HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 77-03 - Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Amending Ordinance No. 29 - 02/01/1977 CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE
Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No . 291 is hereby repealed
and the following is substituted therefor.
Section 1. Subdivision 1. Establishing Parks , Recreation
` and Natural Resources Commission; Qualification of Members ;_
Terms of Office. There is hereby established a Parks,
Recreation and Natural Resources Commission, hereinafter
referred to as the "Commission", which shall consist of
seven members appointed by the City Council from among the kr -
residents of Eden Prairie.
In addition there shall be one ex-officio member to be
appointed from the administrative staff of the city govern-
Terms of office for members other than ex-officio members
shall be for three years and shall commence on March 1st
of each year ; provided, however, that in 1977:
(a) for the term commencing 3/1/77 one; member shall be
appointed for three year terms ;
(b) for the term commencing 8/1/77 two members shall be
appointed for a term expiring 3/1/80.
The citizen members of the commission on the effective date
of this ordinance shall continue to be and act as members
of the commission created herein until March 1 in the year
following the year in which their present term expires or
until their successors have been appointed and qualified,
whichever is earlier.
The ex-officio member shall be appointed for an annual
term, provided that membership on the commission shall
terminate with the office from which ex-officio member-
ship is derived ; to serve during the pleasure of the
City Council or as may otherwise be appropriate. x
Members other than ex-officio shall be appointed from
among persons in a position to represent the general
public interest, and no person shall be appointed with
private or personal interests likely to conflict with
the general public interest. if any person appointed
shall find that his private or personal interests are
involved in any matter coming before the commission, he
shall disqualify himself from taking part in action on
the matter, or he may be disqualified by the chairman
of the commission. No one shall be appointed to the
commission who holds an elective office. Commencing
with those appointed to terms in March, 1977 no Y
appointee shall serve consecutively more than two three
year terms plus
(1) any portion of an unexpired term to which he
or she may have been appointed; or y
(2) the remainder of any term to which he or she
had been appointed prior to March 1977,
provided, however, the Council by unanimous vote may
appoint a member to a further term.
Subdivision 2 . Removal from Office; Vacancies. Any-;-
member of the commission may be removed from office for
just cause and on written charges by a two-thirds vote of
the entire City Council, but such member shall be entitled
to a public hearing before such vote is taken. In
addition, any member may be removed for non-attendance at
commission meetings without action by the City Council,
according to rules adopted by the Commission.
It shall be the duty of the chairman of the Commission to
notify the City Council promptly of any vacancies occurr-
ing in membership, and the City Council shall fill such
vacancies within thirty days for the unexpired term of the
original appointment.
FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Eden Prairie on the lst day of February, 1977 and finally
2 -
read and adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of
the City Council of said City on the 1�ay of March 1977 .
ZI ;
..�lfqf4ngdPenzel, Mayor
lf �
Jo D. Maine, City Clerk
Published in the Eden Prairie News on the day of , 1977 .
3 -
^_=^011&1 1 Official Publitatlea j
L► CEPINCO TYDENPRA Affidavit of Publication
seetiea 1:Section 1`ef OrrQnance No.291
is hereby repealed and the following is
substituted therefor.
S`e` A. 'iYdelii```�a L bus"
Parts,,R State of Minnesota
Recreation sad te
Commisaba: Q"UrIc ition of Members;
Terms of Offlee. There is hereby ) SS.
established a Barks. ReeresUoa and County Of Hennepin )
Natursl"""WW"n"ef"" 'commission.
hereiuoftwr referred to as the "Com-
mission", which shall con" of seven
members appabetad by the City Council
from among the residents e!Eden Prairie.
In addition Uwe shall be one esofficio a m !i c.G a r r-�r
member to be. appointed from the ad- _. .being duly sworn.on oath says he is and during
time ministrative staff of the city goversment all the me herein stated has been the publisher and printer of the rtewspape;known as Eden Prairie News and has full
Terms of office for members other than knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows• (I i Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format
es.9ffieio members shall be for throe and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 9ptl square inches. (2)Said newspaper is a weekly
years and shall commence on March 1st of and is distributed at least once a week.(3)Said news paper has 50%of its news columns devoted to news of loci:!interest
each I year: however,that hell to the community which is purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up
1 e)Tor the mmenclog Sn two' entirely of patents,plate matter and advertisements.(i)Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which
mom rs able
ppoloted for therl�veor it purports to serve,has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers,has an average of at least 75%of its
kite „A. total circulation currently paid ur no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local
k viol the �ommeachut 7/1/77 one post-office.)5)Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Eden Prairie in the County of Henn in and it has its known
mr, s 'a listed or
e 3/1 r x.. "`',^ office of issue in the City of Eden Praline in said county,estabLished and open during its regular business hours for the
cam inslan gatherng of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subsr_riptions and maintained by the managing officer of said
on of shail newspaper,persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and at
c act m of the which said newspaper is printed. (6)Said newsp
aper tiles a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical
co, euutl6 rch 1
Society.i 7)Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates
in ,year M which
the" a or Guth their of publication mentioned below.)8)Said newspaper has tiled with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January I,
sec sppoitrted and 1976 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the
q or managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper.
The esotficio member shall be sp-
pointed for an annual term.provided that He(u�tler suttee on oath that the printed i -i I
membership on the eommluim sba7
terminate with the office from vibkh ex-
Oftleto membership is derivod: to serve hereto attached as a part
during the pleasure of the City Council or
as may otherwise be appropriate. hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper,and was printed and published therein in the English language.
Members other than than ex-oLficto sh,.il be 1
appointed from among persons hi a once each week, for 01"W successive weeks; that it was first so published on Thurs.the ? '`h
position to represent the general Public
interest,and no person shall he day of .i r lzh 19 /1 and was thereafter printed and published on every to and
w ith private or personal inte.ds 1(k.
conflict with the general public If including the day of 19 _ and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet
any person appointed shall find that his p
private or personal interests are he cOe- from A t�Z.both inclusive,and is hereby acknowledged as be the sue and king of type used in the composition and
in any matter coming before the rnm- y g trig
mission,he shall disqualify himself from
taking Pa#-pu on the msttet.or be. publication of said notice,to wit:
may be disqua=by{{�ko cbaMmaa of the
commission.Na;;eae chuff be appobatad to
the commission;who holds on.elseUve
Office.Commencing with tboon appointed abedefghilk/mnopgrstuvwxyr
to terrsitlb-Ideu'sh, 977 ale aPpehttet absll
serve%4_"__catftel enY[te than two three
year tgti4►Plus
(1 I algr P%Zandisuplred term to
which he or aba may have been aopolated;
or 21 the reAvoridet of any Term to which
she Aat bona Mppolated prior to
Marcc h 11111.-. 11
provided, bowevier. the. Council by C
unanimous vote may appoht a member to
a further term. Subscribed and sworn to before me this sX day of -i" _ 19 77
Subdivision 2. Romeval tram Off$";
Vacancies. Any memiftr of the com-
mission may lie removed from ofdes for _i 1
just cave and on written ebsr`es bjr two-
thirds vote of the ratite CityCa1mC& but
such member shall be onti�to s public
hearing before^sttdt'vote is taken.In ad-
dition,any sneolber may be retrieved Ion
non-attendee" at commisoloa meetings (Notarial Seal)
without action by,the City Council. ar
cording to rtrles adopted by the Cum- Notary public, ___ '"-- Coun ,Mlrammote
mission. My Commission Expires
It shall be"duty of the chairman of the
Commission Is, notify the City Council
promptly of airy vacancies Octwriltg la
membership.sad Cho City Council sbac fill LO R RA('.E
such vacanciesSirbla thirty days for the Zl NWARY PUBLIC ".' ;:',i w1A
unexpired term of the original BP- CARVCR COUNTY
pointment. N Ci •'R tr,,, line 29. 198?
FIRST READ•at a regular meeting of — Y
the City Council of the City of Eden Prairie
on the hat day of February,1977 and finally
read and adopter and ordered published
at a regular meeWigQ of the L, yy Council at
said City on the lst 1177.
*Ugoagroute Mayor
John D. Frost, City Clerk
i Pub.in the Eden Prairie News on the 24
day of March, 19".) '