HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 299 - Rezoning - 10/05/1975 01tl)1NA1`Ie;i? NO. 299
Section 1 . Appendix A or Ordinance No. 135 is amended by adding to,
That part of the hest }calf of the Northeast- Quarter of Section 25 , Township
116, Range 22 , Hennepin County, M i nnenot a, described as fell lots: �
Beginning; at a point on the west line 'o£ said West half distant 200 feet south of
the northwest corner thereof; rhence ;South 1 degree 06 minutes 55 Seconds East ,
assumed basis for ba:tring,s along; saicl west. line, 461 .87 feet. to the northwest-
corner of tlj(' South 'Three-l'otir. the of said Wont half of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 2.5 ; thence North fig degrees 313 minutes 33 —seconds Past , 300.03 feet to
a point 300 feet cast �-as merstired -it 1-ig;fit Iilples) from the west line of said Vest
half_ of the 1'or. theist Quart12rci1Sect ;on 2 5; thence South 1 degree OCR mintit e. : 55
seconds 1?ast , parallel uith said hest line, 350.00 fact ; thence North 44 cleg;rOes
17 minutes 33 seconds East , 105. 39 feet to an inters'ect ion with .Z line paral lol with
and 275 feet south (as measured at right ang;tes) from the north line of said South
Three-fourths of the. Hest half of the Northeast Quarter; thence North 89 dog;rees
38 minutes 33 seconds Easr. , along; last said parallel line, 705.00 feet to an inter-
section with a line parallel with and 1 ,080 feet Past (as measured at right angles)
fr.oni the West, line of said South of the ::'est half of the NOrthWL'::t
Quarter; thence North I deg;rec u6 minutes 55 seconds Vilest , along; last said parallel
line to the north line of said South Three-fourths of Lite Best half of the Northo-ast
Quarter; thence_ North fig degrees 38 minutes 33 seconds Enst along; the north line of
said South 'Three-fourths of tlic Vent half of the Northeast Quarter Vi,0. 61 feet to
the northeast corner thereof; thencv North I degree Oft minutes .38 seconds lJQsr , alons4
the east line of said thost half of the Northeast Quarter, 180.02 feet ; t.tlerlcc SOW.11
89 degrees 38 m i nil t-es 33 seconds 1,1en t , 1 80.00 feet- ; thence wes ter l y on a Lang_:%n t ial
curve concave to the north having; a .radius of 500.00 feet and a central angle of 7
degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds , 65.00 feel ; thence North 7 degrees 05 niirvttes 27 Seconds
East , radical to the last describe"cl carve, ,120.00 feet ; thence North. 65 deg;roes 39
minutes 09 seconds West , 202 .05 feet. , ; thence Nortle 56 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds
West: , 404. 92 feet ; thence South 89 clegrees 43 minutes 59 seconds WOSt, 3oO.00 feet
to a point. 9_15. 80 feet east- of th*c west ] in(, of said Northca�.t Quarter as measured
parallel. With the ►forth line of slid Northeast Quarter; thence South 1 dog;rea G6 min-
utes 35 seconds Vast , par11. 1 e 1 wi t h said west line, 150.00 fce t ; thence South 89 dogrev s
43 minutes 59 seconds (lest , parallel -with the north line of said Nortlieast Quartor,
2.15. 80 feet to t:he paint of beg;i III)ing;.
Containing; 18.53 acre;.
i„ '
which property shal l he and hereby is removed from rural zone alul steal 1 -
.r.7' 1, 1 .%
be include,.] hereafter in the RT- 13. 5 zone.
Section 2. Tile above desc:rihed property ::hall 1w subject to the terms
rt.n•I cotrrl i I iotr:: r,l t Itrl i r c t I :t i n rr•r.r•rr i ray; n;;rr r nu nl rl:tl rd April 6 ,
1976, entered itrto he•Iwe•e•n .1 Irarl lit'r::l► i1) cull:: i::I ina; of Tliv 1'resvi-ve, a
co-Partnership of Carter & Gertz, Tneorpornted , A Minnesota corporaLion,
and tale Minnesota Cas Company, a I)elacJare corporation, sole partners and
e•. the City of Eden Prairie, wli i.cli agreement- i-s hcrehy made a part hereof and '
' - l
shall. ft.trthcr he suhjcct to al I of Lhe ordinances, rules; aild rehulat ions
of the City relal i_ng to such ridsidential i:I-13.5 District .
Section 3. Tliis: ordinance hrc-omes effective from and after its passage
and publication.
• I
FIRST RE-AD at a regular rneering of tile. City Council c.f the City of
J 1
Eden Prairie this 5thr11y or October 1975 .111(1 finally i—rit.1 and �r
adopted Ind ordered pttl,lislind at a regitlar nivetinf; of the City Council of
said City can t Itr: 6th day of April 1976.
A'I'TF 'I'
n I) rangy City CIcrlc
m islied in the 1?clen Prairie Neer: on , 1976.
PLUS(Official Pablicatloaj
AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO Affidavit of Publication
Section 1.Apipeadlit A or Ordlaance No.
135 Is amesded by sddttlag to
That port of the West half of the Nor- 1
theast Quarter of Section 25,Township 116,
Range 22, Hennepin County, Minnesota,
described as follows:
Beginning at apr int on the west line of 9
said West half distant 200 feet south of State of Minnesota )
the northwest corner thereof; thence
South 1 degree 06 minutes 55 seconds
East,-assumed basis for bearings ) SS.
along said went Hue,461.37 feet to the County of Hennepin )
northwest corner of the South Three-
Fourlhs'of said West half of the
Nastheast. Quarter of Section 25;
Norlbp 89 degrees U minutes 33 e
Esdt,300.W feet to a point 300 t lJ I i i i 3ti M,C( r ryasmeasuredstr4tbtangles) x ,being duly sworn,on oath says he is and during
line of said West half of all the tune herein stated has been the publisher and pruner of the newspaper known as Eden Prairie News and has frill
saset Quarter of Section 25' knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: t I i Said newspaper is printed in the E language space
;thouee Mouth I.degree 06 minutes 55
Pa Pe P English I e ui newspaper format
seconds Cast,parallel with said west and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. i 21 Said newspaper is a weekly
line". 350.00 feat thence North 44 and is distributed at least once a week.+3 i Said news paper has 50%of its news columns devoted to news of local interest
degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds East, to the cornrnuruty which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up
105.29 feet to an tatersection with a line 1 entirely of patents,plate matter and advertisements. i 4 i Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which
parallel with and 275 feet south (as ) pa y
measured at right angles) from the it purports to serve,has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers,has an average of at least 75%of its
north tine of said South Three-fourths i total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local
of the West half of the Northeast ' post-office.i 5 t Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Eden Prairie in the County of Hennepin and it has its known
Quarter;thence North 99 degrees 36 office of issue in the City of Eiden Prairie in said county,established and open during its regular business hours for the
minutes 33 seconds East, along last gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained b the managing officer of said
said parallel line. 705.00 feet to an news p ) ) p K y K
intersection with a line parallel with paper,persons in its ern to and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and at
and 1.050 feet East (as measured at which said newspaper is printed. (6t Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical
right angles)from the west Una of said Society.(7)Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates
South Three-Fourths of the West half of publication mentioned below, i 61 Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota
of the Northwest Quarter; thence ! prior to January 1,
North I degree 06 minutes 55 seconds 1976 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the
West, along last said parallel line to managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper.
the north line of said South Three- ,
Fourths of the West half of the Nor- He further states on oath that the printed t-e r 1
theast Quarter; thence North 69
degrees 38 minutes 33 seconds East
along the north line of sold South hereto attached as a part
Three-Fourths of the West half of the hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, p published therein in the English language,
Northeast Quarter 240.61 feet to the p'per, and was printed and
northeast'corner thereof; thence L
North 1't4egree 06 minutes 3/seconds once each week, for Q rIC successive weeks; that it was first so published on -1 h a rs the 1 tit
West,along the east one of said West
half of the Northeast Quarter, 180.02 day of Ju 1 Y 1977 and was thereafter printed and published on every to and
feet; thence South so degrees 38
minutes 33 seconds'West 160 00 feet; including the day of 19 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet
thence westerly on a tangential curve
concave to the north having a radius of from A to 7.,both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as Irving the sue and kind of type used in the composition and
5M.00 feet and ■,central angle of 7
degrees 26 minutes 34 seconds, 65,00 publication of said notice,to wit:
feet; thence North 7 degrees 05 ;
minutes 27 seconds East,radial to the
last described "curve. 120.00 feet;
thence North 65 degrees 39 minutes 09 klmno abode! hi
seconds West, 202.05 feet; thence g ) pgratavw:yz
North 56 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds
West, 404.92 feet; thence South 89
degrees 42 minutes 59 seconds Welt,
360.00 feet to a point 215.60 feet east of
the west line of sold Northeast Quarter
as measured parallel with the north
line of said Northeast Quarter; thence
South i degree 06 minutes 55 seconds ---
East, parallel with sold west line,
150.00 feet thence South 69 degrees 43
minutea59 seconds West parallel withSubscribed1 f
the north line of said Northeast and sworn to before me this �� ay of 'c+t 19
uarter,213.80 feet to the point of v T
Containing ISA3 acres.
which property shall be and hereby is
removed from rural zone and shall be
included hereafter in the R1.13.5 zone.
Section 1.The above described property
shall be subject to the terms and con-
ditions of that certain rezoning agreement i Notarial Seal
dated April 6,1976,entered Into between e
partnership consisting of The Preserve,a Notary public, _. ;"" County,Minn�°to
co-partnership m of Carter 6 Gertz, In- My Commission Expires ( ref 19 i5
corporated,A Minnesota corporotlon,and
the Minnesota Gas Company,a Delaware ♦ a'� L=COUNTY
corporation,sole partners and the City of •
F.den Prairie,which agreement is hereby a -lit}i` WMAE501A
made a part hereo! and shall further be : .""' . .r t subject to all of the ordinances,rules and ti..' My Cc n29, 1982
regulations of the City relating to such
residential RI-13.5 District. 41
section 3. This ordinance becomes ef-
fective from and after its passage and
FIRST READ at a regular meeting of
the City Council of We City of Eden Prairie
this 5th day of October, 1975 and finally
read and adopted and ordered published at
a regular meeting of the CRY Council of
said City on the 6th day of April,1111176-
John D.Franc.City Clerk
(Published in the Edon Prairie News on
July 14th, 1977)