced themselves.
Mr. Proops was not in attendance.
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
April 10, 2008
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Maguire asked the Commission what they would like to be involved with during
the next year. Maguire passed out a draft spreadsheet of the 2007 Human Rights
and Diversity Strategic Plan to the Commission. The following were discussed as
major tasks: Human Rights Award, Representation in Community, Library
Displays, International Festival, Library Displays/Events, and Column. The
Human Rights Award includes publicity and recruitment of nominees. The
Representation in Community includes Immigrant Services Groups, Solution
Finders, and the Partnership Breakfast. Gerry Beckmann and Mohamed Duale
attend the Immigrant Services Groups. The Human Rights and Diversity
Committee (HRDC) facilitated the Partnership Breakfast during 2007. During
2008, the HRDC will not facilitate, but will be in attendance. The Library
Displays included a different display each month during 2007. The International
Festival includes Committee Meetings and Planning and Volunteering at the
Festival. The Library Displays/Events includes Display on notice board in the
entrance, Organization of Event, and Attending the Event. The Column includes
forming a committee to make recommendations.
Maguire said the Human Rights Award was decided on last month and will be
presented in May. This task will not take time until next year. Harris inquired
what the Solution Finders group was about. Koivumaki said Solution Finders is a
group of Somali High School students. They lead or direct looking into problems
and how to solve the problems themselves. This program was strong for one to
one and one-half years. Maguire said that the group became much less active
after the departure of police officer Randy Thompson from the police department.
Maguire said Solution Finders made a video and the video was shown at the
library event. Maguire said it has been decided the library displays will not be
done again, but it can be discussed. There are several HRDC members on the
International Festival Committee. The International Festival will be August 10
and there are other ways to volunteer. The "Gathering" which was held at the
library was about immigration and showed the Solution Finders video. A number
of years ago there was a column in the paper. Getting columns to put into the
paper was difficult. Beckmann said she wasn't involved in the Column, but her
idea of placing small quotes related to diversity in the paper would have been one
way to at least get in the paper, without a column. She said her idea never took
Maguire asked what the HRDC members will do and asked for ideas for
additional ideas. Maguire said the International Festival, Immigrant services,
Human Rights Award are tasks which will be worked on during 2008. Beckmann
said Human Rights State Meetings could be added. Spera has attended these, and
these meetings could be seen as a task. She said it is helpful to hear what is going
on in different cities by attending the State.
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
April 10, 2008
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Maguire asked Koivumaki to report on two upcoming events; the Science
Museum exhibit "Deadly Medicine, Creating the Master Race" and screening of
the film"The Devil Came on Horseback."
Science Museum Event
Koivumaki distributed a sample of the invitation which was mailed to invited
guests to the Science Museum event the HRDC is co-sponsoring with the
Bloomington Human Rights Commission on April 26, 2008. Koivumaki said
invitations had been sent to the City Council, MN State Representatives, School
District Officials, Hennepin Tech officials, Police Commander, Historical Society
Chair, Eden Prairie Ministerial Association Chair, and to local a representative
from Supervalu, Inc. Invitations were extended to people who hold similar
positions in each community. Koivumaki said Commissioners need to let her
know if they are interested attending.
Screening of Film—The Devil Came on Horseback
Koivumaki distributed a flyer for the screening event which will take place on
April 30, at the Bloomington Civic Plaza. Volunteers are needed to help take
tickets,pass out box lunches and other similar tasks. Koivumaki advised anyone
who wanted to volunteer should contact her.
Koivumaki said the film has to be requested for a showing and costs around $300.
The film has been shown two times in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. At the film
screening there will be tents set up showing how people live in the Congo, Sudan,
and Darfur.
Spera asked if the film isn't recommended for those under the age of 15 would it
be appropriate for high school age students.
Maguire said she took her 11 year old daughter to view the exhibit at the Science
Museum, and her daughter did not experience difficulty. Maguire said the exhibit
is about human breeding experiments in addition to the Holocaust.
Spera said the event at the library was great. It would be nice to try to plan some
smaller events, not only the Gathering. The informal conversation was good.
Maguire said people coming out of the Gathering wanted to meet and talk with
people different than them. Beckmann mentioned a previous event in Chaska.
The event presented questions which answered in a group setting. The questions
were on topics where everyone could make a comment on and where everyone
felt comfortable. Harris asked how many people attended. Beckmann said that
people were placed in discussion groups and that there were several groups
containing six to eight people. Beckmann suggested the idea of having an event
every six to eight weeks. The people who attended the events would then be able
to leave and talk to their friends and family. If there were events more frequently,
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
April 10, 2008
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the friends and family would be able to attend the event the next time instead of
waiting another year.
Beckmann suggested a card game. The card game was developed for families and
gives people something to talk about. They would help community members get
to know each other. Beckmann said she would be willing to serve on the
committee. Duale said he would be willing to serve on a committee. Harris
suggested the idea of hosting a house party to continue momentum and
discussion. Ten—fifteen people could meet to continue discussions.
Maguire said a subcommittee could meet to discuss ideas. Spera said it is hard to
come up with ideas on what other events could be held and it is easier to come up
with ideas as a group. Maguire said there are a lot of ideas,but not always follow
through on the ideas. The Library Event is an example; Maguire did most of the
work. Maguire said she doesn't have extra time until next fall to lead something.
There needs to be a commitment from someone to be a leader. A committee
would need to be committed to seeing an idea through to the end. Beckmann said
it is difficult for a committee to come up with ideas. The committee could then
come back to the Commission and the Commission may not like the ideas.
Koivumaki said Beckmann, Duale, and herself will meet and bring back ideas to
the HRDC meetings to discuss them. Maguire said arranging the event at the
library took a lot of time and the Commission Members need to be realistic on the
amount of time they have to offer. Harris said she doesn't have extra time until
June for volunteering. Faith based community and house party are two ideas.
Maguire said Duale, Beckmann, and Koivumaki will meet.
The Human Services Review Committee met on April 7, 2008. No Report
No Report
HRDC Presentation at the Boards & Commissions Banquet
Koivumaki advised the Commission the City Manager's Office has requested the
HRDC make a presentation at the Board & Commission Banquet which will be
held on April 28, 2008. Since the HRDC was established 40 years ago, the
presentation to be given by the Chair& Vice Chair, will highlight the work of the
Commission over those years.
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
April 10, 2008
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Koivumaki distributed a proclamation the City of Golden Valley did to celebrate
the 40"' anniversary of their Human Rights Commission. Koivumaki inquired if
the HRDC would like a similar proclamation made by the Eden Prairie City
Council. The group agreed to ask the City Council to make a similar
proclamation using the Manifesto.
Koivumaki read some highlights of the history of the HRDC gathered from
historical documents.
Koivumaki advised Commissioners the City Clerk will be making a presentation
to Commission Chairs & Vice Chairs and staff liaisons addressing the protocol for
meeting minutes and other procedures. No date was given as to when the
presentation would be made.
Koivumaki informed the Commission she is adding an educational component to
each upcoming meeting, to give Commissioners additional insight into human
service needs and resources in Eden Prairie.
Beckmann reported on the SHISG. The Topic was summer programs for young
people in Eden Prairie: Eden Prairie Community Education, Eden Prairie Parks
and Recreation, Eden Prairie Library, and Southdale YMCA. All presenters
handed out printed information on their programs.
Beckmann was impressed by the collaboration and planning that had gone on to
present many of the programs, so Eden Prairie Summer School students could
take city programs and vice versa. Many students will be able to access
transportation via school buses to recreation programs.
Passport for Fun program was explained and again Beckmann's thinks the staff
has been very respectful and helpful to residents and their financial consideration.
Beckmann said the range of programming is so very interesting. There are many
art classes, acting classes, science classes, robotics, leadership camps, and even a
beginning pilot program.
Beckmann said the most important things to remember are to register as early as
possible, apply for financial help if needed early, and if you register and receive
financial help attend the classes. Those who register and don't attend maybe
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
April 10, 2008
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taking the space of a child who really wanted to attend and couldn't because the
classes were full.
Beckmann passed out the information on the classes.
Duale said he has been attending the SHISG meetings since 2004, and they are
the most effectively run meetings in his opinion. Duale said he plans to present
the information about the summer programs at a meeting with Somali residents.
The registration is May 16, so there still is time to register. Koivumaki said
transportation is always tried to be incorporated into the planning. Beckmann
said a bus was offered years ago,but the children didn't like it and didn't want to
ride it. Duale said many children don't ask their parents to be involved in an
Beckmann spoke about the Passport to Fun program. Beckmann received
information from Brenda Uting about the Passport to Fun program. During 2007,
there were 126 people in the program. 43 percent of the applicants did not use
any of the money; instead they may have used the free access to open swim and
skate. The need for the Passport to Fun did not surpass the funds set aside for
2007. For 2007, there were $5,000 budgeted and $4,545 was spent. During 2007,
there were no households turned away who met the qualification or expressed the
need. The City has received a new software system which will help track the
information better. Currently, the City only knows how much money was used,
and doesn't have the ability to track how people may use the free access benefit.
Beckmann said she will wait on the motions until further discussion on the
minutes is concluded. Beckmann suggested distributing the last set of minutes to
outgoing Commission Members, when their terms are up. Beckmann said it
would be respectful to the previous Commission members. Koivumaki said the
minutes are a public document and anyone could request them. Spera said it is
good to bring suggested changes for the previous minutes in writing to the HRDC
Abraira attended the Somali Family and Education Night gathering on March 26,
2008. Abraira passed out a summary of the event. The event was very
interesting. One of the speakers, Paul, spoke about the differences in health care.
An individual was fitted with a traditional plaster cast,but then later removed it
himself and replaced it with an open `Somali' arm sling. The event was very well
organized. Duale said he knows Paul and had traveled with him.
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
April 10, 2008
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The next HRDC Meeting will be on Thursday, May 8, 2008, 7:00 p.m. at the Eden Prairie
Center room 125.
Maguire adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.