HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Rights and Diversity - 12/08/1998 APPROVED MINUTES
Prairie Rooms A & B
8080 Mitchell Road
COMMISSION MEMBERS: Brad Behrends, Richard Helzel, Harry Moran, Vicki
Pellar-Price, Darryl Stanton, Gloria Winans, and Munna
YOUTH REPRESENTATIVES: Jennifer Johnson and Sopanha Te
CITY COUNCIL STAFF: Michael Barone, Supv. Personnel/Payroll, and
Jan Nelson, Recording Secretary
Chair Winans called the meeting to order at 7:25 P.M. Behrends, Moran and Te were
absent. Yasiri and Stanton arrived late.
MOTION: Helzel moved, seconded by Yasiri, to approve the Agenda as published.
Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION: Yasiri moved, seconded by Helzel, to approve as published the Minutes of
the November 10, 1998 meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Prior to achieving a quorum, the Commissioner's present began informal discussion of
old and new business items.
A. Senior Issues Discussion -Sandy Werts
Barone noted she was not able to come to tonight's meeting but will be on the
Agenda for January. Winans asked if Werts is locked in for the January meeting.
Barone said he will reconfirm with Werts.
A. Create/Update 1999 Work Plan; Revise 1999 Planning Calendar
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
December 8, 1999
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Winans distributed copies of a proposed Objectives and Work Plan for 1999,
noting that it is based on one used for the 1997 Work Plan.
Yasiri arrived at 7:25 PM.
A. Create/Update 1999 Work Plan; Revise 1999 Planning Calendar
The Commission resumed their discussion of the 1999 Work Plan item by item.
B. Increase community awareness of human rights and diversity
Winans said items F and G regarding Vision 2001 Focus Areas were added to the
1997 items.
II. Provide guidance and support to the City Council and City Staff as required on
provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Winans noted we have not given any attention to this objective in 1998. Helzel said there
is an ADA Committee,but there were no meetings this year. Barone said this has been a
relatively inactive committee for awhile. Yasiri noted Behrends is our representative to
the committee.
Helzel thought most of the grievances will be heard in the courts and not by the City. He
thought we might have oversight concerning the City's compliance.
Barone said City Staff has been monitoring ADA compliance. Yasiri noted much of this
is mandated and the city has its own coordinator; consequently she thought we are
serving more as an advisory resource.
Commissioners discussed item C regarding N.O.D. The consensus was that we have lost
touch with this group over the last couple of years, and the item should probably be
Yasiri thought item II.D. regarding appointing a representative of the Commission to
serve on the City's ADA committee was still very appropriate. She also thought we
should add a new goal to have an informal session on ADA for the Commission.
Following a discussion of the Items I1.1 and II.2., the consensus was to list one goal: Add
ADA as an element to our diversity training for new members of City Advisory Boards
and Human Rights and Diversity Commission members.
Stanton arrived at 7:40 PM.
Winans asked if we should address anything about the schools for students with
disabilities. Johnson thought the Schools are very accessible and she doesn't see a lot of
discrimination of the disabled. Helzel thought we are pretty well covered because of the
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
December 8, 1999
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legislation that was passed.
Yasiri thought we originally envisioned making this available to City employees as well.
A discussion followed with the consensus that City Staff is not directly the
Commission's responsibility.
III. Bias Crime Response/Victim support
Helzel thought we might want to define the word "regular" in item III.1. Winans
thought that wording gives us more leeway.
IV. Ensure that Alternative Dispute Resolution services are available to members of our
Winans asked if we are talking about residents of Eden Prairie or could we include those
who work in the community as well.
Yasiri said when we started working on this issue, the Commission provided dispute
resolution. When we needed a mechanism to have additional resources, we started
contracting for those services with organizations that have trained resolution people. She
thought it was meant to be provided for residents;however, at that time we didn't have
the big reverse commute situation that we do now.
Winans thought this is a worthwhile discussion in order to determine guidelines about
who we are providing this for. Yasiri noted that some groups are funded by other groups,
and she didn't know how that would work if we offered this to people who work in the
City. Helzel thought there would still be a link to Eden Prairie if they work here.
V. Maintain communication with other organizations engaged inactivities that promote
inclusiveness and embrace diversity within our community
Commissioners discussed the status of Pride Institute and our representative on that
board. Yasiri said she has been the Commission's representative for two terms. She
reviewed the activities of Pride Institute, noting they meet quarterly. The consensus was
to put the group on the Agenda for regular quarterly reports.
Stanton asked if we need to include the issue of aging in this item. Winans said we added
that under item I for the Vision 2001 items.
Winans suggested that the word "projects"be changed to "activities" on the Planning
Calendar in order to use the same terminology as the Objectives. She asked Barone to
revise the 1999 Objectives and to add the appropriate items to the Planning Calendar.
B. Discussion of 1999 Human Rights Award Status/Options
Winans said they had a preliminary meeting with Natalie Swaggert to address the
issue of the Chamber's reluctance to sponsor the luncheon in April. She said they
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
December 8, 1999
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are considering hosting the lunch in-house and presenting the awards at a City
council meeting in April, with a recognition luncheon the next day sponsored by
the City.
Helzel thought there may be enough industries now that are civic minded that
would be willing to sponsor the event. That way we could get the business
linkage we need. Yasiri thought we could get cable access involved.
Winans said our goal will be to announce the event around MLK's birthday.
Swaggert will set up a meeting for Barone and Winans with Enger and Mayor
Harris. Barone said that way we can roll out the meeting information right before
Dr. King's birthday. He said the other real issue is where to have it this year
because there will not be enough parking at the City Center facility to have the
event here. He suggested we work with someone who has a membership at
Olympic Hills or Bearpath.
Yasiri thought it would be a waste to not make it an event if we go outside.
Barone said we have a new communications person who has strong writing skills.
Winans asked for volunteers to help on the project. Barone noted the meeting
with the Mayor is December 21, so there are two weeks to pull together the
subcommittee. Johnson and Helzel volunteered to serve. The subcommittee will
meet Tuesday, December 15 at 3:30 PM. Barone will invite Steve Nelson to help
C. Begin solicitation process of 1999 Human Rights Youth Scholarship(s)
Award Process
Winans noted we have enough money in reserve to fund this year's scholarship,
but she asked if that will cause problems the next year when we send out
solicitation letters. Yasiri thought we made the decision that we would continue
doing this every year to keep the funding up. She noted a lot of organizations
have limited amounts to spend, and if you get off their list it is difficult to get
your slot back. Helzel thought we had decided at one point that half of the funds
raised were to go to future funding.
Helzel would like to find a co-sponsor for the whole Human Rights award
process. Winans thought we should lobby Daytons because of having a Target
and a Mervyns in the City.
The consensus was to continue the solicitation of funds for the scholarship.
The Commission also decided to reinstate the Agenda item"Other" to cover items
that need to be discussed at the meeting that are not on the published Agenda.
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December 8, 1999
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A. Housing, Transportation & Human Services: Brad Behrends
No report.
B. Minnesota League of Human Rights Commissions: Gloria Winans
Winans said she attended the November meeting in Shoreview. It was a mini
study circle on why those present had chosen to be heavily involved in the Human
Rights work. She said they are trying to recruit communities that want to do
study circles.
C. Report of Youth Representatives: Jennifer Johnson and Sopanha Te
Johnson asked what the Commission would like her to do about diversity training.
Winans handed out information on the 50th Anniversary of Human Rights,
noting that the group that does the training can't do anything until after December
because of sponsoring the 50th Anniversary celebration. She thought we should
zero in on January for the training when we will have the Declaration as well.
A. Activity Status
No activity.
Yasiri noted she attended the Human Rights Conference on Friday. There were
very good speakers and entertainment. The conference was very well attended,
and they are talking about having to find another location next year in order to
have more space.
Winans noted Delores Fridge has stepped down as head of the Minnesota Human
rights Commission to take a job with the Minnesota Education Commission.
Pellar-Price said she is working on developing the informational packets. She
asked how many packets we will send out, and how many individual brochures
we need. Winans thought we need about 150 packets for the various Human
Resources departments at companies in Eden Prairie. Winans thought we should
shoot for having them available in the first quarter of 1999.
January 12, 1999 7:00 -9:00 PM HRDC Regular Meeting
January 26, 1999 7:00 -9:00 PM Optional HRDC Workshop
February 9, 1999 7:00 -9:00 PM HRDC Regular Meeting
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
December 8, 1999
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February 23, 1999 7:00 -9:00 PM Optional HRDC Workshop
MOTION: Stanton moved, seconded by Pellar-Price, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
carried 5-0. Chair Winans adjourned the meeting at 8:25 PM.