HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 135 - Regulating the Use of Land and Buildings - 09/09/1969 [O(ficial Publications Ing ground A basement shall be counted as the roof. i e, bulk heads, water tanks or care of mental Illnesses. Its minimum
VILLAGE OF EDEN PRAIRIE a story. except that a basement- the ceiling and cooling towers. accomodation is six persons.
HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA of which does not extend for more than c, Interior balconies and meztanines. ROW HOUSES IT"a Hooses
ORDINANCE NO.125 five 151 feet above the curb level or above di 40: of porch when the porch is eom- A multiple residence building having not
An ordiaamce for the purpose of promoting the highest level of the Adjoining ground. pletely enclosed less than three nor more than 10 ore-family
healsk, safety, order, conveoteam and gem• shall not be counted as a story. FLA)-OR AREA RATIO dwelling units erected in a row As a single
era[ welfare. by regulating the use of land, BUFFER The ratio of total floor area tescluding building, each unit being separated from
lbe l wmtios and the use of buildings and the The use M land, topography ndifference in cellarsi to total lotarea the adjoining unit or units by a masonry
Kprrgeracut of buildings on lots and the elevationt. space. fences or landscape plant- GROUP USABLE.OPEN SPACE party wall or walls extending from the
(6essity of paprlatles in the Village of Eden trips to screen or partially screen a tract land area and facthties specifically desug- basement or cellar floor to the roof
Prairie, Mtsuesoa, and repealing Ondiamace or property from another tract or propertv noted and developed for recreational or so- SETBACK
No.I and amendments thereto. and thus reduce undesirable influences, such coal activities of individuals or groups in The minimum horizontal distance between a
VILLAGE OF EVEN PRAIRIE. as sight. noise, dust and other external addition to thou areas and facilities desig- buildingand the streetor lot boa.
ZONING,ORDINANCE effects. which a land use may have upon nated and developed for the private use of STABLE—PRIVATE
INDEX other adjacent or ties rby land uses residents of individual dwelling units. A stable is any building located on a lot on
SECTION BUILDING HOMEOCCUPATION which a residence is located, dearggned, or-
1 GENERAL—DEFINITIONS Any structure for the shelter, support or Any occupation of a service character which ranged, used or intended to be used, for not
2 SITE:. YARD. BULK. USABLE OPEN enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or is clearly secondary to the main use of the more than four horses for the private use
SPACE. SCREENING. LANDSCAPING. property of any kind, and when separated premises as a dwelling,and does not change of the residence. but shall not exceed 600
PARKING. LOADING. AND PERFOR. by party walls without operunits, each par- the character thereof or have any exterior square feet in area
MANGE STANDARDS SPF IAL RE- tion of such building so separated shall be evidence of such secondary use.This occupa- STABLE—PUBLIC
QUIREMFNTS deemed separatebuilding. ion shall be earned on or conducted only A stable where horses are kept for remu-
3 RUR RLiRN.D[STRICT BUILDI,NGHEMITS by members of a family residing in the neretion,lure orsale
a R-1 — ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL A distance to be measured from the mean dwelling and in connection with which there STAND—ROADSIDE
DISTRICTS curb level along the front lot line or from is kept no stock in trade or commodity for A structure for the display and sale of
5 RM MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL the man ground level for all of that Portion sale upon the premises products with no space for customers
DISTRICTS of the structure having frontage on a public JUNKYARD withinthestructureitselI
6 OFC --OFFICE DISTRICT rightof-way. whichever is higher. to the land or buildings where waste, discarded STORY
7 C--COMMERCIAL DISI•ItICr tap of the cornice of a flat roof. to the o• salvaged materials are brought. said, That patron of a building included between
8 1—INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT deck line of a mansard roof. to a Pant exchanged, stored, efeaned. pa eked.. discs- the surface of any floor and the surface of
9 PUR — P11131.147 OR QUASI—PUBLIC on the roof directly above the highest wall sembled. or hurdled.including. but not limit- the floor next above: or if there is no floor
DISTRICT of a shed rod, to the uppermost point on a ed to scrap metal. rags. paper, rubber prod- above, the space between the floor and the
10 PS--PLAN STUDY DISTRICT round or other arch-type roof. or to the ucts, glass products, lumber products and ceiling nest above. A basement shall be
It PUD — PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP. mean distance of the highest gable on a products from%reciting of automobiles,other counted as a story and a cellar shall not be
MFN`r PROCEDURE pitched or Pup roof vehicles accessory to any business or Indus- counted asa story.
13 OFF-STREET LOADING FACILITIES The length of a building as related to any LOADING SPACE That portion of a building under a gable- hip
14 SIGNS property hoe is the length of that portion A space accessible from a street, alley or or i gambrel root, the wall pates of which,
15 HOME OCCUPATIONS of the property line from which when way, in a building or in a lot, for the use of on at least two opposite exterior walls, are
16 NONCONFORMING USES, STRU( viewed directly from above, lines drawn trucks while loading or unloading merchan- not more than two feet above the floor of
TYRES.ANDSIGNS perpendicular to said lane will intersect dise or materials. such story.
17 VARIANCES any wall of the building LOT STREET
18 ZONING CERTIFICATE. AND CEIRTIFI- CORNER LOT One urut of a recorded plat subdivision, or A public thoroughfare thirty 030a feet or
CATE OF OCCUPANCY A lot situated at the junction of and front- registered land survey, occupied or to be more in width.
19 AMENDMENTS ingon[woormorestreets occupied by a buildtng and its accessor, STREET LINE
ADMINISTRATION DMINISTRATION AND PENALTIES COURT buildings and including as a mirumum sucK The dhvtding fine between the lot and the
21 F_STABLiSHMEN'TOF DISTRICT'S An open unoccupied space bounded on two open spaces as are required under this ordi- street,
W REPEALS or more sides by the exterior walls of a name and having frontage on a public STRUCTURE
SECTION! General baildfngorbusldingsonthesamelot street Anythirig constructed or erected, the use of
Solid,1.1 Reference CURBLEVEL LOT AREA which required location on the ground or at-
This ordinance shall be known and cited The curb level is the level of the established The lot area is the land area within the tachment to something having a location
as "The Zoraniq Ordinance of the Village curb in front of the building measured at lot Is ties on the ground
of Eden Prairie.' the center of such front Where no curb SITE AREA PER DWELLING UNIT STRUCTURE—ALTERATIONS
Subd.1.2 Objectives level has been estabbahed, the Village F.ngi- The mute area per dwelling usot is the lot Any change in the supporting members of
The stunting ordinance is adopted to protect neer shall establish such curb level or its area required by this ordinance to be pro- a building such as bearing walls, columns,
and to promote the public health. safety. equivalent for the purpose of this ordinance. vided for each dwelling unit in a building beams or girders.
peace, comfort. convenience. prosperity.and DEPTH OF LOT LOT—INTERIOR TENT
r aneraI welfare. More f specifically, the ton- The mean horizontal distance between the A lot otter than a corner lot. A pavilion a portable lodge or canvas otdinanlee is adopted in order to achieve mean front street and the mean rear lot LOT LINE house of skins, canvas• strong cloth or
following objectives lane The greater fronta a of a coner lot is The Lines bounding a lot as defined herein. other similar materials stretched and its-
aI To assist in the implementation of the its depth and its lesser frontage is Its width. When a lot line abuts on a street, averme. tained by poles, guy wires or ropes and
Village of Eden Prairie Comprehensive DEPTH OF REAR YARD park or other public property such line used for shelter
Guide Plan which in its entirety repre- The mean horizontal distance between the shall be known asa street line TOWNHOUSE iSee Raw Houses
sents the foundation upon which this LOT LINE—REAR USE
ordinance is based and which guide 1 r Lim of the building and the near lot That boundary of a lot which is most distant The purpose for which land or premises or a
plan is dated May,190, DISTRICT from and Is or is approximately parallel to building thereof is designated. arranged or
bi To foster a harmonious, convenient. A section of the Village for which the the front lot line If the rear lot line is less Intended, or for which it is on may be oc-
workable relationship among land uses regulations governing the height, m
ht, area, use than ten feet in length, or of the lot fors cupied or maintained.
ca To promote the stabuhty of existing land a point at the rear. the rear lot line shall USE PRINCIPAL.
of buildings and premises are the same. length The main use of land or buildings as dis-
uses that conform with the Guide Plan be deemed to be a line ten feet in le th
and to protect them from ioharmauws within strc lot, parallel o and at the mart- GngwxMd from a subordinate or accessory
Any huffing or part thereat which as de-
info ensure that
harmful and private
mum distance(Wont the!root lot line use
d To enwrn flat public and private lands waned or used exclusively for residential
ultimately are used for the purposes purposes a one or more human beings Any boundary of a lot which is not a front A subordinate use which is clearhv and
either permanently or transiently.
wench are most he standpoint
and most or rear Dot line eustomanly incidental to the principal use of
beneficial Iran the standpoun[ of the DWELLING designed ONE OR SINGLE FAMO,Y I,OT—THROUGH a buildup or P
village as a whole c balding nfamilfor or occupied et- An interior lot havingfrontage on two g Premises and which is located
clu<ivrW by one family. on the fame lot as the principal building
c� To prevent excessive population sienna- streets. or use,
ues and „vercnnvding of the land with DWELLING—MULTIPLE FAMILY Ii.OT—WIDTH VARIANCE
structur" A building designed for or occupied by two The width of a lot is its own mean width A modification or vanation of the provisions
!, To promote a safe. effective traffic or more families measured at right angles to its mean depth. of this Ordinance as applied to a specific
csreulatronsystem DWELLING—UNIT OR GROUP MODULAR CONSTRUCTION piece of property, except that modification
g, To foster the provision of adequate off- Residential accommodation — including Completely fabricated or assembled and in the allowable uses within a district shall
street parting and off-street truck- complete kitchen facilities, permanently in- self-contained units for residential, office or not be considered a vanonce.
loading facilities stalled. which are arranged. designed• used other occupancy set or installed individually YARD
h- To fucnhtate the appropriate location of or intended for use exclusively as living or in clusters on tracts of land, or erected Any space in tine same lot with a building
communitvfamlitiesandinstitutions. quarters for one family and not more than as related or self-contained elements of open and unobstructed from the ground to
i, To provide human, and physical rewire- an aggregate of two roomers or boarders. larger structures the shy.
es of sufficient quantity and quality to Where a private garage is structurally al- MOTEL YARD—FRONT
sustain needed public services and fa. tached it shall be considered or, part of the A building or group of buildings used pn- A yard extending across the front of the lot
cihtses building in which the dwelling unut is lo- manly for the temporary residence of between the inner side yard lines and lyingp
I' To protect and enhance real property cared motonalsortnvelers between the front street line of that lot arW
values FAMILY NONCONFORMING USE the nearest Isneof the but Nhng.
k, To sa(eguard and enhance the appear One or more persons related by blood. mar Use of a building or of land that does not YARD—REAR
ance of the village, including natural nape or adoption. including foster children, conform to the regulations as to use for the An open space unoccupied except for acres-
amenities of hills. woods• lakes, and or a group of not more than five persons district in which it is situated. sore buildings on the same lot with a
ponds excluding servants-, some or all of whom PERSONS bmlding between the rear lines of the build-
Su'id 1.3 Definitions are not related by blood, marriage or adop- Means any individual. firm, partnership. ing and the rear Line of the lot. for the full
ACCESSORY BUH.DING ion. living together and maintaining a corporation. componv, association. njant width of the lot
A subordinate building or portion of the common household, but not including sorori- stock association, of body politic. a In- YARD—SIDE
main building which is located on the same ties. (nitermues, or other similar orgaNta- eludes any trustee. receiver, assignee, or An open unoccupied space on the some lot
lot as the main building and the use of uom other similar representative thereof with a building between the building and
which as clearly incidental to the use of the FLOOR AREA PLANN`FD UNIT DEVELOPMENT the side line of the lot, and extendhng from
main building. The floor arcs of a building or buildings A tract of land which is developed as a umt the(runt lot line to the rear of the backyard.
ACCE39 E i ry,0RV USE Use--Accesso , shall be the sum of the gross horizontal under single or unified ownership or control YARD--REQUIRED
AGRICULTURE areas of the several floors of such building and which includes two or more principal That portion of a side, front, or rear yard.
The cultivation of the soil and all activities or buildings inclusive of cellars or basements, buildings nearest the designated Lit lime and having
ndent thereto- except shot said term shall measured Iron the exterior laces o!exterior PitFMICES the width or depth required in the District
iniclade the raising and feeding of hogs. walls or from the centerline of party walls A lot or plot with the required front, side inwhtchlocated.
ep. goats. cattle, poultry and fur bearing separating Iwo buildings In particular, and rear vards fora dwelling. CELLAR
nimals and shall not include riding acade. f oorarea shall include NURSING HOMES A story whose ceiling does not extend for
mina.conmercnal stables.m•kennels a- Elevator shafts and stainwefs at each A private home for the care of children more than five c5o feet above the curb
BASEMENT floor. or the aged or infirm, or a place of rest level or above the highest level of the ad.
A story partly underground but having at Lit Floor space used for mechanical equip- for those suffering bodily disorders. Such joiningground.
least one-halt i-a- of its height above the ment where the structural headroom home does not contain equipment for surgi-
curb level and also one-half alit of its exceeds seven and one-half feet, except cal care or for the treatment of disease or
height above the highest level of the Adjoin- equipment open or enclosed located on injury, nor does it include maternity care
Subd. 22 Special Requirements - Site, chart may be emitted, provided that j
E Vard,Bulk smoke not darker or more opaque than
Yy ai Corner lots %hall have additional width No. 2 of said chart may be emitted for
w8�>Y r r } r Y T Y r T Y r equal to the minimum interior lot side periods riot longer than four minutes to
3 Y yard requirement and shall in no case be any 30 minute period These provisions.
y a less than go feet applicable to visible grey smoke, sbaB
bi Lots which rear on a railroad or free- also apply to visible smoke of a difleraal
way shall have al least 150 foot depth. color but with an equivalent aping
e ci Where 4O11 or more of a block is de- apacily-
X it's <IP N N » veloped. the required setback shall be et Odor. No activity or operation
equal r or lgtheaverageexistingsetback. muse at any time the discharge of
ys,E di Rea side yard requirm eents for din- toxic, rosious or odorous matter bevand
similar abutting districts must meet the the limits of the immediate site i1iiiiii
Q larger of the two requirements. it is located in such concentrations as to
ei Fences. walls. ledges not over 6 feet be detrimental to or endanger the public
in height may occupy any yyasrd except health, welfare• comfort or safety of
no fence, wall. hedge or other planung cause injury to property or business.
Y exceeding 30" in height. or trees Tuned ft Glare. Glare.whether direct or reflect-
s Sag z > r 'r ' > > > -r even to a height Is"than 6 feet. pruned
be ed. such as from spot tights or high
permitted where there will be interference temperature processes. and as differen-
with traffic sight distance. bated from general illumination, shall
a h Timers. spires. chimneys. water tanks. not be visible beyond the limits of the
flag poles, radio and TV antennas• immediate site from which it originates.
�( :!< N transmission towers and other structures gi Wastes. All solid wastematertal,debris,
�, V y 61 Y V Y Y 4 Y Y V V
8 S z y y r > r r > r Y a Y and necessary mechanical appurtenances refuse or garbage shall be kept within
p, covering not more than 10`w of the a completely enclosed building or prop•
ground area may be erected to a height erly contained in a closed container de•
}js of not more than 25 feet in addition signed for such purpose. All liquid
a to the maximum height permitted. wastes containing any organic or tosic
8 Subd. 2.3 Special Requirements - Screen. matter shall be discharged either into a
n 1f public sanitary .sewer or treated in
51 0 o v o n o $ o o « $ R inn mad Ladsofsisf a manner prescribed b the Village
g at Screening shall consist of earth Health Department. The d liquid
g 3 mounds, walls. fences, coin ct ever- q
waste discharge into LM Village sanitary
green or dense deciduous hedge. 6 feet s sewerage
stern hall not exceed 200
e in height. su with over and under- vellons system
acre per hour between
story trees inn a a buffer
olter strip of at least Use hours of 9 A M.and noon.
10 feet in width. Hedge material must
be at least 3 feet in betght, and trees Subd.2.S.2 Tests-Owner
must be at least 12 feet in height at In order to assure compliance with the
pC. a• e is Planting. peiionmance standards set forth above. the3
..-a bt Screening and landscaping shall be per. village Council may, require the owner or
w manently maintained in an orderly con• operator of any permitted use to have made
dition by the owner. such investigations and tests as nuts be
< ct Scieersng industrial outside storage required to show adherence to perform•
@ stall be accomplished to a Aaht and ante standards. Such investigation and tests
Y a�R '2 = depth consistent with the sire a extent as are required to be made shall be carried
_ - S S S S S 9 R of floe open $fora a materials and arm, oat by an independent testi organisation
_ pore y rig
dtthen 30 can shall be landscatped and corned,or it there is failure lltoa agree. y
Li planted on the perimeter and throughout such independent testing organization as
the lot to the extent of at least 5°'of the may be selected by the Council after 30
® a C actual surfaced area. days notice. Thr costs Incurred in laving
w Subd. 2.4 Special Requirements - Parking such investigations or teats condgeted abaL
and Leading be shared wally by the owner or apMfor
�Ta 71 See Section 12. Off-Street Parting and the V�Lge. unless tM iwuetWa
Facilities. and tests disclose noncrospygaoe w do
t. Solid. 2.5 Performance Standards apply to performance standards, In whieb evert the
>. >. >. >. t > t all districts. entire investigation or 1Mtlag cad dsdl
@ is b=IS^ts'=is_;,a a Subd.2.5.1 lteidsal Fabrea paid by the owner oroperott r.
s o- 71 in a AS a iR vS D o 05 a Saud.2.51 Tests-Village
Uses which becnusr of the nature of their The procedure above stated shall ad pm
�rolievi are accompanied i by an ezotas eN ellode the Villa rMm making an taus
- noise. vibration. ehi:t. dirt. smoke. odor. Village Y
noxious gases, Rtare or wastes shall not use and investigations it finds spprophste to
permitted. These residual features shall be determine compliance with these perform-
co c nsidered as "excessive" when their either ante standards.
exceed or deviate from the limitations set Sends% .6 Special
P ly Requirements - Outside
x E v XrC<i`$Rix forth lions:in the following peafortnance specifics-
EE a) "Districts Rural.R1.22.RI.13.5,RM-6.5.
v`'� 7a Sad ski Noise. Noise shall be measured on any RU-2.S. Ofc.. t2-Park and tg-Park. All
property line of the tract on which the raw materials, supplies, firushed or
operation is located. Noise shalt be muf- semi.flrust" products and equipment
sZf sus€ € fled so as not to become objectionable shall be stored within a comp"Mt.y en.
due to intermittence. beat frequency, closed building. Provided, however, that
d a a LL shrillness or intensity. At the property
g o n3 e S S 3 k e 15 0 0 line. the sound roamre level d noise
Lion of the principal use and of n
motor vehicles. necessary to the opera-
p il
a i radiated from a facility shall not exceed morn than thmeyuarter ton capacity
t the values given in Table I herein. The may be stored or parted within the
<� Ill'--Cc sound pressure level shall be measured
p e .; with a sound level meter and on an as- permitted patting lot areas.
aoetiated octave Rand analyzer. both of bt In Districts C-Com. C-Reg. C-Reg-Ser.
which are manufactured according to C-Hwy and 1Gen. All materials, sup-
current specifications prescribed by the pats. mot on
sdie or other similar
American Stallard+ Association. Mea• ,ratter not se di lay for direct sale.
C c;,St H $ 13 R R = 8 3 Xt « St R surement shall be made using the flat rental or lase to the ultimate consumer
p °C or user shall be s
network of the sound level meter. stored within a Gam-
y TABLE I Cam C Regencl,C-Reg,
-Ser builthin ding
R « N St 51 'S 2 3 V 8 >a Octave Band Frequency tracts. and within the confines d screen-
'B 2$7. Si ` « j3 R $ R $ Id Ft fl St iCycles Per Secoadt Decibel Level i
rig as required by Subd.2.9 in the IGen
120- � 110 Ihalrict, Merchandise whkh is offered
for sale as described herrWore may be
St R $ IR n « 8 't .`f 51, t= IQ 51 30000- 360w0 g dtagaWyet beyond the erordinea At a bulld-
1,200 40 Ing in any Commercial District,but the
200- 2,400 40 area occupied by such outdoor display
shall not constitute a greater amber
2.400• 4,600 31 of square feet than 109E of the ground
over4.000 26 floor area of the building dousing the
�s bt Vibration. No activity or operation shall principal use. No storage or display of
at any time cause earth vibnuons per- any type shalt be permitted within the
r_ 2!: ceptible beyond the Urstits of the irn- one-half of the required front or tilde
» mediate site on which the operation is street setback nearest the street nor
M ,e 1ape within any required interior side or
ci Dast and Dirt. Solid or Uquid parts- rear setback.
a, cis abaft not b4 emitted al any paint Subd.2.7 Speclat RetgiremeMs-De_siggnp
@ in concentrations exceeding 0.3 grains per All sites and structures within atilt Distrigls
cubic foot of the conveying gas or air. acrQt the Rural. R1.22 and IU 4t.6 shall
C For measurement of the amount of par• be developed in accordance wig glow ear
aches in //saes resulting from cam ts:- speaificatiems o red by a auwe
won. sta rd corrections shall be aQnt�- tessiomi is scaappe or gdMitr a
Q e Y< $ •• $ $ < $ e '< -c plied to a stack temperature d SW respectively. Exterior buiMl$ V- 1
< F7^ « = Ifi hi �+ SI >a « n v. z degrees Fahrenheit and 50 access air. thiem Districts shall con" ets dl Smoke. Measurement shall be at the comparable in grade and gsg8q b 2
19 point of emission. The Stingerhham Smoke following:
Chrtrt published by the United State It Facebrick.
49 ? 9 arc z s6 v bureau of Mines shall be used for the 21 Namralstone.
QY a a a. W a measurement of■ oke. ft ke not dark. 3 t Specially designed precast concrete units
ear $ cc Cr O Q tj t, J• t? p, er or more opaque than No, t of said if the surfaces have been integeally
treated with an applied decorative ma. e- To minimize tra(lie congestion and tosvad $lpbd 7.1 1 Special Purposes of Com-Com- b) To protect highway interchange; from
tenal or texture the over loading of utilities by preventing madly)Commercial District premature development of commercial
4, Factory fabricated and firushed metal the construction of buildings of e.cewve a) To provide appropriately located areas for service uses that do not serve highway
framed panel construction, if the panel size in relation to the land around them. retail stores,offices,and personal service travelers.
materials be any of those named above, to To provide necessary space for off-street esta bitshments patronized primarily by ci To provide appropnateiv located, coardt
glass, prefirsshed metal iother than parking of automobiees and.where appro- residents of the immediate area nested developments with adequate space
I. unpainted galvanized grant.orplastic priate.for off-street loading of trucks. b1 To permit development of communtty for highway user commercial services
f' It t To protect residential proppeerties from shopping renters of the size and in the app-- where adequate natural or man-made
n j-77te Village Manager or lus designated noise. illumination. urwghtbnets.odors. propriate locations shown an the Gulat boundaries will delineate a logical devel-
����4444 representative stall review all proposals to dust,dirt.smok
e,.vibration.heat.glare Plan.according to standards thatminimize
determtsw if they comply with the provision and other objet:uonableInfluences. adverse impact on adjoining residential opmentareaand prohibit fragmemtedand
of this section. If he Is of the opinion that a Subd.5.2 Permitted Uses uses scattered development over the enure in
particular proposal does nol so conform he a, R.MMW Attached dwelling units and ae. 5kibd 7 1 2 Special Purposes of C•Reg terchangearea
shall refer the matter to the Board of Appeals essory structures by platting or Planned ( teglomal Commercials District Subd 7 2 Permitted Uses include
for a decision. Development a t 'ro provide a large site at an appropriate a i All direct retail soles to users of goods and
b, RM-2500 Attached dwelling units and ae. location fora major shopping center which services conducted within structu res and
SECTION 3 Rur•Rural District cessory structures by platting or Planned serves a wider region than the Village itself accessory uses.except
Subd 3.1 Purposes Development. consistent with the intent of the Metropuli- V.RFG-SEH uses are limited to sales
In addition to the objectives prescribed in ct Public and quass public facilities and sery can Guide Plan and service operations which require
Article I iObjectivesi the Rar rural district ices required by the resident or working h To ensure that a major center will be de- relatively large sites. attract little or no
is included in the zoning ordinance to population veloped in accord with high standards of pedestrian traffic and are not tvpicaliv
achieve the lollowingpurposes Subd 53 Required t`osditions site planning, architecture.and landscape found in shopping center structures
a, To prevent premature urban develop. a All uses shall comply with the regulations design C-HWY uses are limited to sales and
merit of certain lands which eventually pprrsenbed in Section 2. Site Yard. Bulk, c, To minimize the adverse effect of major service operations directly related it,
will be appropriate for urban uses. L,isA le Open Space. Screening. Land- commercial facilities on nearby dwell- highway or freewAy uses. tourist%. and
until the installation of drainage works, scapirsg. Parting. Loading and Perlor ings travellers
streets, utilities and community facilities manse Standards). Subd. 7.1 3 Special Purposes of C-Reg;tier b1 Reyted or supporting office and distribu.
and the ability to objectively determine b, Public sanitary sewer service must he I Regional Service 1 District bonuses.
and project appropriate land use patterns provided to all occupied multiple unit, a, To provideappropnately located Area,for ci Public and quasi public facilities and
makes orderly development possible. SECTION 6 OF'C1>FFICF.DISPRICT c•ommerrial uses having features that are services required by the resident,working
b: To permit the conduct of certain agncul. Subd 6 1 Purposes incompatible with the purposes of the other or shopping population
turaI pursuits an land in the Village In addition to the ob'eclives prescribed in commercial districts
cI To ensure adequate light.. air, and pit• Article 1 General rUbleclivesI. the OFC•O(-. b) Tupprovide sites forbusinesses that typs- Subd 7.3 Required Conditions
vary for each dwelling unit, and to rice district is included in the zoning ordi• sally are. found in shopping centers. a' All uses shall comply with regulations pre-
provide adequate separation between rasncetoselueve the following purposes. that usually have relatively large sites scribed in Section Z. %Site. Yard. Bulk.
dwellings and facilities for housing a i To provide opportunattes for offices of a providing off-street padtang. and that at- (;sable Open Spare. Screening.landscap
animals semi-commercial character to locate tract5ttleorno pedestrian traffic. Ing, Parking,Loading.and Performance
Subd 32 Permitted Uses outside o(commerccai districts c, To maximize the eflic•ienev of the regional Standards
ai Agriculture, accessory and related uses br To establish and maantaminportionsolthe district bviinitsngor prohibiting uses that b, Acceptable. approved anstary sewer
b, Public and quasi public facilities and Village the high standards of site plan-P break theront:mmty of commercial from service must be provided to all occupied
services required by the resident or rung arclutecture, and landscape design tageorarrincompabble with anattracuve structur"and uses
working population sought by many business and professional pedestnanshoppingarea c o Zoning request wi 11 be cunsidered only on
ct Single famth detached dwellings and offices Speclal Purposes of C-Hsu P development
g Subd, 7.1 4 the basis of comprehensive
acresson' structure% without platting on c- To provide adequate space to meet the (Highway Commerciials District y plan for the entire area to be zoned and
parcelsof riot less than5 acres needs of modrm offices.including off- A To provideappropnotely located areas for specific plans for initial structures and site
Subd 3.3 Required Cooditioss street parking of automobiles and.where establishments serving to highway and development
at All uses shall comply with the regula. appropriate.off-street loadingd trucks. freewaytnve4en and tourists di Site and use area conditions
tions prescribed in Section 2 tSite, Yard, di To provide apace for seem-public facilities
Bulls. Usable Open Space, Screeruvg. And institutions that appropriately may be ZONING Minimum Zone Maximum Zone :Maximum Floor Maxtmum
Landscaping. Parking. Loading, at. located in office districts. DISTRICT Area-Acres Area tAcres, Area PrintarvUse Total
Performance StandardsI r) To minimize traffic congestion and toavued Sq Ft Floor Area
SECTION 4 R-1 One Family Residential the over-loading of uuliues by preventing 'Sq.Ft
Districts the construction of buildings of excessive
Subd.41 Purposes sue in relation to the amount of land C•COM tCommunsty, 5 20 20,001) 100,000
In addition to the objectives prescribed in around them C-REG i Reglnnal s So Is a n a In a
Section t iObjectivesi, the R-1. one-family f' To protect offices from the noise,disturb C-HEG•SER lRergsonal
residential districts are included in the zon Alice,traffic hazards.safety hazards,And Service 10 n a n a n a
. e tog ordinance to achieve the following other objectionable influences incidental C-HWY 'Highway, 5 20 2D.(M 100.000
,VJup sex to certain commercial uses.
aI To reserve appropriately Ideated areas Sneed 62 Permitted Uses
for single family living at reasonable .11 Business and professional offices and ac SECTION 8 1-Industrial Districts Ioclustnal Park Districts
population densities consistent with cessoryuses Subd 8.1 Purposes at To establish and maintain lugh stan-
sounid standards of public health and b• Supporting commercial sales and services In addition to the objectives prescribed in Sec dards of site planning. architecture,
safety with and without sanitary sewer. to office users within large office struc- tion I General s Objectivesi. the IND-IN. and landscape design that will create an
b, To ensure adequate light. air. privacy, lures only D[STHIAL districts are included in the zoning environment attractive to the most din.
and open space for eachdwelbnq. c, Public and quasi-public facilities and ordinance to achieve the following purposes cnminatirag industries and research and
c, To minimize traffic congestion and to services reegqwred by %hie resident or development establishments seeking sites
avail the overloading of utilities by working population, a) The provisions of this article shall be in the Metropolitan area
preventing the construction Of buildings Subd.63. Req)teed Ceattfitlrrs administered and enforced in a manner ni to provide and insure the continuity of go-
preventing v excessive size ruction to the land a t All uses shallearnpiv with the regulations to cteariv support objectives of the Vil• cations for industries that can operate an
of excund them pprescnbed In Section2.,Site.Yard.Bulk, (age. community organizations and civic small sites with minimum mutual adverse
d, To protect residential properties from Lisas Open Space. Screening, land- groups to locate industrial development impact.
noise. illumination, unsightliness. odors. scapnng. Parting. loading.and Perform- in the Vsllageof Eden Prairie Subd
8!Industrial District
Purpose rici of the t-C:EN—
dust. din, smoke. vibration, heat, glare. a ace Sta nda rds'- b• To reserve appropriately located area for
andotherobjt-ruorableinflueners b• All professional pursuits and businesses industrial arid rela tedactivi ties To provide locations where industries that
Permitted taus shall be conducted entirely wilkin a corm. co To protect areas appropriate for industrial desire larger sites and outside storage can
Subd 4 2
.i� RI-22 Pe it Single family. detached dwell pletely enclosed structure.except for off- use from intrusion by Inharmonious uses. operate with minimum restriction and wtth-
streetparkingandloadingAreaz dt To protect residential and commercial out adverse effect on other uses.
hits and accessory structures of stand- c, Acceptable. approved sanitary server properties anti to protect nuisance•free. Subd & 2 Permitted Uses include,
and or modular construction by platting servicemu%tbe provided loalloccupied tvsn•hazardous industrial uses from raise. at Manufacturing,warehousing.wholesale.
or planned development wit"t sam• structure odor, insect nuisance,dust.dirt.smoke. distribution, processing, packaging. as-
tary sewer service. dt 70rung requests wtIf tar considered only on vibration,heat and cold,glare-truck and sembling. compounding• and accessory
tit RI-13.500 Single family, detached dwell-
ings the basis of arnanpreheravedevelopment nil traffic,and other objectionable influ
and accessory structures of uses.conducted within structures except
standard or modular construction by plan for the entire area to be zoned and ences.and from fire,explosion, noxious in i-GFN where uses may include prop-
standard or planned development wick specific pDlane for initial structures and fumes, radiation,and other hazards inch- erIv screened o utside storage
sitedevelapment. dental toc•ertain industrial uses b) Related or supporting office,and minor
sanitary sewer%ervace e, To provide opportunities for certain types commercial uses
c, Public and quasi public facibUes and SeWrION7 ComCommereial Dtstnets of industrial plants toroncentrate in Mo. c, Public or quasi-public facilities and serv-
services required by the resident Polito- Subd 7 1 Purposes tually beneficial relationship to each other tees required by the working and transient
la ton In addition to the objectives prescribed in Arti- I To provide adequate space to meet the population,
Ssibd 4 3 "aired Conditions cle I General -Objectsves-•the Comcommer- needs of modern industrial development. Subd. 113 Required Canditioxs
c All uses shall comply with the regula• seal districts are included in the zoning ordi- includin all-sereet arktn and truck a, All uses shall comply with the regula-
%tons prescribed in Section 2, 1Site. nancetoacluevethefollowingputposes lnailingareasardlandscapnnR prescribed
Pant. Bulk. [.%:able Open Space. Screen a, To provide Appropriately located areas for bansal an Section'I. (Site Yard,
ing. Lasdwa s Parkin Wadtag and retail stores, offices. service establish- s' To provide s sufficient open spare around Bulk. Csabte Open Loading
P nR B• irodustnal structures to protect them from Landscaping. Parking. Loading and Per-
Performance Standards. mends.and amusement establishments the hazard of fire and to minimize the im formance Standards.i
SECTION 5 RM Multi-Family Residential bs To provide opportunities for retail stores. ppuuctofirdustnalplantsancearbyuses b, Acceptable, approved sanitary sewer
Districts offices, service establishments. and h T0mimrnizetra(fic congestion and toavtad service must be provided to all occupied
Subd 5 1 Purposesamusement establishments,to concentrate structures
the over-loading of bubbcsgs o preventing c i 7emn requests wall be considered only on
in addition to the objectives prescribed in See- for the convenience of the pooh)and in the construction of buildings of excessive g nil
lion 1, sObjectives,.the RM multi-family rest• mutually beneficial relationship to each size in relation to the amount of land the basis of a comprehensive development
dential districts are included in the zoning ardt- other, around them. plan for the entire area to he zoned and
nance toacturve the fallowing purposes c- To provide space for community fatalities specific plans for trubal structures and site f
a� To reserve appropriately located areas for and institutions that appropriately may be development
family living in a variety of types of located in commercial areas Solid 8 1 1 Siseetal Purposes of the I•PRK— d, Sste and Use Area Conditions
dwellings at a reasonable range of►opu- d- To provide adequate space to meet the
lation densities consistent with sound needs of modern commercial development. ZONING DISTRIC-T MINIMUM MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT
standards of public health and salety including ofVstreet parking and truck ZONING AREA tX)TSiZE CONCEPT
.Y T.N t To preserve as many as possible of the tit• loading areas acres tac•rest Planned
suable characteristics of the one-family ei Tomimmizetrafhic congestion and toavoid 12-PAHKS 40 2 Groupings {
residential district while permitting the over-loading of utilities by preventing 15-PARK W 5 Planned Groupings
higher poputa tion densities. the construction of buildings ofexcessive 1-GEN 80 5 Individual Sites&
c, To ensure adequate I gbh,air,privacy.and size in relation to the amount of land Planned Groupings
open space(oreaclizelhryt unit. around them.
d, To provide space for semi-public facilities f i To protect commercial properties from
needed to complement urban residential noise,odor,dust-dirt,smoke,vibration. SECTION 9. PUB Public or Quasi-Public In addition to the objectives prescribed in Sec-
areas and space for institutions that re- heat,glare.traffic.fire,explosion.noxious District. non I i Objectivesi. the PUB Public or
quire a residential envirortment. fumes,and other hazards. Subd.9.1 Purposes Quasi-Public district is nteluded tit the zon-
+rig ordinance to provide procedure for the include an area of at least twenty five 2st forming signs are to be eliminated or it Strict Interpretation or enforcement
orderly establishment of public facilities, acres altered to conform would result in a practical difficulty
expansion of their operations,or change in See 113 Procedure Subd.16.2 Conurasation and Maintenance or unnecessary hardship inconsistent
the use of lands owned by governmental The Village Council shall adopt, and may a I A use,lawfully occupying a structure or with the intent of this ordinsince and
agencies and for the identification of drain- amend specific procedures and requirements a site on the effective date of this or- the Guide Plan
age ways and flood plains,and quasi-public for submieaon and approval of Planned Unit dinance, or of amendments thereto, that 21 There are exceptional or extraordinary
insutuuonial uses. Development proposals. does not conform with the use regula• circumstances or conditions al.plicable t
Subd 9 2 Permitted Uses SECTION 12 Off-Street Parking Facilities tons or the site area per dwelling urut to the property. use or facilities ZW
a' Permitted Uses included all public and Sec 12 1 Purposes regulations for the district in which the do not apply generally to other prop
quasi-publicuses.drainage ways and flood a' To alleviate or prevent traffic consoles, use is located shalt be deemed to be a ties in the same district. 'L
plains approved by the Village Council ion and shortage of parking for rest• nonconforming use and may be con- 31 Strict or Dteral inter•prelauon would
Subd 9.3 Requiredests"tions dents.employees.customers orusers untied. except as otherwise provided in deprive the applicant of the use arid
a' All uses shall comply with the reguta- b, To provide adequate and suitably located thisarticle, enjoyment of his property in a manner
dons prescribed in Section 2. tSite, oft-street parking facilities in relation to b, Nonconforming uses must comply with similar to other owners in the same does-
Yard, Bulk, Usable Open Space, the needs of the users all regulations for off-street parking and tact.
Screening. Landscaping. Parking. d- ci To reduce the adverse impact of parking loading. screeninngg landscaping and per- sit Granting a vananr a will not constitute
trig.and Performance Standardsi areas vixually, structurally and hvdro- formsn"startdarda. a spectal privilege.
logically c, Routine maintenance and repairs may Si A comprehensive list of condluons for
SECTION 10 PS ,PLAN'MTDY' DISTRICT' Sec 12.2 Basic Requirements be performed on a structure or site the a pertictiar use or Lac lity has been
-subdivision to I Purpose At Elie time of Initial occupancy, major at- use of which is non-conforming and on a adopted by the Village Council by Res-
In addition to the objectives prescribed in teration,or enlargement of sties,or of comple- rwncordormirig structure, olution.
Section 1. 'Objectives,. the PS .Plan Studvi tion of construction of a structure or of a SECTION 11.Variances 6t Granting a variance will not be det-
Distnct I:: included in the zoning ordinance major alteration or enlargement of a struc- Subd 171 Parposesaud Astborlsallou trimentai to the public health, safety
in order to ture. there shall be provided off-street pant- as in order to prevent or to lessen such or welfare, or materially injurious to
a' Provide for the classification of prop• ing facilities for trucks and automobiles in practical difficulties and unnecessary the public or private properties or
ertnes annexed, attached. or reirwo accord with the schedule of off-street parking improvements in thevicinit
rion rig ph lardatups inconsistent with the y
rated Into the t'citiage through alteration space regtrements prescribed in Article 2, ob ecloves of this ordinance as would re- The ilia Review) Appeal
of highway nghtvf-wav or other non '5dtr, !'lard. Bulk. ltsable Open Spare, so[from a strict or literal interpretation
The Village Council may elect in niece any
classified properties.during the period of Screening. Landscaping. Parking. Loading and enforcement of certain of the regua- decision of the Board of Appeals or a de-
specillc study and recommendations and Performance Standardsn,and specific or- cis ion may be appealed to the ('our[cil by
dipancesad adopted eons. the Board of Appeals and Adjust-
b� Permit an intermediate classification. oP by mints is empowered to the appbrantur any other person.
without prejudice, for properties in areas Sec 12.3 Specific Requirements anres. P gnint vari Subd.17.7 Lapse or Revocation
of stgmficantly changing conditions• isuch The Village Council shall adopt, and may D+ A practical difficulty or unnecessary a I A variance granted but cal used shall
as, but not limited to major highway amend specific provisions for off-stint park physical hardship may result from the become void oise year after its efsec-
relocation, airport expansion or revision, crtg facitiues by ordinance size shape, five slate
dimensions of a site or b, A variance shall be revoked within 15
open apace or older inadequate
metropolitan policy SECTION IS Off-Street Loading Facilities the location of existing structures thereon: days after notice of failure to meet re-
prtshaocalai, or inadequate toning regua- Subd 13.1 Purposes from geographic. topographic or other guired conditions has been given.
lion. where new or revised clastdhca- ai To alleviate or prevent traffic: conges• physical conditions on the site or to the
lions or regulations may be necessary. lion and shortage of parking for resi- immediate vicinity. or from population SECTION 18 Zoning Certificate and Cer•
during the penod of specific stud- and dents.customers,emplovees orusers densities• street locations. or traffic con- tificate of Occupancy
rec•omniendauon. b i To provide adequate and suitably to- didons in the immediate vicinity Subd 18.1 Purposessnd Requirements
c Encourage and promote high standards rated off-street loading facilities in rela. c, Cost to the applicant of strict or literal ai To ensure that each new or expanded
of ale plantung, architecture and land- tion to the needs of the users compliance with a regulation shall not be use of a structure or site and each new
scape design that will create an environ. c, To reduce the adverse impact of load- thessole reason forgrantingavariance. structure or alteration of an existing
ment which is attracuve and most com- Ing areas visually. structurally. and by- tit The power to grant variances does not structure complies with all applicable
plimentary to existing and proposed per- drologicaliv extend to use regulations provisions of tits ordinance.and in order
ipheral development SuDd. 132 Basle Requirements that the Village may have a record of
Subdivision 10.2 Permitted Uses a I At the time of ilutial occupancy. major Subd 172 Board of Appeals and Adjust- each new or expanded use of a structure
men[s:Organization and Powers
a tit use. structure ed sign lawfully tic- alteration, or enlargement of a ate,or of or I. a zoning ceru(tcate is required
classri a site immediately prior to its ocwrif a M or construction of n structure as There s hereby established a separate before any building permit may be is-
Board of Appeals and Ad ustmenta of the
classification as PS District shall became or of a major alteration or enlargement pPe j surd or any structure or site used. and e
non-conforming, Village, which shall consist of one mem-
rig, and the extension alter- of a structure. there stall r provided ber of the Village Council,one member of a certificate of o hall b Issued required by
afion or enlargement structures and facet- off-sacco d trading specifies for trucks e- the Planning Commission, and three oth- the Belding Cade shall .4 wihtonly tog
Ines for exciting uses may be permitted accord with the specific ordinance re- a structure that conforms with the zisarrlg
pan application q adopted er citizens of flit Village. The member
by the Village e Council u mnements ad fed LArsem Council. certificate
and consideration Subd t3 3 Specific from the Planning Commission shall be
itcgairements deemed to be the Subd.15 2 Building Permit
D� Applications for new uses will not be The Village Gained shall adopt. and may represenauve of the at A building permit shall bel is[red orgy !
considered dune the brat half of the amends planning agency for purposes of Minneso-
g specific provision for off-street load. upon execution of an approved Zorui
stipulated plan period or sip i6i months soft facilities by ordinance to Taws d �11 Chapter 610. Section t. Certificate. sy
from the date of classification.
whichever SECTION is Signs Subdivision iMinn. Stat., Sec 492.351. Subd 18.3 Occupancy Certificate f
is shorter I.a er application may be con- 'Reserved for future use Subd 2+ They stall be appointed by theng occupancy shall
sidereMayor. with the consent of a majority of aI o certificate until al ocN n
that point
In light of planning completed to SECTION IS Homeorcupations the members of the Village Council, in not tie issued until and reguilrements of
that pant Subd 151 RequiredCo"tiss" Januan of each year. Every member this ordinance and condo
Sol to
Subdivision)0 3 Required Coaditials any variance have been fully met.
as All uses shall comply with.regulations Home occupations in Agr.. R. and RM Ms. shall before entering upon the discharge bi A temporary certificate may be issued
tracts shall comply with the following re of his duties take an oath that he will requirements
re life ci in Section 2 ,Ste, Yard. Bulk. rig g- when certain conditions or
nations faithfully discharge the duties of hs of- '
PlaaDle open space, Scenery, taidscap- a; There shall be no slockin-trade other rice. Vacancies shall be filled as they cannot be met due to weather or other
ring. Parking. loading and Performance conditions beyond the control tit the own-
than products manufactured on the prem- occur in the same manner as regular ap• ontro' will not be
Staridards, for classifications most close pantmenis All members shall serve er tut only when occu '
is•resembling tlw•use considered Ixa detrimental to the health, safely or gen-
b' Applications for F'S District classifiea- b' A home occupation shall be conducted without compensation. but shall be eral welfare of the occupants or neigh-
lion a dwe ling and shall be clearly in• entitled to reimbursement for expenses
don consideration must include at least bons.
twenty five'25-acres rudental to the use of the structure as a Incurred in performing tlte:r duties. The
c The ordinance classifying Property to dwelling members stall elect one their number SECTIOti 19.Amendments
ct A home occupation stall not be conduct• as chairman. and shall appoint a score, Subd.19.1 Purposes
PS District shall stipulate the length of ed in an accesssory structure. and there tarv. who may but need not be a mem• The zorti 1
time expected to be required for study. shall be no storage of nit map and zoning rcgulaUons may
but In no case stall tt hoe more than equipment or her of the belied. Staff services shall be be amencied by changing the boundaries of
nor t year, al the end d which time supplies In an accessory structure or furnished by the Village Manager. The any district, or by changing any district reg.
outside the dwelling Board shall have the power and duty cation,off-street parking or loading facilities
the property shalt have been reclassified There shall be no external alteration of hearing and deciding• subject to ap- requirement, general provision. exception. or
or reverted to its former zoning clas- of the dwelling in which a home occupa- peals or requests in the following cases. other provision thereof- in accord with the
sific lion lion is conducted. and the existence of a 1, Appeals where it is alleged that there procedure prescribed in Ous article.
d' Property placed in the PS District at horse occupation shall not be apparent is an error in any order. requirement. Subd.192 IaiRstion
the time of enactment of thus ordinance beyond the boundaries of the site. ex- decision, or determination made by an An amendment W a zoning ordnance may
shalt at the same time be classified in cept for a name plate administrative officer in the enforce• be initiated by the Village Council,the Pan-
one of the other zones as set forth in et No one other than a resident of the men(of tnosords flat nee lung Commission, or by petition of affected
Sections 3 through 10 inclusive hereof dwelling shall be emploved in the con- 2, Requests for variances from the literal property owners An amendment not initialed i
Subdivision 10 a Initiation duct of a home occupation provisions of this ordinance in in- by the Plantung Commission shall be re-
I Application for amendment to classify Is No motor shall exceed one horse power stances where their strict enforcement ferred to the Planning Commission for study
propet-tc I'S may be initiated by the and the total horse power of such mo- would cause undue hardship because of and report and may net be acted upon j
Village Council. Planning Commission. or tors shall rot exceed two horse power circumstances unique to the individual by the Village Council until it has received
t+s petst,on of affected property own• g, A tome occupation shall not create any property or proposal under considers- the recommendation of the Panning Cont -
ers radio or television interference or create lion mission on the proposed amendrrsent or until
la Application for easlrie.atiod of annexed noise audible beyond the boundaries of In Ranting a variance, the Board, and 60 days have elapsed from the date of ref•
or attached properties shall be Imitated the site the Council on appeal, may impose con- erence of the amendment without a report
by the Village within 30 days after an- h, No smoke, odor, liquid. or solid waste ditions to insure compliance and to pro- by the PammngCommission
nexation or attachment •hall be emitted sect adjacent properties. Subd.19.3 Application aced Fee
SE:(MON It POD-Panned Unit Develop- II yNot more than one truck of not more Subd 173 Application and Fee al Application for any changes must be y
ment Procedure than one ton capacity and no semi-trail- a, Application fee, forms and procedures made on forms provided by the Village
See I I I Purpose ers Incidental to a home occupation shall shall be established by Council Resolu• and shall include ail information and data
The Pla tined Una Development i P U D be kept on the site tion. requested.
provision of this ordinance is to allow vana j, A home occupation shall not create Subd 174 Public Hearing lit Application Fee shall be established
don from the provisions of this ordinance pedestrian. automobile, or truck traffic a, Within 15 days of receipt of an lap• by the Council by Resolution S inrduding setbacks. height. lot area. width significantly in excess of the normal Plication and fee, the Board shall pub- Solid.10.4 Public Hearing
grid depth yards etc dnorderto amount inthedist�rt lash notice of time and place for a public No amendment shall be adopted until a
s Encourage more creative design and de SECTION 16 NonConforminR Uses. Stnie- bearing. The notice shall be published at public hearing has been heid thereon by theveloPment of land cures.and Signs least 10 days before the day of the hear- iUageCouncrl.
h Pronnote vanely in the ph%siral develop- Subd 16.1 Purposes ing and shall be mailed to the next two A notice of the time, place and purpose of
men(patteinnf the Village a, This article Is intended to limit the adjacent owners of property to which the hearing shall be published in the
o Concentrate open space in more usable number and extent of nonconforming the variance relates. newspaper of the Village at least taw
areas or to preserve unique natural re uses by prohibiting their enlargement. Solid 17.5 Action prior to the day of the hearing. Whew'a�l; +
six roes of the site their reestablishment after abandon- a' Within 80 days after conclusion of the amendment involves changes in district
d )'reserve and provide a more desirable ment. and the alteration or restoration public bearing, the Board stall take ac- boundaries a notice shall be mailed at least
environment than would be possible un- after destruction of the structures they ion on the request to grant or deny the ten days before the day of the hearing to
der strict Interpretation of the Zoning occupy variance, or provide the necessary Inter- each owner of affected property and prop-
Ordinance or Subdivision Regulations bo Eventually, certain classes of non-con- pretabon. erty to which the amendment relates. For
See 11 2 Basin Requirements forming uses. nonconforming structures bI Action by the Board shall be based upon the purpose of giving [nailed notice, the
Planned Unit Development proposals must of nominal value, and certain non-con- ILA findings of fact esabbah that: Village Clerk may use any appropriate rec-
ords to determine the names and addresses $
of owners. A copy of the notice and a lisp
of the owners and addresses to which the
notice was sent shall be. attested to by the
Village Clerk and shall be made a part of
the records of the proceedings. The failure
., to give mailed notice to individual property y*
L-owners, or defects in the notice shall not in- ;
validate the praceedings, provided a bona
i'fide attempt to comply with this subdivision
has been made.
! Solid.19.5 Reapplication i
No application for the same or substantially
the same change shall be made within one y
it i year from thedate of denial. !i
Subd 19.6 kil"doa
Amendments to the Zoning ordinance may i
be adopted by a two thirds vote of all of the d
members of the Council. i
SECC10N20 Admi nix tration and Penal ties
The Village Manager shall be responsible
for the enforcement of this Ordinance and
all orders of the Board of Appeals and
Village Council.
All applications for zoning or variances i
shall be directed to the Village Manager for
administration review and reference to the VV
Planning Commission or 9oardof Appeals.
Sabd.20.3 Penalties
Any person who violates or fails to comply
with any of the provisions of this Ordinance {
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall be punished i1{
by a fine of rot to exceed Tbree Hundred
4300.00d Dollars or by imprisonment for
not to exceed ninety tW days for each of-
fence. Each day that the %notation is per-
mitted to exist shall constitute a separate I
offense 6!
SECTION 21.Establishment*[Districts
For the purposes of this Ordinance, the Vil-
tage of Een Prairie is divided into use dis-
,nets as set forth in Section J through
10 inclusive hereof. The legal descriptions of
the land contained in each district is as set
forth in Appendix A which is attached here- =
to and nudes part of this Ordinance.
Anv lard annexed to the Village in the fu-
ture shall be placed in the Plan Study Dis-
trict until placed in another district by ac-
tion of the Village Council
SFCrION 22,Repeat
Ordinances No. 6. 10. 11. 12. 14, 15. 17. Ill, fi
U. 21. 22. a. 24. 26. 27. 28, 37. 38. 39. 40. t
42. M. 47. 68. 50. 51, 52. St, $7, 58. 61. Ct. 1
✓-' w 1 & 66, 67. 70. 72. 72, 74. 75, 77. 72, 61.
,. ti M. II. 92. ft. 95. 90. 100, Its, lift,
... . ftl, M. 12i are hereby repealed. Nothing
contsifaed in this Ordinance repeals or
am"ids any ordinance requiring a permit
or beems, to engage in any business or oc-
Firrsst tiread at a regular meeting of the
Council of the Village of Eden Prairie this
ndnth day of September, 190. and finally
read. adopted and ordered published at a
regular meeting of the Council of said Vil-
tage on this 1 i day of October.1909. j
Mavor of the
Village of Eden Prairie
Village Manager
Published In The
Minnetonka,Eden Prairie Sun
on November 6,1909
�. •
6601 W. 78th St. Bloomington, Minnesota
State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin
.t. H ftITCHAY. being duly sworn. on oath says he is and during all times here staled has been the vice president and
pnntcr, of the newspaper known as The Hopkins Sun and has full knowledgtorrtia[e of the fads herein stated
a� follows •1 i Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper anQ In column and sheet form i
equivalent In printed space to at 1easl (1D0 square mcti#-s -2r Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at kart once si
each week .3, Said newspaper has 50'. of its news he,
devoted to news of local interest to the community which it
purports to serve and does not whnlly duphcati• any other publication and Is not made up entirely of patents. plate
#-natter and advertisements i4l: Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve. has
at least 500 copses regularly delivereti to paying subscribers. has an average of at least 75'. of its totil circulation cur- `
rently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local p,ost-office. 15i Said
newspaper purports to serve the City of Hopkins in the County of Hennepin and it bar, its known office of issue in
the, City of Bloomington in said county. established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of
new.. sate of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer or persona in its em-
ploy and subject to his direction and cnnlrol during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such
regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business related thereto i6i Said newspaper files a copv of
each issue immediately with the State Historical Swiety i7i Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing condi-
tions for at least two years preceding ttoe day or dates of publication mentioned below. i8i Said newspaper has filed
with the Secretary sit State of Minnesota prior to January 1. 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the
form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary
public stating that the newspaper Isis legal newspaper
He further stales on oath that the printed hereto attached as a part herruf
was rut train the columns of and newspaper and was printed and published therein to the Fnglish language, once
Thurs. 6
each week, for successive weeks, that it was first so published on the day
Nov. 69
of 19 and was thereafter printed and published on #-very to and including
the day d 19 and that they following is a printed ropy of the lover case alphabet from
A to 7.. tooth inclusive and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of ivpe used in the composition and pubh-
raUonof cud notice.town
abcde1Rhrjk lmnopgrstu vwxve
SuMrnhea and.woe Is to ht•Im-e m#-Ihn 1...�day of / C v - 19
1 �rl
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fjibara SamueWin.Notary Public.fiamsey Cirtmty.Mann.
My Commission Expires November 8,t971
1 sY r yty
Legal Descriptions
Appendix A
Ordinance #135
Sections,Township 116,Range 22 the extension of a tine 25 feet south erly rightof-we
y line of the said rail- 5.4
Deuu4peon of and parallel to the north limits road; thence Northeasterly along the PADON DOWN'S. R1-22
Number Zaire of said McKinley First Addition a said Southeasterly right-of-way line to 5.5
1.1 pe ria�on distance of 417.27 feet: thence to the the pint of beginning excepting PADON DOWN'S SECOND ADDI.
s That part of the Northeast Quarter right along the are of a 5 degree 0 it..row all that part of the above TION. RI-22
o section 1, Township ast Range minutes circular curve having a cen- described tract embraced in POND- 56
Of described as follows: Commence tral angle of 29 degrees 54 minutes EROSA HILLS. 12-PRK The West 417.2 feet of all that part
i at the East _ a distance of 598.00 feet; thence 3.6 of the Southwest Quarter of the
said Section a thenceQuarter
con erdof southeasterly along the tangent to KIDS FOREST ADDITION TO Southwest Quarter of Section 5,
green 17 minutes 35 seconds West the last described curve a distance STEVENS HEIGHTS. RI-22 Township 116„ Range 22,lying South•
along the East fine of said North- of 185,66 feet; thence to the right 3-7 erly of the Town Road. RI-22
east Quarter of said Section 1 a dis- along the are of a 5 degree 0 min- STEVENS HEIGHTS. RI-22 5-7
tance of 1501.75 feet to a point which utes circular curve having a central 3.4 PRAIRIE SHORES. RI-22
slang used feet Southerly
is 1435.80 angle of 31 degrees 27 Ys minutes a KINGS COURT ADDITION, RI-22 5-e
East 5- of said Northeast Quarter distance of 629.17 feet; thence south- 3-9 ALPINE ESTATES. RI-22
from the Northeast corner of said easterly a the tangent to the KINGS COURT SECOND ADDI.
Section t: thence South 43 degrees 31 last described curve to a point on TION. R1.22 Section&Township 116,Range22
minutes 25 seconds West, 226.9 feet; the north line of the east Quar- 3-10 Description
theme South 58 degrees 0 minutes 25 ter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec- KINGS COURT THIRD ADDI- Number Zone
Eon 12-116.22, a distance of M.55 TION. Rl-22 Description
Seconds West, 180.45 teak: Sam - feet west of the Northeast corner of 3-11 B 1
South a degrees 0 t tmnitta 25 sec- said Southeast Quarter of the North- All that part of the Northeast Quar- LOCHANBURN. R1-22
ones West, ght- feet li a point an east Quarter and there terminating, ter of the Southwest Quarter of the 6-2
the North right-of-way 21way tine of high- except all that part of the East Half Southwest Quarter not embraced in BELLHURST ADDITION. RI-22
way No, 169 and 212 which is the oc-
tant point of beginning of the land of the Southeast Quarter of Section KINGS COURT THIRD ADDI- 6-3
to be described; thence continuing 1.116.22 lying Easterly of Wash- TION, R1-22 STERLING FIELD. R1-22
South 78 degrees 0 minutes 25 sec- ington Avenue and CLAREDON 3-12 SeMion7,Tawasli 11 Row e22
rinds West,74.50 fat;the South 88 PARK, 12-PRK FOREST KNOLLS. RI-22 Description
9 & ag
degrees 40 minutes 25 seconds West, 14
182.E feet: thence South 85 degrees 35 McK1NLEY FIRST ADDITION' 12-PRK Section 4,Township Ilk Range 22 Number Zane
minutes West, 70,83 feet to a print 1-9 Description Zaae 7-1 Description
which is 74&5 feet West, measured GOLDEN RIDGE HILLS RI-22
at right angles, from the East line 1-10 4.1 Description BELLHURST ADDITION. R1.22
of said Northeast Quarter; thence The West 32 rods of the East 48 All that part of the Northeast Quar- S VA OF SECTION 7
South 9 degrees 12 minutes East, rods of the North 60 rods of the ter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec- 7.2
132.7 feet, along a line drawn from Northeast Quarter of the Southwest lion 4,Township 116• Range 22, lying All that part of the West halt of the
the last described pant to the South- Quarter of Section 1. Township 116, Easterly of a town road.Southerly of Southeast Quarter of Section 7,Town-
west corner of the East Quarter of Range 22. PS County Road No.67 and Northerly of ship 116, Range 22, described as Iol-
said Northeast Quarter,to a pant on (Reverts to a railroad spur running frown the said Iowa: beginning at the intersection
ifs North right-of-way fine of Slate C-HWY) town road to the East fine of the of the Northerly right-of-way line of
Highway No. 169 and 212: thence 1-ti said Northeast Quarter, 12-PRK State Highway No. 5 and the West
North y No. 10 54 d 212; l5 sec- All that part of the right-of-way be- 4.2 line of the said West half; thence
Dods Fast,degrees
211J feet minutes
along1 send ing taken for the new Highway t69- All that part of the Northeast Quar- Easterly along said Northerly right-
onds oust,way line; thence deducting 212 in Section 1,Township 116,Range ter of Section 4,Township 116,Range of way line distance 366.6 feet;
ri the left on a cum of Rodin 22, wing Southeasterly of a line 22,except the railroad and roads and thence Northerly parallel with the
1329t.e& a delta angle e 5 degrees drawn parallel with and 340 feet also except the following described West line of the said West half, dis-
23 minutes 4 seconds, and a chord Northwesterly of the centerline of old tract: All that part of the North- lance 300 feet; thence Northeasterly
distanced 4 sec feet a the actual Highway No.IW212 and Northwester- east Quarter of the Northeast Quar- parallel to the Southeasterly right-of-
distance of beginning. Iv of a line drawn parallel with and ter of Section 4,Township 116.Range way line of the Chicago, Milwau-
l2 All feet Southeasterly of the 22, lying Easterly of a lawn road, kee and St. Paul Railroad distance
Commencing at a point an the North centerline of old Highway No. Southerly of County Hoed No.67 and 800 feet; themes Northwesterly at
Fa po Quarters of the I69-212. PS Northerly of a railroad spur running right angles to a point 1100 feet
fine of the East three rReverts to frown the said town road to the East Southeasterly of the said Southeaster-
Southwest Quarter of the Northeast C-HWY1 line of the said Northeast Quar- Sy rightoforay fine; thence North-
Quarter distance 554.3 feet East Section 2,Tow nshiplIS.He age 22 ter. PUB easterly and parallel with said South-
from the Northwest corner thereof: Description 43 easterly rightof-way tine to the East
thence South parallel with the West Number Description Zone EDEN VIEW. RI-22 line of the West half of the South-
line thereof 455.2 feet to a point here- 2-1 4-4 east Quarter of said Section 7;
wafter referred to as Pant A: GOLDEN RIDGE HILLS. RI-22 N07TINGHAM FOREST. RI-22 thence Northerly along the said East
thence at an angle to the left of 26 2.2 4-6 line to the Northeast corner of the
degrees 52 minutes to a point in the THE COVE. RI-32 KUTCHER'S FIRST ADD. R1-22 said West half: thence Westerly
centerline of U.S. Highway No, 10, Section3,Townabipli&Range22 4.6 along the North line of the said West
said pant being the actual point of Description EDEN VIEW 2ND ADDITION. RI-22 half to the Southeasterly right-of-
beginning of the tract to be describ• Number Description Zone 4-7 way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee
ed: thence Northwesterly to pooat A; 3-I PARADISE VALLEY. RI-22 and St. Paul Railroad; thence South-
thence Southwesterly ppaprallat with That part of the North Half of the 4.6 westerly along the said Southeasterly
the centerline of said Highway its- Northeast Quarter of section 3 BIRCH ISLAND ACRES. RI-22 right-of way line to the West line of
tance 320.52 feet: thence Southeaster- Township It& Range 22, lying be- 4.9 the said West half; thence Souther-
Iv to a point in said centertne dis- tween County Road and U.S. High- Registered Sand Surveys No. 381. ly along the said West line to the
tannuee 320.52 feet Southwesterly from way No. 491 except the South 450 440. 859, 1016. 1120, 66C 261. RI-22 point of beginning. PS
the point of beginning: thence North- feet thereof aid except the ppoortion 4-10 (Reverts to
westerly to the point of beginning e:- thereof heretofore acquired by the Blocks No. I and 2, PAFKO AD- I-GEN)
13 cept Highway, C-HWY State of Minnesota or Hennepin Coun- DITION. RI-22 N W OF SECTION 7
Tract A.Registered[and SurveyNo,y ty for Highway purposes. PS 4-11 7-3
948No.C_H (Reverts to Tract E. Registered Land Survey All that part of the Southwest Quar-
S-4 C-COM) No. 421. R1.22 ter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec-
Alt that part of the West Quarter of 32 4-12 tion 7, Township ii& Range 22, ly-
Pa PONDEROSA HILLS. RI-22 All that part of the Northeast Quar- ing Southeasterly of the Southeaster-
the Southwest Quarter of the North- 33 ter of the Northwest
east Quarter and the Fast Halt of the Quarter of Sec- M waukee xay Tina of the Chicago,
Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Registered Land Survey No. Eon 4,Township Ik6, Range 22, lying Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail-
Quarter lying Northwesterly of the ice' Ri-22 Easterly of,Tract21E,Registered Land road. PS
e8 3i Survey Na. 421. Northeasterly of (Reverts to
Northwesterly rightof-way fine of All that part of the Northwest Quar- Tract A. Registered Laid Survey IGENI
U.S, Highway No. IW212 and South- ter of the Northwest Quarter of Sec- No, 381, Northwesterly of County S',*OF SECTION
easterly of a line drawn parallel with tion 3, Township 1t& Range 22. ly Read No. 4 and Southerly of the 7.4
and 360 feet Northwesterly of the ing Northwesterly of the Northwester- town road, Rt-22 All that part of the Southwest Quar-
Northwesterly right-of-way fine of ly nghtof-way line of the Chicago, 4.13 ter of the Southeast Quarter and
said U.S.Highway No S69.212. C-HWY Minneapolis, St. Paul and Pacific All that part of the Northeast Quar- Government Lot No. 1,both being in
1.5 Railroad. 12-PRK ter of the Northwest Quarter of Sec- Section 7, Township II& Range 22,
CLAREDON PARK 12-PRK 33 tion 4, Township It& Range 22, ly- described as follows: beginning at a
1.6 All that part of the Registered Land ing Easterly of County Road No.'4 nt on the Northerly right-of-wayAll that part of the Fast Half of Survey No. 1095 and the North- except the following described tract: tine of State Highway No.5,distance
the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, west Quarter of Section 3,Township Commencing at a point in the center- 366.5 feet Easterly of the Westerly
Township il&Range 22.lying Faster- It& Range 22, described as follows: fine of County Road No. 4 distance line of the said Southeast Quarter:
I v of Washington Avenue. 12-PRK Beginning at the intersection of the 500 feet South at right angles Drown thence Northerly parallel with the
1.7 Southeasterly right-of-way tine of the the North fine of the Northwest West fine of the said Southeast Quar-
That part of the South Half of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Quarter; thence Northeasterly along ter. distance 300 feet: thence North-
Northeast Quarter of Section 1. and the Southerly rtghtof•way Era of the said centerline 250.4 feet to the easterly parallel with the Southeast-
Township It& Range 22, lying South County Road No. 67: thence Easterly actual point of beginning: thence erly rightof-way line of the Chicago,
of State Highway IW212 and that along the said Southerly right-of-way continue Northeasterly along the said Milwaukee,and St. Paul Railroad,
part of the South Half of Section 1, distance 400 feet; thence Southerly centerline to the North line of the distance 300 feet;thence Northeaster-
Nowshl 116, Range 22. and the parallel with the West line of the Northwest Quarter: thence East to ly to the Southwest corner of Lot
North Half of Section 12. Township Northeast Quarter of the said North- the Northeast corner thereof: thence No. 3, Block No. 2, the HERITAGE
if$. Range 22. lying Northerly.East- west Quarter to a pant 750 feet South 500 feet; thence Northeaster- PARK FIRST ADDITION according
erly and Northeasterly of State High- Southeasterly of the Southeasterly ly to beginning except road. PUB to plat thereof on file and of record
ways I69.212, "McKinley Lane" and right-of-way tine of the Minneapolis in the Office of the Registrar of
the following described lire: Begin- and St. Louis Railroad: thence Section 5,Township III,Range 22 Deeds, Hennepin County,Minnesota;
Tong on the easterly limits of Mc- Southwesterly along a line parallel Description thence Southerly along the East line
Kinley First Addition being in the with and 750 feet Southeasterly of the Number Tone of the Government Lot No. 1 to the
Fast Half of the Southwest Quarter Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Description Northerly right-of-way line ol State
of Section I, Township its North. Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad $-1 Highway No. 5; thence Westerlyp
Range 23 West, Hennepin County, to a pant 280 feet Northerly of the COACHLIGHT MANOR. R1-22 along hie said Northerly rightot-
State of Minnesota, said pant of be Southerly Ens of the said Northwest 5.2 way Ube to the pant of be'n-
gining being 25 feet south of and at Quarter; thence Westerly along a SUNSET RIDGE. RI-22 ning. PS
right angles from the north limits line parallel with and 280 feet North- 5-3 (Reverts to
of said McKinley First Addition ex- erly of the South line of the said Tracts B, C. D. E. F and G; Reg- RI-22)
tended east: thence easterly along Northwest Quarter to the Southeast- istered Land Survey No. lilt. RI-22 S%OF SECTION 7
75 the said Quarter Quarter and there North-South Quarter line of said Sec- westerly along a line 700 feet North-
All that part of the Government Lot terminating. PS tion 17 and lying Easterly of a litre westerly and parallel with the said
No. 1, Section 7. Township 116. 1 Reverts to drawn Northwesterly from a point in Northwesterly right-of-way line to
Range 22. lying Southerly of the FGENi the South line of the said Northerly the South line of the said Northwest
Southerly right-of-wav line of State S 1.OF SECTIONS 250 feet, distance 540 feet Westerly Quarter; thence Easterly along the
Highway No. S. PS 8.19 from the East line of said Govern- said South line to the Northwesterly
i Reverts to All that part of the Southeast Quar- ment Lot No. 2 to a point in the right-of-way line of the Minneapolis
RI.22i ter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- North line of said Government Lot and St. Louis Railroad; thence
Section 8,Township 11&Range 22 tion 8, Township 11& Range 22, ty- No, 2, distance 840 feet Westerly Northeasterly along the said North-
Description ing Northerly of the following de- from the Northeast corner of said westerly rightof-way line to the East
Number Zone scribed line: beginning at a point on Government Lot No.2, together with line of the said Southwest Quarter:
Description the East line of the said Quarter all that part of the Westerly 50 thence Northerly along the said East
8.1 Quarter, distance 60o feet North of feet of the Southwest Quarter of the line to the point of beginning. Ex-
PRAIRIE SHORES. RI-22 the Southeast corner thereof; thence Southeast Quarter of Section 8, cepting therefrom all of the above
8-2 Westerly parallel with the South line Township 116, Range 22, tying South. described property embraced in the
Registered Land Survey No. 714 R-I22 of the said Quarter Quarter,distance erly of the Southerly rightof-way tine WESTGATE ADDITION according to
8-3 800 feet. thence Northwesterly to a of State Highway No. 5, excepting the plat thereof on file and of record
EDENWOOD RIDGE. RI-22 point on the West line of the said therefrom a parcel described as in the Office of the Registrar of
84 Quarter Quarter, distance 770 feet commencing at the Southwest curer Deeds, Hennepin County. Minneso-
ESTHERHILLS FIRST ADD. RI-22 Northerly of the Southwest corner of of the Southwest Quarter of the ta. PS
8.5 the said Quarter Quarter and there Southeast Quarter of said Section 8; (Reverts to
HILLCREST COURTS. RI-22 terminating. PS thence Easterly along the South I-GEN)
8� t Reverts to fine thereof, distance 951.5 feet to a S ih OF SECTION 9
All that part of the South Half of RI-22) point known as pant "A": thence 9-7
the Southeast Quarter of the North- S is OF SECTIONS Northerly at right angles to the Lot 27, Block 7, WESTGATE AD-
east Quarter of Section 84t6.22 not 8-20 center litre of State Highway No. 5, DITION according to the plat there-
embraced in ES'THERHILLS FIRST The Easterly S40 teen at all that part said point being the actual pant of of on file and of record in the Of-
ADDITION. R1.22 of the terly$40 described tract of beginning; thence Southerly to pant fice of the Registrar of Deeds. Hen-
9-7 land a following
Northerly of the Northerly A: thence deflect to the left 72 de- nepin County, Minnesota. PS
WESTGATE ADDITION. R1-22 right-of-way line of State Highway gam• 0 minutes and 10 seconds to (Reverts to
&d No. 5: beginning at the intersection the center line of County Road No, CCOM1
All that part of the Northeast Quay of the center tine of State Highway 4; thence Northerly along the said S'hOF SECTION 9
ter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- No.5 and the West line of the South- center fine to the center line of said 9-9
lion 8-116.22 not embraced in WEST- west Quarter of the Southeast Quar- State Highway No. 5: thence North- The Northwest Quarter of the South-
GATE ADDtTK1N, RI-22ter of Section 8. Township 116, westerly along said center line to west Quarter of Section 9,Township
e-g Range 22: thence North along the the pant of beginning- PS 116, Range 22, excepting therefrom
KIRK MEADOWS. RI-22 West line of the said Quarter Quar- IReverts to all that part embraced in the WEST-
940 ter,distance 525 feet: thence Easter- C-HWY1 GATE ADDITION according to the
HERITAGE PARK FIRST ADD- HI-22 ly parallel with the North line of the SeetionS,Township lt6,Range,22 plat thereof on file and of record in
8.11 said Quarter Quarter to the East tint Description the Office of the Registrar of Deeds,
All that part of the Southwest Quar- of the said Quarter carte Quarter, thence Number Zone Hennepin County, Minnesota. -PS
ter of Section 8 t1622 lyingNorther- Southerly along the said Fast line to Description (Reverts to
Iv of State Highway No,5.Southerly 9-1 RI-22)
the center litre of State Highway No.
5: thence Westerly along the said
PARK m arty ADDITION the excepting DITION except Outlots B, C. D. E 99
therefrom arty part.d the above de- - center line le the point of begin- PS and F. R1-22 St50F SECTION 9
scribed tract embraced in HERI- g Reverts to 9-2 9-10
TAGE PARK FIRST ADD. R1•22 Outlots B. C, D, E and F in HILL- All that part of the East half of the
I•IY C CREST COURTS SECOND ADDI- Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Town-
s i-s OF SECTION 8
That part of the North Half of that 8-2i TION. PUB ship 116. Range 22, described as
part of the Southwest Quarter of the All that part of the Southwest Quar- S sOF SECTION 9 follows: beginning at a point an the
Southeast Quarter lying West of 9-3 North lire of the said Southwest
County Road No. 4 aid East of the ter and the West lust( of the South- All that part of the Southeast
east Quarter of Section 8 Township Quar- Norther. 40 feet Westerly of the
Wes[583.52 feet thereof and West of ter of Section 9. Township tt6,6. Northeast earner thereof; thence
116, Range 22, wing Northerly of the
the East tfTi feet thereof and the Range 22. described as tortuous: be. Southerly and rallet with the Oast
Northerly nght-of-wav lire of State Pa
East !fi5 feet of said tract tying ginning at the Southwest corner of line the said Southwest Quarter.
South of the North 4 rods thereof ex- Highway No. 5, Easterly of the the said Quarter, thence Easterly to distance 533 feet W a rat 700 feet
cept road. PUB HERITAGE PARK FIRST ADD)- the Southeast corner of the said Northwesterly of the Northwesterly
TION according to plat thereof on Quarter; thence North aloof the East right-of-way of the Minneapolis and
9-13 rule and of record in the Office of line of the said Quarter, distance St.Louis Railroad;thence Southwest•
That part of the East 10.16 acres of the Registrar of Deeds. Hennepin 900 feet: thence Northwesterly to a erly along a line 700 feet Northwest-
the North 17,50 acres of the North- County, Minnesota, and Southerly of punt an the West fine of the East erly,and parallel with the said North-
west Quarter of the Northwest Quar- the following described line: begin- half of the said Southeast
ter tying South of the North do feet ning at a point an the East line of Nuttier. westerly right-of-way tine to the East-
thereof and that part of the North 60 the Southwest Quarter of the said distance 14c {eel Northerly of the erlyTIO line of the WESTGATEaplat ADDI-
feet of the Fast 10.16 acres of the Section 8, distance 525 feet Norther- Southwest carver of the said East TION, according anre to the plat thereof
North 17.50 acres of the Northwest Iv M the center line of State High- half: thence Northwesterly to a pant on file and record a the Office
on the a Minneapolis
rightof-wav of the Registrar of Deeds, Hennepin
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Iv- way No. 5: thence Westerly parallel line of the Minneapolis and St, Lou- County. Minnesota: thence Northerly
ing East of the West 114.47 feet with the Northerly lire of State High- is Railroad, the said pant being along the East line of the said
of except the road. PUB way No. 5 to the Easterly line of 533 feet Southerly of the North line
The Southwest Quarter of the North- ADDITION: thence Easterly along f the said Southeast Quarter: Northerly extension thereoff to the
thence eline Southeasterly along the lack North fine of rite said Southwest
east Quarter together with the South- the last described line and its exten- mentioned line to the Southeasterly otter: thence Easterly al the
east Quarter of the Northwest Quar- sion Easterly to the East Tine of the rhghtof-way tine of the Minneapolis said North line to the point of be-
ter together with all that part of West half of the Southeast Quarter and St.Louis Railroad;thence South-
Government Lot No.2 and the North- and there terminating, excepting westerly along the said Southeasterly ginning. (Reverts to
east Quarter of the Northwest Quar- therefrom the Easterly$40 feet. PS rightof-way line to the West Itre o! Rt22t
ter tying Southeasterly of the Chide- (Reverts to the said Southeast Quarter. thence f/
go. Minneapolis and St. Paul Rail- RI-22i Southerly along the West cite of the< Section 10,Township 11&Raie2Z
road and Southerly of the Westerly SthOF SECTION 8 Description
said Southeast Quarter to the point
extension of the centerline of North 8-22 Number Zone
of beginning PS
Hillerest Court in HILLCREST All that part of the Government Lot . Description
COURTS, PUB No. 1 and the Southeast Quarter of (Reverts to 10-1
8-15 the Southwest Quatr, all lying in 15-PRKt FOREST KNOLLS. R1-22
All that part of the Nuarter Quar- Section S. Townshitep 116. Range 22, 94 S'1OFSECTION9 110-2ter of the sleast Quarter of See- lying Southerly of the Southerly All that part of the Northwest Quar. Lots L 2. 3, 4. 5, & 7, 8, 11, 12, M3
tion 8. Towwnnship 1t6, Range 22, lying
tine of State Highway 20. 21, and 35; Auditor's Subdivi-
lying North of HILLCREST No, 5 PS ter of the Southeast Quarter of See- sion No. 22& HI-22
COURTS. RI-22 t Reverts to tion 9. Township 116. Range 22, ly- 10-3
8-16 RI-221 ing Northwesterly of the Northwester- PRAIRIE VIEW. RI-22
ly ri htof-wav of the Minneapolis
All that part of the Northwest Quar- S lsOF SECTION8 g t6 4
and St. Louts Railroad. except the
ter of the Southeast Quarter See- 823 Northerly 533 feet thereof. PS TOPYIEW ACRES 2ND ADD. RI-22
tion 8. Township It& Range 22. ly- All that part of the Southwest Quar- u Reverts to 10-5
ing North of the South 197 feet ter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- I-GENi TOPVIEW ACRES 3RD ADD. R1-22
thereof. PUB tion 8. Township 11& Range 22, ly- S'.OF SECTION 16.6
8-17 ing Soutleriv of the Southerly right- 9.5 All that part of the Fast ik of the
The North 500 feet of the Fast 100 of-way line of State Highway No. 5 Northeast Quarter of Section 10,
All that part of the Southwest Quar-
ter of the Northeast Quarter of the and Westerly of the Easterly 940 Township 116. Range 22. lying
ter ly Section 9,Township the Range
Southwest Quarter of Section 8, feet thereof. PS Y2, lying Southeasterly of the South- Northerly of County Road No. 60,
Township 116, Range 22. PUB i Reverts to easterly right-of-way of the Minne- excepting therefrom any part of the
S to OF SECTION 8 RM-2.51 said tract embraced in the TOP-
S S1,OFSECTIONB spoils a� St. Louis Railroad. PS VIEW ACRES 2ND AND 3RD
All that part of the Southeast Quar- 8-24 Reverts
ter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- All that part of the Southeast Quar- t CENi S% SECTION to
tiara 8,Township 116. Range 22.lying ter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- S-.OF SECTION 9 10.7
Northerly of the :Northerly right-of- tion 8. Township 116, Range 22, Iv- 96 All that part of the Southwest Quarter
way line of State Highway No. 5 and ing Southerly of the Southerly right- All that part of the Southwest Quar- of the Southwest Quarter of Section
Southerly of the following described of-way line of State Highway No. ter of Section 9. Township 116. 10,Township 116.Range 22,described
fire: beginning at a point on the 5. PS Range 22. described as follows: be- as follows; beginning at the South-
East line of the said Quarter Quar- t Reverts to ginning at a pant on the Fast line east corner of said Quarter Quarter;
ter, distance 600 feet North of the C-COMi of the said Southwest Quarter, 533 thence Westerly along the South line
Southeast corner thereof: thence S-sOF SECTION 8 feet Southerly of the Northeast cor- of said Quarter Quarter to the South-
Westerly parallel with the South line AND N i,i OF SECTION 17 ner thereof: thence Westerly parallel west corner thereof: thence North
of the said Quarter Quarter,distance 825 with the North line of the said South- along the West line of the said Quar-
800 feet: thence Northwesterly to a That part of the Northerly 250 feet west Quarter to a point 700 feet ter Quarter, distance 900 feet;
pant on the West tine of the said of all that part of Government Lot Northwesterly of the Northwesterly thence Easterly parallel with the
Quarter Quarter, distance 770 feet No. 2. Section 17. Township 116, right-of-way line of the Minneapolis South line of said Quarter Quarter,
Northerly of the Southwest corner of Range 22. tying Easterly of the and St. Louis Railroad: then South. distance 500 feet; thence Southeast-
eriv to the point of beginning. PS with the westerly, line of the right- 134 164
A Reverts to of-way line of U. S. Trunk Highway A strip of land 250 feet in width EDEN SCHOOL ADDITION. R1.22
15-PRK) No. 169: thence northerly along said from the shoreline of Anderson Lake 10
Section 11,Township 116,Range 22 westerly line of said right-of-way to lying in Government Lots No.4,5, 6 All that part of the Northwest Quar-
Description the point of beginning. C-REG and 7 Section 13-116-22. PUB ter of the Northwest Quarter of See-
Number Zone t2.2 13-5 lion 16. Township 1t& Range 22, ly.
Description All that part of the North Half Commencing at the intersection of ing ;Northwesterly of the Minneapolis
Ii-I of the Northeast Quarter of Section the South line of Government Lot No. and St. Louis Railroad. 12-PRK
TOPYDEW ACRES 2ND ADDI- 12. Township 116, Range 22, lying 1 with the West line of the East 640 1"
TION, RI-22 Northeasterly of the following de- feet thereof: thence North along said The Southwest Quarter of the North-
11.2 scribed lire Beginning on the easier- West litre 310.45 feet: thence deflect- west Quarter of Section 16,Township
TOPVIEW ACRES 3RD ADDI- Iv limits of McKinley First Addition ing 87 degrees 54 minutes 24 seconds 116, Range 22, PUB
TION. RI-22 tieing in the East Half of the South- left 32813 feet: thence deflecting 88 16.7
11-3 that west Quarter of Section L Township degrees 26 minutes 29 seconds right SCENIC HEIGHTS. R1.22
All part of Government Lot fill. Range 22. Hennepin County. 317.5 feet; thence deflecting 90 de- 16.8
No. 2 in Section 11. Township State of Minnesota.said point of be- grees 01 minutes left 907.3 feet: The South 85D feet of Government
116. Range 2L lying Westerly and ginning being 25 feet south of and at thence deflecting I degree 36 minutes Lot No. I in Section 16. Township
Southwesterly of U,S, Highway right angles from the North limits of 50 seconds right to the West line M 116, Range 22, HI-22
No, 494. Rl•22 said McKinley First Addition extend. Lot No. t: thence Southerly along 16.9
114 ed east; thence easterly along the the said West fine to the South line The West IOW feet of the South
WILLOW CREEK. RI-22 extension of a line 25 feet south of of Lot No. 1: thence East to the 469.05 feet of the Southwest Quarter
11-5 and parallel to the North limits of beginning except road. PUB of the Northeast Quarter except
Registered Land Survey No. 875. 111.22 said McKinley First Addition a dis- 13-6 road. PUB
11.6 tance of 417.27 feet: thence to the The East 375 feet of the West 40 i6.10
All that part of Government Lot No, right along the are of a 5 degree 40' rods of the Northwest Quarter lying Commencing at a point in the South
5. Section 11. Township 116, Range circular curve having a central an- South of U.S. Highway No. 494 and line of the Southwest Quarter of the
22. lying Westerly of WILLOW gle of 29 degrees -54' a distance of North of State Highway No.5. C-SER Northeast Quarter, distance IWO feet
CREED, Easterly of Bryants Long 5N,00 feet:thence southeasterly along East from the Southwest corner
Lake and Southerly of the Registered the tangent to the last described Section 14,Township 116,Rauge22
g 8 Land Survey No. 875. HI-22 curve a distance of 185.68 feet; Description thereof: thence North parallel withthe West line thereof 640 feet;thence
11.7 thence to the right along the are of Number Zone Northeasterly to a pant in the East
All that part of the Northeast Quar- a 5 degree W Desertion' circular curve hav- fine thereof 69D feet North from the
14! p
ter and the Northwest Quarter of ing a central angle of 31 degrees Southeast corner them: thence
the Southwest Quarter of Section 271s' a distance of 629.17 feet: The East Half of the East Half of South to the said Southeast corner;
11. Township 116. Range 22. ly west Quarter and the Northeast Quar-
ing thence southeasterly along the tan- the Northwest Quarter of the North- thence West to beginning except
Westerly of U. S. Highway No 494 gent to the Iasi described curve to a road. PUB
and Northerly of County Road point on the North line of the South- ter of the Northwest Quarter of Sec-
No. 60. RI-22 east Quarter of the Northeast Quar- lion 14, Township it& Range 22, ex- Section 17,Township 116,R2nge22
11.8 ter of Section 12. Township 116. cept the following described part of Description
All that part of the Northeast Quar- Range 22, a distance of 6M.55 feet land: Commencing at a point 76.2 Number Zone
ter of. including Government Lot west of the Northeast corner of said feet North of the Northeast corner of Description
No- 4, of Section it, Township 116, Southeast Quarter of the Northeast the South Half of the Northwest 17.1
Range 22, lying Southerly of County Quarter and there terminating. 15-PRK Quarter of said section; thence South LINCOLNWOOD ADDITION. R1-22
Road No.60 and Northwesterly of the 12-3 to the Northeast corner: thence West 17-2
old State Highway No. 169-212. ex- The Easterly 433 feet of the South- 700 feet: thence Northeasterly to the All that part of the East Half of the
cepting the Highway right-of- east Quarter of the Northeast Quar- pant of commencement, according Northeast Quarter of Section 17.
way. C-REG ter of Section 12. Township 116, to the U.S. Government Survey Township 116,Range 22,described as
St•9 Range 22- 12-PRK thereof. 15-PRK follows: Beginning at the crossing of
All that part of the Southeast Quar- 124 14.2 the Northwesterly right-of-way tine
and LEONA 2ND of the Minnea
ter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- The Easterly 433 feet of the Fast LEONA ADD, Polis and St. Louis
ADD, except that part thereof taken Railroad and the Fasters right-of-
lying It. Township tit. Range to Hatt of the Southeast Quarter of for the U.S. Highway No. 494. R1.22 way line of County Road No. 4;
Nigh ay No.Southeasterly of the old Stale Section I2. Township 116, Range 14.3 thence Northeasterly aloe the North-
11-10 No. 1�•2lY. 15-PRK 22. 12-PHK Lots No. 11 and 12. Auditor's Subdi- 8
ll•10 westerly right -way line of the said
All that part of the South Half of vision No, 335 and all that part of railroad to the East line of the said
12-5 Lot No. 10 in the said Auditor's Sub- Northeast Quarter; thence Northerly
the Southwest Quarter of Section 11, All that part of the right-of-way be- division No. 335. lying Westerly of along the said East line to the
Township 116. Range 22, lying South. ing taken for the new Highway No. the Easterly 315 feel thereof. C-HWY Southerly right-of-way line of State
erly of State Highway No. 5, 160 160.212 in the Northwest Quarter of 144 Highway No. 5: thence Westerly
and 212, and Northerly of old State the Northwest Quarter of Section 12. The South 324 feet of Lot No. 5 and along the said Southerly rightot-way
Highway No, 5. 12-PRK Township 116. Range 22. lying South- that part of the South 324 feet of Lot line to a crossing with the Northerly
Section 12,Township 116,Range22 easterly of a line drawn parallel No- 6 lying West of Block No. 2, extension of the East line of the
Description with and 340 feet Northwesterly of LEONA ADDITION. PUB LINCOLNWOOD ADDITION; thence
Number Zone the centerline of old Highway No. Section 16,Township 116,Rarnge22 Southerly along the said line to the
Description drWawn2 and Northwesterly of aline Description Southeast corner of the LINCOLN-
parallel with and 340 feet WOOD ADDITION: thence Wester-
That Southeasterly of the centertirie of Number Zone
That part of Section 12. Township Description ly,along the Southerly line of the
old Highway No. l692l2. PS
116. Range 22 a the Fifth Principal t5.1 said LINCOLNWOOD ADDITION rks-
Meridian, described as follows: i Reverts tn All that part v(the Northwest Quar- lance 258.50 feet: thence Southerly
Commencing at the Southwest earner C-HWY' ter of Section 15-116.22 lying Souther- 242 feet; thence Westerly to the
of the Northwest Quarter of said ly of State Highway No. 5 and Easterly rightof-way line of said
Section 12: thence East along the Northerly of the New Proposed County Road No.4; thence Southerly
South lime of said Northwest Quarter Section t3,Township 116,Range 22 U.S. Highway No. 169.212. 15-PRK along the said Easterly right-of-way
to the Westerly line of the right-of. Description N Is OF SECTION 15 fine to the pant of beginning. 12-PRK
way line of U. S. Trunk Highway Number Zone 15-2 17-3
No. 160. wtuch is the actual point Description All that part of the Northwest Quar- All that part of the South 31 1r3 nods
of beginning of the land to be de- 13-1 ter of the Northwest Quarter of Sec- of the Southeast Quarter of the
scribed: thence Northerly along said All that part of Government Lot No, tion 15, Township If& Range 22, ly- Southeast Quarter of Section 17,
Westerly line to the North line of the 5 and the Northwest Quarter of the ing Northerly of the Northerly right- Township 116, Range 22, lying East-
Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Northwest Quarter in Section 13.116- of-way line of State Highway erly of County Road No. 4, R1-22
Quarter of said Section 12: thence 22 described as follows: Beginning at No. 5. PS S is OF SECTION 17
east to the Northeast corner of the the Northeast corner of Government 4 Reverts
to 17-4
North Half of the Southeast Quarter Lot No. 5: thence Southwesterly dis- 15-PRKI All that part of the Southeast Quar-
of the Northwest Quarter of said tance 1250 feet to a pant WO feet Section It Township 116,Range21 ter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec-
Section. thence south along the East 'Southerly of the North line of Gov- Description tion 17, Township It& Range 22, ly-
line of the North Half of the South. ernment Lot No.5:thence Northwest- Number Zone ing Southeasterly of the Southeaster-
east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter erly to a point on the North line of Description ly rightof-way fine of Minneapolis
to a point 21 feet north of the South- said Quarter Quarter distance 400 16-1 and St. Louis Railroad. PS
east corner of said tract: thence feet Easterly of the Northwest cor- That part of the Northeast Quarter of (Reverts to
westerly in a straight line to a point ner thereof: thence Westerly along Section IS, Township 116. Range 22, I-GEN)
112 feet east of the West line and the North line of the said Quarter lying North of a lire parallel with SrhOF SECTION 17
14 5 feet north of the South line of Quarter to the Northwest corner and 100 feet North of a line de- 17-5
the:North Half of the Southeast Quar- thereof; thence Southerly along the scribed as follows: Commencing at All that part of the Government Lot
ter of the Northwest Quarter of West line of said Quarter Quar- the Northeast corner of said Section No, 5, Government Lot No. 4, the
said Section 12: thence southwesterly ter to the Northerly right-of-way line 16: thence running South on the East Southeast Quarter of the Southwest
245.7 feet to a point 438 feet north of of U.S. Highway No. 494; thence line of said Section 16 for a distance Quarter and the Southeast Quarter
the South line and 6.5 feet west of Easterly along the said Northerly of L642.04 feet, which is the point of Section 17, Township 116, Range
the East line of the Southwest Quar- right-of-way line to the East tine of of beginning of the line to be de- 22, described as follows: Beginning
ter of the Northwest Quarter of said said Government Lot No. 5: thence scribed: thence running Westerly at at the Southwest corner of Govern-
Section t2: thence southeasterly to Northerly to the point of begin• an angle of 89 degrees, 26 minutes, ment Lot No. 5: thence North along
the Southeast corner of the Southwest ntng. 15-PRK 12 seconds to the right for a distance the West line thereof distance 1100
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter 13-2 of 1.519.33 feet: thence to the left on feet: thence Easterly parallel with
of said section: thence south along The Easterly 433 feet of all that part the arc of a I degree-00' cony hay- the South line of the said Govern-
the East line of the West Half of of Government Lot No. 7.Section 13- ing a central angle of 16 degrees40' ment Lot No, 5 to a point 750 feet
the Southwest Quarter of Section 12 116-22 Ivirg Northerly of the Norther- to the West line of the Northeast Northwesterly of the Northwesterly
a distance of Mg.$ feet: thence Iv rigbtof-wav tine of U.S. High- one quarter of said Section 16 and right-of-way line of the Wrourapolis
southwesterly 341.4 feet.more or less way No. 494. 12-PRK there terminating, 15-PRK and St. Louis Railroad as measured
to a pant in the center line of County 13-3 16-2 at right angles to the said Northwest-
Road No.39 distant 15.5 feet westerly All that part of Government Lots 4. EDEN PRAIRIE INDUSTRIAL CEN- erly right-of-way line: thence North-
measured along the center line of 5. 6, and 7 in Section 13-116.22 lying TER. 12-PRK easterly to a point on the North
said road from its intersection with Southerly of the soitherly nghtof- 1.63 tine of the said Southeast Quarter
the East line of the West Half of the way hire of U.S. Highway No. 494 All that part of the East Half of the said pant being 400 feet Westerly of
Southwest Quarter of said Section except a strip of land 250 feet from Northwest Quarter of Section 16, the Northeast corner of the North-
12: thence Westerly along the center the shoreline of Anderson Lake and Township I16, Range 22, lying west Quarter of the said Southeast
line of said road to the West line except the Easterly 665 feet of that Southeasterly of School Road and Quarter: thence Easterly to the
of Section 12; thence north along part lying Northerly of said 250 foot Northerly of the EDEN PRAIRIE Northwesterly right-of-way fine of the
said West line to its intersection strip. 15-PRK INDUSTRIAL CENTER, 12-PRK Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad;
thence Southwesterly along the said tion distant 550 feet Easterly of the way line of the Minneapolis and St. Southeasterly of the Southeasterly
Northwesterly right-of-way line to the Southwest corner of the said South- Lows Railroad. PS right-of-way line of the Minneapolis
South line of the said Southeast Quar- east Quarter: thence Northerly par- Reverts to and St. Louis Railroad. PS
ter of the Southwest Quarter: thence allel with the West line of the said [-GENI (Reverts to
Westerly along the South line of the Southeast Quarter distance 1200 N 1hOF SECTION 19 IGEN)
said Southeast Quarter of the South- feet; thence Northwesterly to a pant 19.5 S(hOF SECTION 20
west Quarter and Government Lot on the West line of the Northwest All that pert of the Southeast Quar- 20-I5
No. 5 to the pant of beginning. PS Quarter of said Section distance 1400 ter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec- Ali that part of the West 1100 feet
t Reverts to feet Southerly of the Southerly right- tion 19, Township i1Q Range 22, ly- of the Southwest Quarter of Section
I-GEN) of-way line of State Highway No. 5: ing Southeasterly of the Southeaster- 20, Township It& Range 22. lying
S'h OF SECTION 17 thence Northerly along the West line by right-of-way fine of the Minneapo- Northerly of the Northwesterly right-
17-6 of the said Northwest Quarter to the lis and St. Louis Railroad. PS of-way line of County Road No.
All that part of the West Half of the Northwest Corner of the Southwest i Reverts to 1. PS
Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of I-GEN) (Reverts to
Township 116. Range 22, described said Section 18; thence Easterly to Section2kTowusMp Ilk Range22 I-GEN)
as follows: Beginning at the South- the Northeast corner of the South- Descripueu N%OF SECTION 30
west corner of said West Half: east Quarter of the Northwest Quar- Number Zone 20-16
thence Easterly along the South line ter of said Section IC thence North- Description All that part of Government Lots No.
of said West Half to an intersection erly along the West line of the 20-1 1 and No. 2. Section 30, Township
with a line drawn parallel with cen- Northwest Quarter of said Section 18 RED ROCK LAKE FIRST ADDI- 116, Range 22, lying Northwesterly
terline 1150 feet Southeasterly of the to the Southerly right-of-way line of TION, R1-22 of the Northwesterly right-of-way line
Southeasterly right-of-way line of the State Highway No.5; thence Easter- 20-2 of County Road No. 1, Southeasterly
Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad: ly along the Southerly righter-way RED ROCK LAKE SECOND ADDI- of the Southeasterly rightof•way line
thence Northeasterly along the last line of State Highway No. 5 to a TION. RI-22 of the Minneapolis and St. Louis
mentioned parallel line to an inter- pant 366.5 feet Easterly of the West 20-3 Railroad and Northeasterly of the(61-
section with a line drawn parallel line of the Northeast Quarter of said BLUE SKY FIRST ADDITION. RI-22 lowing described lice: Beginning at
with and 274 feet Westerly of the Section IS: thence Southerly parallel 204 a pant on the centertine of the
East line of said West Half: thence with the West line of the said North- All that part of the North five Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad,
Northerly along the last mentioned east Quarter distance 1200 feet; eighths of the Northeast Quarter of said point being 1050 feet Southwest-
parallel line distance 750 feet: thence thence Southeasterly to a point on the Northeast Quarter of Section 20- erly of the North line of Govern-
Easterly parallel with the North line the East line of the Southwest Quar- 116.22 lying Easterly of Co. Rd. No. ment Lot No. 2 as measured along
of the Southwest Quarter of the ter of the Northeast Quarter of said 4, except that part embraced in the center line of said railroad;
Southeast Quarter of said Section 17. Section IS, said pant being 700 feet BLUE SKY FIRST ADDITION. RI-22 thence Southeasterly at right angles
distance 200 feet: thence Northerly Southerly of the Northeast corner 20.5 to the center line of said railroad to
parallel with the East line of said thereof; thence Southeasterly to a EDEN HILLS FIRST ADD. RI-22 the Northwesterly right-of-way line of
West Halt a distance of 800 feet; point on the Fast line of the South- 20-6 County Road No. f and there tetmi-
thence Westerly parallel with North east Quarter of said Section 18, dis- EDEN HEIGHTS. R1-22 outing, PS
line of the Southwest Quarter of the Pant 1100 feet Northerly of the 20-7 u Reverts to
Southeast Quarter of said Section 17 Southeast corner.of said Section 18: CEDAR FOREST FIRST ADDI- I-GEN)
to the Southeasterly right-ofway line thence Southerly along the East line TION. except Out lot A. HI-22 Section 21,Tow aship I 16,Range 22
of the Minneapolis and St. Louis of said Section 18 to the Southeast 20-8 Description
Railroad: thence Southwesterly along corner thereof;thence Westerly along The South 82.5 feet on the North Number Zone
said Southeasterly right-of-way line the South line of said Section 18 to 439.3 feet of the East 264 feet of the Description
to the West line of the said West the point of beginning. PS Northeast Quarter of the Southeast 21-1
Half: thence Southerly along said i Reverts to Quarter except road. PUB RED ROCK LAKE FIRST ADDI-
West line to the point of begin- I-GEN; 20-9 TION. R1.22
ping. PS N It OF SECTION 18 The South 300 feet of the Fast 915 21.2
(Reverts to 19-2 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the RED ROCK LAKE SECOND ADDI-
IGENi All that part of the North Quarter of Northeast Quarter except road. PUB TION. RI-22
N IS OF SECTION 17 the Government Lot No, 1. Section 20.10 21.3
17-7 18, Township 116, Range 22. lying Commencing at the intersection of EDEN HILLS FIRST ADD. R1-22
Government Lot No. I, of Section 17, Southerly of the Southerly right-of- the North line of the Southeast Quar- 214
Township it& Range 22. PS way line of State Highway 'No. ter of the Northeast Quarter with All that part of Government Lot
(Reverts to 5. PS County Road No. C thence West 312 No. 7 Section 21-116.22 lying norther-
RI-22) (Reverts to feet: thence South 170 feet: thence ly of RED ROCK LAKE FIRST
N iy OF SECTION 17 RI.22i East 378 feet to the said road:thence ADDITION and easterly of RED
174 N Va OF SECTION 18 Northwesterly on the said road I$I ROCK LAKE SECOND ADD, R1-22
All that part of the Government Lot 18-3 feet 5 inches to beginning and com- 21-5
No. 2, Section 17, Township 116, All that part of the North Quarter of mencing at a point in the North line EICKHOLTS ADDITION. RI-22
Range 22, lying Easterly of the the Northwest Quarter of the North- of the Southeast Quarter of the 21-6
North-South Quarter One of the said east Quarter of Section 18.Township Northeast Quarter, distance 212 feet STARRING LAKE FIRST ADD. RI-22
Section 17. excepting therefrom that 116, Range 22,hying Southerly of the West from its intersection with the 21.7
part of the Northerly 250 feet there- Southerly right-of-way line of State centerline of County Road No. 4; BRACE'S BtT. RI-22
of lying Easterly of a line drawn Highway No. S. excepting the West thence West 110 feet: thence South 21-8
Northwesterly from a point in the 366.5 feet thereof. PS 340.6 feet; thence East parallel All that part of the West Half of
South line of the said Northerly 250 u Reverts to with the North line of the Southeast the Southeast Quarter and the East
feet,distance 540 feet Westerly from RI-22) Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to Half of the Southwest Quarter of
the East line of the said Government a pant in the center line of said Section 21-11622 lying Northerly of
Lot No. 2 to a pant in the North road; thence Northerly along the cen- Co. Rd. No. I and Northwesterly of
ban of the said Government Lot No, Section Is,Township Ilk Range 22 ter line thereof to an intersection Town Road excepting therefrom
2. distance 840 feet Westerly from Description with a line parallel with and 170 EICKHOLTS ADDITION.STARRING
the Northeast corner of the said Gov. Number Zone feet South of the North line of the LAKE FIRST ADDITION, and
ernuent Lot No. 2. PS Description Southeast Quarter of the Northeast BRACE'S BIT. R.t 22
(Reverts to N AND S vs OF SECTION 19 Quarter: thence West along the said 21.9
RM-L5m 19.1 line to a point due South from the All that part of Government Lot
N bt OF SECTION 17 All that part of the Northeast and beginning; thence North to the be- No. i and the Southwest Quarter of
17-9 Southeast Quarters of Section 19, ginning except road. PUB the Southeast Quarter and the
All that part of the Northeast Quay- Township t16 Range 22,lying North• -I1 Southeast Quarter Of the Southwest
ter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec- westerly of the Northwesterly right- Outlot A. CEDAR FOREST FIRST Quarter of Section 21.Township 116,
tion 17. Township 116, Range 22. ly- of-way line of the Minneapolis and ADDITION. PUB Range 22. lying Southwesterly of
ing North of the South 6M feet St. Louis Railroad, excepting there N it County Road No, L PUB
thereof. Southerly of State Highway from the Westerly 550 feet there• Sectlon2Z,TownslWpllB Range 22
No. S.and Wesueriv of the Northerly of. PS 20.12
extension of the Easterly line of the Reverts to All that part of the Northwest Quar- Description
LINCOLNWOOD ADDITION accord- IGENi ter of Section 20, Township 116. Number Zone
ing to the plat thereof on file and of S',OF SECTION 19 Range 22. tying Northwesterly of the 224
Descriptionrecord in the Office of the Registrar 19-2 Northwesterly right-of-way line ofThat part of the East ts0 feet of
at Deeds, Hennepin County, Minne- All that part of the ;Northeast Quar- the Minneapolis and St. Louis Rail- Pa
sota, PS ter, and the Northwest Quarter of road. PS the West 705 feet of Government Lot
I Reverts to the Southeast Quarter of Section 19. Reverts to No. 52 lying South of County Road
C-COMI Township IIS, Range 22, lying South- i-GENI 222
N it OF SECTION 17 easterly of the Southeasterly right-of- N',tOF SECTION 20
17.10 way line of the Minneapolis and St. 20-13 Commencing 53 rods West of the
All that part of the South 680 feet of Louuis Railroad. PS All that part of the Northwest Quar- Southeast corner of Lot No. 1;
the Northeast Quarter of the North- (Reverts to ter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec- thence West 53.1 rods; thence North
east Quarter of Section 17, Town- IGENu lion 20, Township 116. Range 22. Iv- to the North boundary of Lot No. 1:
ship 116, Range 22, lying Westerly S It OF SECTION 19 ing Northwesterly of a line drawn thence East to a point due North of
of the :Northerly extension of the 19-3 parallel with and 1150 feet Southeast- the pant of beginning; thence South
Easterly line of the LINCOLNWOOD All that part of the Southeast Quar- erly of the Southeasterly right-of- to beginning. PUB
ADDITION according to the plat ter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- way line of the Minneapolis and St. Section 24.Township 116,Rnage2L
thereof on file and of record in the tion 19. Townstup I16, Range 22. ly- Louis Railroad. PS Description
Office of the Registrar of Deeds.Hen- ing Northerly of the Northerly right- i Reverts to Number Zone
nepin County. Minnesota, and North- of-way line of County Road No. I-GENt Description
erly of the North line of the said 1. PS N to OF SECTION 20 24-1
LINCOLNWOOD ADDITION. PS u Reverts to 2044 That part of Government Lot No. 5
c Reverts to I-GEN) All that part of the Northwest Quar- and accretions thereto of Section 24,
12-PRKi S`nOF SECTION 19 ter of Section 20, Township 116, Township 116,Range 22,described as
Section 18,Township 116,Range22 AND N 14OF SECTION 30 Range 22, lying Southeasterly of the commencing at the Meander Corner
Description 19-4 Southeasterly right-of-was line of the on the East line of said Govern-
Number Zone All that part of Government Lot No. Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad ment Lot No.5: thence Southwester-
Description 3, Section 19, Township 116. Range and Northeasterly of a line drawn ly along the fine which forms an
N AND S 4OF SECTION 18 22, and the Northwest Quarter Of parallel with and 1150 feet Southeast- angle of 48 degrees 56 minutes with
19-1 the Northeast Quarter of Section 30, erly of the said Southeasterly right- a line extending from the pant of
All that part of Section IS.Township Township 116,Range 22.lying North- of-way line, together with all that commencement to the Meander Cor-
116. Range 22.described as follows: erly of the Northerly right-of-way part of the West 1100 feet of the ner on the East line of Government
beginning at a pant on the South line line of County Road No. 1 and South- Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Lot No. 4 in said Section 24, a dis-
of the Southeast Quarter of said Sec- easterly of the Southeasterly right-of- Quarter of said Section 20 lying tance of 547.4 feet to the actual
point of beginning: thence Southeast- Southeasterly parallel with and dis- Section 36.Township 116.Range 22
erly at a right angle to said last de- timm I5D feet Northeasterly from Description
scribed litre to the shore of Anderson line "X"distance W7.35 feet; thence Number Zone
Lake; thence Northeasterly, Easter- Westerly 195.10 feet to the pant of Description
ly,and Smtheasterly along the shore beginning. 12-PRK 35-1
of said Lake to the East line of said 27.5 Registered Land Survey No. 600,
Section 24: thence West from the All that part of the North Half of 547. 601. HI-22
Meander Corner on the East line Section 27, Township Lib, Range 22, 354
of said Government Lot No. 5 a dis- lying Southerly of County Road No, All that part of the South Half of
tance of 640 feet: thence Southerlv to 1 and Westerly of State Highway the Northeast Quarter of Section 35-
a point which is 212.5 feet West and No. liu7)•212. PUB 116-22 lying Southerly of Town Road
on a line drawn West from the actu- 27-6 except the Easterly 667-3 feet and
al pant of beginning: and which tine Commencing at a point on the North except Registered land Survey Num-
forms a deflection angle to the right line of Section 27, Township 116, bers Wit, 547 and sot. RI-22
of 43 degrees 13 minutes with the Range 22.distance W.5 feet East of (Nov.6,19691—H
Southwesterly extension of the fine the Northwest corner thereof; thence ---------
runnning from the Meander Corner on Southerly to a point which is 442 feet
the East tine of said Government South and 886.5 feet East of the
Lot No. 5 to the actual pant of be. Northwest corner of the said section:
ginning: thence along said last de- thence East at right angles 425.5
scribed tine to actual pant of be- feet; thence Southwesterly to the
ginning: except therefrom a strip of Northerly fine of County Road No,
land 20 feet in width lying South of 1: thence Southeasterly along the
the North line thereof. All accord- said Northerly line of the said road
ing to the Government Survey there- to the Fast line of the West 27 rods
of subject to the effect of an or- of the East Half of the Northwest
distnce of the Town of Eden Prairie Quarter: thence North to the North
regulating the platting and subdi- line of the said section: thence West
viding of [and, a certified copy of to beginning. PUB
which ordinance is recorded in Book 27.7
7115 of Misc. records page 354, and Commencing at a pant in the East
all subject to a roadwav over the line of the West Nit of the Southeast
East thirty three 1331 feet thereof, Quarter, distance 495 feet South
said roadway being part of High- from the Northeast corner thereof:
way No. 19, PUB thence West parallel with the North
Section 16,Township 116,Range 22 tine of the South Half of Section 27.
Description Township 116, Range 22 to the South-
Number Zone easterly tine of State Highway No.
Description 160: thence Northeasterly along the
25-1 said highway line to the North fine
EDEN PRAIRIE ACRES except Lot of the 3100 feet of the North Hatt of
5. R1-22 the South Half of the Northeast Quar-
Section2i,Township lls,Range22 ter: thence Fast along the said
Description North lire to the Fast line of the
Number Zane West % of the Northeast Quarter:
Description 27-8 thence South to beginning. PUB
EDEN PRAIRIE ACRES except Lot The West 10 Chains of the Fast 15
5. RI-22 chains of the South Half of the South-
262 east Quarter of the Northeast Quar-
Commencung 137.59 feet North of the ter and also the West 10 chains of
Southeast corner of the Northwest the East 15 chains of the North Half
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter: of the Northeast Quarter of the South-
thence West 100 feet: thence North east Quarter. PUB
46.41 feet: thence East 100 feet: 27-9
thence Smith 46,41 feet to begirt That part of the North Half of the
ring. PUB South Half of the West % of the
26-3 Northeast Quarter.lying North of the
Commencing at the Southeast corner South 100 feet thereof and Southeast-
of the Northwest Quarter of the erly of roads. C-HWY
Northwest Quarter: thence West 133 27.10
feet;thence North 137.50 feet. thence The West 160 feet of the East 15
Fast 133 feet; thence South to be- chains of the Southeast Quarter of
ginning. PUB the Northeast Quarter lying North of
264 the Smith 10 chains and Southerly of
Commencing 183 feet North of the County Road No. 1. i2-PRK
Southeast corner of the Northwest 27-11
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter: Lot No. 1, Block No. f, M & K
thence North 282.11 feet: thence West ADDITION. 12-PRK
133 feet: thence South 327.52 feet:
thence Fast 33 feet: thence North Sertion28,Towasla I17,Ranget2
45.41 feet: thence East 100 feet to p
the pant of beginning. PUB Description Zone
Section 27,Towasbip ils,Range 22 Description
Description 28-1
Number Zone The Northeast Quarter of Section 2&
Description Township It& Range 22, except
27-1 that part lying Northeasterly of
All that part of the South Half of County Road No. 1. PUB
Section 27, Township 116, Range 22. 28-2
lying Northerly and Northwesterly of The Northeast Quarter of the North-
State Highway No. 160.212. PUB west Quarter of Section 28. Town-
27-2 ship 116. Range 22, PUB
Tract C. Registered Lard Survey
No. 791. 12-PRK
27.3 Section 29,Township 116.Range22
All that part of the East Half of the Description
Northeast Quarter of Section 27-116- Number Zone
22 lying Southeasterly of State High- Description
way No. 169.212, Northerly of Co. MI
Rd. No. I and Westerly of Register- CEDAR FOREST FIRST ADDITION.
ed land Survey No. 7SI. 12-PRK except Outlot A. RI-22
274 29.2
Commencing at the intersection of Outlet A, CEDAR FOREST FIRST
the West line of the Southwest Quar- ADDITION. PUB
ter with the centerline of State
Highway No. I69 212: thence East
along the centerline distance 1070.00 SectionSa,TownshiplICRange22
feet: thence Southeasterly at right Description
angles distance 80 feet to the South- Number Zone
erly line of said highway: thence Description
Northeasterly along the said high- 30-1
way line distance 210 feet; thence Registered Land Survey No. 783,
Southeasterly at right angles dis- 82. RI-22
tance 172 feet: thence deflect left 52 30.2
degrees 10 minutes distance 347 feet: All that part of Government Lot No.
thence deflect right 90 degrees dis- 2 Section 30-116-22 lying Northwest- ,
tance 100 feet to the pant of be- eriv of the Minneapolis and St.Louis
ginnung: thence Northerly along the Railroad and not included in Reg-
last described line distance 100 feet; istered Land Survey No.82. If122
thence deflect left 21 degrees 16 min- 30-3
utes to the Southeasterly line of said MAPLEWOOD PARK ESTATES,ex-
highway,the said last described line cept Outlots A and B. HI-22
known as fine "X"; thence North- 304
easterly along the Southeast high- Outiots A and B in MAPLEWOOD
way hie distance 17&5$feet: thence PARK ESTATES. PUB