HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 82-07 - City West Phase I, II, II - 04/29/1982 City West Ph 1-3
Ordinance No. 82-07
Section 1. Appendix A of Ordinance No. 135 is amended as follows :
The property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota,
as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof
shall be and hereby is removed from the Rural District
and shall be included hereafter in the Office District.
Section 2. The above-described property shall be subject to the
terms and conditions of that certain Developer' s Agreement dated as of
April 15 , - 1982 between Richard W. Anderson, Inc. , and the City
of Eden Prairie, which Agreement is hereby made a part hereof and shall
further be subject to all of the ordinances , rules and regulations of
the City of Eden Prairie relating to the Office District.
Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its
passage and publication.
FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Eden Prairie on the 6 day of March, 1982, and finally read and adopted
and ordered published at a regular meeting of the Ci y Council of said
Ci ty on the 20th *day of April 1982.
Q K6;�'
Po gan enzel , Mayor
John r , City Clerk
PU SHED in the Eden Prairie News on the 291h day of April 1982.
That part of the West Half of Section 1 , Township 116 , Range 22 described
as follows:
Consmencing at the intersection of the easterly right of way line of
C. S.A.H. No_ ,61 and a line 313. 17 feet northerly of as measured at
right angles to the south line of the North Half of the Northwest
Quarter of said Section 1 ; thence easterly parallel with the south
line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said
Section 1 a distance of 452.86 feet; thence southeasterly 106.64
feat along a tangential curve , concave to the southwest having a
radius of 195 feet and a central angle of 31"20' ; - thence south-
easterly tangent to said curve a distance of 53.18 feet ; thence
- -southeasterly 150.39 feet along a tangential curve , concave to the
northeast , haying a radius of 275 feet and a central angle of 31 "20' ;
thence easterly tangent to last said curve a distance of 52. 11 feet ;
thence southeasterly 235. 49 feet along a tangential curve , concave
to the southwest , having a radius of 210 feet and a central angle
of 64'15' ; thence southeasterly tangent to last said curve a dis-
tance of 396 . 89 feet; thence southeasterly 116 .68 feet along a
tangential curve , concave to the northeast , having a radius of
260 feet , a central angle of 25'42' 49" to the point of beginning
of land to be described; thence southeasterly along last described
curve 87 . 52 feet , said curve being concave to the northeast , having
a radius of 260 feet and a central angle of 19°17' 11"; thence
southeasterly tangent to last said curve a distance of 158.41 feet;
th-z�nce southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly 617. 15 feet a
along a tangential curve , concave to the west , having a radius of
2,13 feet and a central angle of 147'20' ; thence southwesterly ?
tangent to last said curve a distance of 147. 53 feet; thence
southwesterly, southerly, and southeasterly 575.26 feet along a
tangential curve , concave to the southeast , having a radius of 320
feet , and a central angle of 103° ; thence southeasterly tangent
to last said curve a distance of 66. 68 feet; thence southeasterly
and southerly 143.04 feet along a tangential curve , concave to the
west, having a radius of 280 feet , a central angle of 29°16-' 11 " ;
thence northwesterly not tangent to last said curve 600 feet along
a line that deflects 390 , north to west , from the chord of last
said curve ; thence northerly , deflecting to the right 48020' a R
distance of 550 feet ; thence deflecting to the right 76" a dis-
ti::ce of 160 'feet ; thence deflecting to the left 34°30' a dis-
La":ce of 190 feet ; thence deflecting to the right 30" a distance
of 332 .04 feet to the point of beginning.
Affidavit of Publication
(Official Publication 295)
Ordinance No.Py.67
Section 1. Appendix[ A or Ordinance No. L15 is
amended as foDows: The property shtuatod in the State of Minnesota )
County of Remsepirihdhof Mb set
in Exhibit A. attached ereto a Minnesota,as
a part ) ss.
hereof'haill be Eby is re owed from the County of Hennepin )
Rural District and shall be included hereafter in the
Office Dfstrim
OFFICE Stan R o l f s r u d being duly sworn.an oath says he is and during
That part of the Went Half of Section 1,Township all the time herein stated has been the publisher and printer of the newspaper known as Eden Prairie News and has full
116,Runge 22 described as fo0ows: knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: n 1)Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format
C5ommencinR at the irta"etioe of the mil' and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 9W square inches. (2)Said newspaper is a weekly
right of way Ilse of C.S.A.H.No.61 and a 11ne313.17 and is distributed at least once a week.(3)Said news paper has 50%of its news columns devoted to news of local interest
feet northerly of as measured at right angles to the
south line of the North Halt of the Northwest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up
Quarter of said Section 1;thence easterly parallel enttrely of patents,plate matter and advertisements.(4 i Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which
with the south line of the Nortt weal Quarter of the it purports to serve,has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers,has an average of at least 75%of its
Northwest Quarter of said Section 1 a distance of total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local
452A feet;thence southeasterly 166.M feet along a post-office.i 5)Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Eden Prairie in the County of Hennepin and it has its known
tangential curve,concave to the southwest having a office of issue in the City of Eden Prairie in said county,established and open during its regular business hours for the
radius of 195 feet and a central angle of 31'20'; gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said
thence southeasterly tangent to said curve a newspaper,persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and at
distance of 53.13 feet; thence southeasterly IM39 which said newspaper is printed. (61 Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical
feet along a tangential curve,eoumve to the nor- Society. 7 Y Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates
theast,having a radius of 275 feet and a central of publication mentioned below. (8(Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1,
angle of 31M';thence easterly famed to last said 1976 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the
curve a db"nee of 5L11 feet;thence southerly managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper.
23.5.19 feet along a tangential curve.concave to the
southwest,having a radius of 210 feet and a central 1 e a 1 2655
angle of M'15',thence southeasterly tangent to last He further states on oath that the printed 9
said curve a distance of 396AO feet; thence
southeasterly 11SA8 feet along a tangential curve, hereto attached as a part
concave to the northeast, having a radius of 390 hereof was cut iron-the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published there in the English I wage,
feet, a central angle of 25'4Y46)" to the point of one h u r s . LL
Rinning of land to be described; thence once each week, for successive weeks; that it was first so published on the
beast"along last described curve 97.52 feet. QQ
—A curve being concave to the northeast,having a day of Apr 1 1 19�2 and was thereafter printed and published on every to and
radius of uth feet and a seminal angle a 19 curve
; including the day of 19 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet
theme soutineasterl�Urgent to last said curve a
distance of 1AL41 feet thence southeasterly' frurn A to t,both inclusive,and is hereby acknowledged as being the sae and kind of type used in the composition and
southerly and southwesterly 617.15 feet along a
tangential curve, concave to the west, hiving a publication of said notice,to wit:
radius of 240 but and a central angle of 147'A';
thence southwesterly tangent to last add curve a
distance of 147.53 feet; thence southwesterly,
southerly, and southeasterly 575.26 feet along a abcdefghilklmnopgratuvw:yz i
tangential curve.concave to the southeast,having
a radius of 330 feet,and a central angel of I ;
Ounce southeasterly tangent to last said curve a
distance of *A feet; thence southeasterly and
southerly 14LO4 feet along a tangential curve,can-
cave to the was,having a radius of 20 feet,a cen-
tral angle of 99'tt'11' thence southwestarly not X/ 1
tangent to fart said curve 6W feet along a line that
deflects W.north to west,fracas the chard of last
said curve;thence rwrtherly deflecting to the right Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of
48 W a distance of 360 feet;thence deflecting to the
right 76'a distance of 180 fact;thence deflecting to
the left 34030'a distance of 190 feet:thence delleo-
brig to the right 30'a distance of 232.04 feet to the
point of beginning.
Section 2.The abov&deocribed property shall be
subject to the terms and conditions of that cactain C YN T H I A A. fti C>!
Developer's Agreement dated as of April I5, I= �`i �QTArav ; rq
between Richard W.Anderson,Inc.,and the City of C't'r .,f-y Notary pubic, .,�Imd ✓ County.Minnesota
Eden Prairie.which Agreement is hereby made a •�y Mr C, .
part hereof and aball further be subject to all of Ore �,,,,, , :,r r e. ° My Commission Expires ?__;a,� 19�'6
ordinances, rules and r'eigulatlons of the City of ,,. •••*�'•"r••^,,
Eden Prairie relating to the Office District.
Section 3.This *11111 no effective
Itpn arid alter an, lion.
Coue�l4oalF.derr the daNF.ST m*i". the y
March, 1902, and finally-read and adopted and
ordered published at a regular meeting of the City
real of said City on the 20th day of Aped.196L
Wolfgang H.Pem:4 Mayor
wrrTESf:John D.Frane,City Clark
(Published In the Eden Prairie News April 29.IM)
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