HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 80-22 - Rural in SE Eden Prairie - 09/02/1980 Southwestern
Rural Area
Ordinance No. 80-22
Section 1. Appendix A of Ordinance No. 135 is amended as
follows : The following described property, set forth in Exhibit A,
attached hereto and made a part hereof, shall be and hereby is in-
cluded hereafter in the Rural District.
Section 2. The above-described property shall be subject to all
of the ordinances , rules and regulations of the City of Eden Prairie
relating to the Rural District.
Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective from and after
its passage and publication.
FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Eden Prairie on the 2nd day of September , 1980 , and
finally read and adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of
the City Council of said City on the —f-L-'=- day of ro son. , 1980.
WPl fg4r& Penze - Mayor
n D. rane - City Clerk
`PUBLISHED in the Eden Prairie News on the '' day of )002 e4-- , 198 1.
i �
'i r.-jCt }
. -l. 1 t1Int pz� rt of ie Southeast Quarter of Soutl"...'est
QL).-3rter of Section 17, Township 116, Ranee ' 12 , lying
SouLboasterly of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad.
Tract 2 .
X11 that part of the Government Lot No. 5, Government '
Lot . -No. 4, the Southeast Quarter of the Sou thWCs t
Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 17 , Town-
ship 11G, Range 22, described as follows : Beginning
at the Southwest corner of Government Lot No. ,, 5 ; thence
North along the Rest line thereof distance 1160 feet ;
thOncc Pa s t erly parallel with the South line of the said
Gover. n-nent •Lot No. 5 to a point 750 feet Northx•.Festerly
of the Nortlix•;esterly right-of-way line of the Chicago &
Nortlia•(?s `ern Railroad as measured at right angles to
the said Northwesterly r iglu-o.f--way line; thence
Northeasterly to a point on the North line of the said
Southeast- Quarter said point being 400 feet Westerly of
the 1`orthoast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the
said Southeast Quarter ; thence Easterly to the North-
N•;cs terly right-of-way line of the Chicago & Nor[hums tern
Railroad ; thence Southwesterly along the said NTort-h- .y
westerly right-of-way line to the South line of the said
Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter ; thence
Westerly along the South line of the said Southeast -
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and Government Lot No. - n
5 to the point of beginning. .
All that Z33rt of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter
of Section 17, Township 116, Range 22 , desc-ribed as
f01lox•.rs : Beginning at the South�Tes t corner of said
West 11,11f; thence Easterly along the South line of
said nest. Half to an intersection with a line drawn
parallel with cenL-erl. ine 1150 feet Southeasterly of the
Sou Lheastorly right-o`-way line of the Chicago &
Northwestern Railroad ; thence Northeasterly along the
last- mentioned parallel line to an intersection with a
line c!rax.,n parallel with and 274 feet Westerly of the 3
East lime of said best ITalf. ; thence Northerly along
the last mentioned parallel lime distance 750 foot ;
thence F"asterly parallel with the North line of the
Quarter of the rout:liaast Quarter of said
Section 17, distance 200 feet ; thence NorLberly
parallel, with the East line of Said West Half a distance {
of t300 feet ; thence W sterly parallel with North ling
of l_-he Southwest. Quarter of the Southeast Q»arter of
' ,aid Section 17 to the Southeasterly right:--of-way line/
1 of 2 ►
of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad ; thencO
Southwesterly along the said. Southeasterly right-of- '
gray .line to the West line of the said Wo-st half;
thence Southerly along said 11est line to the point
of beginning-
Tract - 4- "
___ "
7111 -ghat part of the Northeast and Southeast Quarters
of Section 19, Township '116, Range 22, lying North-
westerly of the Northwesterly right-of-way line of the
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad excepting there from
the Westerly 550 feet thereof_
All that part of the Mortheast Quarter and the North-
west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19,
To:.nsliip 11G, Range 22, -lying Southeasterly of the
Southeasterly. right-of-way line, of the Chicago and
'Nor::1v,-.—s Lern Railroad_.
Tract 6.
All ih t part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19,
iownsllip 116, Range 22, lying Northerly of the NTortherly
right--of-way line of County Road No. 1.
Tract _?_.
A11 that part of Government Lot No. 3, Section 19,
To:;nship 116, Range 22, and the northwest Quarter of
the North-cast. Quarter of Section 30, To%:•;-jshir> 116, a
Range 22 , lying Noj:therly of the Northerly right-of-
way line of County Road No. 1 and SouLhenst- erly of Lhe
Soatlheast:(-_rly right-of-v.,ay line of the Chicago &
. ITorthwcstern Railroad.
J1 11 t_hat part of tl)e southeast Quarter of- the Nort-hcast
Quarter of Section 19, Township 116, Range 22, tying
Southeasterly of the Southr-asLcrly right--of-way line of
the C1i icago & tgor th%•res L-crn Rai 1 rond
Tract 9_._ •
7A11 Lh_at part 'of the Northi.,est QiiarL•er of Section 20,
To:,Inship 11G, minge 22, lying Northwesterly of the
right-Of-way lisle of the Chicago &
No r L-11wes t e r n Rail road. .EXHIBIT A of 3
t -
Tract_ 10.
A),I that part of the Northwest Quarter of 1-he north
east Quarter of Section 20, Township 11('i, Range 22,
• lying Northwesterly of a line drawn uara ll el with
and 1150 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly
right-of-way line of the Chicago and North:ac5t'ern •
Railroad .
Ti.act 11.
All that part of the Northwest Quarter o'f Section 20,
Township 116, Range 22, lying Southeasterly of the
Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago and
Norl-hvjestern Roalroad and Northeasterly of a line
dray.n parallel urit-h and 1150 feet Southeasterly of the
said Southeasterly right-of-way: line, together with
all that part of the West 1100 feet of the Sou t-hw'es t
Quaff ter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section
lying Southeasterly of the Southeasterly right-of--way
line of t iie Chicago and Nor Lhwt;a tern Railroad .
c.f Tract 12.All that part of the West 1100 feet of the Soiztl-)t'.,est y
Quarter of Section 20 , Township 116 , Range 22 , lying
?: .sr 'her?y of the Northwesterly right-of-way lisie of
County Road No. 1 .
. 1.
Tract _133
All that part of Government Lots No . 1 and No. 2,
Section 30, Township 116, Range 22, lying Nor thwes t--
erly of the Northwesterly right-of-way line of County
Foad No. 1 , Soutl_1casterly of the Southeasterly r. iglit-
oA_.-,..•ay line of the Chicago and North-western Railroad
z:nd Northeasterly of the following described lime :
beginning at a point oji the centerline of the Chicago
and NortlitvcsL-ern Railroad, said point being 1030 feet
• Sou Lhivcs L- erly of the north line of Government Lot No .
2 as incasured along the center line of said, railroad ;
'thence Southeasterly at right angles to the center line
of said railroad to the Northwesterly r igli t-of-way line
of County Road No. 1 and there terminating.
�� 3 of 3 ► ,►
Official Putblestion No.2294
Ordinance No.W22
ZONING AND AMENDING.ORDINANCE 135 Affidavit of Publication
Section 1. Appendix A of Ordinance No. 135 is
,jended as follows: The following described pro-
erty, set forth in Exhibit A,attached hereto and
made a part hereof,shall be and hereby is included
hereafter in the Rural District.
Tract 1.
All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter of Section 17. Township 116.
Range 22•lying Southeasterly of the Southeasterly State of Minnesota
right-of-way line of Chicago & Northwestern ) SS.
Tract2. Counry of Hennepin )
All that part of the Government Lot No. 5,
Government Lot No.4,the Southeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of
Section 17.Township 116, Range 22,described as Stan Ro 1 f s r u a
follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of _-.___-- _ _ _ being duly sworn,on oath says he s and dun tg
Government Lot No.5;thence North along the West all the tame herein stated has been the putiltsher and printer of the newspaper known as Eden Prou•ie News and has full
line thereof distance 1100 feet; thence Easterly knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows 1 l Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newapspar foernat
parallel with the South line of the said Government and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 9W square inches. (2)Said newspaper is a weekly
I.ot No.5 to a point 750 feet Northwesterly of the and is distributed at least once a week. i 3 i Said news paper has 50%of its news columns devoted to news of local Ln Uret
Northwesterly right-of-way line of the Chicago& to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is net MAKle up
Northwestern Failroad as measured at right ankles entuely of newspaper s circulated in and near the municipality which
to the said Northwesterly right-of-way line;thence patents,plate matter and copies
a regularly delivered
Northeasterly to a point on the North line of the said it purports to serve,has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying sutscnbers,has an average of at leant 7556 d its
Southeast Quarter said point being h line
feet total circulation currently paid or no more than three nwntu in arrears and has entry as second-clam matter in its local
ly of the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter post-office. 5 i Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Eden Prame in the County of Hennepin and it has its known
of the said Southeast Quarter,• thence Easterly to office of issue in the City of Eden Prairie in said county,established and open during its regular business hours for the
the Northwester tIJ:FI} irago gathering of news•rile of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said
,rlo newspaper•persons in its employ and subject to hisdirection and control during all such regular busineas hours and at
to which said newspaper is pruned 6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue unmediately with the State Historical
the Society 17 i Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates
the of pubLcation mentioned be:ow ;81 Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of Stair of Minnesota prior to January 1,
Fite 1976 and each January I thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the
iA the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating:tat the newspaper is a legal newspaper
r i�•
t nipi+•^ He further states on oath that the printed legal
hereto attached as a part
ie hereof was cut from the colurtuis of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language,
I a one successive weeks; that it was first sir published on Thurs . the 19
..t once each week, for
e day of March 19 81and was thereafter printed and published on every to and
e including the day of 19 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet
from A to 7., Iwth inclusive,and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and
a tm
l publication of said notice,to wit
rr Y
Subscribed arid sworn to before me this �-'��itlay of '7�. ` " 19
Et O
. IiNOTARY rLIF11IC ti,j,, TA r
(�.Notary public,, !_. ,:! yY Cuunty,,Muine' W
my Commis:-n naF i sly Corruis Exp
xptrrs r 19 s
E c r :P t
n 'f�
9 ADMy!