HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 77-01 - Establish an Industrial Use Strength Charge - 02/01/1977 Oifi7I1:T+TJC'3J l S'Tisi?F,ISi?]?�S Y'M IIMUSTRIAL USER SThM,' :;I'H C47tRG1: I'N 7D , 'TION'
\'ULUi•1E Or' DISCH,70r;r;lr BY 7,N 7NDUSTRI;• L
USED AND i�Si'T: *, Sl}II:; i> d I 1:P.JSTRIRL USLR S—&R7:JC:TFi CHARGE F C) :•;jLTi FOR
T 7
TC THE-' ?' .._
OF 1,117.1
bE IT by t_:,e City Council of the City of iden Prairie, County of
Plenner..,in, 1•1,innesot-a , as follows:
Sec-ti,:.)n 1 . Recitals. The Metropolitan 1-taste Control Co.--rdssion,
a r-.et: a: c,1 itan cor4ni _lion organized and existing under the la%,•s of the
Sti.,t.e of ;;3 i 7(`S:+ta (the 2n oriier to receive and retain
uran -s in c:v: _, _ r:ce _.th :.:,e Fc erai Watc.r PorlutJon Ccntrol
of 1972 and regulat.icns tlere'ur,cier (the ` Act") , has. determined to Lmpose
an industrial user st-rer,gth charge t pf-ia, users of the 1•letra;olitan
Dispc,sal System (Ss dE�fired In '?ir,n^-sota St;ltutes Section 473 . 121 , sub.-
division 24) to recover operation and maintenance costs of treatment -works
attrib.itable to the strem3th of the discharge of industrial waste, such
st: ej�jgth charge being in addition to the charge based upon the volume of
c]isc:harge. In order for the City to pay such costs based upon the strength
of ir,c3ustrial discharge and alloc.:ted to it each year by the Commission, it
is hereby found, detennined and declared to be necessary to establish sewer
strc-igt1i charges aij,2 Z formula for the comgrwtation thereof for all industrial
1"sors rccc-iving trC'atJTent services within or served by the City.
Furthoi'mor e, Minn e!r�ota Et azutcs, Section 4:4 . 075, Subdivision 3, empowers
the• CS ty to rr.al.e such sc:wc•r charge s c1largo against 'the owner, 1 essce, occ1apz)y1t
or all of tl,c_m :-nd certify unpaid charges to Llie county auditor as a tax lic;n
:y:,i.��:t tl,c• p:opurty f�crVed .
C'r3 i O t.?1e �...J.t}' 'j2 �'t.,-.. �)}.• 1 Iin Chi., ..! , _n t... :� cnI t_ "i� _.•.,
of of al.l rc_-cC'iving L•:.._:tC tY!' 3'.. C :tt {
!.t"•:V ]cC`, \:'1t})in or `>._:?'VC'd by the• City, il,cl e ,,1 },c-1 eby �,_71,•-ovt,-d, :adopted anza
in jddit.i.ori to the sewer ch.-1 Uc hn:;c-c! ui'on the volume of
.s :?•!:L:er cl;.3S•CC L)i'Jn {'ach company or corj=z) ratlon YC:•te]ving w:c ste tr'{•atmcnt
c2vic�s \•.it},in or served by the City, b�_scd upon titrcngth of industrial .taste
41is cl,arced into the seLce. system of the City (the "Strength C z-:rge") . � ..
Section 3 . Establishment of Strength Charge Formula . For the purpose
of cc:i,putat.ion of the Strength Charge. e stablishez by Section 2 hereof , th{:re i.s s
l,%rcliy est abli shed, approved and adopted in compliance with the Act the si�jI:e
cl� ,rge formula designated in P.esolution Wo. 76-172 adopted by the
,Cif _I?e Co:i Mission on June 15, 1976, s,)ch f.or^i]la hc_ng based
l:,ii: �7 _ :2111i 1C•.. ]%11tC?2 - ?)C7 C�: rf.. i.^11tj' G?al C7f
tlo-l.'agl) -tr. L\'A?,,:at.lon of roilutlon C)'_alltles and quantities in excess GT an
base and the proportionate costs of operation and mainterI: j,:-e
of -%':aste t_-c:at-ment services provided by the Co?%mission.
Section 4 . Strength-Char5e,Pa}rment_ It is hereby approved, adopted
rr,d c.,sti7bli0hed that the Strength Charge established by Section 2 hereof
1 .
Shall be paid by each industrial user receiving waste treatment services and
t.*ht,? .:•to before the twentieth (20th) day next succeeding the date of
bil ling t;c<rof to such user by or on behalf of the City, and such pa�.nent
thereof shall be deemed to be delinquent- if not so paid to the billing entity
L•C•fore such date. Furthermore, it is hereby established, approved and adopte3
t},at if such pay-'nent is not paid before such date an industrial user shall
pay interE'fit. compounded monthly at the rate of two-thirds of one percent (2/3%)
j>ar ITIO:ltli on the un;-)Pid balance die. j
3, it ) ),t-•S"r'L+�' c!j", ]'�::VL'r3, i.' .f, ,Lr` w
'):dst 1f t;a'')ScC'7')t of the $tre;1(3t}) C),: .rgC r:SL�,bI ] .'),C .Z }1y
2 }ic-roof is )7c>t paid before the sixtieth (f,Oth) day next Succecding
t)-1c date of billing thereof to the industrial user by or on be-half of the City, -
!:aid c1hi:.190, plus accr))r.-d interest est-ablished
pllt"SJ.Ynt to CL'Ct 1p,: _ e
4 ),ere-of , }3a11 L c:c� :-,c r3 t o �n a charge ag. i nst the
ot;ner, l(,•E'sec and occupant of the property served, and the City or its acc-7-,t
shall certify Such ur)paid delinquent balance to the county aoditor with {
t.aXrLS jainst the propert_y served for collection as other ta>;cs are
pr'Uvi--ied , however, that such certl a i cat icn shall not preclude }
` 'Oic City or its aCic nt from recovery of such del illaucrit s•e%,,er strenc-th Char^_'
.Slr3 ] T1: rl'G_ t `)it-ion under any ot}"ii:r available
�erCl ]C F - c• i 1 ] tV. In Tri` Gl'C--77 aS"i��. �r:'U<'? a 0.'7 of this
be 1:E-1d i:-,vizZi,d or unenlorceahble by any court of co: pe-ten_
iuri :.(35 ction, such ?-olding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable
any other hereof.
Section 7. Effectiveness. This ordinance shall take effect
i) jnc :3iateIy.
Sc-ction S. Eetronolitan trite Control Cer"micsion Resolution Wo. 76-172.
T),n ?: tl"cpc>lit-an F:aste Control Co;�*�iusion did, on April 21, 1976,
hold r: hc-ar i ng on the Com*rd s"si on`s p]oposed Strength Charge System
with 3-Sr. F:cbert A. Hillstrom, Attorney-at-Law, the designated Hearing
Officer; and
Such Public )?raring was held in the Metropolitan Council Cha)-tbers
after duc notice of, such hearing %-.as propoi-ly Trailed and/or distributed to
r- Pc'1-t ine_•nt concerned Parties and t'a the i).crs of the sy!:itcm whose waste
strength r3.incharges exceeded the uletropolit, n di ponal system aver 9c; and
'r,rt G:2 i})G'
f ,
11,C'�!:_•:t'C O£ Sy)('C1.fiC flI)C31J)>> Fsnt3 1"C'(c .- iSi ) :' tliC•2"t'�r�J'C, y
IT 7Lt'::D That the !::tl'OT�olitFJ77 1'..E.te ll:::it_TQl t.�..',
c` r r''i')C��, !I L .a-3 01"t s t h:! f o] �.
tl)e T'ubI i c I:ca., i r,g O :i c-er report r.n,3 , i n .-' =
• i
]_. T:]C iiC T C':.•C�� 2.t.Z:n ttiilStt' CC) )LI'C11 �t .;"J1T '.=5"i Ci 1 .Ci: YC,'7TOf 12 r!7t.i:'11a c�_it'•_';')
5 YC C't :•C C U' by till ):C'FsX'_72Cj o ficer and C::rt C:2:711T7C C] -t:,nual ly by �
c-n t (a) p3 ant unit proccss f_•\'c:113,�t 1 C7J?S, (7) C2'27"J t
v LT I
( , d (c) clJrreT?t bL'e c't ed op._'rat ion %'_nd
C)Uu� J �-}' C'Ca•?4 Yol C...t ?, SzIi
7aaint_ r) a:,c:r costs for the trr!at. rent facilities.
2. The basic Strength Ci.arge Systc-rn formula as folio-ws :
A) Strengtr. Charge Fc)2.=.u]a
RsG (SS-SSo) T + Rcod (COD-CODO)_,__ )
SCF = SR (--— SS -._-.._.._ COD
0 0
SCF = Strength C:r:,:_1. c-e F-ct_c.r
SR _ St2-en9`h P ;cI E'e J-,:Jt1.0 (S-,Y.er. h coStS t0 `_,.}'sr:em Ci•
for ::dminis: -ative and O &- M of
Rss Suspended Solids Cost R:-'ti o
F': oc�. ChejTrrical O>:y�-en Ler.,anc! Cast ratio
SS - Suspended So:Lids Concentration of Discharge
SS0 - Suspended Solids Concentration of ruse
COD = Chemical O>:_,cen Demand Cor,centrati or.. of Discharge (t a'�'.
CODO - Chemical O>:y-gen Demand Concentration of Base
B) Strength Charge
SC = (SCF) (V) (Tip)
SC = Strength Charge
SCF = Strength Chaxce Factor
V = Volume of Dif-ci)arge
Treatacnt i,orYs Unit Cost
I?:ST 11EAD at a regular meting of the City Council of the City of
l:dcJ� Frairic, this ._w 1st ,� _ -_ day of ._February �,• 1977 ,- _ and fi.na
a _ .
� ,; ," ..� . . r � r�r.: �•i: .i1., 1 _ ...;lc'C: rlt :2 1C•Cj'.i a,. .. . 7�',. C�_ ..
•-rt]d • '.r, t t_h day of hr�z i 1 ;Ei l7
of .. - City r.i; , ;� -
w>k3gi�tltfMdW 11►attitie�ttss;
env or ZPXN PRAtRM
f>"�tl�AW ;."- Affidavit of Publication
biit�f,.glff���,mtsll<tll�nNa out >�-
�(cltf litact�DR
sastw l��liacMlb' >t°1
COM t` p
w' State of Minnesota )
tul 1W ) SS.
County of Hennepin )
#f . said bevy;duly sworn,on oath says be is and during
y, e
all the tune Herein stated has been the publisher and printer of the newspaper known as Eden Prairie News and has full
tiftiAa e ref knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1)Said newspaper is printed in the Engli h language in newspaper format
and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2)Said newspaper is a weekly
ss of and is distributed at least once a week.(3)Said news paper has 50%of iU news^olumns devoted to news of local interest
to to the community winch it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up
entirely of patents,plate matter and advertisements,(4)Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which
Y� I�RaaMlkEaa it purports to serve,has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers,has an average of at least 7596 of its
D 111eaeeat ss total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-clan matter in its local
'� o )to post-office.(5)Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Eden Prairie in the County of Hennepin and it has its known
office of issue in the City of Eden Prairie in said county,established and open during its regular business tours for the
gathering of news,sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said
newspaper,persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control d all such wspape pe nP Y J acing regular business hours and at
which said newspaper is printed. (6)Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical
Society.(7)Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing ronditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates
to of publication mentioned below.t 8)Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1,
1976 and each January 1 thereafter an(.ffid;.va rn the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the
twomanaging officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the nex spaper is a legal newspaper.
i sl i)es be =
ehsirgsrs. He further xtates on oath that tits printed L
1Rsareof libt Nrs nceiv4rg ;
w-ate treatangt sesviow wlthle or nerved __ .. _ _ - _ _ hereto attached as a part
11 11M C", fuetp�efon, albm weeta
ta/aa.,Seen" dAtni. llabdidsioe 7, hereof was cut from the columrLs of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, °
empewers the Cft to gawks sado, sewer
abargea iufrgea tMeotmo�lessee, once each week, for _Oi1C, successive weeks; that it was first so published on
eecopanfS or of 8r 4 cortify ttnpaid P 1 li C s the
dtsrgesto theeoxmWwditeras a tax lion day of At)r 1 1 19/7 and was thereafter printed and published on every __ to and
agsina ties P ed __--._ _
etr n )gq s/t�t including the - _ day of ___ _._ __ 19 . and that;tie following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet
Co a
Public l#esetiag gf[leer' �PPrend tAs I from A to Z, both inclusive,and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of
tJPe1t end + y g g type used in the composition and
�tgsTlte 7ltet�the follasria��g� f
ropolttaA ifZ Cotntrol publication of said notice,to wit:
Commission Strength,
trength rharge a sterm 'as
recommended by the HearinL Otfkes sad j
determined annwlfy bF ap� allow of fa)
plant unit protean evaleuatigala 191 elu7 pt abcdefghfjktmnopgrstuvwxy:
gr:ttlity constrol data. sat te) susTaCt
bo4geted opera tkgt tend nAeisrtetunce cotes
for the treavinent tacillttes.
P. The basis strength-(*page Sritga
formula as Wows:
A)Strenigth Charge Fprmula
9CF - SR�►(110,88o gppd
_ _..
SCF . Strength charge Factor
SR a Strength lbhaae patio ($tlrtiii/tU ' Subscr7bed and sworn to before me this p�-$ day of __ 19_7
Costs to syxteua casts for admfnislrsittere,
and O k M as treatment works)
Rsa = ,8aspended Salida Coat Ratio `
Reed = Chemical Oxygen Demand C"i
SS = SuRwridled Solids Coheentratls7t of
Discharge (ss}SSo)
SSo Suspended Solids Coheetntratiett 4
rap - Chemical Oxygen Dergrand Cps. ' (Notarial Seal)
cehtration of Discharge (COD;C) Notary public, ��_"Tv..��County
C.ODo _ Chesafca! Oxygen Densantd '
19Con ®t sass My Comnisai
8)St Strength Char rSCFl ) (;VI _ a-
SC u strength Charge " LORRAINE l.ANO
Scf = Strength Chargs Factor
v > Volume of Dfachacge y NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA
TIN Treatment Works Unit Cost CARVER COUNTY
FIRST RZAD at a regular xoee{tng of
the City Couned•of the City of Laden _ My Commission Expires June 29,1982
ralrie,this 1st d&Y of Pebraar .1so771,atnd
i .nail read. adopted one oedsrep
published at a regular meetigi e!1Ste Y'
Caunc(I of sald City an the gt jr r
197�. ;
Welfgaeg N.Points *
John D. #'rase,tits
rFub.ltden Prairie HeRe April$dla: till!)